Holder says Mueller could prosecute Trump for OOJ

It's not up to me. It's up to the special counsel. It's what they do.

What precipitated his appointment?

Would it bother you if he was taken out by less than honorable means? Do you just not care as long as it happens? I offered no qualifier, I asked you where you drew the line.

Comey lying and leaking.

I haven't seen anything that has been less than honorable from any investigators with the exception of Nunes. It has been Trump's own actions that has gotten us to where we are.

What lying and leaking are you referring to?

the psychotics want to say that us knowing what trump did is the scandal....

and not Donald's people working with Russia....

Nixon was like that, too.... until he wasn't.

If someone shot him you'd celebrate. So would Hutch.
If someone shot him, it would be the great American tragedy, because he would be immortalized. Tales of his pussy grabbing would become legend. There would be three days of mourning. There would be an eternal fame, movies, books, etc.. Republicans and Democrats who hate his guts would have to come up with something good to say about him.

I'll say a prayer tonight for him tonight.
The way your talking and given the disparate political divide... perhaps a civil war wouldn't be a bad thing... wouldn't be a 'fair fight' if you know what I mean.

(I'm being facetious of course...)
'Obstruction of Justice' is just a desperate Democrat moving of the goal posts. Trump did not 'collude' with the Russians to 'rig' the Election. That's just fact. So now it's suddenly about 'Obstruction of Justice.' It's a good thing most Americans know Bullshite when they see it. Trump will survive. Remember i said that.

It's about whatever criminality is uncovered.
That's what a special counsel does.
No one forced Trump to obstruct the investigation.

How convenient, now it's suddenly about 'Obstruction of Justice.' Y'all couldn't prove your absurd claims of 'Trump-Russian Collusion', so now you concoct an 'Obstruction of Justice' farce. Like i said, it's a good thing most Americans know Bullshit when they see it. Y'all don't have a leg to stand on. Shame on ya.
Eric Holder is currently retired and enjoying his fat government pension and thrift savings plan.

His opinion counts for nothing unless it earns him an extra dime or two on some media talk circuit or law consulting gig.
Former AG Holder says Mueller could prosecute Trump for obstruction

Yup...the Trump regime may have lots of problems coming up.

I bet that makes you happy, party before the country, that is your belief. Pretty sick.

So you are okay with a Putin approved president. A man who is systematically taking down the country's institutions that defend Democracy?

If Donald is NOT a Putin Puppet, let him implement the sanctions that Congress overwhelming approved...as they were intended to be implemented.

Until he does that....he is just a Putin Puppet...and you are complicit in his conspiracy.

GO AHEAD DONALD! Make my day!
So he didn't collude with the Russians to 'rig' the Election. Now it's 'Obstruction of Justice.' Talk about moving the goal posts? What a scam.
It might surprise you to learn that many federal investigations culminate in indictments for activities far removed from the purpose of the investigation. Obstruction and tax evasion are common.

One of the most famous investigations was that of Al Capone which began with the FBI being asked to investigate his failure to appear as a witness before a federal grand jury in a probation case. This led to further investigations. After several years, he was nailed for not paying his taxes. I mention this because of the mistaken idea by the public that criminal investigations must be limited and specific. The fact is they are not. In the Mueller investigation as in all federal investigations, evidence of criminal activity discovered in the course of the investigation is pursued even thou it may be far afield from the purpose of the investigation. A federal investigation can not ignore obstruction of justice any more than a local police investigation of a break-in can ignore a murder discovered in the course of the investigation.
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Would it bother you if he was taken out by less than honorable means? Do you just not care as long as it happens? I offered no qualifier, I asked you where you drew the line.

Comey lying and leaking.

I haven't seen anything that has been less than honorable from any investigators with the exception of Nunes. It has been Trump's own actions that has gotten us to where we are.

What lying and leaking are you referring to?

the psychotics want to say that us knowing what trump did is the scandal....

and not Donald's people working with Russia....

Nixon was like that, too.... until he wasn't.

If someone shot him you'd celebrate. So would Hutch.
If someone shot him, it would be the great American tragedy, because he would be immortalized. Tales of his pussy grabbing would become legend. There would be three days of mourning. There would be an eternal fame, movies, books, etc.. Republicans and Democrats who hate his guts would have to come up with something good to say about him.

I'll say a prayer tonight for him tonight.
The way your talking and given the disparate political divide... perhaps a civil war wouldn't be a bad thing... wouldn't be a 'fair fight' if you know what I mean.

(I'm being facetious of course...)
As was I.
It might surprise you to learn that many federal investigations culminate in indictments for activities far removed from the purpose of the investigation. Obstruction and tax evasion are common.

One thing leads to another, sure, but the the federal investigators have a little difficulty or perhaps even embarrassment explaining why those other, tangentially related criminal "activities," which escaped their notice for so long, suddenly now come to their attention.

Probable cause, facing up to their own past complicity, etc.

Runaway grand jury? Not that likely.
They don't care, that's the sick thing about this entire mess. The left doesn't care one bit about corruption in their ranks as long as they win. They don't give a damn about the lies about Obamacare and the waste of billions of taxpayer's money. All they care about is that the agenda moves forward. They hate good decent hard working God fearing Americans.
Just by changing one word in your post, you get a good description of the right, very utilitarian.
They don't care, that's the sick thing about this entire mess. The right doesn't care one bit about corruption in their ranks as long as they win. They don't give a damn about the lies about Obamacare and the waste of billions of taxpayer's money. All they care about is that the agenda moves forward. They hate good decent hard working God fearing Americans.
Bullcorn. The right wants small effective efficient government.
It might surprise you to learn that many federal investigations culminate in indictments for activities far removed from the purpose of the investigation. Obstruction and tax evasion are common.

One thing leads to another, sure, but the the federal investigators have a little difficulty or perhaps even embarrassment explaining why those other, tangentially related criminal "activities," which escaped their notice for so long, suddenly now come to their attention.

Probable cause, facing up to their own past complicity, etc.

Runaway grand jury? Not that likely.
With a dozen lawyers on the team, you can bet Mueller will dot the i's and cross the t's when it comes to probable cause. As long as the evidence is discovered within the course of the investigation, it will past muster. I'm quite sure Mueller is aware that ever document or person he subpoenas must be linked to the investigation.
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Trump is a pathological liar. This is an illness that effects one’s actions and view of their surroundings.

Pathological lying (also called pseudologia fantastica and mythomania) is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying.[1][2] It was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck.[2] Although it is a controversial topic,[2] pathological lying has been defined as "falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime".[1] Individuals may be aware they are lying, or may believe they are telling the truth

Psychotherapy appears to be one of the only methods to treat a person suffering from pathological lying. No research has been performed regarding the use of pharmaceutical medication to treat pathological liars

Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body formally levels charges against a high official of government. Impeachment does not necessarily mean removal from office; it is only a formal statement of charges, akin to an indictment in criminal law, and is thus only the first step towards removal. Once an individual is impeached, he or she must then face the possibility of conviction via legislative vote, which then entails the removal of the individual from office.


1. to accuse (a public official) before an appropriate tribunal of misconduct in office.

Pathological lying is a form of “misconduct in office” making it an impeachable offence

I am just floating my view, so what’s yours--?

Someone suffering from this extreme egocentric focus is an egomaniac. The condition is psychologically abnormal. The term egomania is often used by laypersons in a pejorative fashion to describe an individual who is intolerably self-centred.


Trump is a bonified member of the--------------

Ku Klux Klan definition, U.S. History. a secret hate group in the southern U.S., active for several years after the Civil War, which aimed to suppress the newly acquired rights of black people and to oppose carpetbaggers from the North, and which was responsible for many lawless and violent proceedings. See more.

Trump is two to three times smarter than Einstein. A genius unequaled. Not only does he have the biggest brain, his hands, feet and the rest are the largest ever created by Gog. His name will be carved on Mt. Rushmore.

WOW & I have lived to see it!!!!

Then again, 30 days in jail would bring him down to earth and maybe then he will see the light.
Former AG Holder says Mueller could prosecute Trump for obstruction

Yup...the Trump regime may have lots of problems coming up.

I bet that makes you happy, party before the country, that is your belief. Pretty sick.

So you are okay with a Putin approved president. A man who is systematically taking down the country's institutions that defend Democracy?

If Donald is NOT a Putin Puppet, let him implement the sanctions that Congress overwhelming approved...as they were intended to be implemented.

Until he does that....he is just a Putin Puppet...and you are complicit in his conspiracy.

GO AHEAD DONALD! Make my day!

That isn't what I said and you know it, you are trying to spin it, you are happy to see our country hurt if it means your party is put in a better position. You care a hell of a lot more about your precious party than you want what is best for our country. I have said on with the investigation and it will go where it needs to go to root out corruption. I wasn't happy when Clinton was impeached, I was not happy about the Nixon resignation. Those are things that hurt America and you bastards that take delight in it, I have no respect for you, or your opinions, you are the sick people that are ruining this great country.
They don't care, that's the sick thing about this entire mess. The left doesn't care one bit about corruption in their ranks as long as they win. They don't give a damn about the lies about Obamacare and the waste of billions of taxpayer's money. All they care about is that the agenda moves forward. They hate good decent hard working God fearing Americans.
Just by changing one word in your post, you get a good description of the right, very utilitarian.
They don't care, that's the sick thing about this entire mess. The right doesn't care one bit about corruption in their ranks as long as they win. They don't give a damn about the lies about Obamacare and the waste of billions of taxpayer's money. All they care about is that the agenda moves forward. They hate good decent hard working God fearing Americans.
Bullcorn. The right wants small effective efficient government.

Well.....during s Democratic administration. As we now see...once the GOP is in charge....KATIE BAR THE DOOR! Damn the Torpedoes! The Deficit does not matter. What's is a $10,000 military toilet seat among friends...if they are Republican.
They don't care, that's the sick thing about this entire mess. The left doesn't care one bit about corruption in their ranks as long as they win. They don't give a damn about the lies about Obamacare and the waste of billions of taxpayer's money. All they care about is that the agenda moves forward. They hate good decent hard working God fearing Americans.
Just by changing one word in your post, you get a good description of the right, very utilitarian.
They don't care, that's the sick thing about this entire mess. The right doesn't care one bit about corruption in their ranks as long as they win. They don't give a damn about the lies about Obamacare and the waste of billions of taxpayer's money. All they care about is that the agenda moves forward. They hate good decent hard working God fearing Americans.
Bullcorn. The right wants small effective efficient government.

Well.....during s Democratic administration. As we now see...once the GOP is in charge....KATIE BAR THE DOOR! Damn the Torpedoes! The Deficit does not matter. What's is a $10,000 military toilet seat among friends...if they are Republican.
You lefties are experts at propaganda and straw men. Where did any Republican say they want to pay $10000 for a toilet seat? I certainly don't agree with all the spending, but I'll take the spending proposed for infrastructure. Much better than wasting billions on a fraudulent healthcare boondoggle.
They don't care, that's the sick thing about this entire mess. The left doesn't care one bit about corruption in their ranks as long as they win. They don't give a damn about the lies about Obamacare and the waste of billions of taxpayer's money. All they care about is that the agenda moves forward. They hate good decent hard working God fearing Americans.
Just by changing one word in your post, you get a good description of the right, very utilitarian.
They don't care, that's the sick thing about this entire mess. The right doesn't care one bit about corruption in their ranks as long as they win. They don't give a damn about the lies about Obamacare and the waste of billions of taxpayer's money. All they care about is that the agenda moves forward. They hate good decent hard working God fearing Americans.
Bullcorn. The right wants small effective efficient government.

Well.....during s Democratic administration. As we now see...once the GOP is in charge....KATIE BAR THE DOOR! Damn the Torpedoes! The Deficit does not matter. What's is a $10,000 military toilet seat among friends...if they are Republican.

And you asshole were fine with deficit spending but now you are against it, what a hypocrite you are, I bet you are proud.
They don't care, that's the sick thing about this entire mess. The left doesn't care one bit about corruption in their ranks as long as they win. They don't give a damn about the lies about Obamacare and the waste of billions of taxpayer's money. All they care about is that the agenda moves forward. They hate good decent hard working God fearing Americans.
Just by changing one word in your post, you get a good description of the right, very utilitarian.
They don't care, that's the sick thing about this entire mess. The right doesn't care one bit about corruption in their ranks as long as they win. They don't give a damn about the lies about Obamacare and the waste of billions of taxpayer's money. All they care about is that the agenda moves forward. They hate good decent hard working God fearing Americans.
Bullcorn. The right wants small effective efficient government.

Well.....during s Democratic administration. As we now see...once the GOP is in charge....KATIE BAR THE DOOR! Damn the Torpedoes! The Deficit does not matter. What's is a $10,000 military toilet seat among friends...if they are Republican.

And you asshole were fine with deficit spending but now you are against it, what a hypocrite you are, I bet you are proud.

You can't see that the Republican Party has become "Trumpsized"? You are content adding trillions to the dept and worship a pussy grabber. You are sick!
Trump is a pathological liar. This is an illness that effects one’s actions and view of their surroundings.

Pathological lying (also called pseudologia fantastica and mythomania) is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying.[1][2] It was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck.[2] Although it is a controversial topic,[2] pathological lying has been defined as "falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime".[1] Individuals may be aware they are lying, or may believe they are telling the truth

Psychotherapy appears to be one of the only methods to treat a person suffering from pathological lying. No research has been performed regarding the use of pharmaceutical medication to treat pathological liars

Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body formally levels charges against a high official of government. Impeachment does not necessarily mean removal from office; it is only a formal statement of charges, akin to an indictment in criminal law, and is thus only the first step towards removal. Once an individual is impeached, he or she must then face the possibility of conviction via legislative vote, which then entails the removal of the individual from office.


1. to accuse (a public official) before an appropriate tribunal of misconduct in office.

Pathological lying is a form of “misconduct in office” making it an impeachable offence

I am just floating my view, so what’s yours--?

Someone suffering from this extreme egocentric focus is an egomaniac. The condition is psychologically abnormal. The term egomania is often used by laypersons in a pejorative fashion to describe an individual who is intolerably self-centred.


Trump is a bonified member of the--------------

Ku Klux Klan definition, U.S. History. a secret hate group in the southern U.S., active for several years after the Civil War, which aimed to suppress the newly acquired rights of black people and to oppose carpetbaggers from the North, and which was responsible for many lawless and violent proceedings. See more.

Trump is two to three times smarter than Einstein. A genius unequaled. Not only does he have the biggest brain, his hands, feet and the rest are the largest ever created by Gog. His name will be carved on Mt. Rushmore.

WOW & I have lived to see it!!!!

Then again, 30 days in jail would bring him down to earth and maybe then he will see the light.

Try to convince some of the Trumpette, Russian sympathizers we have on this board...
They don't care, that's the sick thing about this entire mess. The left doesn't care one bit about corruption in their ranks as long as they win. They don't give a damn about the lies about Obamacare and the waste of billions of taxpayer's money. All they care about is that the agenda moves forward. They hate good decent hard working God fearing Americans.
Just by changing one word in your post, you get a good description of the right, very utilitarian.
They don't care, that's the sick thing about this entire mess. The right doesn't care one bit about corruption in their ranks as long as they win. They don't give a damn about the lies about Obamacare and the waste of billions of taxpayer's money. All they care about is that the agenda moves forward. They hate good decent hard working God fearing Americans.
Bullcorn. The right wants small effective efficient government.

Well.....during s Democratic administration. As we now see...once the GOP is in charge....KATIE BAR THE DOOR! Damn the Torpedoes! The Deficit does not matter. What's is a $10,000 military toilet seat among friends...if they are Republican.

And you asshole were fine with deficit spending but now you are against it, what a hypocrite you are, I bet you are proud.

You can't see that the Republican Party has become "Trumpsized"? You are content adding trillions to the dept and worship a pussy grabber. You are sick!
All real men are pussy grabbers, unless someone is a metro sexual liberal.
Just by changing one word in your post, you get a good description of the right, very utilitarian.
Bullcorn. The right wants small effective efficient government.

Well.....during s Democratic administration. As we now see...once the GOP is in charge....KATIE BAR THE DOOR! Damn the Torpedoes! The Deficit does not matter. What's is a $10,000 military toilet seat among friends...if they are Republican.

And you asshole were fine with deficit spending but now you are against it, what a hypocrite you are, I bet you are proud.

You can't see that the Republican Party has become "Trumpsized"? You are content adding trillions to the dept and worship a pussy grabber. You are sick!
All real men are pussy grabbers, unless someone is a metro sexual liberal.

Ah...another moral republican!
Former AG Holder says Mueller could prosecute Trump for obstruction

Yup...the Trump regime may have lots of problems coming up.

I bet that makes you happy, party before the country, that is your belief. Pretty sick.

So you are okay with a Putin approved president. A man who is systematically taking down the country's institutions that defend Democracy?

If Donald is NOT a Putin Puppet, let him implement the sanctions that Congress overwhelming approved...as they were intended to be implemented.

Until he does that....he is just a Putin Puppet...and you are complicit in his conspiracy.

GO AHEAD DONALD! Make my day!
LMFAO... "Putin Approved" is that kind of like a FDA certified 'prime steak' certification or something...

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