Holocaust History

Russia: releases factual historical documents.
The dumpster fire that is Western humanities pseudo-academia : "Russia is weaponizing hIstory!".
A Swiss entertainer who made the world laugh is now under the microscope over his connections with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi’s.

The Neues Museum Biel is researching links between the performer, who was considered to be the greatest musical clown of his time, and the Nazi Germany dictator.

Grock - whose real name was Adrien Wettach - became known as the "king of clowns" and his success once rivalled that of Charlie Chaplin.

The museum in Biel has now taken possession of around 1,000 items from Grock's collection. Wettach’s 74-year-old great-nephew Raymond Naef donated items including sound recordings from shows, letters, photographs and musical scores.

(full article online)

By the early 1950s, Ben Helfgott had become a weightlifting champion and went on to represent Britain at two Olympic Games.

By the early 1950s, Ben Helfgott had become a weightlifting champion and went on to represent Britain at two Olympic Games. Photograph: Shutterstock

Sir Ben Helfgott, who has died aged 93, was one of “the Boys”, a group of more than 700 young Holocaust survivors (some of them girls) who, having left the concentration camps behind them, settled in Britain and remained friends for life. Helfgott spent the postwar years of freedom not just in building his life as a leading clothing manufacturer and Olympic weightlifter but in devoting himself to others who had had experiences similar to his own, but who had not achieved his degree of success.

The Boys became the 45 Aid Society, founded in 1963 to help those who had been in the camps, but also to spread the word about their suffering and emphasise that it should never be allowed to happen again, to anyone, anywhere. Helfgott was the society’s chairman from its inception until 2016, when he became president.

(full article online)

How were Non-Jewish Poles treated in Nazi occupied Poland?

Non-Jewish Poles were also subjected to harsh treatment during the Nazi occupation of Poland.
The Nazis aimed to subjugate and exploit the Polish population, eradicating Polish culture, and establishing German dominance.


Margot Josefsohn (l) and Ed Asner in Tiger Within. Asner died in 2021 (Courtesy of Menemsha Films via JTA)
Margot Josefsohn (l) and Ed Asner in "Tiger Within." Asner died in 2021 (Courtesy of Menemsha Films via JTA)

JTA — The prolific Jewish actor Ed Asner died nearly two years ago, but his final film will hit select theaters on Friday.

In “Tiger Within,” he plays a Holocaust survivor who becomes the unlikely friend of a homeless teenager who was raised by a Holocaust denier. The movie was filmed in the summer of 2018, and Asner, the Emmy award-winning actor best known for his roles as Lou Grant on the “Mary Tyler Moore Show” and Carl in the Pixar animated film “Up,” died in 2021 at the age of 91.

“Tiger Within” follows Casey, played by newcomer Margot Josefsohn, as a troubled 14-year-old living in Los Angeles. After running away from her neglectful mother and failing to find support from her father, Casey takes shelter in a cemetery, where she meets Samuel (Asner), an elderly man visiting his wife’s grave. Samuel, a Holocaust survivor, notices the swastika on Casey’s signature leather jacket and begins a conversation, eventually offering Casey some food and a safe place to sleep. Over the course of their friendship, she learns about the realities of the Holocaust and Samuel fulfills the promise he made to his deceased wife to learn to forgive.

(full article online)


The Simon Wiesenthal Center commemorates the incredible heroism and humanitarian work of Raoul Wallenberg, the former Swedish diplomat, who saved tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust.

This week, on July 8, 1944, 32-year-old Wallenberg, often referred to as the "Lost Hero of the Holocaust," arrived in Budapest as Secretary of the Swedish Legation to Hungary with instructions to intervene on behalf of Budapest's remaining 230,000 Jews. Through a combination of cajoling, bribes, threats, and sometimes desperate stratagems, Wallenberg managed to save some 100,000 Jews from the clutches of Hitler's army. The Russians, who seized Budapest from the Germans on January 13, 1945, arrested Wallenberg four days later for reasons unknown to this day. From the date of his arrest to the present, Wallenberg's fate has remained a mystery.

Photo left: Raoul Wallenberg in his office in Budapest, November 26, 1944. Wallenberg sent this photograph, taken by Thomas Veres, to his mother; it is the last known photograph of Wallenberg. Courtesy Nina Lagergren (Nina Lagergren is Raoul Wallenberg's half-sister).

Photo right: A letter of protection (Schutz-pass) issued by the Swedish Legation in Budapest, Hungary. A Schutz-pass gave the bearer the protection of the neutral Swedish government. This pass, number 0390, was issued to Eva Balog by the Royal Swedish Ambassador and was dated August 19, 1944.

These photos are part of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s rich archival holdings culled from around the globe.
On July 0, 1941, the punishers entered the town of Yedvabno in soviet Belarus, where more than 1500 Jews lived at that time. They killed with particular cruelty, using also axes and agricultural equipment. The youngest daughter of a hebrew teacher had her head chopped off and was passed kicking to each other. Realizing that they would not make it to the end of the day, the punishers herded the remainder into a barn and burned them alive. There is one BUT in this story. The executioners of soviet citizens were not germans, but their neighbors poles.
For a long time it was believed that the murder was committed by german punishers, but now it is known that the bulk of the murderers were Poles, who lived in the surrounding areas.
In 2000, the polish-born american historian Jan Gross published the truth in his book "Neighbors. The Story of the Extermination of a Jewish Local."

In 2001, the Polish authorities erected a monument at the site of the massacre, but it does not mention the number of victims or who the executioners were.
Has anybody pointed out this truth;

Germans killed the Jews. It is not accurate to say that the NAZI's killed the Jews.

It should be said, Europeans killed the Jews. The jews were not safe in Europe or Russia.
On July 0, 1941, the punishers entered the town of Yedvabno in soviet Belarus

It is commonly spelled "Jedwabne", and it was not in Soviet Belarus, it was in German Occupied Poland.

On 10 July 1941, an anti-Jewish pogrom took place in Jedwabne. It occurred a dozen or so days after the withdrawal of the Soviet troops from the town, which had then been seized by Germans. Around 10am, Polish inhabitants of Jedwabne and nearby villages, under the German supervision, started to herd Jews from the town to the market square.

There, the Jews were beaten and humiliated, several of them were killed. Out of the people gathered in the market square, Poles selected several dozen, among them Rabbi Awigdor Białostocki, and forced them to destroy the statue of Lenin on Dworna Street and to stage its mock funeral. The group was then led out of the town, murdered, and buried—along with the smashed bust of Lenin—in a previously dug out hole inside Śleszynski’s barn. Later on, all the remaining Jews were rushed from the market square to the same barn, which was then set on fire.

The crime was committed by several dozen inhabitants of Jedwabne and its vicinity.

And notice, it clearly states "the crime was committed by several dozen inhabitants". Under direction of the Germans, and in a town with a population of around 4,000 people.

So as usual, in your attempt to pass more lies and propaganda you twist everything so far from the truth it is pathetic.
Really? The jews survived in Europe thanks to Russia.
Really? Only if we are ignorant of history. Russia has a rich history of killing Jews. They called them, "pogroms". I can give examples of the same in Europe.

Long before Hitler came to power, the idea, that the Jews must be killed, was rampant throughout society. Not just in Germany, but most everywhere there were large populations of Jews.

It was ordinary people throughout Russia and Europe that killed the Jews. You could say the idea was a big part of their culture.
Really? Only if we are ignorant of history. Russia has a rich history of killing Jews.
In the history of Europe, there have often been instances in which jews were driven out of cities and even entire countries, robbing and killing in the process. This went on for centuries. But representatives of these countries like to mention the "pogroms" in Russia, in which several dozen people were killed.
The usual western propaganda.
In the history of Europe, there have often been instances in which jews were driven out of cities and even entire countries, robbing and killing in the process. This went on for centuries. But representatives of these countries like to mention the "pogroms" in Russia, in which several dozen people were killed.
The usual western propaganda.
several thousands of people were killed, at a time when there was no news reporting, what was happening.

We do know that in Russia, the USSR, from the revolution in the early 1900's until the 1960's millions were killed, murdered, starved, worked to death. Your idea that only a dozen Jews died is outright laughable.

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