Holy Father Lambasts Conservative Rich Incentive Policies!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Probably the Chinese also need to listen up(?)! The Holy Father is actually not too thrilled with the entrepreneurial spirt of wealth aggrandizement, among the few. The policy is spelled out in 84 pages. Republican Conservatives have been noting their own inabilities to even read bills before the Congress, such as ACA. The Holy Father's message is likely to go unnoticed at RNC, Fox TV. . . and the rest.

First, the remedy.

Share the Wealth, redistribute wealth, is now papal doctrine, from the new one.

Pope Francis attacks 'tyranny' of unfettered capitalism, 'idolatory of money'

It is not news when an elderly bum dies, but it is news when S&P drops 2 points. At the Vatican that makes no sense. To the premier of China, that likely makes sense. There are likely a lot more dead. . . .well. . . .than there are dropped S&P points. . .or something(?)! It is trying to become like a Western democracy! With certainty as usual, The RNC can agree with the premier, on the matter, since at RNC the intent of the economy, in fact is clear. The arithmetic in the law is intended. It is intended by Boehner! It is intended by Cantor! It is intended by Issa, It is intended by Senators Cruz, MCain and McConnell: And by Paul, Paul, et. al.! All arithmetic, is intended. In fact, GOP took the Obama-Biden, "Make-Work-Pay" refundable income tax credit away. That was modeled after Matthew 20:1-16. The preferred RNC brand, in the law, is Matthew 25:14-30.

The Holy Father notes that extreme Adam Smith is lethal, a killing form. It can be said a violation of the Commandments. Like the Jews, Catholics actually regard those deity admonitions. Those are, "Thou Shalt Nots!" There is also, just likely, the Presbyterian, thing, to contend with.

The planet is blessed with the success of U. S. Market economics, fueld by Chinese, Socialist Banks: Since clearly the U. S. economy, is a failure. Just to proove that, Boehner, RNC, et. al., tried to get the U. S. to default, just in this current year. . .again! They so seem to want the failure to be noted!

Lethal RNC knows about failed family values, when math and the U. S. economy are engaged.

The Holy Father seems to have noted that, and so now the Vatican has noted that to the planet!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes find hard to believe, that Jew-Man preached that many could save their own sorry asses, even on the Sabbath! Jew-Man then make himself Italian(?), a deity just like Ceasar(?)! China, like old Soviet Union, maybe understands about mental illness?! Maybe, also posssible: Jew-Man really not Sicilian, after all(?)!)
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I have not heard the Holy Father condone stealing. Telling people to share what they have is a far cry from telling people to forcibly take from others to redistribute.
The Holy Father notes that extreme Adam Smith is lethal

While I would vehemently disagree with that statement, I wonder, can the you or the Pope point to a single example of "extreme Adam Smith" economics today? What society is practicing such economic theory and how do I invest there???

Personally, I know of no economy that is even close to that, which begs the question...Maybe it's the all the central planning that's the problem and not capitalism? PLENTY of examples of that!
The Holy Father notes that extreme Adam Smith is lethal

While I would vehemently disagree with that statement, I wonder, can the you or the Pope point to a single example of "extreme Adam Smith" economics today? What society is practicing such economic theory and how do I invest there???

Personally, I know of no economy that is even close to that, which begs the question...Maybe it's the all the central planning that's the problem and not capitalism? PLENTY of examples of that!
There is no place where pure capitalism exist because it will eventually destroy itself or other forces such as government will regulate it.

Unfettered capitalism will destroy everything that limits profits, democratic government, the environment, even itself. However, we are dependent upon capitalism for our survival. Whether through wages, pensions, or social services, our livelihood depends on income provided by the very system which would destroy us. Our very survival depends on our ability to regulate capitalism. Too much regulation will destroy incentive. Too little regulation will allow capitalism to destroy everything.
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The Holy Father notes that extreme Adam Smith is lethal

While I would vehemently disagree with that statement, I wonder, can the you or the Pope point to a single example of "extreme Adam Smith" economics today? What society is practicing such economic theory and how do I invest there???

Personally, I know of no economy that is even close to that, which begs the question...Maybe it's the all the central planning that's the problem and not capitalism? PLENTY of examples of that!
There is no place where pure capitalism exist

Thank you for proving my point.
Gee whiz! This actually sound quite familiar. Wasn't there something in the bible to the effect, "the LOVE of money ....."?
Gee whiz! This actually sound quite familiar. Wasn't there something in the bible to the effect, "the LOVE of money ....."?
You may be thinking about --
1 Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
1 Timothy 6:9-11 (in Context) 1 Timothy 6 (Whole Chapter)
--but the phrase shows up a lot, including--
Hebrews 13:5
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:4-6 (in Context) Hebrews 13 (Whole Chapter) Other Translations
--and others.

We're not talking about the Bible, we're not even talking about what the Pope's APOSTOLIC EXHORTATION EVANGELII GAUDIUM, we're talking about CNBC's typical loopy left wing lies about the Pope attacking capitalism. He didn't; he never once mentioned capitalism. Let's face it, no matter what complaints people have about the Catholics, the American loopyleft press are a bunch of liars.
And we be havin' a wee bit more of tha dew from you rich bastards also.
Capitalism isn't a bad thing, ass-u-me-ing it's kept in check by fair and simple taxes, so there can be no favoritism in the tax code; public budgets that are balanced by law, so politicians are unable to spend money they are unwilling to collect from their current constituents; and transparency in all things politics, so that extremism from ALL sides is denied a foothold.
Capitalism isn't a bad thing, ass-u-me-ing it's kept in check by fair and simple taxes, so there can be no favoritism in the tax code; public budgets that are balanced by law, so politicians are unable to spend money they are unwilling to collect from their current constituents; and transparency in all things politics, so that extremism from ALL sides is denied a foothold.
I agree, capitalism has to be kept in check, however I don't see how that can be done through the tax code unless maybe you're thinking of a progressive tax which punishes the most successful businesses.
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Probably the Chinese also need to listen up(?)! The Holy Father is actually not too thrilled with the entrepreneurial spirt of wealth aggrandizement, among the few. The policy is spelled out in 84 pages. Republican Conservatives have been noting their own inabilities to even read bills before the Congress, such as ACA. The Holy Father's message is likely to go unnoticed at RNC, Fox TV. . . and the rest.

First, the remedy.

Share the Wealth, redistribute wealth, is now papal doctrine, from the new one.

Pope Francis attacks 'tyranny' of unfettered capitalism, 'idolatory of money'

It is not news when an elderly bum dies, but it is news when S&P drops 2 points. At the Vatican that makes no sense. To the premier of China, that likely makes sense. There are likely a lot more dead. . . .well. . . .than there are dropped S&P points. . .or something(?)! It is trying to become like a Western democracy! With certainty as usual, The RNC can agree with the premier, on the matter, since at RNC the intent of the economy, in fact is clear. The arithmetic in the law is intended. It is intended by Boehner! It is intended by Cantor! It is intended by Issa, It is intended by Senators Cruz, MCain and McConnell: And by Paul, Paul, et. al.! All arithmetic, is intended. In fact, GOP took the Obama-Biden, "Make-Work-Pay" refundable income tax credit away. That was modeled after Matthew 20:1-16. The preferred RNC brand, in the law, is Matthew 25:14-30.

The Holy Father notes that extreme Adam Smith is lethal, a killing form. It can be said a violation of the Commandments. Like the Jews, Catholics actually regard those deity admonitions. Those are, "Thou Shalt Nots!" There is also, just likely, the Presbyterian, thing, to contend with.

The planet is blessed with the success of U. S. Market economics, fueld by Chinese, Socialist Banks: Since clearly the U. S. economy, is a failure. Just to proove that, Boehner, RNC, et. al., tried to get the U. S. to default, just in this current year. . .again! They so seem to want the failure to be noted!

Lethal RNC knows about failed family values, when math and the U. S. economy are engaged.

The Holy Father seems to have noted that, and so now the Vatican has noted that to the planet!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes find hard to believe, that Jew-Man preached that many could save their own sorry asses, even on the Sabbath! Jew-Man then make himself Italian(?), a deity just like Ceasar(?)! China, like old Soviet Union, maybe understands about mental illness?! Maybe, also posssible: Jew-Man really not Sicilian, after all(?)!)

And yet he is probably the wealthiest man in the world. I know I couldn't afford his wardrobe. Not that I would want to.
Capitalism isn't a bad thing, ass-u-me-ing it's kept in check by fair and simple taxes, so there can be no favoritism in the tax code; public budgets that are balanced by law, so politicians are unable to spend money they are unwilling to collect from their current constituents; and transparency in all things politics, so that extremism from ALL sides is denied a foothold.
I agree, capitalism has to be kept in check, however I don't see how that can be done through the tax code unless maybe you're thinking of a progressive tax which punishes the most successful businesses.

A fair and simple tax code is just the starting place for a fair marketplace. It's the 'Transparency in all things politics' leg of the stable economic tripod that produces the fair, simple and dynamic regulation of businesses for the greater good.
Another fucking thread on this.

Come on here Francis. Divest yourself of all your billions baby. I'm really getting tired of this shit.
Capitalism isn't a bad thing, ass-u-me-ing it's kept in check by fair and simple taxes, so there can be no favoritism in the tax code; public budgets that are balanced by law, so politicians are unable to spend money they are unwilling to collect from their current constituents; and transparency in all things politics, so that extremism from ALL sides is denied a foothold.
I agree, capitalism has to be kept in check, however I don't see how that can be done through the tax code unless maybe you're thinking of a progressive tax which punishes the most successful businesses.

A fair and simple tax code is just the starting place for a fair marketplace. It's the 'Transparency in all things politics' leg of the stable economic tripod that produces the fair, simple and dynamic regulation of businesses for the greater good.

Do a GST down there and just watch everyone freaking scream.

It's the equalizer. But you watch your lefties squeal.
Capitalism isn't a bad thing...
I agree, capitalism has to be...
Of course, 'capitalism' isn't mentioned in the Pope's message, that's just stuff the Markists at CNBC added.

Thing is that all economic activity requres both labor and capital. Now, while there have been goofball leftwingers that have tried to favor labor over capital, this idea of favoring capital over labor is something that only happens in the comic books and in Marxism.
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