Holocaust History

Today in History

Buchenwald Liberated by American Forces (1945)

The Buchenwald concentration camp was founded in 1937 near the town of Weimar, Germany. Approximately 250,000 prisoners were incarcerated in this camp until its liberation in 1945.

Weimar is a German city known for its highly cultured citizenry. It was the home of many of the upper class intellectual members of Europe’s society. Among others, Goethe, Schiller, Franz Liszt, and Bach lived in Weimar.

Though technically not an extermination camp, approximately 56,000 prisoners were murdered in Buchenwald (not including many others who died after being transferred to other extermination camps). They died from vicious medical experiments, summary executions, torture, beatings, starvation, and inhuman work conditions. The camp was also known for its brutality. German officers would force inmates to eat their meager soup ration off the mud on the ground; would keep them standing in the cold until they froze to death; and they would even use skin of dead inmates to make lamp shades.

On the 29th of Nissan 1945 the Sixth Armored Division of the United States Third Army liberated the camp.

Among the more famous inmates who spent time in Buchenwald are Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, former Chief Rabbi of Israel, and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel.
There is a clear line between Nazi railing against "Judah" and today's obsessive hate of Israel. Boycotts of Jews in the 1930s are now called BDS.

Then, Jews were accused of controlling Western nations politically; today Zionists are accused of the same thing.

Mobs screaming "Perish Judah" in Berlin have become mobs screaming "Death to Israel" and "Death to Jews" - still in Berlin.

No, we are not at the death camp stage. We are merely at the stage where Jews are being murdered for being Jews in Israel and some Westerners are justifying those terror attacks as well as laying the ideological groundwork to make such attacks appear legal and moral. The Western antisemites of the 1930s didn't need to convince the larger British and US populations to hate Jews - they only needed to to associate Jews with theft and malice and Jewish supremacy enough so that casual observers would start to believe a little of it. They were able to sow enough doubt as to whether Jews were worth the effort of defending - when public defense of Jews could subject one to attacks. They wanted to sow some doubt as to whether Jews were worth the effort of saving.

Today's anti-Zionists insist that they are not antisemitic. You know who else made that claim in 1933?


Just because the analogy isn't perfect doesn't mean it isn't valid. As the expression goes, history doesn't repeat itself - but it does rhyme. The parallels between classic antisemitism and today's obsessive hate to Israel is obvious to anyone who opens their eyes. If Israel wasn't filled with Jews, it would get roughly the same worldwide criticism that Belgium does.

We might not be at 1939 yet, but we are in the same decade. And while today's antisemites might not be building death camps, some of them are building a nuclear bomb - with the same lack of response by the West as during the Holocaust, partially because of the constant stream of antisemitic propaganda that ends up affecting national leaders enough to favor inaction over action.

Never Again shouldn't be an empty slogan. So far, it has been.

(full article online)


Clarification re: Even the Nazis didn’t pay a reward for murdering Jews​

We sincerely apologize that the headline of yesterday’s report was not sufficiently clear and exact. Many of our readers have pointed out that PMW’s headline yesterday - Even the Nazis didn’t pay a reward for murdering Jews - was imprecise and requires clarification.

Certainly, during the Holocaust the Nazis did indeed pay rewards of various kinds for the murder or even tracking down of Jews. However, our intention was to highlight the singular methodical nature of the Palestinian Authority’s terror reward policy, which is also entrenched in PA law.

The Nazis did not adopt a law or practice guaranteeing a lifetime payment to any person who murdered a Jew or to the families of those who murdered a Jew, if the murderer died while murdering/trying to murder Jews.

In contrast, in 2004, the PA legislated the Law of Prisoners and Released Prisoners. This law guarantees a monthly salary to every Palestinian terrorist, including murderers, arrested by Israel. The salary is paid to all terrorists, irrespective of the terrorist’s terror-group affiliation and rises with time spent in prison. Murderers sentenced to life in prison receive the PA salary for their entire life. Released terrorists - including the murderers - continue receiving a payment from the PA, commensurate to their time in prison.

Alongside the payments to the terrorist prisoners and released terrorists, the PA also entirely funds the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Institute for the Martyrs, which guarantees a lifelong payment, inter alia, to the families of terrorists who died while murdering/trying to murder Jews, such as suicide bombers.

The high lifetime financial rewards passed into law by the PA and called a “monthly salary”, is in a class by itself.

A lush park outside Latvia’s capital will soon house a memorial to victims of Nazi Germany’s Jungfernhof concentration camp, which operated on the site during World War II.

Beginning in late 1941, about 4,000 Jews were deported to the “improvised” Jungfernhof camp outside Riga. Nearly all of them were murdered or worked to death within several months, including the grandparents of Massachusetts-based public art expert Karen Frostig.

“There is nothing that remains at this site. No records, no photos,” Frostig told The Times of Israel on the heels of remarks she gave at the United Nations for International Holocaust Remembrance Day in January.

(full article online)

“[Helmet Horten] laid the foundations of his wealth during the Third Reich by acquiring companies on the cheap at fire-sale prices from Jewish business owners under duress,” said journalist David de Jong, who recently published a book titled “Nazi Billionaires: The Dark History of Germany’s Wealthiest Dynasties.”

Prior to 1938, Jewish business owners came under immense pressure to sell their businesses and possessions, often at a massive discount. After 1938, those sales were forced and the prices offered were usually even lower.

(full article online)

I can only imagine the suffering of people in any genocide. Why would people of one group e sought out to suffer this? And of course, most did nothing wrong except being of that group. Just knowing what any group of any way did wrong for the reasons of the heinous ways treated would help complete any stories. The atrocities of anywhere this happens makes me think how fortunate I and many others are.

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