Holy crap - this has to stop!

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I just find it funny a church full of people get murdered, a school full of kids get murdered and a ups gets shot up and Republicans don't give a fuck but a couple Republicans get shot in the ass and Republicans want to round up guns and declare martial law.
I find it funny that you would actually attempt such an egregious lie.
I disagree! That is a pat answer but no one can show the Right displaying the violence the left does not even close!

Uh --- really?
Will these be enough?

Funny how white racialists are the only ones who are considered "right wing" by default...(even in South Africa, where pretty much all the racists are black)

It is almost like the political spectrum that you use to gauge people is just a racist construct created to fool retards or something....

Hey, the poster wanted an example of violence from the right --- I gave her a big one. So sue me. :dunno:

Again, the KKK was about a lot more than race. Which you would have noticed if you actually read the post.

There's lots of others lesser known, both past and present. Too long a list to go into tonight. Early work day.
I disagree! That is a pat answer but no one can show the Right displaying the violence the left does not even close!

Uh --- really?
Will these be enough?

Funny how white racialists are the only ones who are considered "right wing" by default...(even in South Africa, where pretty much all the racists are black)

It is almost like the political spectrum that you use to gauge people is just a racist construct created to fool retards or something....

Hey, the poster wanted an example of violence from the right --- I gave her a big one. So sue me. :dunno:

Again, the KKK was about a lot more than race. Which you would have noticed if you actually read the post..
Funny how history books rarely mention anything but race when it comes to the Klan....
I just find it funny a church full of people get murdered, a school full of kids get murdered and a ups gets shot up and Republicans don't give a fuck but a couple Republicans get shot in the ass and Republicans want to round up guns and declare martial law.
Maybe....just maybe...this is why some people might want to declare martial law:

The Klan were not so much "conservatives" as "übeconservatives", harping on their hypocrite bullshit 'morals', their jingoistic "100% Americanism", their bullshit Chistianism veneer, and of course their endless war on blacks, Jews, Catholics, labor unions, people who didn't go to church, liberals, communists, adulterers, gamblers, deadbeats, and drunks. And they have never in their entire history had jack squat to do with "the left".

"Nazi" however is close to the mark. They preceded the Nazis historically but were basically following the same path of fascism.

As you know, the Ku Klux Klan was founded as an extreme wing of the Democrat party. Nothing has changed.

Long time Democrat Robert Byrd.
I disagree! That is a pat answer but no one can show the Right displaying the violence the left does not even close!

Uh --- really?
Will these be enough?

Funny how white racialists are the only ones who are considered "right wing" by default...(even in South Africa, where pretty much all the racists are black)

It is almost like the political spectrum that you use to gauge people is just a racist construct created to fool retards or something....

Hey, the poster wanted an example of violence from the right --- I gave her a big one. So sue me. :dunno:

Again, the KKK was about a lot more than race. Which you would have noticed if you actually read the post..
Funny how history books rarely mention anything but race when it comes to the Klan....

I know, right? I'm here to help.

When they spread through the county they adapted to whatever hate rhetoric would work in that area. Are you worried about immigrants coming in to your town taking factory jobs? The Klan is here to keep immigrants away. Are you in Maine spooked by French Canadian Catholics? The Klan is anti-Catholic. Got drunks? The Klan is a champion of Prohibition. Etc etc etc.
The Klan were not so much "conservatives" as "übeconservatives", harping on their hypocrite bullshit 'morals', their jingoistic "100% Americanism", their bullshit Chistianism veneer, and of course their endless war on blacks, Jews, Catholics, labor unions, people who didn't go to church, liberals, communists, adulterers, gamblers, deadbeats, and drunks. And they have never in their entire history had jack squat to do with "the left".

"Nazi" however is close to the mark. They preceded the Nazis historically but were basically following the same path of fascism.

As you know, the Ku Klux Klan was founded as an extreme wing of the Democrat party. Nothing has changed.

Long time Democrat Robert Byrd.

No, they were not. And that's a Photoshop. Actually Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office.

The Klan was founded (first) by six young ex-Confederate soldiers bored while house-sitting over Christmas 1865, none of whom had any history of political affiliation at all. That one folded in less than a decade and then it was re-founded 1915 by an opportunist ex-Methodist minister who also had no political affiliation, as a way to milk money off the gullible by selling hate as described above, though membeship fees.

I've posted way way more details copiously on this site over the years, it's all out there. The actual history, not the bullshit Photoshop mentality. You can go search it or I'll give you links tomorrow. Let's not derail the thead, especially with dishonest bullshit.
I disagree! That is a pat answer but no one can show the Right displaying the violence the left does not even close!

Uh --- really?
Will these be enough?

Funny how white racialists are the only ones who are considered "right wing" by default...(even in South Africa, where pretty much all the racists are black)

It is almost like the political spectrum that you use to gauge people is just a racist construct created to fool retards or something....

Hey, the poster wanted an example of violence from the right --- I gave her a big one. So sue me. :dunno:

Again, the KKK was about a lot more than race. Which you would have noticed if you actually read the post..
Funny how history books rarely mention anything but race when it comes to the Klan....

I know, right? I'm here to help.

When they spread through the county they adapted to whatever hate rhetoric would work in that area. Are you worried about immigrants coming in to your town taking factory jobs? The Klan is here to keep immigrants away. Are you in Maine spooked by French Canadian Catholics? The Klan is anti-Catholic. Got drunks? The Klan is a champion of Prohibition. Etc etc etc.
No, they were a pro-white organization that was scared of the pope(I wonder why?).

Unfortunately lunatics took control of it and destroyed whatever good rep it had.
The Klan were not so much "conservatives" as "übeconservatives"
The KKK was founded by the Dumbocrats, you dimwit. There wasn't a conservative in sight. :lmao:

WRONG Buttsoiler.

The Klan was founded Christmas 1865 in the law office of Thomas Jones at 205 West Madison Steet in Pulaski Tennessee by (Capt) John C. Lester, (Major) James R. Crowe, (Capt) John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord, all twentysomething ex-soldiers who were bored, as an innocuous social club. None of them had any known political affiliation.

The second iteration was founded by William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons on Thanksgiving Day 1915 on Stone Mountain in Georgia (where I am right now). Simmons was an ex-minister, a salesman, an inveterate club-starter, a drunk, and most to the point an opportunist seeking to cash in on the rampant racism of the time especially the controversy of the film Birth of a Nation, by selling memberships. Simmons too had no political affiliation.

Ironically neither the motives of the six in 1865 nor Simmons 50 years later had anything to do with politics, and both went to some length to disconnect themselves from political affiliation. But the first KKK was taken over by vigilante "night rider" a/k/a "slave patrol" elements that had already existed since the 18th century, and the Simmons Klan spread its net much wider to oppose all sorts of ethnicities, social movements and eventually politics (communism). Both of them hid behind Christianism and both, in their thrusts of racism, ethnic bigotry, moral policing, etc, followed extremely conservative social principles.

I gave you names, dates and places right there. You go right ahead and try to prove any of that wrong. Be the first.
The Klan were not so much "conservatives" as "übeconservatives", harping on their hypocrite bullshit 'morals', their jingoistic "100% Americanism", their bullshit Chistianism veneer, and of course their endless war on blacks, Jews, Catholics, labor unions, people who didn't go to church, liberals, communists, adulterers, gamblers, deadbeats, and drunks. And they have never in their entire history had jack squat to do with "the left".

"Nazi" however is close to the mark. They preceded the Nazis historically but were basically following the same path of fascism.

As you know, the Ku Klux Klan was founded as an extreme wing of the Democrat party. Nothing has changed.

Long time Democrat Robert Byrd.
Of course it's changed ... the south is now mostly Republican.

The Klan were not so much "conservatives" as "übeconservatives"
The KKK was founded by the Dumbocrats, you dimwit. There wasn't a conservative in sight. :lmao:

WRONG Buttsoiler. I gave you names, dates and places right there. You go right ahead and try to prove any of that wrong. Be the first.
And you didn't give a single link. Chew on this bitch...
Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party
It gets better, bitch....
Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s
We're not done yet, bitch...
The KKK was founded in Tennessee immediately after the end of the Civil War as a sort of social club for former Confederate Soldiers whose influence quickly spread through the decimated Southern states. As Columbia professor Eric Foner wrote in his A Short History of Reconstruction, in its early days, the group was loosely bound by one main principle: launching a reign of terror against Republican leaders

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

The Democratic Party and the KKK | Dan O'Donnell | News/Talk 1130 WISN
The Klan were not so much "conservatives" as "übeconservatives", harping on their hypocrite bullshit 'morals', their jingoistic "100% Americanism", their bullshit Chistianism veneer, and of course their endless war on blacks, Jews, Catholics, labor unions, people who didn't go to church, liberals, communists, adulterers, gamblers, deadbeats, and drunks. And they have never in their entire history had jack squat to do with "the left".

"Nazi" however is close to the mark. They preceded the Nazis historically but were basically following the same path of fascism.

As you know, the Ku Klux Klan was founded as an extreme wing of the Democrat party. Nothing has changed.

Long time Democrat Robert Byrd.
Of course it's changed ... the south is now mostly Republican.

Except for the racist big cities...

The mayor’s race: Is Atlanta ready to elect a white leader?
Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party
Imbecile... that would be the Bible Belt ... the bastion of conservatism...

Yes folks - Pogo really did contradict himself in back-to-back posts.
The Klan were not so much "conservatives" as "übeconservatives"

None of them had any known political affiliation.
So in post #1197 he claims that the KKK was (and I quote) "über conservatives" and then in post #1209 he says "none of them had any known political affiliation". :laugh:
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I disagree! That is a pat answer but no one can show the Right displaying the violence the left does not even close!

Uh --- really?
Will these be enough?


OK, that's not displaying violence in that scene. There are way more graphic ones. But you get the idea.

Forty-eight star flags from a 1924 demonstration. You really are desperate!
Libs are always in 50-100 years ago like its still right now
No, it's from Francophile. I'm for well regulated, fair capitalism (Fair pay, good benefits, environmental protections. Franco was a RW Nazi. You're quite mad and absolutely hate people because of total RW misinformation. You think Dems are communists. RWNJ.

Not yet Communists, Socialists to date. But you're swiftly moving in that direction.

Churchill was talking about communists. That's why the UK dumped him.

You mean they dumped him because he was right?
Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party
Imbecile... that would be the Bible Belt ... the bastion of conservatism...
Bwahahaha!!! Stupid...in 1870...the entire nation was the "Bible Belt". Everyone had a deep faith and subscribed to a rigid religious doctrine. The South was dominated by the Dumbocrats.

We can add history to economics, business, politics, current events, basic math, and grammar as the list of things that Faun Over Men doesn't have the first clue about. :laugh:
The blacklist came into being in 1947, both houses of the 80th Congress between 1947 and 1949 were controlled by Republicans.

The blacklist included entertainers, writers, singers, actors...who were unable to find work and who's work was outlawed. A dozen or so political songs by Tom Leher were black listed and my parents got his records overseas (they were illegal in the US).

Don't you think that's the rightwing coming down on free speech?

Not when most Congress people (Dems and Repubs) voted on it. Communism then is like Islamic terrorists today. Would you say would be limiting leftist free speech in Hollywood if Congress acted on Hollywood leftist Islamic extremists?

A rightwing controled Congress severely limited the free speech and employment of hundreds of Americans. That's a fact.

Yeah, and just because of some irrelevant criteria like they were communist who were helping a foreign enemy overthrow the country.

My last example is exactly the right (Republicans) coming down against free speech by attempting to control demonstrations at college campus' rather than leave it up to the colleges.

And who comes in to save the day when those protests turn into destroying and burning down things? That's right, the local and state police. It's very costly. As we've seen in the past, cities that suffered riots spent millions of dollars to combat it.

You have Republicans passing bills to restrict free speech on college campus'.

You can't spin that away.

How has the left limited free speech?

What Republican bill has restricted free speech on campus? The only people restricting people's speech are the snowflakes. That's indisputable.
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