Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

Sorry to burst your bubble cum guzzler - but that's a myth perpetuated by the Gay Agenda. Animals have a variant sex drive - it differs from Human Beings in that they lack the requisite intelligence to distinguish between right and wrong.

But what's inherently wrong with homsexual behavior? This is where your argument break down. As the worst that can be said of homosexuality is that its not particularly productive in terms of reproduction. But then, neither are blow jobs. Or masturbation. Or condoms. Or celibacy. Or your grand parents knocking boots.

So what? Who says that the only purpose in sex is procreation? Its certainly A purpose. But as all the infertile getting it on, and all the birth control demonstrates, its obviously not the ONLY purpose.

So if there is a valid purpose in sex that has nothing to do with procreation, why then would satisfying that valid purpose be 'wrong'? Or 'evil'? Or any of the other value judgments your ilk apply so arbitrarily?

There is no reason. You've offered us an arbitrary value judgment backed by itself. Which is the epitome of a circular argument.

And the 'greatest threat to liberty'? Your ilk are a melodramatic bunch, aren't they?

But what's inherently wrong with homsexual behavior? This is where your argument break down. As the worst that can be said of homosexuality is that its not particularly productive in terms of reproduction.

Homosexuality is the manifestation of a diseased mind. It is unhealthy both physically and psychologically. It is counter productive both on a personal level as well as a societal level. TRying to portray it "an alternative lifestyle" to society - in particular adolescents is criminal

You could also cite the higher number of suicides among homosexuals, the higher drug abuse, and risky licentious living and STD's. But they're not interested in facts.
No, do you not read? I said that birth defects are a deviation from what nature intended. What is so hard to understand about that?

Up to 1.5% of the male population is gay. Up to 3% of female populatoin is lesbian. That's off the charts if its a birth defect. If it didn't serve a purpose, it would have been weeded out a long time ago by natural selection.

But its still here. Clearly, 'nature' intends it to be.
Sorry to burst your bubble cum guzzler - but that's a myth perpetuated by the Gay Agenda. Animals have a variant sex drive - it differs from Human Beings in that they lack the requisite intelligence to distinguish between right and wrong.

But what's inherently wrong with homsexual behavior? This is where your argument break down. As the worst that can be said of homosexuality is that its not particularly productive in terms of reproduction. But then, neither are blow jobs. Or masturbation. Or condoms. Or celibacy. Or your grand parents knocking boots.

So what? Who says that the only purpose in sex is procreation? Its certainly A purpose. But as all the infertile getting it on, and all the birth control demonstrates, its obviously not the ONLY purpose.

So if there is a valid purpose in sex that has nothing to do with procreation, why then would satisfying that valid purpose be 'wrong'? Or 'evil'? Or any of the other value judgments your ilk apply so arbitrarily?

There is no reason. You've offered us an arbitrary value judgment backed by itself. Which is the epitome of a circular argument.

And the 'greatest threat to liberty'? Your ilk are a melodramatic bunch, aren't they?

But what's inherently wrong with homsexual behavior? This is where your argument break down. As the worst that can be said of homosexuality is that its not particularly productive in terms of reproduction.

Homosexuality is the manifestation of a diseased mind. It is unhealthy both physically and psychologically. It is counter productive both on a personal level as well as a societal level. TRying to portray it "an alternative lifestyle" to society - in particular adolescents is criminal

You could also cite the higher number of suicides among homosexuals, the higher drug abuse, and risky licentious living and STD's. But they're not interested in facts.

Perhaps its depressing to have so many people like your ilk condemning them as evil, deviant, mentally diseased, abhorred, despised, and reminiscing about the 'good old days' when the founders executed gays. I know I'd find such a drum beat rather off putting.

And since marriage encourages monogamy, and monogamy tends to mitigate most of the factors you just cited......wouldn't that be yet another powerful argument in favor of gay marriage?

I'm still waiting for you to show me how homosexuality is morally wrong. So far the arguments boil down to 'its morally wrong because nature says it is'. Which nature doesn't, as it makes no moral value judgments. And 'its morally wrong because its morally wrong'. Which is a uselessly circular argument.

So what else have you got?
No, do you not read? I said that birth defects are a deviation from what nature intended. What is so hard to understand about that?

Up to 1.5% of the male population is gay. Up to 3% of female populatoin is lesbian. That's off the charts if its a birth defect. If it didn't serve a purpose, it would have been weeded out a long time ago by natural selection.

But its still here. Clearly, 'nature' intends it to be.

Birth Defects are genetic... an anomaly of the genetic code. Homosexuality is a perversion of human reasoning... a disorder of the mind. There is no genetic component. It is learned behavior which is caused by an early 'awakening' of the sexual drive, wherein the infant child is sexually stimulated by a person of their own gender; causing the brain to associate sexual feelings with individuals of the same gender.

The problem becomes exponentially worse when the culture normalizes sexual abnormality, by removing boundaries, wherein the already deviated minds are provided access to children in their earliest stages of development, who then trigger the same imprint on greater numbers, but this in a culture which encourages the behavior, as a result of the 'normalization', exponentially increasing the deviancy... which by its very nature is the inherent trigger for the species to destroy whatever culture succumbs to such.

Such literally accomplishes what Thermo-nuclear war, could not... the total annihilation of a culture.
Perhaps its depressing to have so many people like your ilk condemning them as evil, deviant, mentally diseased, abhorred, despised ... .

To argue that homosexuality does not deviate from the standard of normality established by human physiology is nothing short of delusional.

Delusion is a symptom of a disordered mind.

To overtly declare that behavior which is demonstrably abnormal, is otherwise normal, despite having been presented with incontrovertible evidence which establishes the facts to be otherwise, is profoundly malevolent thus immoral, therefore such is evil.

Such declarations will inevitably induce within the culture, chaos, calamity and catastrophe and as a result such people will readily be abhorred and as such, despised.

Nature has designed marriage through its design of the human being, therefore: Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.
You could also cite the higher number of suicides among homosexuals, the higher drug abuse, and risky licentious living and STD's. But they're not interested in facts.
Results of oppression, not homosexuality.

So... Homosexuals are being forced into deviant behavior?

Now who is forcing homosexuals to engage in sexually abnormal behavior? And please ... BE SPECIFIC!
Perhaps its depressing to have so many people like your ilk condemning them as evil, deviant, mentally diseased, abhorred, despised ... .

To argue that homosexuality does not deviate from the standard of normality established by human physiology is nothing short of delusional.

Deviating from the standard of normality and 'evil, abhorred, despised, immoral, etc.' aren't the same thing. Its the value judgments that you apply that are arbitrary clap trap. That serve no logical purpose, that have no rational reason to exist other than your personal opinion and subjective prejudices.

But you can't give us a valid reason why such value judgments should even exist outside your personal, subjective beliefs.

Nature has designed marriage through its design of the human being, therefore:
Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Nature didn't design marriage. Nature designed copulation and reproduction.

We designed marriage. And it is whatever we say it is. In many cultures, its one man and many women. In our culture its one man and one woman or the joining of one man and one man or one woman and one woman in 36 of 50 States. You can ignore this fact. But your willful ignorance of reality doesn't change all the gay people getting married.
No, do you not read? I said that birth defects are a deviation from what nature intended. What is so hard to understand about that?

Up to 1.5% of the male population is gay. Up to 3% of female populatoin is lesbian. That's off the charts if its a birth defect. If it didn't serve a purpose, it would have been weeded out a long time ago by natural selection.

But its still here. Clearly, 'nature' intends it to be.

Birth Defects are genetic... an anomaly of the genetic code. Homosexuality is a perversion of human reasoning... a disorder of the mind.

Says who?

There is no genetic component.

Says who?

It is learned behavior which is caused by an early 'awakening' of the sexual drive, wherein the infant child is sexually stimulated by a person of their own gender; causing the brain to associate sexual feelings with individuals of the same gender.

And yet there are all sorts of gays and lesbians that were never 'sexually stimulated' by a person of their own gender as a child. How do you reconcile the accounts of actual gay people that contradicts your made up narrative?

Remember, you don't actually have a clue what you're talking about. While any gay person is a living expert on the topic of their own sexual orientation. Why would I ignore them, and instead believe you?

The problem becomes exponentially worse when the culture normalizes sexual abnormality, by removing boundaries, wherein the already deviated minds are provided access to children in their earliest stages of development, who then trigger the same imprint on greater numbers, but this in a culture which encourages the behavior, as a result of the 'normalization', exponentially increasing the deviancy... which by its very nature is the inherent trigger for the species to destroy whatever culture succumbs to such.

By exponential increases, huh? Can you give us the integer for your exponential increase equation? Or are you completely talking out of your ass again?
Perhaps its depressing to have so many people like your ilk condemning them as evil, deviant, mentally diseased, abhorred, despised ... .

To argue that homosexuality does not deviate from the standard of normality established by human physiology is nothing short of delusional.

Deviating from the standard of normality and 'evil, abhorred, despised, immoral, etc.' aren't the same thing. Its the value judgments that you apply that are arbitrary clap trap. That serve no logical purpose, that have no rational reason to exist other than your personal opinion and subjective prejudices.

But you can't give us a valid reason why such value judgments should even exist outside your personal, subjective beliefs.

Nature has designed marriage through its design of the human being, therefore:
Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Nature didn't design marriage. Nature designed copulation and reproduction.

We designed marriage. And it is whatever we say it is. In many cultures, its one man and many women. In our culture its one man and one woman or the joining of one man and one man or one woman and one woman in 36 of 50 States. You can ignore this fact. But your willful ignorance of reality doesn't change all the gay people getting married.

We are not animals and what we do has a moral component as well. Homosexuality is a sin, not unlike any other sin that consigns us to debt that only the grace of God can cover. This goes beyond what Charles Darwin characterized as an evolutionary dead end, therefore of no value in perpetuating any species. You keep imposing some of the more ungenerous, and unkind names for this behavior that is rarely heard among conservative Christians who bear always in mind that we all fall short of redemption, no more or less than the homosexual.

So you hear somebody call homosexuality abhorred, despised, etc, that doesn't mean that conservatives all agree on this. We consider all sin to be equal in it's capacity to separate reprobate man from a holy God. The adulterer is in no less danger of perdition because the nature of his sin is heterosexual, nor the fornicator, nor the prostitute. All sin is repugnant to God, which is why Jesus Christ was sent and offered up as one perfect sacrifice for the remission of sin for all who believe. Anyone who thinks to revile the homosexual, having himself been saved by grace, does slander the very mercy by which he himself was saved. Conscientious Christians don't think this way and don't speak this way.
Wrong again penis breath - Marriage is the initiation of a family -a bond that permeates generations - not just 2 people getting their rocks off. If perverts such as yourself and your phallic fellowhood and sushi sisterhood choose to cohabitate - and mockingly call it a marriage -LMAO - go for it faggot - even perverts have rights - However -when you try to preach your mental illness as normal to the Children of REAL couples you've gone too far.

Wow......its like you peeled back the veil and let us see inside the mentally disturbed mind of a homophobe.
Well well well what have we got here .... a voice from the phallic fellow-hood ... an irrelevant heckle from the penis gallery . You say "Homophobe" like it's a bad thing - I wear it like a badge of honor .

I am sure you do- are you like a special exchange visitor from Stormfront?
Sorry to burst your bubble cum guzzler - but that's a myth perpetuated by the Gay Agenda. Animals have a variant sex drive - it differs from Human Beings in that they lack the requisite intelligence to distinguish between right and wrong.

But what's inherently wrong with homsexual behavior? This is where your argument break down. As the worst that can be said of homosexuality is that its not particularly productive in terms of reproduction. But then, neither are blow jobs. Or masturbation. Or condoms. Or celibacy. Or your grand parents knocking boots.

So what? Who says that the only purpose in sex is procreation? Its certainly A purpose. But as all the infertile getting it on, and all the birth control demonstrates, its obviously not the ONLY purpose.

So if there is a valid purpose in sex that has nothing to do with procreation, why then would satisfying that valid purpose be 'wrong'? Or 'evil'? Or any of the other value judgments your ilk apply so arbitrarily?

There is no reason. You've offered us an arbitrary value judgment backed by itself. Which is the epitome of a circular argument.

And the 'greatest threat to liberty'? Your ilk are a melodramatic bunch, aren't they?

But what's inherently wrong with homsexual behavior? This is where your argument break down. As the worst that can be said of homosexuality is that its not particularly productive in terms of reproduction.

Homosexuality is the manifestation of a diseased mind. It is unhealthy both physically and psychologically. It is counter productive both on a personal level as well as a societal level. TRying to portray it "an alternative lifestyle" to society - in particular adolescents is criminal

Homophobia and bigotry is a manifestation of a diseased mind- Stormfront is for an example a site specifically established for the mentally unstable and morally vacant dregs of our society- that is the true 'alternative lifestyle' and the only one that should be condemned.
"the Greatest Threat to Liberty"

What a joke.

For decades one group threatened the actual liberty of another group- heterosexuals threatened homosexuals with actual loss of liberty- jail, prison, aside from extralegal violence.

No one is threatening anyone with jail for being a heterosexual or having heterosexual sex. No one is threatening to take away someone's livelihood simply because they are heterosexual or they have heterosexual sex- or they are believed to be.

What has changed is that almost no one in the United States is still threatening to take away the liberty of homosexuals for being homosexual or for having homosexual sex.

The last (unlawful) arrests for that were last year, and those were dismissed, and the Sheriff's department stopped that policy.

Of course there are those who would like to see persons arrested for simply being attracted to the same gender- but they are like the folks who would like to see black men arrested for dating white women- anachronisms that will die off over time.
Perhaps its depressing to have so many people like your ilk condemning them as evil, deviant, mentally diseased, abhorred, despised ... .

To argue that homosexuality does not deviate from the standard of normality established by human physiology is nothing short of delusional.

Deviating from the standard of normality and 'evil, abhorred, despised, immoral, etc.' aren't the same thing. Its the value judgments that you apply that are arbitrary clap trap. That serve no logical purpose, that have no rational reason to exist other than your personal opinion and subjective prejudices.

But you can't give us a valid reason why such value judgments should even exist outside your personal, subjective beliefs.

Nature has designed marriage through its design of the human being, therefore:
Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Nature didn't design marriage. Nature designed copulation and reproduction.

We designed marriage. And it is whatever we say it is. In many cultures, its one man and many women. In our culture its one man and one woman or the joining of one man and one man or one woman and one woman in 36 of 50 States. You can ignore this fact. But your willful ignorance of reality doesn't change all the gay people getting married.

We are not animals and what we do has a moral component as well. Homosexuality is a sin, not unlike any other sin that consigns us to debt that only the grace of God can cover.

Says who? And whose God? According to which interpretations? The puritans executed folks for adultery and sodomy. The founders, only sodomy. Modern Christians, neither.

So which subjective interpretation are you referring to?

You argument is circular: homosexuality is immoral because its immoral. Your evidence and your conclusion are the exact same thing.

This goes beyond what Charles Darwin characterized as an evolutionary dead end, therefore of no value in perpetuating any species.

And whatever doesn't perpetuate the species is *immoral*, evil, despised, and abhorred? So are you going to tell grammy and pop-pop that their Tuesday nooner is an abomination, or should I? And where is the outrage over say, masturbation, which produces as many children as homosexuality? How about oral sex... immoral as it doesn't produce children? How about celibacy? It doesn't produce kids either....so its evil?

Why is unproductive sexual behavior morally wrong?

Worse, if you're basing your morality on sexual productivity, does that mean whatever could produce offspring is morally right and good? So...if rape, adultery, or sex with children who can biologically reproduce can result in children, it would be 'good' on your 'value in perpetuating the species' moral system?

If not, why not?

So you hear somebody call homosexuality abhorred, despised, etc, that doesn't mean that conservatives all agree on this.

I'm not plucking conservatives out of the sky. I'm quoting those that are participating in this thread. And remember, for most of the history of Christianity, you folks killed gays. The founders still did when our nation was founded. Putting the 'harsh language' standard of description on the back burner in comparison to the 'we're going to fucking kill you' standard used by God fearing Christians for centuries.

We consider all sin to be equal in it's capacity to separate reprobate man from a holy God. The adulterer is in no less danger of perdition because the nature of his sin is heterosexual, nor the fornicator, nor the prostitute.

But what if someone doesn't subscribe to your religious interpretations? You are using your faith as the basis of your assessment of immorality. And faith is about as subjective as it comes. And of course, religion is ridiculously subjective. You speak of the harm of adultery.......the Puritans killed adulterers and those committing sodomy. The founders only killed for sodomy. Modern day Christians in the US don't kill either.

So who is right? Did God's law change over the last 500 years? Or did the interpretations change? Or is it possible that you *all* got it wrong? And these are merely changes in the same faith, in the same cultural tradition, in the same general area, using the same language and the same religious texts.....separated merely by time.

If you go between cultures, between religions, between regions, between languages, between texts, you get even more radically diverse differences. And almost all religions are mutually exclusive. It can't be BOTH Jesus and the Greek Pantheon of Gods. Which means that only one can of these mutually exclusive religions can be right. Which in turn means that ALL others are wrong.

Which means that by default, almost all religion is wrong by the very logic of theism.

And its so much worse than that: there's nothing that mandates that ANY religion got it right. And even if one managed it, religion is subject to time, personal interpretation, culture, society and personal context.

So how do you know that your interpretations and beliefs are correct? Especially when there are equally devout people that claim to speak for God (or Gods) that contradict you? You can't all be right. And there's nothing that requires that any of your are.

Which is why your 'God said so' basis of the immorality of homosexuality is so uselessly subjective. If I don't accept that you speak for God......you've got nothing. And I don't accept that you speak for God.

So why would homosexuality be immoral barring your Appeal to Authority?
Homosexuality is the manifestation of a diseased mind. It is unhealthy both physically and psychologically. It is counter productive both on a personal level as well as a societal level. TRying to portray it "an alternative lifestyle" to society - in particular adolescents is criminal

Says who? Again, the pronouncement of immorality is arbitrary. Its wrongness is because its the product of a diseased mind. And its the product of a diseased mind because its wrong. That's an argument best measured in units of pi.

On a personal level, its no less 'productive' than say, celibacy. Or masturbation. Or oral sex. Or old people fucking. But we don't hear the weeping and wailing a gnashing of teeth related to grammy and pop pop getting it on. Demonstrating just how arbitrary the value judgment against homosexuality actually is. On a societal level, what's the issue? Gays and lesbians have kids. They adopt. They work. They pay taxes. They contribute to society.

What's the big deal? What's the point of this bizarre obsession with how they get their nut? Why the value judgments? It seems a bizarre place to hang your moral hat.

On a personal level, its no less 'productive' than say, celibacy. Or masturbation.

Celibacy and masturbation do not breed disease , they are normal and healthy. Homosexuality , being unnatural as well as abnormal is not healthy. It is a sexual perversion most frequently having its roots in early childhood trauma.

[..., men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 75% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States. MSM often are diagnosed with other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.....{gay} men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer.

  • HIV;
  • Syphilis;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • Hepatitis C among gay men born from 1945 to 1965 or with risk behaviors;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the rectum if you’ve had receptive anal sex, or been a “bottom” in the past year;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the penis (urethra) if you have had insertive anal or oral sex in the past year;
  • Gonorrhea of the throat if you’ve performed oral sex (i.e., your mouth on your partner’s penis, vagina, or anus) in the past year;
CDC - Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

In addition gay males are the most common victims of shigelosis - shigelosis comes from ingesting Human feces - basically Gay men are shit eaters
Perhaps its depressing to have so many people like your ilk condemning them as evil, deviant, mentally diseased, abhorred, despised ... .

To argue that homosexuality does not deviate from the standard of normality established by human physiology is nothing short of delusional.

Deviating from the standard of normality and 'evil, abhorred, despised, immoral, etc.' aren't the same thing. Its the value judgments that you apply that are arbitrary clap trap. That serve no logical purpose, that have no rational reason to exist other than your personal opinion and subjective prejudices.

But you can't give us a valid reason why such value judgments should even exist outside your personal, subjective beliefs.

Nature has designed marriage through its design of the human being, therefore:
Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Nature didn't design marriage. Nature designed copulation and reproduction.

We designed marriage. And it is whatever we say it is. In many cultures, its one man and many women. In our culture its one man and one woman or the joining of one man and one man or one woman and one woman in 36 of 50 States. You can ignore this fact. But your willful ignorance of reality doesn't change all the gay people getting married.

We are not animals and what we do has a moral component as well. Homosexuality is a sin, not unlike any other sin that consigns us to debt that only the grace of God can cover.

Says who? And whose God? According to which interpretations? The puritans executed folks for adultery and sodomy. The founders, only sodomy. Modern Christians, neither.

So which subjective interpretation are you referring to?

You argument is circular: homosexuality is immoral because its immoral. Your evidence and your conclusion are the exact same thing.

This goes beyond what Charles Darwin characterized as an evolutionary dead end, therefore of no value in perpetuating any species.

And whatever doesn't perpetuate the species is *immoral*, evil, despised, and abhorred? So are you going to tell grammy and pop-pop that their Tuesday nooner is an abomination, or should I? And where is the outrage over say, masturbation, which produces as many children as homosexuality? How about oral sex... immoral as it doesn't produce children? How about celibacy? It doesn't produce kids either....so its evil?

Why is unproductive sexual behavior morally wrong?

Worse, if you're basing your morality on sexual productivity, does that mean whatever could produce offspring is morally right and good? So...if rape, adultery, or sex with children who can biologically reproduce can result in children, it would be 'good' on your 'value in perpetuating the species' moral system?

If not, why not?

So you hear somebody call homosexuality abhorred, despised, etc, that doesn't mean that conservatives all agree on this.

I'm not plucking conservatives out of the sky. I'm quoting those that are participating in this thread. And remember, for most of the history of Christianity, you folks killed gays. The founders still did when our nation was founded. Putting the 'harsh language' standard of description on the back burner in comparison to the 'we're going to fucking kill you' standard used by God fearing Christians for centuries.

We consider all sin to be equal in it's capacity to separate reprobate man from a holy God. The adulterer is in no less danger of perdition because the nature of his sin is heterosexual, nor the fornicator, nor the prostitute.

But what if someone doesn't subscribe to your religious interpretations? You are using your faith as the basis of your assessment of immorality. And faith is about as subjective as it comes. And of course, religion is ridiculously subjective. You speak of the harm of adultery.......the Puritans killed adulterers and those committing sodomy. The founders only killed for sodomy. Modern day Christians in the US don't kill either.

So who is right? Did God's law change over the last 500 years? Or did the interpretations change? Or is it possible that you *all* got it wrong? And these are merely changes in the same faith, in the same cultural tradition, in the same general area, using the same language and the same religious texts.....separated merely by time.

If you go between cultures, between religions, between regions, between languages, between texts, you get even more radically diverse differences. And almost all religions are mutually exclusive. It can't be BOTH Jesus and the Greek Pantheon of Gods. Which means that only one can of these mutually exclusive religions can be right. Which in turn means that ALL others are wrong.

Which means that by default, almost all religion is wrong by the very logic of theism.

And its so much worse than that: there's nothing that mandates that ANY religion got it right. And even if one managed it, religion is subject to time, personal interpretation, culture, society and personal context.

So how do you know that your interpretations and beliefs are correct? Especially when there are equally devout people that claim to speak for God (or Gods) that contradict you? You can't all be right. And there's nothing that requires that any of your are.

Which is why your 'God said so' basis of the immorality of homosexuality is so uselessly subjective. If I don't accept that you speak for God......you've got nothing. And I don't accept that you speak for God.

So why would homosexuality be immoral barring your Appeal to Authority?

And remember, for most of the history of Christianity, you folks killed gays.

Example please

Worse, if you're basing your morality on sexual productivity, does that mean whatever could produce offspring is morally right and good? So...if rape, adultery, or sex with children who can biologically reproduce can result in children, it would be 'good' on your 'value in perpetuating the species' moral system?

Pretty Lame argument dumbass -in fact you're simply attempting to deflect the heat away from homosexuals - sorry pal - it doesn't work. Speaking of "rape, adultery or sex with children" do you know who the most prolific molesters of children on a per capita basis is - thats right queerboy - people like you ,your fellow cum guzzlers and turd burglars who only comprise 2 - 3 % of the population but are responsible for about a third of all child molestation cases perpetrated against boys .
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Perhaps its depressing to have so many people like your ilk condemning them as evil, deviant, mentally diseased, abhorred, despised ... .

To argue that homosexuality does not deviate from the standard of normality established by human physiology is nothing short of delusional.

Deviating from the standard of normality and 'evil, abhorred, despised, immoral, etc.' aren't the same thing. Its the value judgments that you apply that are arbitrary clap trap. That serve no logical purpose, that have no rational reason to exist other than your personal opinion and subjective prejudices.

But you can't give us a valid reason why such value judgments should even exist outside your personal, subjective beliefs.

Nature has designed marriage through its design of the human being, therefore:
Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Nature didn't design marriage. Nature designed copulation and reproduction.

We designed marriage. And it is whatever we say it is. In many cultures, its one man and many women. In our culture its one man and one woman or the joining of one man and one man or one woman and one woman in 36 of 50 States. You can ignore this fact. But your willful ignorance of reality doesn't change all the gay people getting married.

We are not animals and what we do has a moral component as well. Homosexuality is a sin, not unlike any other sin that consigns us to debt that only the grace of God can cover.

Says who? And whose God? According to which interpretations? The puritans executed folks for adultery and sodomy. The founders, only sodomy. Modern Christians, neither.

So which subjective interpretation are you referring to?

You argument is circular: homosexuality is immoral because its immoral. Your evidence and your conclusion are the exact same thing.

This goes beyond what Charles Darwin characterized as an evolutionary dead end, therefore of no value in perpetuating any species.

And whatever doesn't perpetuate the species is *immoral*, evil, despised, and abhorred? So are you going to tell grammy and pop-pop that their Tuesday nooner is an abomination, or should I? And where is the outrage over say, masturbation, which produces as many children as homosexuality? How about oral sex... immoral as it doesn't produce children? How about celibacy? It doesn't produce kids either....so its evil?

Why is unproductive sexual behavior morally wrong?

Worse, if you're basing your morality on sexual productivity, does that mean whatever could produce offspring is morally right and good? So...if rape, adultery, or sex with children who can biologically reproduce can result in children, it would be 'good' on your 'value in perpetuating the species' moral system?

If not, why not?

So you hear somebody call homosexuality abhorred, despised, etc, that doesn't mean that conservatives all agree on this.

I'm not plucking conservatives out of the sky. I'm quoting those that are participating in this thread. And remember, for most of the history of Christianity, you folks killed gays. The founders still did when our nation was founded. Putting the 'harsh language' standard of description on the back burner in comparison to the 'we're going to fucking kill you' standard used by God fearing Christians for centuries.

We consider all sin to be equal in it's capacity to separate reprobate man from a holy God. The adulterer is in no less danger of perdition because the nature of his sin is heterosexual, nor the fornicator, nor the prostitute.

But what if someone doesn't subscribe to your religious interpretations? You are using your faith as the basis of your assessment of immorality. And faith is about as subjective as it comes. And of course, religion is ridiculously subjective. You speak of the harm of adultery.......the Puritans killed adulterers and those committing sodomy. The founders only killed for sodomy. Modern day Christians in the US don't kill either.

So who is right? Did God's law change over the last 500 years? Or did the interpretations change? Or is it possible that you *all* got it wrong? And these are merely changes in the same faith, in the same cultural tradition, in the same general area, using the same language and the same religious texts.....separated merely by time.

If you go between cultures, between religions, between regions, between languages, between texts, you get even more radically diverse differences. And almost all religions are mutually exclusive. It can't be BOTH Jesus and the Greek Pantheon of Gods. Which means that only one can of these mutually exclusive religions can be right. Which in turn means that ALL others are wrong.

Which means that by default, almost all religion is wrong by the very logic of theism.

And its so much worse than that: there's nothing that mandates that ANY religion got it right. And even if one managed it, religion is subject to time, personal interpretation, culture, society and personal context.

So how do you know that your interpretations and beliefs are correct? Especially when there are equally devout people that claim to speak for God (or Gods) that contradict you? You can't all be right. And there's nothing that requires that any of your are.

Which is why your 'God said so' basis of the immorality of homosexuality is so uselessly subjective. If I don't accept that you speak for God......you've got nothing. And I don't accept that you speak for God.

So why would homosexuality be immoral barring your Appeal to Authority?

And remember, for most of the history of Christianity, you folks killed gays.

Example please

Homosexuality is the manifestation of a diseased mind. It is unhealthy both physically and psychologically. It is counter productive both on a personal level as well as a societal level. TRying to portray it "an alternative lifestyle" to society - in particular adolescents is criminal

Says who? Again, the pronouncement of immorality is arbitrary. Its wrongness is because its the product of a diseased mind. And its the product of a diseased mind because its wrong. That's an argument best measured in units of pi.

On a personal level, its no less 'productive' than say, celibacy. Or masturbation. Or oral sex. Or old people fucking. But we don't hear the weeping and wailing a gnashing of teeth related to grammy and pop pop getting it on. Demonstrating just how arbitrary the value judgment against homosexuality actually is. On a societal level, what's the issue? Gays and lesbians have kids. They adopt. They work. They pay taxes. They contribute to society.

What's the big deal? What's the point of this bizarre obsession with how they get their nut? Why the value judgments? It seems a bizarre place to hang your moral hat.

On a personal level, its no less 'productive' than say, celibacy. Or masturbation.

Celibacy and masturbation do not breed disease , they are normal and healthy. Homosexuality , being unnatural as well as abnormal is not healthy. It is a sexual perversion most frequently having its roots in early childhood trauma.

[..., men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 75% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States. MSM often are diagnosed with other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.....{gay} men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer.

  • HIV;
  • Syphilis;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • Hepatitis C among gay men born from 1945 to 1965 or with risk behaviors;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the rectum if you’ve had receptive anal sex, or been a “bottom” in the past year;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the penis (urethra) if you have had insertive anal or oral sex in the past year;
  • Gonorrhea of the throat if you’ve performed oral sex (i.e., your mouth on your partner’s penis, vagina, or anus) in the past year;
CDC - Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

In addition gay males are the most common victims of shigelosis - shigelosis comes from ingesting Human feces - basically Gay men are shit eaters
The shit-eater is you little man. People present shit that reinforces your fears of gay men, and you swallow it right down, and smile.

And playing with poop, that's a majority heterosexual thing, like most other sexual activities.
Homosexuality is the manifestation of a diseased mind. It is unhealthy both physically and psychologically. It is counter productive both on a personal level as well as a societal level. TRying to portray it "an alternative lifestyle" to society - in particular adolescents is criminal

Says who? Again, the pronouncement of immorality is arbitrary. Its wrongness is because its the product of a diseased mind. And its the product of a diseased mind because its wrong. That's an argument best measured in units of pi.

On a personal level, its no less 'productive' than say, celibacy. Or masturbation. Or oral sex. Or old people fucking. But we don't hear the weeping and wailing a gnashing of teeth related to grammy and pop pop getting it on. Demonstrating just how arbitrary the value judgment against homosexuality actually is. On a societal level, what's the issue? Gays and lesbians have kids. They adopt. They work. They pay taxes. They contribute to society.

What's the big deal? What's the point of this bizarre obsession with how they get their nut? Why the value judgments? It seems a bizarre place to hang your moral hat.

On a personal level, its no less 'productive' than say, celibacy. Or masturbation.

Celibacy and masturbation do not breed disease , they are normal and healthy. Homosexuality , being unnatural as well as abnormal is not healthy. It is a sexual perversion most frequently having its roots in early childhood trauma.

[..., men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 75% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States. MSM often are diagnosed with other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.....{gay} men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer.

  • HIV;
  • Syphilis;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • Hepatitis C among gay men born from 1945 to 1965 or with risk behaviors;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the rectum if you’ve had receptive anal sex, or been a “bottom” in the past year;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the penis (urethra) if you have had insertive anal or oral sex in the past year;
  • Gonorrhea of the throat if you’ve performed oral sex (i.e., your mouth on your partner’s penis, vagina, or anus) in the past year;
CDC - Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

In addition gay males are the most common victims of shigelosis - shigelosis comes from ingesting Human feces - basically Gay men are shit eaters
The shit eater is you little man. People present shit that reinforces your fears of gay men, and you swallow it right down, and smile.
You say that like shit eating is a bad thing. Gay men love it.

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