Holocaust denier running for Congress has no opponents in Republican primary

"Like most candidates running for Congress, Arthur Jones has a campaign website. It outlines the Republican candidate’s education background, his stance on issues and how to donate to his campaign to represent the Illinois’s 3rd Congressional District.It also lays out Jones’s unapologetically racist and anti-Semitic views.

In a section called “Holocaust?” Jones describes the atrocities as a “racket” and “the biggest, blackest, lie in history.” Under another tab titled “Flags of Conflict,” he lists the Confederate flag first and describes it as “a symbol of White pride and White resistance” and “the flag of a White counter revolution.”

This is what lives in the Republican party, like Joe Arpaio a convicted criminal, like accused pedophile Roy Moore, like self admitted sexual predator Donald Trump who defended Nazis in Charlotte after a woman was killed by a white supremacist and who pardoned Joe Arpaio.

That this party has a never ending line of these people and worse a never ending line of them that runs for office and wants to put their fucked up beliefs into practice is the problem. It's not like this guy is a one off, the Republican party has a deep roster of these lowlifes.
and what trend should there be? scum of the earth holocaust deniers?
Why should a person's qualification to run for elected office in America, depend on his belief or disbelief in an alleged event that supposedly happened in Europe? ..... :dunno:

Ah, the board resident holocaust deniers makes his appearance!

I am sure you will moving to Chicago to support your candidate!
Do you even read the articles you post links to, or do you just read the Headline? From 99.9% things you post its obvious you just read the headline and never the article.

There is a reason why he has no opponents in the Republican Primary, from the article you didn't read:


i'm a busy man!

i already knew this was a safe Dem seat, though

"i'm a busy man!"

Yes you are very busy posting threads.

"i already knew this was a safe Dem seat, though"

If you did why did you post this below, "if he wins", NO Republican would win that seat.

"if he wins that could start a trend..."

if a republican could win the seat, I'd hope that they'd have run someone against the nazi. but there are no guarantees of that given they run people like roy Moore and Joe Arpaio.

I know of Roy Moore, not sure who Joe Arpaio is.

running for Jeff flake's seat in AZ... the nutcase Donald pardoned

Projecting your own mental illness again, jillian?
I am 7% jew and that is technically an issue, but I support his platform in trying to make America great again! Obviously the German natives did not burn the jews after they gave them 10 years to please move out. It was physically impossible to do so. In fact, the jews were used at the labor camps to make ammo to kill the Allies...kind of like embedding themselves in the Swamp and making policy to allow the invasion of the West today by low IQ dindu savages! Scary how history repeats itself!
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I'm ticked the Republicans didn't run someone ... anyone. I'm glad they denounced Jones, but beating Jones in the Primary would speak louder IMO.

"I'm ticked the Republicans didn't run someone"

It's a safe Democratic seat, why would the Republicans waste money running someone who has no chance of winning the seat, makes no sense if the seat was a 60-40 chance then they might have thought of running someone, but when the seat is a 98% safe Democrat seat it would be stupid to waste money on a seat the Republicans have no chance of winning. In politics you only should be running for seats you have a chance you can win.

Just to keep his name off the ballot in the runoff. He's an asshole.
He's a Republican and he used to lead the Nazi Party.

Remember, according to the leader of the GOP, some Nazi's are very fine people.
Some Nazis were fine people. The Germans under Hitler were incredibly brilliant. Einstein was revealed as a plagiarist, etc. Why is revealing truth a bad thing?
Holocaust denier poised to claim GOP nomination in Illinois race for Congress

Jones told the Sun-Times he is a former leader of the American Nazi Party and now heads a group called the America First Committee. “Membership in this organization is open to any white American citizen of European, non-Jewish descent,” he said.

I suppose they must be short of paedos up there.


He will not win nor does he reflect all Republican Politicians or the voter base even if you believe he does.
Holocaust denier poised to claim GOP nomination in Illinois race for Congress

Jones told the Sun-Times he is a former leader of the American Nazi Party and now heads a group called the America First Committee. “Membership in this organization is open to any white American citizen of European, non-Jewish descent,” he said.

I suppose they must be short of paedos up there.


He will not win nor does he reflect all Republican Politicians or the voter base even if you believe he does.
How does he get to run on a republican ticket ? Joking aside, decent republicans must be mortified.
Holocaust denier poised to claim GOP nomination in Illinois race for Congress

Jones told the Sun-Times he is a former leader of the American Nazi Party and now heads a group called the America First Committee. “Membership in this organization is open to any white American citizen of European, non-Jewish descent,” he said.

I suppose they must be short of paedos up there.


He will not win nor does he reflect all Republican Politicians or the voter base even if you believe he does.
How does he get to run on a republican ticket ? Joking aside, decent republicans must be mortified.

It just mean the Democrat or some third party candidate will win instead.

Also Illinois has a weird way about it seeing Chicago and some parts of it burbs are hardcore blue but the rest of the state is blood red Conservative.

Now does that mean thay Candidate will win?

No, and what could happen is a Libertarian could win if the Democrats run someone too far to the left.
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He will not win nor does he reflect all Republican Politicians or the voter base even if you believe he does.
He doesn't. But if he gets more than a handful of votes, a small handful, the GOP has to be able to explain it, just as a Democrat would be expected to explain a communist. This is what happens when we're afraid to condemn people on our own "side" and play binary politics, as we are now.

So the GOP would have a choice to make: Do the right thing and aggressively condemn the man, or keep quiet and prove a point for the Democrats?
He will not win nor does he reflect all Republican Politicians or the voter base even if you believe he does.
He doesn't. But if he gets more than a handful of votes, a small handful, the GOP has to be able to explain it, just as a Democrat would be expected to explain a communist. This is what happens when we're afraid to condemn people on our own "side" and play binary politics, as we are now.

So the GOP would have a choice to make: Do the right thing and aggressively condemn the man, or keep quiet and prove a point for the Democrats?
But how does he get on the ticket ? Do you just have to pay your membership fee ?
He will not win nor does he reflect all Republican Politicians or the voter base even if you believe he does.
He doesn't. But if he gets more than a handful of votes, a small handful, the GOP has to be able to explain it, just as a Democrat would be expected to explain a communist. This is what happens when we're afraid to condemn people on our own "side" and play binary politics, as we are now.

So the GOP would have a choice to make: Do the right thing and aggressively condemn the man, or keep quiet and prove a point for the Democrats?
But how does he get on the ticket ? Do you just have to pay your membership fee ?
I believe it's done internally, within the party. That's where his level of support will be revealed.
He will not win nor does he reflect all Republican Politicians or the voter base even if you believe he does.
He doesn't. But if he gets more than a handful of votes, a small handful, the GOP has to be able to explain it, just as a Democrat would be expected to explain a communist. This is what happens when we're afraid to condemn people on our own "side" and play binary politics, as we are now.

So the GOP would have a choice to make: Do the right thing and aggressively condemn the man, or keep quiet and prove a point for the Democrats?

Like David Duke I condemn them daily. Racist Bigots have no place in our political system but once in awhile we get one that win a damn nomination.

Now the question is did he get nominated by Republicans or by crossover voters seeing Illinois has open Primaries?
Holocaust denier poised to claim GOP nomination in Illinois race for Congress

Jones told the Sun-Times he is a former leader of the American Nazi Party and now heads a group called the America First Committee. “Membership in this organization is open to any white American citizen of European, non-Jewish descent,” he said.

I suppose they must be short of paedos up there.

Well it seems that you have a Nazi (Democratic Socialist Workers Party) running for establishment Republican side, while on the Democrat side, they are flying the ISIS flag. Damn is you do, damn if you don't.. Maybe Obama needs to go back to Illinois run for governor then he can run on the Hammer and Sickle flag?
He will not win nor does he reflect all Republican Politicians or the voter base even if you believe he does.
He doesn't. But if he gets more than a handful of votes, a small handful, the GOP has to be able to explain it, just as a Democrat would be expected to explain a communist. This is what happens when we're afraid to condemn people on our own "side" and play binary politics, as we are now.

So the GOP would have a choice to make: Do the right thing and aggressively condemn the man, or keep quiet and prove a point for the Democrats?
But how does he get on the ticket ? Do you just have to pay your membership fee ?
I believe it's done internally, within the party. That's where his level of support will be revealed.

The GOP should reject him and run another candidate.
He will not win nor does he reflect all Republican Politicians or the voter base even if you believe he does.
He doesn't. But if he gets more than a handful of votes, a small handful, the GOP has to be able to explain it, just as a Democrat would be expected to explain a communist. This is what happens when we're afraid to condemn people on our own "side" and play binary politics, as we are now.

So the GOP would have a choice to make: Do the right thing and aggressively condemn the man, or keep quiet and prove a point for the Democrats?

Like David Duke I condemn them daily. Racist Bigots have no place in our political system but once in awhile we get one that win a damn nomination.

Now the question is did he get nominated by Republicans or by crossover voters seeing Illinois has open Primaries?
There's a difference between condemning when challenged on it, and doing so immediately. Look at what the public sees: Duke says something, and when his words are brought up to a Republican, they'll say, "well, I don't support him. I don't like him". Like Trump did. Playing defense.

The public would be more likely to buy it if this happened ahead of time and regularly. The party has to be part of the solution. And I'll tell ya what, the clock is ticking.

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