Holy crap - this has to stop!

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Coyote protec
And it's completely your right to feel that way...but you realize don't you, that your oponents likely feel the same about you and your actions?
You may be right - but I don't see how. I support the U.S. Constitution 100% and would never strip a person of their rights. I support every progressives right to peacefully assemble, to speak, to carry a firearm, etc.

I feel the same...
Yeah - but you're the exception to the left. Not the rule.

Coyote protects franco, she is a partisan hypocrite.
Disagreed. I think Coyote leans left-of-center, but is still a moderate unlike the many extremist voices we are seeing on this thread screaming "You're either with us or against us!!!!"
Tell us what Dems sound like Rush Limbaugh, Savage, Sean, Alex Jones etc etc with so much hate and misinformation the last 30 years....Your propaganda hate machine is a disgrace...and you dupes.
1) Alex, Rush, et al are extremist assholes.

2) You are blaming me for not supporting your views, therefore, as with most extremists, I'm either "with you or against you". Since I'm not "with you", by your logic, I must be with the opposing extremists such as Rush, Alex, etc.

3) Your making me responsible for RW propaganda and calling me a dupe only proves my earlier point about extremists.
Then you believe most of the GOP are a disgrace. Yes, saying Franco was a fascist was amazing for a GOPer to say these days. Well done. They believe absolute garbage. Perhaps you should tell 2008, Patriot etc etc....
The Dems are in the center
That's true...the center of fascism. Just look at the Cal campus - where these left-wing thugs assault people and destroy property.
Funny, but, sadly, more true than the Left will admit. Yes, shutting down others for their views is not in keeping with the spirit of our Founders. In California, it's the Left shutting down RW views. Elsewhere, it's the Right shutting down LW views. This forum is a microcosm of such views. Very few here really walk the walk when it comes to supporting the rights of other Americans.
No, it's not you. I was reading up on the "bubble" phenom the other day. Some say information overload is partly to blame. There is so much out there, what do you believe? So people choose the stuff that feels comfortable.

With, as you know, Conservatives being much more open to viewing views opposed to their own beliefs than are Democrats/Progressives.
Well by viewing your thread it shows many disagree with your wish.

I for one wish all Partisans would remove their head from their ass and realize that killing anyone in the name of your political movement is wrong unless you are under some form of brutal dictatorship.

What happen the other day was wrong and no excuses and I am glad the shooter is rotting in hell with Tim McVeigh!

In the end you will not change the minds of partisans and they believe the other side is the political party of Lucifer and is led by the Anti-Christ, so what is the point trying to convince those that are so close minded and like minded with each other even if they can not see it?
I agree 100% with all but your last comment. I don't disagree, I just question it. Even if I refuse to admit stuff here, I do sometimes think about it. It never hurts to try, but you're no doubt right that with some people it's like water rolling off a duck's back.

You're not one of those that I consider close minded. We do not agree all the time which is great and I respect you for that but so many need someone to agree with them all the time and if not then you are their enemy and that is the sad reality of this world we live in today.

You would think with the internet and the ability to read many would have open their minds more but it seem more close minded today than in the past, or maybe I am becoming more cynical the older I get...
No, it's not you. I was reading up on the "bubble" phenom the other day. Some say information overload is partly to blame. There is so much out there, what do you believe? So people choose the stuff that feels comfortable.

That makes sense....
The Dems are in the center
That's true...the center of fascism. Just look at the Cal campus - where these left-wing thugs assault people and destroy property.
That's Antifa, a tiny bunch of nutty kids, and NOT DEMS or defended by Dems. But you've seen that video from February hundreds of times and haven't heard about all the millions of Dems protesting peacefully just about every weekend. That's how you were brainwashed, just like 2008 and all the others. Murdoch, Rush, Sean etc etc are lying bought off shyttes, dupe.
If you're reading Trotsky and Marx to find out about Dem thought, you're off the wall RW. Then read Hitler and the Ok. City bomber to find out about GOPers...

No, it's not you. I was reading up on the "bubble" phenom the other day. Some say information overload is partly to blame. There is so much out there, what do you believe? So people choose the stuff that feels comfortable.

With, as you know, Conservatives being much more open to viewing views opposed to their own beliefs than are Democrats/Progressives.
You're out of your mind. Most RWers watch Fox all the time and think CBS, CNN, BBC, PBS, EVERYTHING ELSE.is left wing propaganda. They're in a bs fugue state. They think Dems are fascist communists. Brainwashed bs
Tell us what Dems sound like Rush Limbaugh, Savage, Sean, Alex Jones etc etc with so much hate and misinformation the last 30 years....Your propaganda hate machine is a disgrace...and you dupes.
1) Alex, Rush, et al are extremist assholes.

2) You are blaming me for not supporting your views, therefore, as with most extremists, I'm either "with you or against you". Since I'm not "with you", by your logic, I must be with the opposing extremists such as Rush, Alex, etc.

3) Your making me responsible for RW propaganda and calling me a dupe only proves my earlier point about extremists.
Then you believe most of the GOP are a disgrace. Yes, saying Franco was a fascist was amazing for a GOPer to say these days. Well done. They believe absolute garbage. Perhaps you should tell 2008, Patriot etc etc....
Scroll up, I've already posted that both sides have moved to extremes. I've posted several times across this forum, including directly to you, that RWNJs are as bad as LWLs. Just because each has different agendas doesn't mean their authoritarianism is any better than another. A dictator, no matter which direction or how benevolent is still a dictator.
And it's completely your right to feel that way...but you realize don't you, that your oponents likely feel the same about you and your actions?
You may be right - but I don't see how. I support the U.S. Constitution 100% and would never strip a person of their rights. I support every progressives right to peacefully assemble, to speak, to carry a firearm, etc.

I feel the same...
Yeah - but you're the exception to the left. Not the rule.

I don't think so...not if you really talk to people...that's what I've found. There are always the extremists, but they're not the norm. I learned a lot, a whole lot, listening to NPR's coverage of the election year, where they followed and interviewed all kinds of people I might have labeled "red neck Trumpers" but not any more.
No, it's not you. I was reading up on the "bubble" phenom the other day. Some say information overload is partly to blame. There is so much out there, what do you believe? So people choose the stuff that feels comfortable.

With, as you know, Conservatives being much more open to viewing views opposed to their own beliefs than are Democrats/Progressives.
You're out of your mind. Most RWers watch Fox all the time and think CBS, CNN, BBC, PBS, EVERYTHING ELSE.is left wing propaganda. They're in a bs fugue state. They think Dems are fascist communists. Brainwashed bs

You CAN'T watch only what makes you comfortable. That's a prescription for BECOMING a dupe.. Especially since it's now apparently acceptable to MAKE SHIT UP completely out of scripting a partisan war. If you've ever watched "Wag the Dog" -- you'd see where we're at.

Anyone feasting EXCLUSIVELY on any friendly sub-set of those rapidly decaying sources is zombified by now and beyond hope. Only antidote is to sample it all and decide who is COVERING MORE of the real news. And less invested in supporting partisan wars.

That INCLUDES MSNBC, Fox, Rush, NPR or even the late night comedians if that's how you prefer to get your news.. But it's OK if you can't stomach CNN, NY Times or the WashPo anymore. You're missing nothing important.
And it's completely your right to feel that way...but you realize don't you, that your oponents likely feel the same about you and your actions?
You may be right - but I don't see how. I support the U.S. Constitution 100% and would never strip a person of their rights. I support every progressives right to peacefully assemble, to speak, to carry a firearm, etc.

I feel the same...
Yeah - but you're the exception to the left. Not the rule.

I don't think so...not if you really talk to people...that's what I've found. There are always the extremists, but they're not the norm. I learned a lot, a whole lot, listening to NPR's coverage of the election year, where they followed and interviewed all kinds of people I might have labeled "red neck Trumpers" but not any more.
Agreed extremists are not the norm, they're just loud.

Again, this crap will stop when enough "normal" Americans, the great Silent Majority, make their voices heard in state governments and in Washington to make it stop.
Name a lie I believe. You- Obama had 2 years of control and caused this, lock her up, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
There are two examples in your quote:

Only the bought off, brainwashed New BS GOP is extreme. The Dems are in the center, accused of being communists AND Nazis by the dupes. Scary. Coyote and our cowardly corporate "librul" media are just too nice. The RW is totally misinformed and out of control. And, luckily being revealed by the Orange Numbskull con man. This is the peak of their power- they're coming unglued...
I am the middle. You believe a pile of bs propaganda and pander to the rich RW misinformation.
Did you hear the hissing and booing when Pres Trump addressed that Cong. Baseball game? You MIGHT want to know the Kumbaya Squad is still in Jihad mode against Trump.. There's no truce here. Enjoy the show.. You rewarded these bastards and bitches for doing fucking nothing but "Being Winners".. Enjoy your "winning"...
No, it's not you. I was reading up on the "bubble" phenom the other day. Some say information overload is partly to blame. There is so much out there, what do you believe? So people choose the stuff that feels comfortable.

With, as you know, Conservatives being much more open to viewing views opposed to their own beliefs than are Democrats/Progressives.
You're out of your mind. Most RWers watch Fox all the time and think CBS, CNN, BBC, PBS, EVERYTHING ELSE.is left wing propaganda. They're in a bs fugue state. They think Dems are fascist communists. Brainwashed bs

You CAN'T watch only what makes you comfortable. That's a prescription for BECOMING a dupe.. Especially since it's now apparently acceptable to MAKE SHIT UP completely out of scripting a partisan war. If you've ever watched "Wag the Dog" -- you'd see where we're at.

Anyone feasting EXCLUSIVELY on any friendly sub-set of those rapidly decaying sources is zombified by now and beyond hope. Only antidote is to sample it all and decide who is COVERING MORE of the real news. And less invested in supporting partisan wars.

That INCLUDES MSNBC, Fox, Rush, NPR or even the late night comedians if that's how you prefer to get your news.. But it's OK if you can't stomach CNN, NY Times or the WashPo anymore. You're missing nothing important.
I watch it all. Fox skips the inconvenient and is full of bs and character assassination and make you a pariah in intelligent society. The NYT and Wapo will make you intelligent, dupe. Ay caramba. see sig- it will too.
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?
It's been a couple days. Have you come to thee same conclusion I have? It's not going to stop.
Did you hear the hissing and booing when Pres Trump addressed that Cong. Baseball game? You MIGHT want to know the Kumbaya Squad is still in Jihad mode against Trump.. There's no truce here. Enjoy the show.. You rewarded these bastards and bitches for doing fucking nothing but "Being Winners".. Enjoy your "winning"...
Only on Fox!! Making hate, probably with special mikes...
No, it's from Francophile. I'm for well regulated, fair capitalism (Fair pay, good benefits, environmental protections. Franco was a RW Nazi. You're quite mad and absolutely hate people because of total RW misinformation. You think Dems are communists. RWNJ.

Again fascist franco, did your mentor have a free market economy, or centrally managed and controlled economy of the sort you Nazicrats promote?
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