HOLY POLL-Y! Obama Gets Clobbered In Latest Polling


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
President Obama faces historic low in poll numbers...

Devastating poll numbers met President Barack Obama Tuesday morning, indicating that although fall is just around the corner, the summer of discontent is far from over.

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll showed that more than half of Americans disapprove of Obama’s job performance. And more than one-third of Americans say they are worse off since Obama took office — a question first posed by presidential candidate Ronald Reagan during his successful 1980 campaign against incumbent President Jimmy Carter.

Seventy-seven percent said the country is headed on the wrong track. That number is up 17 percentage points since George W. Bush left office. In addition, 34 percent said the Obama administration has done more harm than good for the nation’s floundering economy. Only 17 percent said the president has done more good. (RELATED: Obama pitches partisan Labor Day message)

The poll also shows that only 15 percent strongly approve of Obama’s performance, which is a record low for the president.

The White House isn’t the only branch that was hit with low approval numbers Tuesday morning. The poll also showed that 68 percent disapprove of the way Republicans in Congress have been doing their jobs. That number is only one point below the record high in 1994.

Taken together, more than a third of Americans simultaneously disapprove of Obama and Congressional Republicans.

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll also released on Tuesday has Obama’s job approval rating at a low 44 percent — down from 47 percent in July. The poll also shows only a 37 percent approval rating for his handling of the economy.

The NBC poll had still another stark number for the president: 54 percent believe he is facing a longer-term setback — one he’s not likely to recover from. In January, only 39 percent of respondents agreed with that sentiment.

The low poll numbers come after this summer’s fierce face-off over the debt ceiling between the president and congressional Republicans. The political battle dragged on for weeks, leaving a politically weary public. The subsequent Standard & Poor’s credit downgrade, coupled with stubbornly high unemployment numbers, have also impacted poll numbers.

In an attempt to allay public anxiety and address unemployment, which stands at over 9 percent, Obama has convened a rare joint session of Congress this Thursday night to lay out his jobs plan.

Read more: Barack Obama | Polling | Record Low | The Daily Caller
This has to be very disturbing to his followers. I know they wont admit it though. But these are all Liberal Media Polls showing him tanking. Even NBC is showing this.
When NBC starts showing him tanking,you know it's panic time for Democrats.
No surprise on any of the polls.

Not a whole lot of confidence in either the Prez or Congress.
I wonder who they will run in the next election.

They would be crazy to go with the loser in chief they have now.
I have been hearing that Obama is going to have a new ticket with Sylvester Stallone as the VP and good ole Nancy P as sect of state. It is going to be Sambo, Rambo, and Bimbo on the ticket.

It has a nice ring to it.
No surprise on any of the polls.

Not a whole lot of confidence in either the Prez or Congress.

Nice try butt,

people will always downgrade the congress then support their rep or senator.

Just one person is the "Prez".

So the point you tried to make isnt that sharp tbh.

I dint get to be number one on Google by supporting Obama in anyway,

trust me.

No surprise on any of the polls.

Not a whole lot of confidence in either the Prez or Congress.

At least the American people have the good sense to realize that both the administration and Congress are failures. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that they don't have good enough sense to know what to do about it.
It likely would be better to compare the Obama Job Performance with the Herbert Hoover Job Performance, going into the 1932 elections. Obama is likely going to do a lot better.

". . .more than half of Americans disapprove of Obama’s job performance. And more than one-third of Americans say they are worse off since Obama took office."

That is actually an historical, matter of fact. Even economists have stopped with the coinage, "Great Recession,' since the magnitue of the downturn was underestimated at the time--(and the gross incompetence and negligence of the Ivy League, and of American Education in general, was underestimated at the time)!

There are nearly 300,000 fewer teachers than there were before Obama took office. Then there are 200,000 fewer state and local, other employees, than when Obama took office. That is what Republicans have in mind to continue, going forward, even now: And especially, no doubt, in Texas, Virginia, Maryland, and in the Carolinas. Minnesota was recently on board that train. It got off just in term for the August Payrolls report, wherein the Verizon strikers were still out.

One constant, for example, about the black part of the Obama voter base is that good times or bad times never seem to matter much to them. When they see Obama out running, then there will be a vote. They will not be in that one-third. They will see that they are better off, now that Obama is in office. That is easily an historical fact.

In contrast, they were easily in that one-third in the Mid-Terms--not too happy--with the Tea Party out campaigning, and Obama not really out in front of the Democratic election effort. The mid-terms were a typical less than majority turn-out, of any voters at all.

The economy will improve in short-order. New Car inventories are in unusual worldwide shortages. Manufacturing of parts to make cars, and manufacturing to make cars, will improve really soon. The Japanese may even recover from whatever hang-overs remain in place.

Then many would guess that the Obama voter base will likely recov. . . .,Well! Some people just take their time, in these matters(?): Kind of like Vermont! Governor Perry even knows which lazy people to shoot, just now(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Governor Perry now call on spittal from tongues of vipers to calm wildfires in Texas!)
OBummer is a one-term President. He's lucky to be that. If he wasn't such a con artist, or if the dumb asses that elected him were smarter, we would have forgotten about him long ago.
"A whopping 82 percent now disapprove of the job Congress is doing. In the history of this poll, it's an all-time high level of dissatisfaction with Capitol Hill.

In addition, when asked who is most to blame for the S&P downgrade, a plurality points to congressional Republicans. And a majority of respondents say they would vote out every single member of Congress if they could.

"Everybody in Washington is taking a substantial hit," McInturff said.

If there's a silver lining for Obama, it's that a combined 70 percent of respondents still find him likeable (though nearly six in 10 say they disapprove of many of his policies). And 50 percent approve of his handling of foreign policy, which Hart says is significant because it suggests that the public doesn't think that everything Obama touches can be viewed negatively.

What's more, in a hypothetical general election contest, Obama leads Texas Gov. Rick Perry by five points, 47 percent to 42 percent. And he leads former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney by one, 46 percent to 45 percent, though that margin is down five points since June"

...so, it's not all bad news for Liberal Obama supporters
If anything I think this will go a long way to proving how invaluable polling is, it will be most obvious when things don't change after the elections.
President Obama faces historic low in poll numbers...

Devastating poll numbers met President Barack Obama Tuesday morning, indicating that although fall is just around the corner, the summer of discontent is far from over.

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll showed that more than half of Americans disapprove of Obama’s job performance. And more than one-third of Americans say they are worse off since Obama took office — a question first posed by presidential candidate Ronald Reagan during his successful 1980 campaign against incumbent President Jimmy Carter.

Seventy-seven percent said the country is headed on the wrong track. That number is up 17 percentage points since George W. Bush left office. In addition, 34 percent said the Obama administration has done more harm than good for the nation’s floundering economy. Only 17 percent said the president has done more good. (RELATED: Obama pitches partisan Labor Day message)

The poll also shows that only 15 percent strongly approve of Obama’s performance, which is a record low for the president.

The White House isn’t the only branch that was hit with low approval numbers Tuesday morning. The poll also showed that 68 percent disapprove of the way Republicans in Congress have been doing their jobs. That number is only one point below the record high in 1994.

Taken together, more than a third of Americans simultaneously disapprove of Obama and Congressional Republicans.

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll also released on Tuesday has Obama’s job approval rating at a low 44 percent — down from 47 percent in July. The poll also shows only a 37 percent approval rating for his handling of the economy.

The NBC poll had still another stark number for the president: 54 percent believe he is facing a longer-term setback — one he’s not likely to recover from. In January, only 39 percent of respondents agreed with that sentiment.

The low poll numbers come after this summer’s fierce face-off over the debt ceiling between the president and congressional Republicans. The political battle dragged on for weeks, leaving a politically weary public. The subsequent Standard & Poor’s credit downgrade, coupled with stubbornly high unemployment numbers, have also impacted poll numbers.

In an attempt to allay public anxiety and address unemployment, which stands at over 9 percent, Obama has convened a rare joint session of Congress this Thursday night to lay out his jobs plan.

Read more: Barack Obama | Polling | Record Low | The Daily Caller

The "rare" joint session of congress is typically reserved for a declaration of war--or the yearly state of the Union address.

So this is a campaign speech--with all the glitter--(remember the Greek columns--) it's just another one of those type staged performances--and his job plan diminishes--because he could have easily given way to what his plan was several days ago--with a micro-phone in the Oval office.

These poll numbers clearly points out that Americans are very tired of listening to perfectly pronounced speeches read from a teleprompter--they want ACTION that works to stimulate the economy and grow it. But they're only going to be disappointed because this President still hasn't figured out that massive government spending does not create long term private sector job growth--it just puts us deeper into debt.

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