Holy crap, this writer says it's over for the Dems

I read your link, and it doesn't seem to think those seats are so "vulnerable".

Besides which, it's a mid-term. Whichever party has the White House almost always loses seats in any mid-term, regardless who it is.
Did you and I read the same article? The one about 10 seats most likely to flip in 2018? One Republican seat (Flake) and 9 Democrat seats.
The Senate has 26 Dem seats up and 9 Republican.

We'll see how it goes.
is Ryan even going to run for reelection? I don't believe he has announce that yet??
I read your link, and it doesn't seem to think those seats are so "vulnerable".

Besides which, it's a mid-term. Whichever party has the White House almost always loses seats in any mid-term, regardless who it is.
Did you and I read the same article? The one about 10 seats most likely to flip in 2018? One Republican seat (Flake) and 9 Democrat seats.

Yep. But I cheated --- I actually read the text under each heading.

I know better than to stop at the headline or swallow it without question.

McConnell sees a November storm brewing. He’s thinking hurricane-level.
By Sean Sullivan
April 04, 2018 03:16 PM

Updated 9 hours 43 minutes ago

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is predicting a difficult midterm election year for his party, likening it this week to a hurricane.

“This is going to be a challenging election year,” McConnell said in a Tuesday interview with the Kentucky Today editorial board. “We know the wind is going to be in our face. We don’t know whether it’s going to be a Category 3, 4 or 5.”

McConnell sees a November storm brewing. He’s thinking hurricane-level.
Holy crap, this writer says it's over for the Dems

I'm having a hard time remembering when the Right couldn't find an article claiming the Dems were as good as dead.
I read your link, and it doesn't seem to think those seats are so "vulnerable".

Besides which, it's a mid-term. Whichever party has the White House almost always loses seats in any mid-term, regardless who it is.
Did you and I read the same article? The one about 10 seats most likely to flip in 2018? One Republican seat (Flake) and 9 Democrat seats.

Yep. But I cheated --- I actually read the text under each heading.

I know better than to stop at the headline or swallow it without question.
I read it too. It sounded like the fight is over democrat seats, not Republican seats, right? Even if the Dems win all those races, it's on their turf. Thus, no change in the Senate, at a minimum.
And the Dems winning message is??????????????????????????????????????
Here's an opinion piece from a conservative who is convinced that the GOP will make gains in November, including "six or seven" seats in the Senate.

GOP Will Soon Reap What Dems Sowed In Their Resistance

His thesis is not based on any kind of empirical evidence and makes no mention of the significant Democratic electoral victories in the last year. Instead, it is based on his predictions that pretty much everything is going to go Trump's way between now and the elections. To wit:
  • The Korean situation will work out perfectly and with the closely-inspected de-nuclearization of North Korea, the announcement of a vegetarian diet for the fat crazy kid, and general high five all around
  • Voters from coast to coast will come to the realization that the press and the Democratic Party have been hammering too hard on Trump and will completely change their mind about him as a direct result
  • Robert Muller will come to the realization before the elections that everything he has been working on is a sham, and will announce that Trump & Co are clean as a whistle and that Trump is the best President ever
  • The FBI will become embroiled in what he calls "the greatest scandal in US history", which will exonerate Trump and anyone around him from everything except the time Donald Trump Jr got drunk at a wedding and danced the "Chicken Dance" with a bottle of tequila shoved up his ass
  • Several Democrats will be indicted, which will illustrate once and for all to the electorate that the GOP is the one true, clean party
I am not making this up. It will be a very busy seven months. Believe me.

Well, I guess that sinks it, then. On to 2020.
Well, what's the Dem Platforms?
Open borders.
Higher taxes.
Gun grabbing.

Yeah, there is a percentage of voters who are criminally insane, but hard to see that flying, even as Reps do their best effort trying to lose.

Same-sex bathrooms, trannies in the military, impeach 45, more food stamps, stopping "climate change", reparations for the homies, single-payer health care, more taxpayer-funded abortions...

McConnell sees a November storm brewing. He’s thinking hurricane-level.
By Sean Sullivan
April 04, 2018 03:16 PM

Updated 9 hours 43 minutes ago

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is predicting a difficult midterm election year for his party, likening it this week to a hurricane.

“This is going to be a challenging election year,” McConnell said in a Tuesday interview with the Kentucky Today editorial board. “We know the wind is going to be in our face. We don’t know whether it’s going to be a Category 3, 4 or 5.”

McConnell sees a November storm brewing. He’s thinking hurricane-level.
McConnell never learns. Trump showed the Republicans how to win, but RINO think their success is to become Democrat lite.
I read your link, and it doesn't seem to think those seats are so "vulnerable".

Besides which, it's a mid-term. Whichever party has the White House almost always loses seats in any mid-term, regardless who it is.
Did you and I read the same article? The one about 10 seats most likely to flip in 2018? One Republican seat (Flake) and 9 Democrat seats.

Yep. But I cheated --- I actually read the text under each heading.

I know better than to stop at the headline or swallow it without question.
I read it too. It sounded like the fight is over democrat seats, not Republican seats, right? Even if the Dems win all those races, it's on their turf. Thus, no change in the Senate, at a minimum.

Then you agree with my reading. OK then.

I made (and make) no predictions about what the Senate will look like; I'm just noting the text in the article doesn't match the headline. It rarely does. The carpet don't match the drapes, so to speak.
And the Dems winning message is??????????????????????????????????????

Republicans added $2.8 Trillion to the debt in 1 year
Gun control
Abuse Women
Trying to kill Medicare ..

Republicans are toast if the public pays attention.

McConnell sees a November storm brewing. He’s thinking hurricane-level.
By Sean Sullivan
April 04, 2018 03:16 PM

Updated 9 hours 43 minutes ago

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is predicting a difficult midterm election year for his party, likening it this week to a hurricane.

“This is going to be a challenging election year,” McConnell said in a Tuesday interview with the Kentucky Today editorial board. “We know the wind is going to be in our face. We don’t know whether it’s going to be a Category 3, 4 or 5.”

McConnell sees a November storm brewing. He’s thinking hurricane-level.
McConnell never learns. Trump showed the Republicans how to win, but RINO think their success is to become Democrat lite.
he's probably been in the senate for more years than my own age?:dunno: so, he knows something about winning....at least in Kentucky
Republicans added $2.8 Trillion to the debt in 1 year
Gun control
Abuse Women
Trying to kill Medicare ..

Republicans are toast if the public pays attention
The 2.8 on top of 20? the people understand why it was necessary....the military has been raped by the sequester....Guns? are you kidding? America is pro 2nd amendment...where have you been?.....abuse women? it was lefty freaks with the interview/casting couch in their office...even Matt Lauer....killing Medicare???? Obama killed Medicare and ruined our healthcare system....no one can afford it.....you really need to turn off CNN......
  • The Korean situation will work out perfectly and with the closely-inspected de-nuclearization of North Korea, the announcement of a vegetarian diet for the fat crazy kid, and general high five all around

The scary thing is that Kim doesn't have to de-nuclearize. All he has to do give Donald enough leeway to run around bragging that he forced Kim to disarm. The President will spend the rest of his life trying to gaslight the rest of the world into ignoring any and all evidence that Kim has actually expanded his nuclear arsenal.
Last edited:
The scary thing is that Kim doesn't have to de-nuclearize. All he has to do give Donald enough leeway to run around bragging that he forced Kim to disarm. The President will spend the rest of his life trying to gaslight the rest of the world into ignoring any and all evidence that Kim has actually expanded his nuclear arsenal.
Your hatred for Trump has warped your brain....he is not the dunce you seem to think he is....
Here's an opinion piece from a conservative who is convinced that the GOP will make gains in November, including "six or seven" seats in the Senate.

GOP Will Soon Reap What Dems Sowed In Their Resistance

His thesis is not based on any kind of empirical evidence and makes no mention of the significant Democratic electoral victories in the last year. Instead, it is based on his predictions that pretty much everything is going to go Trump's way between now and the elections. To wit:
  • The Korean situation will work out perfectly and with the closely-inspected de-nuclearization of North Korea, the announcement of a vegetarian diet for the fat crazy kid, and general high five all around
  • Voters from coast to coast will come to the realization that the press and the Democratic Party have been hammering too hard on Trump and will completely change their mind about him as a direct result
  • Robert Muller will come to the realization before the elections that everything he has been working on is a sham, and will announce that Trump & Co are clean as a whistle and that Trump is the best President ever
  • The FBI will become embroiled in what he calls "the greatest scandal in US history", which will exonerate Trump and anyone around him from everything except the time Donald Trump Jr got drunk at a wedding and danced the "Chicken Dance" with a bottle of tequila shoved up his ass
  • Several Democrats will be indicted, which will illustrate once and for all to the electorate that the GOP is the one true, clean party
I am not making this up. It will be a very busy seven months. Believe me.

Well, I guess that sinks it, then. On to 2020.

Well there were a lot of opinion pieces before the election that said Trump did not stand a chance of being elected.

So if we were to believe the bulk of the far left press, you should have stayed home as Hilary had it in the bag.

Many of the Republicans are not seeking reelection, which could be a good thing for the GOP. It means new fresh faces can get into the running. This can be a game changer, but the Dems have figured out that if they run away from the far left they can easily win elections.
he's probably been in the senate for more years than my own age?:dunno: so, he knows something about winning....at least in Kentucky
And yet that young upstart Trump actually beat everybody including the smartest woman in the world!
Here's an opinion piece from a conservative who is convinced that the GOP will make gains in November, including "six or seven" seats in the Senate.

GOP Will Soon Reap What Dems Sowed In Their Resistance

His thesis is not based on any kind of empirical evidence and makes no mention of the significant Democratic electoral victories in the last year. Instead, it is based on his predictions that pretty much everything is going to go Trump's way between now and the elections. To wit:
  • The Korean situation will work out perfectly and with the closely-inspected de-nuclearization of North Korea, the announcement of a vegetarian diet for the fat crazy kid, and general high five all around
  • Voters from coast to coast will come to the realization that the press and the Democratic Party have been hammering too hard on Trump and will completely change their mind about him as a direct result
  • Robert Muller will come to the realization before the elections that everything he has been working on is a sham, and will announce that Trump & Co are clean as a whistle and that Trump is the best President ever
  • The FBI will become embroiled in what he calls "the greatest scandal in US history", which will exonerate Trump and anyone around him from everything except the time Donald Trump Jr got drunk at a wedding and danced the "Chicken Dance" with a bottle of tequila shoved up his ass
  • Several Democrats will be indicted, which will illustrate once and for all to the electorate that the GOP is the one true, clean party
I am not making this up. It will be a very busy seven months. Believe me.

Well, I guess that sinks it, then. On to 2020.

People often try and manipulate opinion by telling people that something good is going to happen, thinking people will vote for them just because there's a feel good factor.

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