Holy crap - this has to stop!

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He's a rich old man who gives his $$$ to charity. Unlike your rich old man who uses his to hoodwink people and get as many dollars from them as he can.

I presume you know that your benevolent mentor, George Soros is a convicted felon.

Aside from what he "gives" to a charity he also fuels:

No, it's not you. I was reading up on the "bubble" phenom the other day. Some say information overload is partly to blame. There is so much out there, what do you believe? So people choose the stuff that feels comfortable.

With, as you know, Conservatives being much more open to viewing views opposed to their own beliefs than are Democrats/Progressives.
You're out of your mind. Most RWers watch Fox all the time and think CBS, CNN, BBC, PBS, EVERYTHING ELSE.is left wing propaganda. They're in a bs fugue state. They think Dems are fascist communists. Brainwashed bs

You CAN'T watch only what makes you comfortable. That's a prescription for BECOMING a dupe.. Especially since it's now apparently acceptable to MAKE SHIT UP completely out of scripting a partisan war. If you've ever watched "Wag the Dog" -- you'd see where we're at.

Anyone feasting EXCLUSIVELY on any friendly sub-set of those rapidly decaying sources is zombified by now and beyond hope. Only antidote is to sample it all and decide who is COVERING MORE of the real news. And less invested in supporting partisan wars.

That INCLUDES MSNBC, Fox, Rush, NPR or even the late night comedians if that's how you prefer to get your news.. But it's OK if you can't stomach CNN, NY Times or the WashPo anymore. You're missing nothing important.
I watch it all. Fox skips the inconvenient and is full of bs and character assassination and make you a pariah in intelligent society. The NYT and Wapo will make you intelligent, dupe. Ay caramba. see sig- it will too.

Screaming headlines EVERY DAY about rumors and anonymous tips are NOT journalism. They've dumped their cred to be the front guard for the resistance. They're NOT in the news biz anymore. EITHER of them.

Did you see the Asst AG making fun of WashPo this morning? Telling them they should use AMERICAN sources. Because they didn't even specify what COUNTRY their latest rumor sources are from? If you think it's a joke, the WashPo posted a CLARIFICATION to their morning crapfest that the high level source WAS American..

Everyone knows but you apparently. You're so far out on the wing -- there's hardly any blood flow...
It's not funny anymore. This is my worst nightmare....
A VERY successful hedge fund manager and a huge believer in truth and democracy, dupe. Which makes him very unpopular with your lying, cheating billionaire GOP heroes...

Not at all surprising that you worship a convicted felon and idolize his manner of manipulating money.
The Dems are in the center
That's true...the center of fascism. Just look at the Cal campus - where these left-wing thugs assault people and destroy property.
Funny, but, sadly, more true than the Left will admit. Yes, shutting down others for their views is not in keeping with the spirit of our Founders. In California, it's the Left shutting down RW views. Elsewhere, it's the Right shutting down LW views. This forum is a microcosm of such views. Very few here really walk the walk when it comes to supporting the rights of other Americans.

I doh't recall where the right has shut down leftist views. If there is one I haven't heard about, I'd still say it's a ten to one ration if not more.
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?
It's been a couple days. Have you come to thee same conclusion I have? It's not going to stop.
If facts are checked and we have journalists instead of gabfests looking for controversy and ratings we'll end it. Satrt where the lies are, RW Fox and all those godawful demagogue talk shows Rush, Savage, Jones, Levin etc etc etc...You need 5 minutes an hour of facts in argument..
Conservatives are good at accepting responsibility. Its a core of their success
Liberals are good at deflecting responsibility and deferring to emotions via blaming. It's a core of their failure
Yet it's "conservatives" who are advocating "wanding" women's vaginas and dictating who can be married or not. How is that letting people live free?

Conservatives never dictated who could be married or not. No Republican ever stopped any two people who found a religion and got married.
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?
It's been a couple days. Have you come to thee same conclusion I have? It's not going to stop.

I'm an optimist. I don't give up easily.
Well, I think we can ALL agree that OUR side of the political spectrum has ALL the answers, and that the OTHER side is just STUPID.


No, just one side feels that way.


That's pretty good. It's the best oblivious-to-itself irony I've seen since "Divide and conquer is their MO". Gets a round of applause from that gal down at the convent --- Nun Soblind.
A VERY successful hedge fund manager and a huge believer in truth and democracy, dupe. Which makes him very unpopular with your lying, cheating billionaire GOP heroes...

Not at all surprising that you worship a convicted felon and idolize his manner of manipulating money.
Pretty gd debatable. The EU acquitted him, and no jail time. I like what he does now, financing democratic movements and fact checkers. Only RWers don't.
The Dems are in the center
That's true...the center of fascism. Just look at the Cal campus - where these left-wing thugs assault people and destroy property.
Funny, but, sadly, more true than the Left will admit. Yes, shutting down others for their views is not in keeping with the spirit of our Founders. In California, it's the Left shutting down RW views. Elsewhere, it's the Right shutting down LW views. This forum is a microcosm of such views. Very few here really walk the walk when it comes to supporting the rights of other Americans.

I doh't recall where the right has shut down leftist views. If there is one I haven't heard about, I'd still say it's a ten to one ration if not more.

Hollywood Blacklist

Kent State Shootings - Ohio History Central

Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting in at least 18 states
We didn't see this BS when obama was elected.

Couple of things:
1) From the day he was elected, the right sicced Obama. Look on this very board on Nov 5 2008. They were rabid.
2) They didn't go after Obama like this because he didn't do dumb arse shit like the Orange Buffoon...

Dumb shit like what? Closing down sanitary cities so alien criminals have less places to hide? Trying to stop more illegals from entering the country? Trying to safeguard us from terrorists by temporarily stopping them from coming here? Trying to untangle Commie Care that cost many of us to become uninsured and making premiums soar for those still insured? Getting rid of intrusive and expensive regulations on businesses hoping they will keep jobs here and hopefully bring some back? That kind of dumb shit?

Dumb shit like breaking up NATO, killing more civilians in Syria than ISIS. Getting the US thrown out of Yemen.

Sanctuary cities HAVE NOT been shut down. The courts block his EO

The EO on immigration was both illegal and unnecessary. Trump claims he needed time to review the vetting process. He's had nearly 5 months for that review, where is it.

Trump hasn't done any of the things you claimed, and is too or incompetent to do them.

No. Most of the stuff was stopped by leftist activist judges. There is nothing unconstitutional about our laws that have been on the books for some time which states the President has the sole power to do what Trump tried to do, but again, stopped by activist judges. Need the law, I'll post it again if you'd like. I'm sure the last time I posted it was 20 pages ago.
The Dems are in the center
That's true...the center of fascism. Just look at the Cal campus - where these left-wing thugs assault people and destroy property.
Funny, but, sadly, more true than the Left will admit. Yes, shutting down others for their views is not in keeping with the spirit of our Founders. In California, it's the Left shutting down RW views. Elsewhere, it's the Right shutting down LW views. This forum is a microcosm of such views. Very few here really walk the walk when it comes to supporting the rights of other Americans.
It wasn't the left. It was a tiny group of anarchists that the duped RW thinks are half the Dems after the video being shown a thousand times. And that was Milo ferchrissake. Back in February. After hundreds of giant peaceful protests since. NOT reported on BS Fox. There you go again...
No, it's from Francophile. I'm for well regulated, fair capitalism (Fair pay, good benefits, environmental protections. Franco was a RW Nazi. You're quite mad and absolutely hate people because of total RW misinformation. You think Dems are communists. RWNJ.

Not yet Communists, Socialists to date. But you're swiftly moving in that direction.

The Dems are in the center
That's true...the center of fascism. Just look at the Cal campus - where these left-wing thugs assault people and destroy property.
Funny, but, sadly, more true than the Left will admit. Yes, shutting down others for their views is not in keeping with the spirit of our Founders. In California, it's the Left shutting down RW views. Elsewhere, it's the Right shutting down LW views. This forum is a microcosm of such views. Very few here really walk the walk when it comes to supporting the rights of other Americans.

I doh't recall where the right has shut down leftist views. If there is one I haven't heard about, I'd still say it's a ten to one ration if not more.

Hollywood Blacklist

Kent State Shootings - Ohio History Central

Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting in at least 18 states

Okay, so I'll start with your Hollywood black list. Here is a quote from that article:

Due to their lack of cooperation, the House of Representatives voted 346 to 17 to approve contempt citations.

The "right" stopped them? You mean back then, we had 346 Republican Congressmen to 17 Democrats?

Who were the "right" in Kent State?

Protests by leftists often turn into trouble. Do you think that Republicans should just let civil unrest and rioting continue to "allow" leftist speech? That's besides the fact nobody "stopped" their free speech, just put in regulations to try and control the mongrels.
He's a rich old man who gives his $$$ to charity. Unlike your rich old man who uses his to hoodwink people and get as many dollars from them as he can.

I presume you know that your benevolent mentor, George Soros is a convicted felon.

Aside from what he "gives" to a charity he also fuels:


Ah yes, the Tides Foundation. Site of another planned mass shooting that happily was stopped by police before it happened....

>> When California Highway Patrol officers stopped him on an interstate in Oakland for driving erratically, Byron Williams, wearing body armor, fired at police with a 9mm handgun, a shotgun and a .308-caliber rifle with armor-piercing bullets, Oakland police say. Shot and captured after injuring two officers, Williams, on parole for bank robbery, told investigators that he wanted "to start a revolution" by "killing people of importance at the Tides Foundation and the ACLU," according to a police affidavit. His mother, Janice, told the San Francisco Chronicle that her son had been watching television news and was upset by "the way Congress was railroading through all these left-wing agenda items."

But what television news show could have directed the troubled man's ire toward the obscure Tides Foundation, which sounds as if it's dedicated to oceanography, or perhaps laundry detergent, but which is in fact a nonprofit that claims to support "sustainability, better education, solutions to the AIDS epidemic and human rights"?

A week after the incident, the mystery was solved. "Tides was one of the hardest things that we ever tried to explain, and everyone told us that we couldn't," Fox News host Glenn Beck told his radio listeners on Monday. "The reason why the blackboard" -- the prop Beck uses on his TV show to trace conspiracies -- "really became what the blackboard is, is because I was trying to explain Tides and how all of this worked." Beck accuses Tides of seeking to seize power and destroy capitalism, and he suggests that a full range of his enemies on the left all have "ties to the Tides Center." On Monday, he savored the fact that "no one knew what Tides was until the blackboard."

For good measure, Beck went after Tides again on Fox that night. And Tuesday night, Wednesday night and Thursday night. That's on top of 29 other mentions of Tides on Beck's Fox show over the past 18 months (two in the week before the shootout) according to a tally by the liberal press watchdog Media Matters. Other than two mentions of Tides on the show of Beck's Fox colleague Sean Hannity, Media Matters said it was unable to find any other mention of Tides on any news broadcast by any network over that same period. Beck declined comment. <<​

Of course he did.

This is where this polaization shit comes from. No, not Glenn Beck by himself -- he was just the hot celebrity on the Eliminationism hit parade at the time --- but the whole instigation sewer. I think Alex Jones is probably the Tiger Beat feature at the moment. Unless there's anybody still taking Milo seriously.
The Dems are in the center
That's true...the center of fascism. Just look at the Cal campus - where these left-wing thugs assault people and destroy property.
Funny, but, sadly, more true than the Left will admit. Yes, shutting down others for their views is not in keeping with the spirit of our Founders. In California, it's the Left shutting down RW views. Elsewhere, it's the Right shutting down LW views. This forum is a microcosm of such views. Very few here really walk the walk when it comes to supporting the rights of other Americans.

I doh't recall where the right has shut down leftist views. If there is one I haven't heard about, I'd still say it's a ten to one ration if not more.

Hollywood Blacklist

Kent State Shootings - Ohio History Central

Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting in at least 18 states
I was at Hobart when we busted the FBI undercover shytte who got 2 frosh to firebomb the ROTC. He probably did Kent St too. FBI and head of SDS in upstate! RWers never stop the bs and corruption...

The dupes think RW speakers are being stopped every day lol. THREE TIMES, dupes. And real a-holes, by ANTIFA or other punks...Those are lefty U's scheduling those a-hole RWers. I'm sure Liberty etc are always doing that lol...
The Dems are in the center
That's true...the center of fascism. Just look at the Cal campus - where these left-wing thugs assault people and destroy property.
Funny, but, sadly, more true than the Left will admit. Yes, shutting down others for their views is not in keeping with the spirit of our Founders. In California, it's the Left shutting down RW views. Elsewhere, it's the Right shutting down LW views. This forum is a microcosm of such views. Very few here really walk the walk when it comes to supporting the rights of other Americans.
I'm not aware of too many of instances of the right shutting down the left's right to speak. I'm not aware of too many (if any) instances of the left engaging in violence during Hillary Clinton campaign rallies. Heck - Chicago canceled one of Trump's campaign rallies because the left resorted to violence and Rahm Emanuel allowed it/encouraged it. Law enforcement didn't even step in and do their job.
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