Holy crap - this has to stop!

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Did you hear the hissing and booing when Pres Trump addressed that Cong. Baseball game? You MIGHT want to know the Kumbaya Squad is still in Jihad mode against Trump.. There's no truce here. Enjoy the show.. You rewarded these bastards and bitches for doing fucking nothing but "Being Winners".. Enjoy your "winning"...
Did you hear that Congressman scream "You lie!" in the middle of his speech? Oh wait, that was the last President. Now we're just seeing both sides flip-flop on their previous positions of "You're a messiah" and "You'll destroy the Country".

It's all just escalating. If you watch the UK parliament, they're booing and shouting all the time. The point is -- that moment at the baseball park was NOT the time to do it. And this 2 way finger pointing is what is leading us straight to the bottom of our existence.. We may LOSE the country if it continues. Because if ALL that happens is a power shift the OTHER WAY -- you guys have now set the bar SOO LOW -- the opposition will ALWAYS be just a mindless, useless resistance of fools.

I'm fine with this. Because Dems have spent all their good will and capital doing NOTHING but scheming and attacking.. And both sides are gonna face mighty wrath at the next elections. Don't think we're gonna need term limits as legislation anymore. The "big middle" is now fully nauseated and fucking scared of tanking the whole Republic with the bad and absent leadership on display. I know the LParty is gonna run Indies instead of party candidates in a lot of key races and draft them from superstar achievers and doers with track records of problem solving in govt.

All that has to happen is to MOCK AND RIDICULE this horrendous death match that's gonna drag on for 3 years. Just keep hitting on the NEW LOWS that the 2 brand name parties have brought us to...

Press and polls won't even see it coming. They'll still be in the pig sty trying to kill each other...
Agreed about the two way finger-pointing. The nutjob in the park was a nutjob first and a political partisan second just like the back-shooting abortion doctor murderers and the Beltway Snipers.

Disagreed we'll lose the country, at least not anytime soon. Miami will be underwater from AGM before our nation fragments or turns into a socialist state.

Did you hear the hissing and booing when Pres Trump addressed that Cong. Baseball game? You MIGHT want to know the Kumbaya Squad is still in Jihad mode against Trump.. There's no truce here. Enjoy the show.. You rewarded these bastards and bitches for doing fucking nothing but "Being Winners".. Enjoy your "winning"...
Did you hear that Congressman scream "You lie!" in the middle of his speech? Oh wait, that was the last President. Now we're just seeing both sides flip-flop on their previous positions of "You're a messiah" and "You'll destroy the Country".

"Members of Congress from both parties condemned the outburst. "Totally disrespectful", said Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) of Wilson's utterance. "No place for it in that setting or any other and he should apologize immediately."[45][46] Wilson said later in a statement:

This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the President's remarks regarding the coverage of undocumented immigrants in the health care bill. While I disagree with the President's statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility.[47]

House Democrats called on Wilson to issue a formal apology on the House floor.[49] Wilson refused, saying in a televised interview that, "I believe one apology is sufficient."[50] Congressional Republicans agreed, and opposed further action.[51] On September 15, the House approved a "resolution of disapproval" against Wilson, on 240–179 vote."
Nonetheless, several prominent figures, including the current President, claimed Obama was a fraud, not born in the US, not their President, a Marxist, a Muslim and/or that "Moochell" was ugly.

The point is that the representative admitted wrongdoing and apologized, and Congress took some minor action against him.

Would you like me to provide a list of what people (not exclusively representatives) said about Bush???
Sure, go for it. It just adds to the point that both sides have grown increasingly extreme; that both sides are part of the problem.
He's a rich old man who gives his $$$ to charity. Unlike your rich old man who uses his to hoodwink people and get as many dollars from them as he can.

I presume you know that your benevolent mentor, George Soros is a convicted felon.

Aside from what he "gives" to a charity he also fuels:


Ah yes, the Tides Foundation. Site of another planned mass shooting that happily was stopped by police before it happened....

>> When California Highway Patrol officers stopped him on an interstate in Oakland for driving erratically, Byron Williams, wearing body armor, fired at police with a 9mm handgun, a shotgun and a .308-caliber rifle with armor-piercing bullets, Oakland police say. Shot and captured after injuring two officers, Williams, on parole for bank robbery, told investigators that he wanted "to start a revolution" by "killing people of importance at the Tides Foundation and the ACLU," according to a police affidavit. His mother, Janice, told the San Francisco Chronicle that her son had been watching television news and was upset by "the way Congress was railroading through all these left-wing agenda items."

But what television news show could have directed the troubled man's ire toward the obscure Tides Foundation, which sounds as if it's dedicated to oceanography, or perhaps laundry detergent, but which is in fact a nonprofit that claims to support "sustainability, better education, solutions to the AIDS epidemic and human rights"?

A week after the incident, the mystery was solved. "Tides was one of the hardest things that we ever tried to explain, and everyone told us that we couldn't," Fox News host Glenn Beck told his radio listeners on Monday. "The reason why the blackboard" -- the prop Beck uses on his TV show to trace conspiracies -- "really became what the blackboard is, is because I was trying to explain Tides and how all of this worked." Beck accuses Tides of seeking to seize power and destroy capitalism, and he suggests that a full range of his enemies on the left all have "ties to the Tides Center." On Monday, he savored the fact that "no one knew what Tides was until the blackboard."

For good measure, Beck went after Tides again on Fox that night. And Tuesday night, Wednesday night and Thursday night. That's on top of 29 other mentions of Tides on Beck's Fox show over the past 18 months (two in the week before the shootout) according to a tally by the liberal press watchdog Media Matters. Other than two mentions of Tides on the show of Beck's Fox colleague Sean Hannity, Media Matters said it was unable to find any other mention of Tides on any news broadcast by any network over that same period. Beck declined comment. <<​

Of course he did.

This is where this polaization shit comes from. No, not Glenn Beck by himself -- he was just the hot celebrity on the Eliminationism hit parade at the time --- but the whole instigation sewer. I think Alex Jones is probably the Tiger Beat feature at the moment. Unless there's anybody still taking Milo seriously.

Watchdog MEDIA MATTERS? You're joking! You reach out to defend a George Soros funded organization with a...George Soros funded organization.


The purpose of the George Soros Tides Foundation is to conceal the source of contributions to controversial organizations. The goal of the organization is to allow "Pogo" to make a substantial, contribution to the Tides Foundation which no one really pays attention. The stipulation being that the bulk of the $100,000.00 you contributed would go on to the "#huntreplublicans" organization.

George Soros is a dangerous person.
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
The HATE is on your side. You (collectively) get these nuts worked into a frenzy of hate until one of them thinks he's doing God's service. This is on you. Live with it.

No need to be attacking Coyote. She is not hating anyone........not to mention that hate is coming from all sides.
I disagree! That is a pat answer but no one can show the Right displaying the violence the left does not even close! Did any leftist or democrat politician ever stand up and tell BLM to stop screaming "what do we want? Dead cops! When doesn't them? Now? Anyone say stop when they were screaming "fry them up like bacon"? Did they say stop looting burning rioting? Nope! They said give them space to destroy! Anyone call Maldonado and deNiro out? Hell no! The left, and the media have stoked these flames!
I doh't recall where the right has shut down leftist views. If there is one I haven't heard about, I'd still say it's a ten to one ration if not more.

Hollywood Blacklist

Kent State Shootings - Ohio History Central

Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting in at least 18 states
Dude...we are talking about TODAY and you posted one link from 1947 (Hollywood) and one link from the Kent State shooting in the 1960's (which I'm not sure you can blame on conservatives as it was law enforcement on a liberal campus that engaged in the shooting).

Show us something from the last 12 months. Show us the right shutting down a Hillary Clinton event, assaulting her supporters, or rioting on campuses.

"We're all socialists now!" Finland PM when ACA passed....


Population 5.5 million. You're going to have to look up the name of the prime minister, aren't you?

So what he said about Obamacare is relevant, how?

I love the way the desperate partisanshits scramble to insert all these qualifications like "what the population of Finland is" and "in the last 12 months only" and "yabbut that was almost 80 years ago". They're losing, and they know it.

Meanwhile speaking of the last 12 months minutes, this thread just went up:

This absolutely made my night. The Shakespeare play in Central Park, which is directed by Jew, Tony Kushner got a much needed and unexpected surprise. During the play, right-wingers disrupted the play and rushed the stage. This is beautiful. It's about time the right-wing throws out this "we're above that" shit and starts to fight the left using their own tactics. Standing whistling ovation to those who disrupted this hate play. Let this be just the beginning!!!

BOOM!! Protesters INTERRUPT Trump Assassination Play – RUSH STAGE — Screaming “Goebbels Would Be Proud!” (VIDEO)

I didn't have time to read it, just passing it on.

But as far as Composition/Generalization fallacies and who's dividing who, I find this phrase particularly revealing:

"directed by Jew, Tony Kushner"


Yow! Negroes! Save me!!

And btw Buttsoiler, about your fear of examining what went down "almost 80 years ago" --- that's exactly what produced your perversion of what the word "Liberal" means, and you still haven't figured it out, so damn straight it's relevant. That was the sowing of seeds of division that are still sprouting today. And UNTIL you figure it out, it will remain relevant.

1) Interesting you quoted yourself and labelled it "buttsoiler". A confession?

2) Even FDR didn't like commies. Same for Truman and JFK.

1) You've been here longer than I --- you should remember his previous name he's running away from -- "Rottweiler". Hence --- "Buttsoiler".

2) Truman was a simplistic idiot and one of the most destructive POTUSes of the 20th century, exactly because he couldn't be bothered to scrutinize bullshit advice he was getting, particulaly from Jimmy Byrnes. He enabled the Red Scare to happen through his uncurious negligence. FDR would have seen right through that manipulating shit, and he would have had the stones to denounce it. Truman just rolled over.

"Commies" has nothing to do with the point. That's just the label of the era in a long list of labels. The point is Demonization, Dichotomy, the black/white "good/evil" bullshit mindset. Truman is as guilty as anybody of enabling it, allowing it to fester and even encouraging it. He was an intellectual wimp.

Witch hunts change their shirts regularly. In that era, "Commies". In other eras, "Catholics", or "Irish" or "Jews" or "Muslims" or "the Chinese hordes/the Yellow Peril" (member that one?) or in Buttsoiler's history-depivation tank, "Liberals". Some are religions, some are nationalities, some are political factions --- what they all have in common is they get their definitions painted in a new coat of Bullshit so they can be sold as "demons".

Demons which, by the way, you'll have to give up you civil liberties yea that we may smite them. And that's exactly what was going on with the Red Scare/Red Channels/Joe McCarthy bullshit. See it for what it is --- opportunistic demagoguery playing on fear of "eeebil deeemons".
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I disagree! That is a pat answer but no one can show the Right displaying the violence the left does not even close!

Uh --- really?
Will these be enough?


OK, that's not displaying violence in that scene. There are way more graphic ones. But you get the idea.
I disagree! That is a pat answer but no one can show the Right displaying the violence the left does not even close!

Uh --- really?
Will these be enough?

Funny how white racialists are the only ones who are considered "right wing" by default...(even in South Africa, where pretty much all the racists are black)

It is almost like the political spectrum that you use to gauge people is just a racist construct created to fool retards or something....
I disagree! That is a pat answer but no one can show the Right displaying the violence the left does not even close!

Uh --- really?
Will these be enough?


OK, that's not displaying violence in that scene. There are way more graphic ones. But you get the idea.

Forty-eight star flags from a 1924 demonstration. You really are desperate!
WHAT has the klan to do with the conservatives, they were the epitome of the leftist Nazi movement, The same exact methods, and aspirations of the dimshit party. AND ALL dimocrats
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?
We're at the end of a cycle where two political sides have moved to extremes....as responses to your OP prove. A few more tragedies and "We, the People" AKA the Silent Majority will demand the return of reason to our nation's politics and elected leadership.
Only the bought off, brainwashed New BS GOP is extreme. The Dems are in the center, accused of being communists AND Nazis by the dupes. Scary. Coyote and our cowardly corporate "librul" media are just too nice. The RW is totally misinformed and out of control. And, luckily being revealed by the Orange Numbskull con man. This is the peak of their power- they're coming unglued...
You, sir, just exemplified my point. Extremists fail to see the middle. They always blame "the other guy" for the problems our nation is facing. You, sir, are no more representative of the "center" than Francisco Franco or Joseph Stalin.
What blame have you accepted?
That reminds me of Republican snowflakes during Obama who talked about secession. Remember that? That kind of talk gets people riled up too

That's stupid. People talking of secession, such as California, is light years from cold blooded murder.
Agreed, but even secession or any other break-up of the United States shows a high degree of extremism. The fact remains, although they often have different takes on it, both sides have moved to extremes and, consequently more authoritarian. The finger-pointing/blame-game has to stop. To stop it requires each side to voluntarily back away from the heated rhetoric.
Tell us what Dems sound like Rush Limbaugh, Savage, Sean, Alex Jones etc etc with so much hate and misinformation the last 30 years....Your propaganda hate machine is a disgrace...and you dupes.
I just find it funny a church full of people get murdered, a school full of kids get murdered and a ups gets shot up and Republicans don't give a fuck but a couple Republicans get shot in the ass and Republicans want to round up guns and declare martial law.
WHAT has the klan to do with the conservatives, they were the epitome of the leftist Nazi movement, The same exact methods, and aspirations of the dimshit party. AND ALL dimocrats

The Klan were not so much "conservatives" as "übeconservatives", harping on their hypocrite bullshit 'morals', their jingoistic "100% Americanism", their bullshit Chistianism veneer, and of course their endless war on blacks, Jews, Catholics, labor unions, people who didn't go to church, liberals, communists, adulterers, gamblers, deadbeats, and drunks. And they have never in their entire history had jack squat to do with "the left".

"Nazi" however is close to the mark. They preceded the Nazis historically but were basically following the same path of fascism.
How has the left limited free speech?
Let's see....

1. They assault people in public to shut them up

2. They riot on campuses to shut people up

3. They flood university administrators with complaints to stop anyone who doesn't have a left-wing agenda from speaking

4. They engaged in violence to shut down a Trump political rally in Chicago

Shall I continue?
3 episodes repeated endlessly= DUPED!!
3 episodes?!? Try hundreds, snowflake.
I just find it funny a church full of people get murdered, a school full of kids get murdered and a ups gets shot up and Republicans don't give a fuck but a couple Republicans get shot in the ass and Republicans want to round up guns and declare martial law.

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