Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

Homosexuality is the manifestation of a diseased mind. It is unhealthy both physically and psychologically. It is counter productive both on a personal level as well as a societal level. TRying to portray it "an alternative lifestyle" to society - in particular adolescents is criminal

Says who? Again, the pronouncement of immorality is arbitrary. Its wrongness is because its the product of a diseased mind. And its the product of a diseased mind because its wrong. That's an argument best measured in units of pi.

On a personal level, its no less 'productive' than say, celibacy. Or masturbation. Or oral sex. Or old people fucking. But we don't hear the weeping and wailing a gnashing of teeth related to grammy and pop pop getting it on. Demonstrating just how arbitrary the value judgment against homosexuality actually is. On a societal level, what's the issue? Gays and lesbians have kids. They adopt. They work. They pay taxes. They contribute to society.

What's the big deal? What's the point of this bizarre obsession with how they get their nut? Why the value judgments? It seems a bizarre place to hang your moral hat.

On a personal level, its no less 'productive' than say, celibacy. Or masturbation.

Celibacy and masturbation do not breed disease , they are normal and healthy. Homosexuality , being unnatural as well as abnormal is not healthy. It is a sexual perversion most frequently having its roots in early childhood trauma.

[..., men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 75% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States. MSM often are diagnosed with other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.....{gay} men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer.

  • HIV;
  • Syphilis;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • Hepatitis C among gay men born from 1945 to 1965 or with risk behaviors;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the rectum if you’ve had receptive anal sex, or been a “bottom” in the past year;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the penis (urethra) if you have had insertive anal or oral sex in the past year;
  • Gonorrhea of the throat if you’ve performed oral sex (i.e., your mouth on your partner’s penis, vagina, or anus) in the past year;
CDC - Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

In addition gay males are the most common victims of shigelosis - shigelosis comes from ingesting Human feces - basically Gay men are shit eaters
The shit eater is you little man. People present shit that reinforces your fears of gay men, and you swallow it right down, and smile.
You say that like shit eating is a bad thing. Gay men love it.
No, they don't, but plenty of straight men do. Scat is a straight thing, for the most part.
Homosexuality is the manifestation of a diseased mind. It is unhealthy both physically and psychologically. It is counter productive both on a personal level as well as a societal level. TRying to portray it "an alternative lifestyle" to society - in particular adolescents is criminal

Says who? Again, the pronouncement of immorality is arbitrary. Its wrongness is because its the product of a diseased mind. And its the product of a diseased mind because its wrong. That's an argument best measured in units of pi.

On a personal level, its no less 'productive' than say, celibacy. Or masturbation. Or oral sex. Or old people fucking. But we don't hear the weeping and wailing a gnashing of teeth related to grammy and pop pop getting it on. Demonstrating just how arbitrary the value judgment against homosexuality actually is. On a societal level, what's the issue? Gays and lesbians have kids. They adopt. They work. They pay taxes. They contribute to society.

What's the big deal? What's the point of this bizarre obsession with how they get their nut? Why the value judgments? It seems a bizarre place to hang your moral hat.

On a personal level, its no less 'productive' than say, celibacy. Or masturbation.

Celibacy and masturbation do not breed disease , they are normal and healthy. Homosexuality , being unnatural as well as abnormal is not healthy. It is a sexual perversion most frequently having its roots in early childhood trauma.

[..., men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 75% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States. MSM often are diagnosed with other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.....{gay} men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer.

  • HIV;
  • Syphilis;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • Hepatitis C among gay men born from 1945 to 1965 or with risk behaviors;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the rectum if you’ve had receptive anal sex, or been a “bottom” in the past year;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the penis (urethra) if you have had insertive anal or oral sex in the past year;
  • Gonorrhea of the throat if you’ve performed oral sex (i.e., your mouth on your partner’s penis, vagina, or anus) in the past year;
CDC - Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

In addition gay males are the most common victims of shigelosis - shigelosis comes from ingesting Human feces - basically Gay men are shit eaters
The shit eater is you little man. People present shit that reinforces your fears of gay men, and you swallow it right down, and smile.
You say that like shit eating is a bad thing. Gay men love it.
No, they don't
Yes they do
When someone tells a gay man to eat shit he gets a boner.

Poor attempt at "Jamming" as well as deflecting .

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .

Mentally healthy human beings will naturally feel a sense of shame and exclusion when they perceive that they are not part of the the pack, both in their thoughts and actions. The Jammimg tactic is to evoke a sense of shame in the opponent when his opposition to the gay movement and sexual perversion surfaces. Gay propaganda will depict opponents as homophobic and queer hating redneck bigots, as crude obnoxious loudmouths. It can depict them being isolated from the pack, shunned criticized, and despised. Most importantly however, it must depict gays as experiencing horrific persecution and suffering as a result of the "homophobic - queer hating red necks" . The opponent must be made the villain, both in the eyes of the uninvolved, and when possible in their own eyes also.

Jamming is basically psychological terrorism intended to silence expression of or support for any dissenting opinion.

Gay Brainwashing Techniques
Says who? Again, the pronouncement of immorality is arbitrary. Its wrongness is because its the product of a diseased mind. And its the product of a diseased mind because its wrong. That's an argument best measured in units of pi.

On a personal level, its no less 'productive' than say, celibacy. Or masturbation. Or oral sex. Or old people fucking. But we don't hear the weeping and wailing a gnashing of teeth related to grammy and pop pop getting it on. Demonstrating just how arbitrary the value judgment against homosexuality actually is. On a societal level, what's the issue? Gays and lesbians have kids. They adopt. They work. They pay taxes. They contribute to society.

What's the big deal? What's the point of this bizarre obsession with how they get their nut? Why the value judgments? It seems a bizarre place to hang your moral hat.

On a personal level, its no less 'productive' than say, celibacy. Or masturbation.

Celibacy and masturbation do not breed disease , they are normal and healthy. Homosexuality , being unnatural as well as abnormal is not healthy. It is a sexual perversion most frequently having its roots in early childhood trauma.

[..., men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 75% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States. MSM often are diagnosed with other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.....{gay} men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer.

  • HIV;
  • Syphilis;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • Hepatitis C among gay men born from 1945 to 1965 or with risk behaviors;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the rectum if you’ve had receptive anal sex, or been a “bottom” in the past year;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the penis (urethra) if you have had insertive anal or oral sex in the past year;
  • Gonorrhea of the throat if you’ve performed oral sex (i.e., your mouth on your partner’s penis, vagina, or anus) in the past year;
CDC - Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

In addition gay males are the most common victims of shigelosis - shigelosis comes from ingesting Human feces - basically Gay men are shit eaters
The shit eater is you little man. People present shit that reinforces your fears of gay men, and you swallow it right down, and smile.
You say that like shit eating is a bad thing. Gay men love it.
No, they don't
Yes they do
No, they don't. You've been lied to, as usual. Want to find out, use Google images and search for "scat sexual fetish", but not from work. The shit-eaters are straight, and seriously fucked-up.
Homosexuality is the manifestation of a diseased mind. It is unhealthy both physically and psychologically. It is counter productive both on a personal level as well as a societal level. TRying to portray it "an alternative lifestyle" to society - in particular adolescents is criminal

Says who? Again, the pronouncement of immorality is arbitrary. Its wrongness is because its the product of a diseased mind. And its the product of a diseased mind because its wrong. That's an argument best measured in units of pi.

On a personal level, its no less 'productive' than say, celibacy. Or masturbation. Or oral sex. Or old people fucking. But we don't hear the weeping and wailing a gnashing of teeth related to grammy and pop pop getting it on. Demonstrating just how arbitrary the value judgment against homosexuality actually is. On a societal level, what's the issue? Gays and lesbians have kids. They adopt. They work. They pay taxes. They contribute to society.

What's the big deal? What's the point of this bizarre obsession with how they get their nut? Why the value judgments? It seems a bizarre place to hang your moral hat.

On a personal level, its no less 'productive' than say, celibacy. Or masturbation.

Celibacy and masturbation do not breed disease , they are normal and healthy. Homosexuality , being unnatural as well as abnormal is not healthy. It is a sexual perversion most frequently having its roots in early childhood trauma.

[..., men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 75% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States. MSM often are diagnosed with other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.....{gay} men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer.

  • HIV;
  • Syphilis;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • Hepatitis C among gay men born from 1945 to 1965 or with risk behaviors;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the rectum if you’ve had receptive anal sex, or been a “bottom” in the past year;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the penis (urethra) if you have had insertive anal or oral sex in the past year;
  • Gonorrhea of the throat if you’ve performed oral sex (i.e., your mouth on your partner’s penis, vagina, or anus) in the past year;
CDC - Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

In addition gay males are the most common victims of shigelosis - shigelosis comes from ingesting Human feces - basically Gay men are shit eaters
The shit eater is you little man. People present shit that reinforces your fears of gay men, and you swallow it right down, and smile.
You say that like shit eating is a bad thing. Gay men love it.
No, they don't, but plenty of straight men do. Scat is a straight thing, for the most part.

As usual , you're talking through where your partners dine -your ass. Scat or scatology is a science of feces identification and like you is irrelevant.

Shigelosis is a disease prevalent among homosexuals , and extremely rare in heterosexuals - it comes from eating shit . Now that's not to say they sit down with a knife and fork and dine on a turd - but they suck it off after bumping butts - sick people those queers.
The fecal faggot fiends are the New Eunuchs of the Ancient Times.

Eunuchs and Fecal Fags have no stake in the future of their People or Nation, because they bear no Posterity. They will serve their Straight and Powerful Leaders with extreme loyalty, in order to enrich themselves for the short time they are on the earth.

Fecal Faggot Fiends are the most loyal and trusted administrators of Tyranny.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Fecal Faggot Fiends have no posterity.

This is why I endorse gay couples adopting children, since it gives them a stake in the future.
Says who? Again, the pronouncement of immorality is arbitrary. Its wrongness is because its the product of a diseased mind. And its the product of a diseased mind because its wrong. That's an argument best measured in units of pi.

On a personal level, its no less 'productive' than say, celibacy. Or masturbation. Or oral sex. Or old people fucking. But we don't hear the weeping and wailing a gnashing of teeth related to grammy and pop pop getting it on. Demonstrating just how arbitrary the value judgment against homosexuality actually is. On a societal level, what's the issue? Gays and lesbians have kids. They adopt. They work. They pay taxes. They contribute to society.

What's the big deal? What's the point of this bizarre obsession with how they get their nut? Why the value judgments? It seems a bizarre place to hang your moral hat.

On a personal level, its no less 'productive' than say, celibacy. Or masturbation.

Celibacy and masturbation do not breed disease , they are normal and healthy. Homosexuality , being unnatural as well as abnormal is not healthy. It is a sexual perversion most frequently having its roots in early childhood trauma.

[..., men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 75% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States. MSM often are diagnosed with other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.....{gay} men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer.

  • HIV;
  • Syphilis;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • Hepatitis C among gay men born from 1945 to 1965 or with risk behaviors;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the rectum if you’ve had receptive anal sex, or been a “bottom” in the past year;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the penis (urethra) if you have had insertive anal or oral sex in the past year;
  • Gonorrhea of the throat if you’ve performed oral sex (i.e., your mouth on your partner’s penis, vagina, or anus) in the past year;
CDC - Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

In addition gay males are the most common victims of shigelosis - shigelosis comes from ingesting Human feces - basically Gay men are shit eaters
The shit eater is you little man. People present shit that reinforces your fears of gay men, and you swallow it right down, and smile.
You say that like shit eating is a bad thing. Gay men love it.
No, they don't, but plenty of straight men do. Scat is a straight thing, for the most part.

As usual , you're talking through where your partners dine -your ass. Scat or scatology is a science of feces identification and like you is irrelevant.

Shigelosis is a disease prevalent among homosexuals , and extremely rare in heterosexuals - it comes from eating shit . Now that's not to say they sit down with a knife and fork and dine on a turd - but they suck it off after bumping butts - sick people those queers.
Scat is a Sexual Fetish little man, a straight one. Coprophilia - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
When someone tells a gay man to eat shit he gets a boner.

Poor attempt at "Jamming" as well as deflecting .

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .

Mentally healthy human beings will naturally feel a sense of shame and exclusion when they perceive that they are not part of the the pack, both in their thoughts and actions. The Jammimg tactic is to evoke a sense of shame in the opponent when his opposition to the gay movement and sexual perversion surfaces. Gay propaganda will depict opponents as homophobic and queer hating redneck bigots, as crude obnoxious loudmouths. It can depict them being isolated from the pack, shunned criticized, and despised. Most importantly however, it must depict gays as experiencing horrific persecution and suffering as a result of the "homophobic - queer hating red necks" . The opponent must be made the villain, both in the eyes of the uninvolved, and when possible in their own eyes also.

Jamming is basically psychological terrorism intended to silence expression of or support for any dissenting opinion.

Gay Brainwashing Techniques
Yes. Black Americans do the same with accusations of white racism while ignoring their own.
Celibacy and masturbation do not breed disease , they are normal and healthy. Homosexuality , being unnatural as well as abnormal is not healthy. It is a sexual perversion most frequently having its roots in early childhood trauma.

[..., men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 75% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States. MSM often are diagnosed with other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.....{gay} men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer.

  • HIV;
  • Syphilis;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • Hepatitis C among gay men born from 1945 to 1965 or with risk behaviors;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the rectum if you’ve had receptive anal sex, or been a “bottom” in the past year;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the penis (urethra) if you have had insertive anal or oral sex in the past year;
  • Gonorrhea of the throat if you’ve performed oral sex (i.e., your mouth on your partner’s penis, vagina, or anus) in the past year;
CDC - Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

In addition gay males are the most common victims of shigelosis - shigelosis comes from ingesting Human feces - basically Gay men are shit eaters
The shit eater is you little man. People present shit that reinforces your fears of gay men, and you swallow it right down, and smile.
You say that like shit eating is a bad thing. Gay men love it.
No, they don't
Yes they do
No, they don't. You've been lied to, as usual. Want to find out, use Google images and search for "scat sexual fetish", but not from work. The shit-eaters are straight, and seriously fucked-up.
IT's known as corophillia, and like like Homosexuality, beastiality, necrophilia and other sexual perversions - it's the activity of a diseased mind.
Celibacy and masturbation do not breed disease , they are normal and healthy. Homosexuality , being unnatural as well as abnormal is not healthy. It is a sexual perversion most frequently having its roots in early childhood trauma.

[..., men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 75% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States. MSM often are diagnosed with other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.....{gay} men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer.

  • HIV;
  • Syphilis;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • Hepatitis C among gay men born from 1945 to 1965 or with risk behaviors;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the rectum if you’ve had receptive anal sex, or been a “bottom” in the past year;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the penis (urethra) if you have had insertive anal or oral sex in the past year;
  • Gonorrhea of the throat if you’ve performed oral sex (i.e., your mouth on your partner’s penis, vagina, or anus) in the past year;
CDC - Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

In addition gay males are the most common victims of shigelosis - shigelosis comes from ingesting Human feces - basically Gay men are shit eaters
The shit eater is you little man. People present shit that reinforces your fears of gay men, and you swallow it right down, and smile.
You say that like shit eating is a bad thing. Gay men love it.
No, they don't
Yes they do
No, they don't. .
Yes, they do.
The shit eater is you little man. People present shit that reinforces your fears of gay men, and you swallow it right down, and smile.
You say that like shit eating is a bad thing. Gay men love it.
No, they don't
Yes they do
No, they don't. You've been lied to, as usual. Want to find out, use Google images and search for "scat sexual fetish", but not from work. The shit-eaters are straight, and seriously fucked-up.

IT's known as corophillia, and like Homosexuality, beastiality, necrophilia and other sexual perversions - it's the activity of a diseased mind. It's a sexual perversion akin to homosexuality not heterosexuality.
The shit eater is you little man. People present shit that reinforces your fears of gay men, and you swallow it right down, and smile.
You say that like shit eating is a bad thing. Gay men love it.
No, they don't
Yes they do
No, they don't. You've been lied to, as usual. Want to find out, use Google images and search for "scat sexual fetish", but not from work. The shit-eaters are straight, and seriously fucked-up.
IT's known as corophillia, and like like Homosexuality, beastiality, necrophilia and other sexual perversions - it's the activity of a diseased mind.
That's what they used to think about straights going down on each other, but no longer since it's normal. Ask your dad what he prefers, mommy's mouth is probably top of the list.
That homosexuality 'occurs', without regard to what species it occurs in, is not at contest, neither is it at issue, as it is an irrefutable fact. That it occurs is no more relevant than that any other deviation from the established norm, which occurs.

The problem you run into is your value judgments regarding the 'deviation from a standard norm'. You've called it 'despicable', 'evil', ' loathsome' and even spoken approvingly of the founders in their execution of gays.

None of which is supported by a mere 'deviation'. Nature doesn't have a value judgment. You do. Nature doesn't mandate any particular action in response to deviation from the norm. You do. And in a predictable and rather tired Appeal to Authority, you try to use your fallacy of logic of 'Nature says' to support your personal value judgments.

Its a piss poor argument, as its based on nested fallacies and useless degrees of subjectivity. And we're not going to be killing people or depriving them of rights based on your subjective opinion.
Marriage is not a contract, it is the natural design of the species, which joins of one man to one woman

Marriage obviously is a contract. As all the law surrounding it demonstrates elegantly. Marriage doesn't exist in nature. Copulating does. Pairs raising children does. Pairs not raising children exists. Harems of females kept by one male exists. Rape exists. Homosexuality exists. Celibacy exists. Masturbation exists. Nature is quite diverse.

Marriage is our creation. It is what we say it is. Nature doesn't have a say, as Nature has all sorts of coupling strategies, many of which have nothing to do with 'one man, one woman'.

You're again using your subjective and spectacularly cherry picked interpretations of 'nature' to justify your personal opinion. And neither your opinion, your cherry picking, nor your subjectivity mandate any particualar action regarding marriage. As marriage is whatever we decide it is.

Now I realize that all the debate, suggests otherwise, but in reality, its truly not a debatable point and, this with the pretenses to the contrary, notwithstanding.

Obvious nonsense. As you don't define nature, morality, objective truth, or any of the obtuse appeals to authority you claim to speak for. Its just you offering us your subjective opinion....and your opinion doesn't define our laws.

Nor should. Which might explain the wild disparity between what you claim things should be....and the way things actually are.
Wolf packs have been known to drive homosexuals from their midst for the survival of the pack.

And animals exhibiting homosexual behavior have remained part of an existing herd. You can pick what you like from nature, but you're the one doing the picking.

Not nature.

Just as all the subjective value judgments are yours, the responses are yours.

animals exhibiting homosexual behavior have remained part of an existing herd.
Examples Please
You say that like shit eating is a bad thing. Gay men love it.
No, they don't
Yes they do
No, they don't. You've been lied to, as usual. Want to find out, use Google images and search for "scat sexual fetish", but not from work. The shit-eaters are straight, and seriously fucked-up.
IT's known as corophillia, and like like Homosexuality, beastiality, necrophilia and other sexual perversions - it's the activity of a diseased mind.
That's what they used to think about straights going down on each other, but no longer since it's normal. Ask your dad what he prefers, mommy's mouth is probably top of the list.
So what you're saying is that corophillia should be promoted amongst children like homosexuality is and while they're at it perhaps a few lessons - good idea go eat shit and let us know how it works out
Next up in conspiracy week: Atheists plan to take over America through subliminal messaging in Hollywood movies.

Obama, an illegal alien from another galaxy. His plan for global conquest revealed.

Obamacare. Healthcare or a communist plot to undermine America? The doctors who saw the mind altering agent reveal all.


Hey LOOK KIDS! It's a pitiful reduction to the absurd, offered up as an obscurant attempt to imply that there is no reason to worry about fire, just because of a little smoke.
You really are caught up in your own propaganda. :popcorn:

In the 1950s you would be right up there with Joe McCarthy, before he got censored of course.

You're speaking of the guy that warned the US that the US Culture and more specifically the US government was crawling with communist subversives?

Which we know through the remarkable clarity of history... that he was 100% correct?


You people are truly helpless.
No, they don't. You've been lied to, as usual. Want to find out, use Google images and search for "scat sexual fetish", but not from work. The shit-eaters are straight, and seriously fucked-up.
IT's known as corophillia, and like like Homosexuality, beastiality, necrophilia and other sexual perversions - it's the activity of a diseased mind.
That's what they used to think about straights going down on each other, but no longer since it's normal. Ask your dad what he prefers, mommy's mouth is probably top of the list.
So what you're saying is that corophillia should be promoted amongst children like homosexuality is and while they're at it perhaps a few lessons - good idea go eat shit and let us know how it works out
What I saying is when you scream the fags are bad, you'll soon discover the straights are worse and what was Sexual Perversion changes over time, just like rug-munching and blowjobs are now considered NORMAL, since they are.
Celibacy and masturbation do not breed disease

Which might be relevant if we were talking about disease. Alas, we're discussing reproductive sex. Which neither masturbation nor celibacy is. If unproductive sexual activity is inherently evil, then why wouldn't oral sex, old people fucking, celibacy or masturbation be equally evil?

And does this idea of 'sexual productivity equals morality' work both ways? Would reproductive sex be moral then? If so, would rape, adultery and sex with children who could biologically conceive be 'good'? After all, it can produce children.

If not, why not?
Pretty Lame argument dumbass -in fact you're simply attempting to deflect the heat away from homosexuals - sorry pal - it doesn't work.

It works perfectly well if you apply the 'productive sex equals morality' standard consistently. If unproductive sex is evil, then it would follow that productive sex would be good.

You say it 'doesn't work'. Why?

And if you're just going to arbitrarily ignore any non-productive sex that doesn't fit your model or ignore the 'productive sex equals morality' model whenever it breaks.....then your standards are hopelessly subjective and superb examples of cherry picking.

Either the 'productive sex equals morality' standard works. Or it doesn't. Its one or the other. It isn't valid when you think it works and then suddenly becomes invalid when its inconvenient to your argument.

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