Holy Mary, Mother of God - Boehner loses his ever-loving mind

The Daily Edge ‏ @TheDailyEdge
John Boehner's New Line in the Sand: "No Debt Ceiling Increase Unless We Cut Support for Disabled Kids to Protect Big Oil and Billionaires"

Scare Tactics!!

It's simple, really.....Let's not borrow more money until we pay off some of what we owe.
The present GOP is entirely in the thrall of the military-industrial complex. And they care absolutely nothing about the citizens that have been so damaged economically by the debacle created by their de-regulation of the banking industry.

The far right went from "deficits don't matter" when selling the Iraq disaster to a morbid fear of spending. Guess what the gaulitiers want cut? It won't be the MIC.

Which, of course, is why our largest cricitism against President Bush was his uncontrolled spending. Which is why conservatives didnt show up for the 2006 election and the GOP lost control of the house and Senate.
The Daily Edge ‏ @TheDailyEdge
John Boehner's New Line in the Sand: "No Debt Ceiling Increase Unless We Cut Support for Disabled Kids to Protect Big Oil and Billionaires"

Didn't obama take funds from medicare to fund obamacare?
Get ready for a rerun of debt ceiling armageddon - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Democrats are pointing out that it’s a bit surprising to see the House Speaker laying demands down for the next debt deal, when Republicans are trying to reneg on the last one by cancelling the defense cuts mandated by the deficit supercommittee’s failure.

Please. Obama was out less than a week later asking for massive spending increases. The "deal" was never designed to cut jack from the budget.
The present GOP is entirely in the thrall of the military-industrial complex. And they care absolutely nothing about the citizens that have been so damaged economically by the debacle created by their de-regulation of the banking industry.

The far right went from "deficits don't matter" when selling the Iraq disaster to a morbid fear of spending. Guess what the gaulitiers want cut? It won't be the MIC.

Which, of course, is why our largest cricitism against President Bush was his uncontrolled spending. Which is why conservatives didnt show up for the 2006 election and the GOP lost control of the house and Senate.

Bush's war came at a price, I note no complaint from the right about the deaths, just the debt.
The present GOP is entirely in the thrall of the military-industrial complex. And they care absolutely nothing about the citizens that have been so damaged economically by the debacle created by their de-regulation of the banking industry.

The far right went from "deficits don't matter" when selling the Iraq disaster to a morbid fear of spending. Guess what the gaulitiers want cut? It won't be the MIC.

but..but..everyone was screaming about Bush's spending right? Remember all those protests? All those talking heads taking Bush to task? Fox news going crazy?

Me neither...but they'll tell you they really really were complaining the whole time...in the fortress of solitude...or somewhere where words arent heard
The far right went from "deficits don't matter" when selling the Iraq disaster to a morbid fear of spending. Guess what the gaulitiers want cut? It won't be the MIC.

Which, of course, is why our largest cricitism against President Bush was his uncontrolled spending. Which is why conservatives didnt show up for the 2006 election and the GOP lost control of the house and Senate.

Bush's war came at a price, I note no complaint from the right about the deaths, just the debt.

However, I notice you politicizing their deaths.


Protecting the incredible waste in the pentagon and insisting cuts fall exclusively on social programs is hardly fiscally responsible, it's clear republican class warfare. The Pentagon is the government too but a republican would sooner cut their own throat than prevent even one $1000 toilet seat from being purchased.
Protecting the incredible waste in the pentagon and insisting cuts fall exclusively on social programs is hardly fiscally responsible, it's clear republican class warfare. The Pentagon is the government too but a republican would sooner cut their own throat than prevent even one $1000 toilet seat from being purchased.

Protecting the incredible waste in the pentagon and insisting cuts fall exclusively on social programs is hardly fiscally responsible, it's clear republican class warfare. The Pentagon is the government too but a republican would sooner cut their own throat than prevent even one $1000 toilet seat from being purchased.


How about proposing a serious budget, and living by it, rather than relying on a bullshit panel of 12 to do the job the Dems are too chicken-shit to do???
Protecting the incredible waste in the pentagon and insisting cuts fall exclusively on social programs is hardly fiscally responsible, it's clear republican class warfare. The Pentagon is the government too but a republican would sooner cut their own throat than prevent even one $1000 toilet seat from being purchased.


How about proposing a serious budget, and living by it, rather than relying on a bullshit panel of 12 to do the job the Dems are too chicken-shit to do???

How about the repubs stop protecting ANY CUTS to Pentagon and stop cutting the throats of the poor at every turn to have their missles?
I should be grateful. I know he's throwing the election. But it's like watching a train wreck.

Taxmageddon sparks rising anxiety - The Washington Post

In the meantime, political leaders are focused less on finding solutions than on drawing lines in the sand. In a speech Tuesday, House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) plans to address the issue of national debt, which will once again be nearing its legal limit in January, just as the tax hikes and spending cuts are due to hit.

According to advance remarks provided to The Post, Boehner will insist that any increase in the debt limit be accompanied by spending “cuts and reforms greater than the debt limit increase” — the same demand that pushed the Treasury to the brink of default during last summer’s debt-limit standoff.

“This is the only avenue I see right now to force the elected leadership of this country to solve our structural fiscal imbalance,” Boehner plans to say at the Peter G. Peterson Foundation fiscal summit. “If that means we have to do a series of stop-gap measures, so be it.”

Last week, the House approved a plan to protect the Pentagon in January by reconfiguring $110 billion in across-the-board spending cuts — known as “sequestration” — so they would fall exclusively on domestic programs, such as food stamps and health care for the poor.

get ready for another downgrade because of this.

Oh, am braced.

They both talk a lot but nothing ever gets cut.

They need to make cuts across the board. Everything should be on the table.

How is that fiscally responsible? The debts are owed. It is not fiscally responsible to refuse to honor the debts.

And since the debt ceiling was raised o so very many times on Bush's watch - why was he not refused.

Yes they are and yes, they have to be paid.

They can utilize current taxes received to pay it. Not enough? Then cut spending until the bill is paid. Everything on the table, nothing gets a free pass.

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can't pay its own bills," Obama said before a March 16, 2006, vote on raising the debt limit. The Senate narrowly approved raising the limit along partisan lines, 52-48, with all Democrats opposed.

If it was a sign of leadership failure under Bush it is a sign of leadership failure under Obama. No free passes. Oh look, all the Dems opposed raising it.
I should be grateful. I know he's throwing the election. But it's like watching a train wreck.

Taxmageddon sparks rising anxiety - The Washington Post

In the meantime, political leaders are focused less on finding solutions than on drawing lines in the sand. In a speech Tuesday, House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) plans to address the issue of national debt, which will once again be nearing its legal limit in January, just as the tax hikes and spending cuts are due to hit.

According to advance remarks provided to The Post, Boehner will insist that any increase in the debt limit be accompanied by spending “cuts and reforms greater than the debt limit increase” — the same demand that pushed the Treasury to the brink of default during last summer’s debt-limit standoff.

“This is the only avenue I see right now to force the elected leadership of this country to solve our structural fiscal imbalance,” Boehner plans to say at the Peter G. Peterson Foundation fiscal summit. “If that means we have to do a series of stop-gap measures, so be it.”

Last week, the House approved a plan to protect the Pentagon in January by reconfiguring $110 billion in across-the-board spending cuts — known as “sequestration” — so they would fall exclusively on domestic programs, such as food stamps and health care for the poor.

get ready for another downgrade because of this.

I think he may be walking back some of that, 0% pentagon cuts? fuck him. I knew they were going to fight the pentagon cuts but 0%? Really?

How about proposing a serious budget, and living by it, rather than relying on a bullshit panel of 12 to do the job the Dems are too chicken-shit to do???

How about the repubs stop protecting ANY CUTS to Pentagon and stop cutting the throats of the poor at every turn to have their missles?

I'm all for cutting the defense spending.
You DO know that means Obama loses some of his Drones, right?

But I really hope you realize we need to have a budget in order to cut.

The point to all this is that they are the ones trying to renege on their own deal.

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