Holy Smokes! Matt Drudge is Gay???

If he came out I think it would do more for the LGBT movement than anyone who's ever come before him. He has more of an influence on the conservative movement in this country than talk radio and, maybe, even Fox News. They get most of their stories from his site! It would certainly rock the boat.

I'd love to see it.
It would have a huge effect as 97% of cons have his site set to their homepage. They'd all abandon him no doubt given their marching orders from Fox & Friends.

They already know, idiot. They don't care.
Who is "they", how do you know, wheres a link, who appointed you their spokesperson?
Nobody cares...except liberals.

the bible thumpers in the white christian party care

Bryan Fischer: Homosexuality Causes Blindness

Bryan Fischer Homosexuality Causes Blindness Right Wing Watch

Gads you're reaching guano. Seriously, no one cares. Only progressives trying to drive a wedge between Drudge and his readers. Pathetic.

So when did drudge decide to be gay?
yep. There were > a few cons here the other day saying being gay was a lifestyle choice.
Why is it that liberals are concerned with who is gay?

Drudge isn't denying his homosexuality because of liberals. He's denying it because of the vast anti-gay elements on the Right.

This obtuseness isn't fooling anyone.

maybe he could stop Papa Obama and the Lefts' desire to help Iran get uranium,
a country where they hang gays.... just for being gay

Ah...more RW happy talk.
This wont hurt Matt Drudge at all...you see Republicans hate gays and lesbians on principal that its wrong in the eyes of god.

But if they are a gay or lesbian conservative its all good.

Check the rules brah
Why do left wing low information bigots assume that conservatives judge information sources by their sexual orientation? If the rumors about Drudge being homosexual are true doesn't it click somewhere in the lame brains of the left that he is still conservative?
This wont hurt Matt Drudge at all...you see Republicans hate gays and lesbians on principal that its wrong in the eyes of god.

But if they are a gay or lesbian conservative its all good.

Check the rules brah
yep. Repubs & their supporters are masters of the- "its ok when we do it" ploy. lol

black people too! They are animals who arent smart...unless they are conservatives then they are one of "the good ones". Same with gays, people who commit adultery, any minorities or conservatives that take welfare or have an abortion.

They are against all of those things because principals are important...unless those people vote the right way then its all good.
This wont hurt Matt Drudge at all...you see Republicans hate gays and lesbians on principal that its wrong in the eyes of god.

But if they are a gay or lesbian conservative its all good.

Check the rules brah
yep. Repubs & their supporters are masters of the- "its ok when we do it" ploy. lol

black people too! They are animals who arent smart...unless they are conservatives then they are one of "the good ones". Same with gays, people who commit adultery, any minorities or conservatives that take welfare or have an abortion.

They are against all of those things because principals are important...unless those people vote the right way then its all good.
Mark Sanford being another good example of this principle.
Many of you on the left are believing that because of the biased and totally wrong lefty news and blogs.
If the left used the brains that they say is more intelligent than the right you would see in all of the polls that a vast Majority of Americans do support gay rights.
That includes the conservatives, moderates and liberals.
Majority of Americans now support gay marriage survey finds Reuters
Among the U.S. regions, majorities in the Northeast, West and Midwest favor letting gay and lesbian couples marry. Southerners are split, with 48 percent opposing it and 48 percent favoring it.
This is what happens when the left put labels on everyone.
I had no idea Matt Drudge was a perverse, abnormal, disgusting butt humping pedophile who is going to burn in hell forever until I read this topic.

This is not general knowledge.
I had no idea Matt Drudge was a perverse, abnormal, disgusting butt humping pedophile who is going to burn in hell forever until I read this topic.

This is not general knowledge.
same here. cons who "walk the talk" will abandon his hate site in droves no doubt :eusa_whistle: :doubt:
This wont hurt Matt Drudge at all...you see Republicans hate gays and lesbians on principal that its wrong in the eyes of god.

But if they are a gay or lesbian conservative its all good.

Check the rules brah
yep. Repubs & their supporters are masters of the- "its ok when we do it" ploy. lol

black people too! They are animals who arent smart...unless they are conservatives then they are one of "the good ones". Same with gays, people who commit adultery, any minorities or conservatives that take welfare or have an abortion.

They are against all of those things because principals are important...unless those people vote the right way then its all good.
Mark Sanford being another good example of this principle.

Yep. Clinton is a creatin who cant be trusted in public office but give ol Mark a second chance because *sad face* everyone makes mistakes.

See its easy...Just claim something means a lot to you and when someone violates that principal demand their heads...unless they vote republican
Nobody cares...except liberals.

the bible thumpers in the white christian party care

Bryan Fischer: Homosexuality Causes Blindness

Bryan Fischer Homosexuality Causes Blindness Right Wing Watch

Gads you're reaching guano. Seriously, no one cares. Only progressives trying to drive a wedge between Drudge and his readers. Pathetic.
I think you're being disengenous.

There are currently many of your leaders in office today that adamantly and fervently express anti-gay sentiments in the public arena almost daily. Namely Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Billy Graham's radical RWer son, et. al.

These are the CURRENT leaders of your party sir, many of which we'll soon see asking for Americans to consider and vote for them as the next President.

Until these leaders are shunned, which I don' see happening, the anti-gay sentiment will continue to be a staple of the Republican Party.

Cut the charade.

I'm a Democrat Sir. I am merely pointing out the silliness that guano et al are putting themselves through trying to open a rift between Drudge and the cons. They wonder why cons aren't upset that Drudge is gay. The cons aren't following the progressive meme that all cons are homophobes. The progtards are falling all over themselves trying to figure out why. It seems the progtards are the ones who never evolve.
This wont hurt Matt Drudge at all...you see Republicans hate gays and lesbians on principal that its wrong in the eyes of god.

But if they are a gay or lesbian conservative its all good.

Check the rules brah
yep. Repubs & their supporters are masters of the- "its ok when we do it" ploy. lol

black people too! They are animals who arent smart...unless they are conservatives then they are one of "the good ones". Same with gays, people who commit adultery, any minorities or conservatives that take welfare or have an abortion.

They are against all of those things because principals are important...unless those people vote the right way then its all good.
Mark Sanford being another good example of this principle.

Yep. Clinton is a creatin who cant be trusted in public office but give ol Mark a second chance because *sad face* everyone makes mistakes.

See its easy...Just claim something means a lot to you and when someone violates that principal demand their heads...unless they vote republican

Uh no. They're both shit heads.

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