Hollywood gets 500k grant to weave obamacare into storylines

Hey, guess what is coming soon to one of your favorite TV shows? People who know better than you do, are going to sneak pro-ObamaCare messaging into TV plot lines because as one Hollywood bigwig put it - "people learn from TV."

Thanks to a $500,000 grant from The California Endowment, the Hollywood Health & Society, associated with with the USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center, will "help TV writers tell better stories about the new health insurance law."

:lol: :lol:
Hollywood and Washington DC have always had close ties. Think about the Kennedys.

When I saw Pearl Harbor my comment on leaving the theater was, 'well that was an advertisement for the war department.'

This should not be shocking. And it has even hit TV. If you watch the alphabet channels you find all kinds of acceptance of the unacceptable.
I don't hear you bitchin' about all the dough Washington has blown on PSA's for the drug war over the last 35 years.
$500,000? Who gives a shit. That's chump change to Hollywood.
As soon as you see one, turn the show off

hit them and the station where it hurts, in the wallets
Is it called the Goebbels Grant?

This administration has gotten so far out of control that it has become the theater of the absurd.
"Televise a Big Lie long enough, and often enough, and loudly enough, and it attains many of the attributes of Truth in the minds of the common folk."



"I don't want to tell some 8-year-old kid that he's got to sleep in the street because we want people to feel better about their car. Do you want to tell him that?"

Substitute "feel better about their healthcare" for "...their car" and you've got the idea...

Whether the grant comes from the Feds, or from a private foundation, or represents Federal pass-through dollars channeled through a gatekeeper-foundation, it's a frigging waste during tight times.
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not like your waste of space ass pays taxes

Right. I guess my IRS taxes, payroll taxes, property taxes, sales tax from my purchases are all a figment of my imagination. Go cry into your pillow, you sniveling lump of suck.
I wonder if the democrats would have enjoyed government money going to Hollywood a few years ago to promote the Iraq war. I wonder if democrats would encourage government money going to defend Guantanamo. Maybe tax money going to Hollywood to explain how water boarding isn't torture would be a good idea. As a conservative I don't want any tax money going to Hollywood. No matter which political party owns the government at the time. Plus there is just the sheer stupidity of giving 500,000 dollars to multi millionaires.
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