Holy crap - this has to stop!

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A rightwing controled Congress severely limited the free speech and employment of hundreds of Americans. That's a fact.
Well if that is a fact - it was almost 80 years ago. Hell, we still had left-wing "separate but equal" segregation back then. Let's discuss the current issues we're facing unless there is some specific need for historical context.
The Dems are in the center
That's true...the center of fascism. Just look at the Cal campus - where these left-wing thugs assault people and destroy property.
Funny, but, sadly, more true than the Left will admit. Yes, shutting down others for their views is not in keeping with the spirit of our Founders. In California, it's the Left shutting down RW views. Elsewhere, it's the Right shutting down LW views. This forum is a microcosm of such views. Very few here really walk the walk when it comes to supporting the rights of other Americans.

I doh't recall where the right has shut down leftist views. If there is one I haven't heard about, I'd still say it's a ten to one ration if not more.

Hollywood Blacklist

Kent State Shootings - Ohio History Central

Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting in at least 18 states
Dude...we are talking about TODAY and you posted one link from 1947 (Hollywood) and one link from the Kent State shooting in the 1960's (which I'm not sure you can blame on conservatives as it was law enforcement on a liberal campus that engaged in the shooting).

Show us something from the last 12 months. Show us the right shutting down a Hillary Clinton event, assaulting her supporters, or rioting on campuses.

"We're all socialists now!" Finland PM when ACA passed....


Population 5.5 million. You're going to have to look up the name of the prime minister, aren't you?

So what he said about Obamacare is relevant, how?

I love the way the desperate partisanshits scramble to insert all these qualifications like "what the population of Finland is" and "in the last 12 months only" and "yabbut that was almost 80 years ago". They're losing, and they know it.

Meanwhile speaking of the last 12 months minutes, this thread just went up:

This absolutely made my night. The Shakespeare play in Central Park, which is directed by Jew, Tony Kushner got a much needed and unexpected surprise. During the play, right-wingers disrupted the play and rushed the stage. This is beautiful. It's about time the right-wing throws out this "we're above that" shit and starts to fight the left using their own tactics. Standing whistling ovation to those who disrupted this hate play. Let this be just the beginning!!!

BOOM!! Protesters INTERRUPT Trump Assassination Play – RUSH STAGE — Screaming “Goebbels Would Be Proud!” (VIDEO)

I didn't have time to read it, just passing it on.

But as far as Composition/Generalization fallacies and who's dividing who, I find this phrase particularly revealing:

"directed by Jew, Tony Kushner"


Yow! Negroes! Save me!!
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The emotion driven liberals have released a virulent germ into the air that America has never experienced before. It the germ of hate and kill the pres. and those who support him
There is no antidote other than to grow up and accept that you lost and that because you can't believe it does not mean that people need to be shot or die
There is no developed immunity at this time and no resistance developed to the childish, immoral hate that the liberals are throwing out.
Actually, we're fact based. And don't like bad policy based on bs propaganda and hate. Congress and the FBI may not be crazy about the Russians throwing the election, either, Mac.
The Russian thing is Entirely a feeling with no factual support or backing
It is a liberal generated froth fest in an attempt to soothe and explain their feelings of disbelief about Hillary losing
A rightwing controled Congress severely limited the free speech and employment of hundreds of Americans. That's a fact.

And the Democrats didn't?

You have Republicans passing bills to restrict free speech on college campus'.

You can't spin that away.

How has the left limited free speech?

By violence at Republican events, that's how. Protests like with Ann Coulter (and others) to stop her from speaking. As Patriot pointed out, stopping a presidential candidates rally using violence as a threat is what I call stopping free speech.
How has the left limited free speech?
Let's see....

1. They assault people in public to shut them up

2. They riot on campuses to shut people up

3. They flood university administrators with complaints to stop anyone who doesn't have a left-wing agenda from speaking

4. They engaged in violence to shut down a Trump political rally in Chicago

Shall I continue?
3 episodes repeated endlessly= DUPED!!
The emotion driven liberals have released a virulent germ into the air that America has never experienced before. It the germ of hate and kill the pres. and those who support him
There is no antidote other than to grow up and accept that you lost and that because you can't believe it does not mean that people need to be shot or die
There is no developed immunity at this time and no resistance developed to the childish, immoral hate that the liberals are throwing out.
Actually, we're fact based. And don't like bad policy based on bs propaganda and hate. Congress and the FBI may not be crazy about the Russians throwing the election, either, Mac.
The Russian thing is Entirely a feeling with no factual support or backing
It is a liberal generated froth fest in an attempt to soothe and explain their feelings of disbelief about Hillary losing
Just every US intelligence agency...not on Fox~!
Did you hear the hissing and booing when Pres Trump addressed that Cong. Baseball game? You MIGHT want to know the Kumbaya Squad is still in Jihad mode against Trump.. There's no truce here. Enjoy the show.. You rewarded these bastards and bitches for doing fucking nothing but "Being Winners".. Enjoy your "winning"...
Did you hear that Congressman scream "You lie!" in the middle of his speech? Oh wait, that was the last President. Now we're just seeing both sides flip-flop on their previous positions of "You're a messiah" and "You'll destroy the Country".
The Dems are in the center
That's true...the center of fascism. Just look at the Cal campus - where these left-wing thugs assault people and destroy property.
Funny, but, sadly, more true than the Left will admit. Yes, shutting down others for their views is not in keeping with the spirit of our Founders. In California, it's the Left shutting down RW views. Elsewhere, it's the Right shutting down LW views. This forum is a microcosm of such views. Very few here really walk the walk when it comes to supporting the rights of other Americans.

I doh't recall where the right has shut down leftist views. If there is one I haven't heard about, I'd still say it's a ten to one ration if not more.

Hollywood Blacklist

Kent State Shootings - Ohio History Central

Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting in at least 18 states
I was at Hobart when we busted the FBI undercover shytte who got 2 frosh to firebomb the ROTC. He probably did Kent St too. FBI and head of SDS in upstate! RWers never stop the bs and corruption...

The dupes think RW speakers are being stopped every day lol. THREE TIMES, dupes. And real a-holes, by ANTIFA or other punks...Those are lefty U's scheduling those a-hole RWers. I'm sure Liberty etc are always doing that lol...
Dude, if you represent the Democratic center, then the Democrats are far worse off than the Republicans.
That's true...the center of fascism. Just look at the Cal campus - where these left-wing thugs assault people and destroy property.
Funny, but, sadly, more true than the Left will admit. Yes, shutting down others for their views is not in keeping with the spirit of our Founders. In California, it's the Left shutting down RW views. Elsewhere, it's the Right shutting down LW views. This forum is a microcosm of such views. Very few here really walk the walk when it comes to supporting the rights of other Americans.

I doh't recall where the right has shut down leftist views. If there is one I haven't heard about, I'd still say it's a ten to one ration if not more.

Hollywood Blacklist

Kent State Shootings - Ohio History Central

Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting in at least 18 states
Dude...we are talking about TODAY and you posted one link from 1947 (Hollywood) and one link from the Kent State shooting in the 1960's (which I'm not sure you can blame on conservatives as it was law enforcement on a liberal campus that engaged in the shooting).

Show us something from the last 12 months. Show us the right shutting down a Hillary Clinton event, assaulting her supporters, or rioting on campuses.

"We're all socialists now!" Finland PM when ACA passed....


Population 5.5 million. You're going to have to look up the name of the prime minister, aren't you?

So what he said about Obamacare is relevant, how?

I love the way the desperate partisanshits scramble to insert all these qualifications like "what the population of Finland is" and "in the last 12 months only" and "yabbut that was almost 80 years ago". They're losing, and they know it.

Meanwhile speaking of the last 12 months minutes, this thread just went up:

This absolutely made my night. The Shakespeare play in Central Park, which is directed by Jew, Tony Kushner got a much needed and unexpected surprise. During the play, right-wingers disrupted the play and rushed the stage. This is beautiful. It's about time the right-wing throws out this "we're above that" shit and starts to fight the left using their own tactics. Standing whistling ovation to those who disrupted this hate play. Let this be just the beginning!!!

BOOM!! Protesters INTERRUPT Trump Assassination Play – RUSH STAGE — Screaming “Goebbels Would Be Proud!” (VIDEO)

I didn't have time to read it, just passing it on.

But as far as Composition/Generalization fallacies and who's dividing who, I find this phrase particularly revealing:

"directed by Jew, Tony Kushner"


Yow! Negroes! Save me!!

And btw Buttsoiler, about your fear of examining what went down "almost 80 years ago" --- that's exactly what produced your perversion of what the word "Liberal" means, and you still haven't figured it out, so damn straight it's relevant. That was the sowing of seeds of division that are still sprouting today. And UNTIL you figure it out, it will remain relevant.

Did you hear the hissing and booing when Pres Trump addressed that Cong. Baseball game? You MIGHT want to know the Kumbaya Squad is still in Jihad mode against Trump.. There's no truce here. Enjoy the show.. You rewarded these bastards and bitches for doing fucking nothing but "Being Winners".. Enjoy your "winning"...
Did you hear that Congressman scream "You lie!" in the middle of his speech? Oh wait, that was the last President. Now we're just seeing both sides flip-flop on their previous positions of "You're a messiah" and "You'll destroy the Country".

"Members of Congress from both parties condemned the outburst. "Totally disrespectful", said Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) of Wilson's utterance. "No place for it in that setting or any other and he should apologize immediately."[45][46] Wilson said later in a statement:

This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the President's remarks regarding the coverage of undocumented immigrants in the health care bill. While I disagree with the President's statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility.[47]

House Democrats called on Wilson to issue a formal apology on the House floor.[49] Wilson refused, saying in a televised interview that, "I believe one apology is sufficient."[50] Congressional Republicans agreed, and opposed further action.[51] On September 15, the House approved a "resolution of disapproval" against Wilson, on 240–179 vote."
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?
It's been a couple days. Have you come to thee same conclusion I have? It's not going to stop.
It'll stop, but I think we'll have a few more instances of violence before it does. What did it take to stop the violence in the Civil Rights movement? The murder of four little girls in church? The assassination of MLK? The burning of Watts? The Silent Majority is akin to the apocryphal "sleeping giant". Once awakened, it will put a stop to the bullshit and bring reason to the forefront.
Soros eventually decided against participating in the group effort opting to personally move forward with his strategy of accumulating shares in four French companies: Société Générale, as well as Suez, Paribas, and the Compagnie Générale d'Électricité. In 1989, the Commission des Opérations de Bourse (COB—the French stock exchange regulatory authority) conducted an investigation of whether Soros's transaction in Société Générale should be considered insider trading. Soros had received no information from the Société Générale and had no insider knowledge of the business, but he did possess knowledge that a group of investors was planning a takeover attempt. Initial investigations found Soros innocent and no charges were brought forward,[64] however, the case was reopened a few years later and the French Supreme Court confirmed the conviction on June 14, 2006,[65] but reduced the penalty to €940,000.


On the basis of Article 7 of the European Convention on Human Rights, stating that no person may be punished for an act that was not a criminal offense at the time that it was committed, the court agreed to hear the appeal.[68] In October 2011, the court rejected his appeal in a 4–3 decision, saying that Soros had been aware of the risk of breaking insider trading laws.
Did you hear the hissing and booing when Pres Trump addressed that Cong. Baseball game? You MIGHT want to know the Kumbaya Squad is still in Jihad mode against Trump.. There's no truce here. Enjoy the show.. You rewarded these bastards and bitches for doing fucking nothing but "Being Winners".. Enjoy your "winning"...
Did you hear that Congressman scream "You lie!" in the middle of his speech? Oh wait, that was the last President. Now we're just seeing both sides flip-flop on their previous positions of "You're a messiah" and "You'll destroy the Country".

It's all just escalating. If you watch the UK parliament, they're booing and shouting all the time. The point is -- that moment at the baseball park was NOT the time to do it. And this 2 way finger pointing is what is leading us straight to the bottom of our existence.. We may LOSE the country if it continues. Because if ALL that happens is a power shift the OTHER WAY -- you guys have now set the bar SOO LOW -- the opposition will ALWAYS be just a mindless, useless resistance of fools.

I'm fine with this. Because Dems have spent all their good will and capital doing NOTHING but scheming and attacking.. And both sides are gonna face mighty wrath at the next elections. Don't think we're gonna need term limits as legislation anymore. The "big middle" is now fully nauseated and fucking scared of tanking the whole Republic with the bad and absent leadership on display. I know the LParty is gonna run Indies instead of party candidates in a lot of key races and draft them from superstar achievers and doers with track records of problem solving in govt.

All that has to happen is to MOCK AND RIDICULE this horrendous death match that's gonna drag on for 3 years. Just keep hitting on the NEW LOWS that the 2 brand name parties have brought us to...

Press and polls won't even see it coming. They'll still be in the pig sty trying to kill each other...
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?
It's been a couple days. Have you come to thee same conclusion I have? It's not going to stop.


Its not going to stop.

First of all....note: That the same Original Poster, who said the: toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society...

Has spent the rest of the thread, a good part of it anyway...spewing the very toxic political poison...which she claimed to condemn. So much for her, lets actually address the issues.

There has been this much Hate in this country only twice. The first time was when John Adams got elected president and he and his Control Freak New Englanders/New Yorkers ran the Sedition Acts through Congress...and promptly started putting people in jail for criticizing the Adams Administration. They put Ben Franklin's Grandson in jail. They put a man in jail for putting a poster on a post that simply said: "Down with Tyrants".

It is one of the reasons Jefferson ran against him and one of the reasons he beat his ass. What the NewEnglanders/NewYorkers then called "Rubes" had the common sense to see that they did not need Control Freaks running Washington. (And they saw the same thing again in November of 2016)

Thomas Jefferson, picked in 2000 as the 14th most important person on Earth out of the last 1000 years, and the Most Important American....has been reduced in just 17 years...by the New England, now Coastal Elites*, transfigured into a just another Simon LaGree from Uncle Tom's Cabin, by blind partisans like the Original Poster.

Thomas Jefferson, after beating Adam's Ass, then governed with such mildness, equity and justice....then so did James Madison after him...and then James Monroe after that....that the time became known as the Era of Good Feeling....which did not end until John Quincy Adams, from Massachusetts, now home to Lying Pocahontas...came to power. It is little known to the Elitists* that this Adams was America's first Socialist President. They all think it was Obama, but Adams was first....because he had the most well developed fear of the Jefferson Ideal of individual merit--the Ideal which has made this the greatest country in the history of the planet.

Adam's actually had little miniature Social Communes set up in the White House...and he carefully follows all the Utopian Society experiments that were going on during his time. They all failed; just like every Socialistic movement has failed--because of human nature--the productive citizen will always eventually get tired of carrying the Porch Sitter's and quit.

Adams didn't know he was a Socialist, because Marx hadn't said then: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. But Adams would have wished he had said that.

The "Rubes" rebelled against this Adams too and defiantly elected Andrew Jackson. Jackson had as many personality disorders as Trump, and he was meaner...he is the only president to come into the White House with a bullet in him, from a duel...the other man died. He was elected Twice, in spite of the hissy fit the NewEnglanders/NewYorkers threw...and he was the only President to successfully kick Walls Street's ass...which today is vilified by Democrats, but which is made up mostly of Democrats. (Irony/Hypocrisy/Stupidity)

Jackson, born in South Carolina, also put off the Civil War for almost 20 years, because when South Carolina passed the Nullification Acts, and threatened to succeed, he said he would personally come to South Carolina and hang every secessionist....starting with the ring-leader---John C. Calhoun. South Carolina folded.

(As an aside, Sanctuary Cities are passing Nullification Acts today, and Trump has a picture of Andrew Jackson hanging in the Oval Office.)

Strong fair leadership. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Jams Monroe...now, Andrew Jackson.


The second time this country has been so divided, was in the Latter part of the 1850's and such men as above were not to be found...and disaster came....600,000 Americans died...all of whom loved their country...rather their view of it.

Now we have reached the edge of the cliff again. What next?

I think it depends on the same old thing--human nature...which doesn't change.

Will the Elitists in the Northeast continue their quest for complete control, on the assumption (presumption) of their natural moral & intellectual superiority....on the assumption that any one who disagrees with them are pure simpletons...mere Rubes...who are too foolish and uneducated to have a real voice in government?

We Rubes took a chance on Thomas Jefferson, we took a chance on Andrew Jackson, we took a chance on Ronald Reagan...and now we have had to take a chance on Donald Trump. All for the same reason. We had the common sense to know that our other option was simply unacceptable.

I think the O. P. 's noble sounding opening was just an implicit lecture to us Rubes in the Heartland....just Bullshit...and that her subsequent divisive posts in the rest of the very same thread she so altrustically started...show her for the hypocrite she so obviously is...and also very poorly educated, as are most of today's Elites*.

* Elites--People with an I.Q. of 115 to 120 who think it is 150 to 155, and so behave as if it was 85 to 90. Indigenous to New England...born with a lust for Control. Currently unsafe...dangerous to themselves & others---driven off the precipice because of a recurring Jefferson/Jackson/Reagan/Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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Did you hear the hissing and booing when Pres Trump addressed that Cong. Baseball game? You MIGHT want to know the Kumbaya Squad is still in Jihad mode against Trump.. There's no truce here. Enjoy the show.. You rewarded these bastards and bitches for doing fucking nothing but "Being Winners".. Enjoy your "winning"...
Did you hear that Congressman scream "You lie!" in the middle of his speech? Oh wait, that was the last President. Now we're just seeing both sides flip-flop on their previous positions of "You're a messiah" and "You'll destroy the Country".

"Members of Congress from both parties condemned the outburst. "Totally disrespectful", said Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) of Wilson's utterance. "No place for it in that setting or any other and he should apologize immediately."[45][46] Wilson said later in a statement:

This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the President's remarks regarding the coverage of undocumented immigrants in the health care bill. While I disagree with the President's statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility.[47]

House Democrats called on Wilson to issue a formal apology on the House floor.[49] Wilson refused, saying in a televised interview that, "I believe one apology is sufficient."[50] Congressional Republicans agreed, and opposed further action.[51] On September 15, the House approved a "resolution of disapproval" against Wilson, on 240–179 vote."
Nonetheless, several prominent figures, including the current President, claimed Obama was a fraud, not born in the US, not their President, a Marxist, a Muslim and/or that "Moochell" was ugly.
Did you hear the hissing and booing when Pres Trump addressed that Cong. Baseball game? You MIGHT want to know the Kumbaya Squad is still in Jihad mode against Trump.. There's no truce here. Enjoy the show.. You rewarded these bastards and bitches for doing fucking nothing but "Being Winners".. Enjoy your "winning"...
Did you hear that Congressman scream "You lie!" in the middle of his speech? Oh wait, that was the last President. Now we're just seeing both sides flip-flop on their previous positions of "You're a messiah" and "You'll destroy the Country".

"Members of Congress from both parties condemned the outburst. "Totally disrespectful", said Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) of Wilson's utterance. "No place for it in that setting or any other and he should apologize immediately."[45][46] Wilson said later in a statement:

This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the President's remarks regarding the coverage of undocumented immigrants in the health care bill. While I disagree with the President's statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility.[47]

House Democrats called on Wilson to issue a formal apology on the House floor.[49] Wilson refused, saying in a televised interview that, "I believe one apology is sufficient."[50] Congressional Republicans agreed, and opposed further action.[51] On September 15, the House approved a "resolution of disapproval" against Wilson, on 240–179 vote."
Nonetheless, several prominent figures, including the current President, claimed Obama was a fraud, not born in the US, not their President, a Marxist, a Muslim and/or that "Moochell" was ugly.

The point is that the representative admitted wrongdoing and apologized, and Congress took some minor action against him.

Would you like me to provide a list of what people (not exclusively representatives) said about Bush???
Funny, but, sadly, more true than the Left will admit. Yes, shutting down others for their views is not in keeping with the spirit of our Founders. In California, it's the Left shutting down RW views. Elsewhere, it's the Right shutting down LW views. This forum is a microcosm of such views. Very few here really walk the walk when it comes to supporting the rights of other Americans.

I doh't recall where the right has shut down leftist views. If there is one I haven't heard about, I'd still say it's a ten to one ration if not more.

Hollywood Blacklist

Kent State Shootings - Ohio History Central

Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting in at least 18 states
Dude...we are talking about TODAY and you posted one link from 1947 (Hollywood) and one link from the Kent State shooting in the 1960's (which I'm not sure you can blame on conservatives as it was law enforcement on a liberal campus that engaged in the shooting).

Show us something from the last 12 months. Show us the right shutting down a Hillary Clinton event, assaulting her supporters, or rioting on campuses.

"We're all socialists now!" Finland PM when ACA passed....


Population 5.5 million. You're going to have to look up the name of the prime minister, aren't you?

So what he said about Obamacare is relevant, how?

I love the way the desperate partisanshits scramble to insert all these qualifications like "what the population of Finland is" and "in the last 12 months only" and "yabbut that was almost 80 years ago". They're losing, and they know it.

Meanwhile speaking of the last 12 months minutes, this thread just went up:

This absolutely made my night. The Shakespeare play in Central Park, which is directed by Jew, Tony Kushner got a much needed and unexpected surprise. During the play, right-wingers disrupted the play and rushed the stage. This is beautiful. It's about time the right-wing throws out this "we're above that" shit and starts to fight the left using their own tactics. Standing whistling ovation to those who disrupted this hate play. Let this be just the beginning!!!

BOOM!! Protesters INTERRUPT Trump Assassination Play – RUSH STAGE — Screaming “Goebbels Would Be Proud!” (VIDEO)

I didn't have time to read it, just passing it on.

But as far as Composition/Generalization fallacies and who's dividing who, I find this phrase particularly revealing:

"directed by Jew, Tony Kushner"


Yow! Negroes! Save me!!

And btw Buttsoiler, about your fear of examining what went down "almost 80 years ago" --- that's exactly what produced your perversion of what the word "Liberal" means, and you still haven't figured it out, so damn straight it's relevant. That was the sowing of seeds of division that are still sprouting today. And UNTIL you figure it out, it will remain relevant.

1) Interesting you quoted yourself and labelled it "buttsoiler". A confession?

2) Even FDR didn't like commies. Same for Truman and JFK.
The Dems are in the center
That's true...the center of fascism. Just look at the Cal campus - where these left-wing thugs assault people and destroy property.
Funny, but, sadly, more true than the Left will admit. Yes, shutting down others for their views is not in keeping with the spirit of our Founders. In California, it's the Left shutting down RW views. Elsewhere, it's the Right shutting down LW views. This forum is a microcosm of such views. Very few here really walk the walk when it comes to supporting the rights of other Americans.
I'm not aware of too many of instances of the right shutting down the left's right to speak. I'm not aware of too many (if any) instances of the left engaging in violence during Hillary Clinton campaign rallies. Heck - Chicago canceled one of Trump's campaign rallies because the left resorted to violence and Rahm Emanuel allowed it/encouraged it. Law enforcement didn't even step in and do their job.

yyyyeah that's bullshit Sparkles. Rump himself called it off, turning a full venue of something like ten thousand loose en masse into the streets at once, apparently hoping to incite a riot he could manipulate into something you're very familiar with --- partisan hack "points".

He FAILED. The crowd within and without dispersed, the police kept the peace, and everybody went home. Sucks to be you comic book.
I seem to remember it a little differently....

Darn YouTube. Always making fools out of those who don't actually know what the fuck they are talking about....
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