Holder says Mueller could prosecute Trump for OOJ

nothing more than a pretense to get in to see him about a donation?
That's all, eh? Then why did they lie about it?

Because it was complete bullshit but Hillary's pathetic losers like you would go apoplectic over it? Because it didn't amount to anything at all? Because they knew that people like you would think THAT was somehow wrong but Hillary and the DNC hiring Russians to put out a phony dossier and using that to smear someone running for President was fine?

The better question is how in the hell can anyone who supported Clinton still think that Trump is the bad guy after what Hillary and her minions did in the last election has slowly come to light? Are you kidding me? Compared to you progressives Trump is like Little Mary Sunshine!
nothing more than a pretense to get in to see him about a donation?
That's all, eh? Then why did they lie about it?

Because it was complete bullshit but Hillary's pathetic losers like you would go apoplectic over it? Because it didn't amount to anything at all? Because they knew that people like you would think THAT was somehow wrong but Hillary and the DNC hiring Russians to put out a phony dossier and using that to smear someone running for President was fine?

The better question is how in the hell can anyone who supported Clinton still think that Trump is the bad guy after what Hillary and her minions did in the last election has slowly come to light? Are you kidding me? Compared to you progressives Trump is like Little Mary Sunshine!
Hillary or DNC did not work with russians. Steele (a british spy) was working with his russian contacts at a time when he didnt know who was funding him; all he knew about was fusion gps. This dossier was only used to corroborate what the FBI already had. The dossier was initially started by the conservative free beacon.
And Gowdy explains why its not going affect the investigation. Even John Kelly says its not a big deal.
nothing more than a pretense to get in to see him about a donation?
That's all, eh? Then why did they lie about it?

Because it was complete bullshit but Hillary's pathetic losers like you would go apoplectic over it? Because it didn't amount to anything at all? Because they knew that people like you would think THAT was somehow wrong but Hillary and the DNC hiring Russians to put out a phony dossier and using that to smear someone running for President was fine?

The better question is how in the hell can anyone who supported Clinton still think that Trump is the bad guy after what Hillary and her minions did in the last election has slowly come to light? Are you kidding me? Compared to you progressives Trump is like Little Mary Sunshine!
Hillary or DNC did not work with russians. Steele (a british spy) was working with his russian contacts at a time when he didnt know who was funding him; all he knew about was fusion gps. This dossier was only used to corroborate what the FBI already had. The dossier was initially started by the conservative free beacon.
And Gowdy explains why its not going affect the investigation. Even John Kelly says its not a big deal.

So Clinton and the DNC paid Steele who then paid the Russians to put out a fake dossier and you think that means that Clinton didn't work with the Russians? You're kidding, right? The fact is...Hillary Clinton colluded with Russians to smear her political opponent in a US Presidential race by putting out a fake dossier that the Obama White House then used as "proof" to a FISA court to obtain a warrant to spy on an opposing political campaign!

Not a big deal? It's Watergate on freaking steroids! It's an abuse of power by the Obama White House that's quite frankly unprecedented in American history! It's even worse than their use of the IRS to target their political opposition...something ELSE that's unprecedented!

So tell me why we've wasted a year and hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars investigating something that it's obvious at this point NEVER EXISTED...Trump colluding with Russians in an election...while we haven't investigated the worst abuse of power by a sitting Administration I've ever witnessed? Why IS that, Dudmuck?
nothing more than a pretense to get in to see him about a donation?
That's all, eh? Then why did they lie about it?

Because it was complete bullshit but Hillary's pathetic losers like you would go apoplectic over it? Because it didn't amount to anything at all? Because they knew that people like you would think THAT was somehow wrong but Hillary and the DNC hiring Russians to put out a phony dossier and using that to smear someone running for President was fine?

The better question is how in the hell can anyone who supported Clinton still think that Trump is the bad guy after what Hillary and her minions did in the last election has slowly come to light? Are you kidding me? Compared to you progressives Trump is like Little Mary Sunshine!
They don't care, that's the sick thing about this entire mess. The left doesn't care one bit about corruption in their ranks as long as they win. They don't give a damn about the lies about Obamacare and the waste of billions of taxpayer's money. All they care about is that the agenda moves forward. They hate good decent hard working God fearing Americans.
nothing more than a pretense to get in to see him about a donation?
That's all, eh? Then why did they lie about it?

Because it was complete bullshit but Hillary's pathetic losers like you would go apoplectic over it? Because it didn't amount to anything at all? Because they knew that people like you would think THAT was somehow wrong but Hillary and the DNC hiring Russians to put out a phony dossier and using that to smear someone running for President was fine?

The better question is how in the hell can anyone who supported Clinton still think that Trump is the bad guy after what Hillary and her minions did in the last election has slowly come to light? Are you kidding me? Compared to you progressives Trump is like Little Mary Sunshine!
Hillary or DNC did not work with russians. Steele (a british spy) was working with his russian contacts at a time when he didnt know who was funding him; all he knew about was fusion gps. This dossier was only used to corroborate what the FBI already had. The dossier was initially started by the conservative free beacon.
And Gowdy explains why its not going affect the investigation. Even John Kelly says its not a big deal.

So Clinton and the DNC paid Steele who then paid the Russians to put out a fake dossier and you think that means that Clinton didn't work with the Russians? You're kidding, right? The fact is...Hillary Clinton colluded with Russians to smear her political opponent in a US Presidential race by putting out a fake dossier that the Obama White House then used as "proof" to a FISA court to obtain a warrant to spy on an opposing political campaign!

Not a big deal? It's Watergate on freaking steroids! It's an abuse of power by the Obama White House that's quite frankly unprecedented in American history! It's even worse than their use of the IRS to target their political opposition...something ELSE that's unprecedented!

So tell me why we've wasted a year and hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars investigating something that it's obvious at this point NEVER EXISTED...Trump colluding with Russians in an election...while we haven't investigated the worst abuse of power by a sitting Administration I've ever witnessed? Why IS that, Dudmuck?
To make this huge leap that Hillary worked with the russians, you must believe her campaign hiring -> a research firm that hired -> a researcher who spoke -> to Russian sources.
This falls apart because fusion gps was started on this by a republican billionaire funding washington free beacon.
The key difference is that Hillary has never obstructed. By contrast Trump has obstucted light-years more than nixon ever did.
Trump’s obstruction was light-years more extensive, crass and hands-on [than Nixon's]. He allegedly tried to extract a pledge of loyalty from FBI Director James B. Comey and pressured him to drop the Michael Flynn case, then fired Comey when he didn’t. He also waged a public smear campaign against Mueller and the FBI — reportedly even attempting to fire Mueller before his White House counsel threatened to resign.
One must understand the Progressive mind. ALL that matters is getting what you want, it in no way matters HOW you get it, the end ALWAYS justifies the mind.
nothing more than a pretense to get in to see him about a donation?
That's all, eh? Then why did they lie about it?

Because it was complete bullshit but Hillary's pathetic losers like you would go apoplectic over it? Because it didn't amount to anything at all? Because they knew that people like you would think THAT was somehow wrong but Hillary and the DNC hiring Russians to put out a phony dossier and using that to smear someone running for President was fine?

The better question is how in the hell can anyone who supported Clinton still think that Trump is the bad guy after what Hillary and her minions did in the last election has slowly come to light? Are you kidding me? Compared to you progressives Trump is like Little Mary Sunshine!
Hillary or DNC did not work with russians. Steele (a british spy) was working with his russian contacts at a time when he didnt know who was funding him; all he knew about was fusion gps. This dossier was only used to corroborate what the FBI already had. The dossier was initially started by the conservative free beacon.
And Gowdy explains why its not going affect the investigation. Even John Kelly says its not a big deal.

So Clinton and the DNC paid Steele who then paid the Russians to put out a fake dossier and you think that means that Clinton didn't work with the Russians? You're kidding, right? The fact is...Hillary Clinton colluded with Russians to smear her political opponent in a US Presidential race by putting out a fake dossier that the Obama White House then used as "proof" to a FISA court to obtain a warrant to spy on an opposing political campaign!

Not a big deal? It's Watergate on freaking steroids! It's an abuse of power by the Obama White House that's quite frankly unprecedented in American history! It's even worse than their use of the IRS to target their political opposition...something ELSE that's unprecedented!

So tell me why we've wasted a year and hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars investigating something that it's obvious at this point NEVER EXISTED...Trump colluding with Russians in an election...while we haven't investigated the worst abuse of power by a sitting Administration I've ever witnessed? Why IS that, Dudmuck?
To make this huge leap that Hillary worked with the russians, you must believe her campaign hiring -> a research firm that hired -> a researcher who spoke -> to Russian sources.
This falls apart because fusion gps was started on this by a republican billionaire funding washington free beacon.
The key difference is that Hillary has never obstructed. By contrast Trump has obstucted light-years more than nixon ever did.
Trump’s obstruction was light-years more extensive, crass and hands-on [than Nixon's]. He allegedly tried to extract a pledge of loyalty from FBI Director James B. Comey and pressured him to drop the Michael Flynn case, then fired Comey when he didn’t. He also waged a public smear campaign against Mueller and the FBI — reportedly even attempting to fire Mueller before his White House counsel threatened to resign.

The problem you hare is this:
"To make this huge leap that Hillary worked with the russians, you must believe her campaign hiring -> a research firm that hired -> a researcher who spoke -> to Russian sources."

That s true, it matters not who started, Hillary and the DNC hired the legal firm that hired Steele who then paid the Russians with the money that Hillary and the DNC gave to the Legal firm that gave it to Steele.
nothing more than a pretense to get in to see him about a donation?
That's all, eh? Then why did they lie about it?

Because it was complete bullshit but Hillary's pathetic losers like you would go apoplectic over it? Because it didn't amount to anything at all? Because they knew that people like you would think THAT was somehow wrong but Hillary and the DNC hiring Russians to put out a phony dossier and using that to smear someone running for President was fine?

The better question is how in the hell can anyone who supported Clinton still think that Trump is the bad guy after what Hillary and her minions did in the last election has slowly come to light? Are you kidding me? Compared to you progressives Trump is like Little Mary Sunshine!
Hillary or DNC did not work with russians. Steele (a british spy) was working with his russian contacts at a time when he didnt know who was funding him; all he knew about was fusion gps. This dossier was only used to corroborate what the FBI already had. The dossier was initially started by the conservative free beacon.
And Gowdy explains why its not going affect the investigation. Even John Kelly says its not a big deal.

So Clinton and the DNC paid Steele who then paid the Russians to put out a fake dossier and you think that means that Clinton didn't work with the Russians? You're kidding, right? The fact is...Hillary Clinton colluded with Russians to smear her political opponent in a US Presidential race by putting out a fake dossier that the Obama White House then used as "proof" to a FISA court to obtain a warrant to spy on an opposing political campaign!

Not a big deal? It's Watergate on freaking steroids! It's an abuse of power by the Obama White House that's quite frankly unprecedented in American history! It's even worse than their use of the IRS to target their political opposition...something ELSE that's unprecedented!

So tell me why we've wasted a year and hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars investigating something that it's obvious at this point NEVER EXISTED...Trump colluding with Russians in an election...while we haven't investigated the worst abuse of power by a sitting Administration I've ever witnessed? Why IS that, Dudmuck?
To make this huge leap that Hillary worked with the russians, you must believe her campaign hiring -> a research firm that hired -> a researcher who spoke -> to Russian sources.
This falls apart because fusion gps was started on this by a republican billionaire funding washington free beacon.
The key difference is that Hillary has never obstructed. By contrast Trump has obstucted light-years more than nixon ever did.
Trump’s obstruction was light-years more extensive, crass and hands-on [than Nixon's]. He allegedly tried to extract a pledge of loyalty from FBI Director James B. Comey and pressured him to drop the Michael Flynn case, then fired Comey when he didn’t. He also waged a public smear campaign against Mueller and the FBI — reportedly even attempting to fire Mueller before his White House counsel threatened to resign.
Hillary paid for a fake dossier. FACT.
That's all, eh? Then why did they lie about it?

Because it was complete bullshit but Hillary's pathetic losers like you would go apoplectic over it? Because it didn't amount to anything at all? Because they knew that people like you would think THAT was somehow wrong but Hillary and the DNC hiring Russians to put out a phony dossier and using that to smear someone running for President was fine?

The better question is how in the hell can anyone who supported Clinton still think that Trump is the bad guy after what Hillary and her minions did in the last election has slowly come to light? Are you kidding me? Compared to you progressives Trump is like Little Mary Sunshine!
Hillary or DNC did not work with russians. Steele (a british spy) was working with his russian contacts at a time when he didnt know who was funding him; all he knew about was fusion gps. This dossier was only used to corroborate what the FBI already had. The dossier was initially started by the conservative free beacon.
And Gowdy explains why its not going affect the investigation. Even John Kelly says its not a big deal.

So Clinton and the DNC paid Steele who then paid the Russians to put out a fake dossier and you think that means that Clinton didn't work with the Russians? You're kidding, right? The fact is...Hillary Clinton colluded with Russians to smear her political opponent in a US Presidential race by putting out a fake dossier that the Obama White House then used as "proof" to a FISA court to obtain a warrant to spy on an opposing political campaign!

Not a big deal? It's Watergate on freaking steroids! It's an abuse of power by the Obama White House that's quite frankly unprecedented in American history! It's even worse than their use of the IRS to target their political opposition...something ELSE that's unprecedented!

So tell me why we've wasted a year and hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars investigating something that it's obvious at this point NEVER EXISTED...Trump colluding with Russians in an election...while we haven't investigated the worst abuse of power by a sitting Administration I've ever witnessed? Why IS that, Dudmuck?
To make this huge leap that Hillary worked with the russians, you must believe her campaign hiring -> a research firm that hired -> a researcher who spoke -> to Russian sources.
This falls apart because fusion gps was started on this by a republican billionaire funding washington free beacon.
The key difference is that Hillary has never obstructed. By contrast Trump has obstucted light-years more than nixon ever did.
Trump’s obstruction was light-years more extensive, crass and hands-on [than Nixon's]. He allegedly tried to extract a pledge of loyalty from FBI Director James B. Comey and pressured him to drop the Michael Flynn case, then fired Comey when he didn’t. He also waged a public smear campaign against Mueller and the FBI — reportedly even attempting to fire Mueller before his White House counsel threatened to resign.
Hillary paid for a fake dossier. FACT.
Every campaign pays for opposition research.
Much of the dossier is corroborated, and none of it has been proven false. Its hardly worth the effort since its such a small part of the whole russian investigation.
Because it was complete bullshit but Hillary's pathetic losers like you would go apoplectic over it? Because it didn't amount to anything at all? Because they knew that people like you would think THAT was somehow wrong but Hillary and the DNC hiring Russians to put out a phony dossier and using that to smear someone running for President was fine?

The better question is how in the hell can anyone who supported Clinton still think that Trump is the bad guy after what Hillary and her minions did in the last election has slowly come to light? Are you kidding me? Compared to you progressives Trump is like Little Mary Sunshine!
Hillary or DNC did not work with russians. Steele (a british spy) was working with his russian contacts at a time when he didnt know who was funding him; all he knew about was fusion gps. This dossier was only used to corroborate what the FBI already had. The dossier was initially started by the conservative free beacon.
And Gowdy explains why its not going affect the investigation. Even John Kelly says its not a big deal.

So Clinton and the DNC paid Steele who then paid the Russians to put out a fake dossier and you think that means that Clinton didn't work with the Russians? You're kidding, right? The fact is...Hillary Clinton colluded with Russians to smear her political opponent in a US Presidential race by putting out a fake dossier that the Obama White House then used as "proof" to a FISA court to obtain a warrant to spy on an opposing political campaign!

Not a big deal? It's Watergate on freaking steroids! It's an abuse of power by the Obama White House that's quite frankly unprecedented in American history! It's even worse than their use of the IRS to target their political opposition...something ELSE that's unprecedented!

So tell me why we've wasted a year and hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars investigating something that it's obvious at this point NEVER EXISTED...Trump colluding with Russians in an election...while we haven't investigated the worst abuse of power by a sitting Administration I've ever witnessed? Why IS that, Dudmuck?
To make this huge leap that Hillary worked with the russians, you must believe her campaign hiring -> a research firm that hired -> a researcher who spoke -> to Russian sources.
This falls apart because fusion gps was started on this by a republican billionaire funding washington free beacon.
The key difference is that Hillary has never obstructed. By contrast Trump has obstucted light-years more than nixon ever did.
Trump’s obstruction was light-years more extensive, crass and hands-on [than Nixon's]. He allegedly tried to extract a pledge of loyalty from FBI Director James B. Comey and pressured him to drop the Michael Flynn case, then fired Comey when he didn’t. He also waged a public smear campaign against Mueller and the FBI — reportedly even attempting to fire Mueller before his White House counsel threatened to resign.
Hillary paid for a fake dossier. FACT.
Every campaign pays for opposition research.
Much of the dossier is corroborated, and none of it has been proven false. Its hardly worth the effort since its such a small part of the whole russian investigation.
You can't prove a false accusation. Prove that Obama didn't beat Michelle.
nothing more than a pretense to get in to see him about a donation?
That's all, eh? Then why did they lie about it?

Because it was complete bullshit but Hillary's pathetic losers like you would go apoplectic over it? Because it didn't amount to anything at all? Because they knew that people like you would think THAT was somehow wrong but Hillary and the DNC hiring Russians to put out a phony dossier and using that to smear someone running for President was fine?

The better question is how in the hell can anyone who supported Clinton still think that Trump is the bad guy after what Hillary and her minions did in the last election has slowly come to light? Are you kidding me? Compared to you progressives Trump is like Little Mary Sunshine!
Hillary or DNC did not work with russians. Steele (a british spy) was working with his russian contacts at a time when he didnt know who was funding him; all he knew about was fusion gps. This dossier was only used to corroborate what the FBI already had. The dossier was initially started by the conservative free beacon.
And Gowdy explains why its not going affect the investigation. Even John Kelly says its not a big deal.

So Clinton and the DNC paid Steele who then paid the Russians to put out a fake dossier and you think that means that Clinton didn't work with the Russians? You're kidding, right? The fact is...Hillary Clinton colluded with Russians to smear her political opponent in a US Presidential race by putting out a fake dossier that the Obama White House then used as "proof" to a FISA court to obtain a warrant to spy on an opposing political campaign!

Not a big deal? It's Watergate on freaking steroids! It's an abuse of power by the Obama White House that's quite frankly unprecedented in American history! It's even worse than their use of the IRS to target their political opposition...something ELSE that's unprecedented!

So tell me why we've wasted a year and hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars investigating something that it's obvious at this point NEVER EXISTED...Trump colluding with Russians in an election...while we haven't investigated the worst abuse of power by a sitting Administration I've ever witnessed? Why IS that, Dudmuck?
To make this huge leap that Hillary worked with the russians, you must believe her campaign hiring -> a research firm that hired -> a researcher who spoke -> to Russian sources.
This falls apart because fusion gps was started on this by a republican billionaire funding washington free beacon.
The key difference is that Hillary has never obstructed. By contrast Trump has obstucted light-years more than nixon ever did.
Trump’s obstruction was light-years more extensive, crass and hands-on [than Nixon's]. He allegedly tried to extract a pledge of loyalty from FBI Director James B. Comey and pressured him to drop the Michael Flynn case, then fired Comey when he didn’t. He also waged a public smear campaign against Mueller and the FBI — reportedly even attempting to fire Mueller before his White House counsel threatened to resign.

Nixon was not stupid like the current Liar in Chief. That is why in another thread I said that obstruction of justice is a "give me." The question is...what else does Mueller have?

Judging by the amount of desperation coming from the WH..this could make Benedict Arnold look like a Boyscout....:badgrin:
"Anything that remotely resembles collusion?"

Well...the meeting that Junior arranged with the Russian lawyer. We don't know YET what other levels of COLLISION there was. But Mueller will have that in his report.

We can feel sure he is getting close to the end when he interviews the Liar in Chief. That will be a hoot! Maybe it will make YouTube! If he opens his mouth...he will have perjured himself.
If Trump is innocent, why does he keep acting like he's guilty? As soon as he knew there was going to be an investigation, his friendly words toward Putin turn into threats. He tried his best to discredit the FBI when they were leading the investigation. Then he fires the guy in charge of the investigation. He attacks the AG for suggesting a special council, criticizes the Asst AG for hiring Mueller, and then attempts to fire Mueller. Almost daily for 9 months, Trump issued comments to discredit the investigation. If he believed he was innocent why would he try to discredit the investigation that could prove him innocent or at least prove no collusion. Trump just doesn't act like an innocent man.

What has Trump done except demand that the investigation be done by people without a blatant bias against him? You seem to think that an "innocent man" would not fight back! That's not Trump. If he's attacked...he attacks back. If his political opponents attempt to smear him...he goes to social media and challenges what's being said.

Trump hasn't discredited the FBI rank and file...he's called into question the motives of some of the higher ups in the FBI and the Justice Department that used their positions to attack someone who's politics they didn't agree with!
There is no need for the president to fight back against the investigation. He has not been accused or charged with any crime by the investigation and has not even been interviewed. There's a time to fight and time to keep your mouth shut and that time is now.

If Trump feels he should fight back, it should be against the media or politicians who are attacking him, certainly not the people who have been hired by his own administration to investigate interference in our election process.

Trump is trying to destroy the country's faith in the FBI because he fears the worst outcome from the investigation. He routinely refers to the investigation as a witch hunt, claims the reputation of FBI is in tatters, has attacked his own people that head the agency, and has even accused the investigators of politicizing the investigation. Now even if Mueller finds no wrong doing by Trump, his adversaries will use Trump's condemnation of the investigation against him. Trump is acting like a guilty man and a very dumb one at that.
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Former AG Holder says Mueller could prosecute Trump for obstruction

Yup...the Trump regime may have lots of problems coming up.

LOL, Holder? Now THERE'S an unbiased source. You're a maroon kid.
If you dont like Holder, you can get the same thing from Clapper.

“If Trump exercises his power — even his lawful power — with a corrupt motive of interfering with an investigation, that’s obstruction,” says Lisa Kern Griffin, an expert on criminal law at Duke University. “The attempt is sufficient, and it seems to be a matter of public record already.”

Or better yet, just watch Lester Holt interview.

Good luck proving that "corrupt motive" in a court of law, Lisa! Another "expert" teaching at another of our bastions of higher learning who doesn't like Trump? Gee, what a shock!
Presidents are not tried in a court law but rather by congress which is a political process, impeachment. The Mueller investigation could come up with damning evidence of collusion and congress could elect not to act.

I get that sitting presidents aren't supposed to be open to indictment, but Trump is well beyond any president we've had before.

The sheer weight of what could be found could supercede any precident. There could be multiple prosecutorial pathways like criminal conspiracy, obstruction, money laundering, tax evasion, emoluments and probably a few more. I agree that he most likely would have to be removed before formal charges but also maybe not.

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