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Homosexual boy scout is mad because he won't be given eagle badge

Social conservatives are all about the children-----unless that kid is gay. Then they couldn't care less. Their hatred of homosexuality supersedes their care of children. Gay boys aren't really children in their eyes. More like corrupted deviants who need to be shunned so their disease isn't spread.

Time for the Boy Scouts to float to the fringes of society. There is A LOT of outrage regarding this horrific display of discrimination. My heart goes out to Ryan. Hopefully he realizes millions worldwide DO genuinely care.

All Biblical Christians need to go to the fringes, and good for us when we do. We NEED to seperate ourselves for the poison and rot of popular culture until the sickness runs its course.

You know, this isnt the first or last time this has happened.

The only hitch is that Christians have forgotten in the West what a godless society really means.

We will soon be reminded.
Social conservatives are all about the children-----unless that kid is gay. Then they couldn't care less. Their hatred of homosexuality supersedes their care of children. Gay boys aren't really children in their eyes. More like corrupted deviants who need to be shunned so their disease isn't spread.

Time for the Boy Scouts to float to the fringes of society. There is A LOT of outrage regarding this horrific display of discrimination. My heart goes out to Ryan. Hopefully he realizes millions worldwide DO genuinely care.

Yeah, it's so much more caring to let faggots in the scouts so they can rape and sodomize innocent boys? You're such a piece of hateful, fucking shit!

I'm sure Jesus would be proud of the above written post.

Whats more alarming is the ignorance, he's suggesting that gays routinely rape innocent boys. Then he says we're hateful?????? WTF wow!
Exactly, brought to you by the same people who claim the moral high ground and then run off and cheat on their wives at the Baptist convention.

Yeah, because we know that nonChristians NEVER cheat on their spouses, right?

lol, stupid shit

No,of course they DO, the difference IS, the agnostics or atheists don't claim the moral high ground as the cheating hypocritical bible thumpers do. THATS THE DIFFERENCE, now who's the stupid shit?

I figured you for just another predictable, cookie-cutter, far-left, bigoted hack. I see I was right.
They should have a GBSA (Gay Boy Scouts of America) for kids like him.

Weekend camping trips and sharing your tent with another scout would be a much different experience than conventional scouting.
The real intolerance here is being displayed by the left. They cannot allow groups to exist that refuse to give in to the Left's agenda and that is how it has always been. Conservatives might stall them but has never stopped them on social controversies.

Abortion, bussing, segregation, destroying the differences between genders, etc the left has triumphed in all these things with the conservatives eventually going silent because their assinine and incompetent 'leaders' give up (like Ryan on DADT). The left is willing to work with such conservative leaders, but the ones who refuse to budge get marginalized like pro-lifers are today. In all these issues the Biblical church eventually went along, except for abortion, but they have been so thoroughly defeated on that issue and abortion almost 100% guarranteed in every trimester, that the left considers the pro-life movement to be a tolerable and increasingly irrelevant minority.

But just as the left wants ALL women to be able to get what they want, they also want gays to get 100% of what they want which is acceptance as normal from EVERYONE, no exception. And the audacity of some Biblical churches to actively continue to fight on this issue so long is intolerable to the left.So they attack every public person and every public group that still opposes them. The Boy Scouts, being largely sponsored by local churches, refelects those local church values.

The Boy Scouts will either eventually accept openly homosexual 'scouts' or the left will hound them into extinction and feel totally self righteous while doing so. Within ten years every public GOP 'conservative' politician will have endorsed homosexual marriage and it will be legal in every state or the left will go psychotic on everyone.

They canot allow true freedom of assembly which requires the ability to refuse membership to those opposed to the groups core values, whether it is being for or against tax increases, a favorite sports team, the worship of God, or anything else. If there is no sign the group in question is not getting on board then the left will destroy it. Just look at how the Mormon church was threatened with loss of its tax exempt status if it continued to refuse membership to blacks in its priesthood.

Biblical churches need to learn how to go underground again and not be formally organized any more.
The Boy Scouts will either eventually accept openly homosexual 'scouts' or the left will hound them into extinction and feel totally self righteous while doing so. Within ten years every public GOP 'conservative' politician will have endorsed homosexual marriage and it will be legal in every state or the left will go psychotic on everyone.

When one of the five conservatives or moderates on the Supreme Court is replaced by a Liberal, the Supreme Court will reverse the earlier victory it gave the Boy Scouts in allowing them not to be a meat market for fags. And, at that point, the Supreme Court will, if it doesn't sooner, require all states to recognize same-sex "marriage".

The Republicans are completely worthless in preserving our freedom and values. The best that can be said for the GOP is that they're not proactive in degrading America's culture. The Republican Party only stands for two things: tax cuts for the rich and wars for Israel.

Those who serve the God Damned Jews die by the God Damned Jews.
The Scouts' national spokesman, Deron Smith, said late Thursday that Ryan contributed to his situation by disagreeing with the BSA's religious principles.
"Recently, a Scout proactively notified his unit leadership and Eagle Scout Counselor that he does not agree to Scouting's principle of "Duty to God" and does not meet Scouting's membership standard on sexual orientation," Smith wrote in a statement to Yahoo News. "While the BSA did not proactively ask for this information, based on his statements and after discussion with his family he is being informed that he is no longer eligible for membership in Scouting."
Smith said belief in God is the foundation of scouting's strong, continuing commitment to encouraging moral, ethical and spiritual growth. It is the position of the Boy Scouts of America that no one can reach their full potential without belief in a higher power.


Homosexual boy scout is mad because he won't be given eagle badge

...because here he went and bought new shoes to go with his eagle badge outfit.
The real intolerance here is being displayed by the left. They cannot allow groups to exist that refuse to give in to the Left's agenda and that is how it has always been. Conservatives might stall them but has never stopped them on social controversies.

Abortion, bussing, segregation, destroying the differences between genders, etc the left has triumphed in all these things with the conservatives eventually going silent because their assinine and incompetent 'leaders' give up (like Ryan on DADT). The left is willing to work with such conservative leaders, but the ones who refuse to budge get marginalized like pro-lifers are today. In all these issues the Biblical church eventually went along, except for abortion, but they have been so thoroughly defeated on that issue and abortion almost 100% guarranteed in every trimester, that the left considers the pro-life movement to be a tolerable and increasingly irrelevant minority.

But just as the left wants ALL women to be able to get what they want, they also want gays to get 100% of what they want which is acceptance as normal from EVERYONE, no exception. And the audacity of some Biblical churches to actively continue to fight on this issue so long is intolerable to the left.So they attack every public person and every public group that still opposes them. The Boy Scouts, being largely sponsored by local churches, refelects those local church values.

The Boy Scouts will either eventually accept openly homosexual 'scouts' or the left will hound them into extinction and feel totally self righteous while doing so. Within ten years every public GOP 'conservative' politician will have endorsed homosexual marriage and it will be legal in every state or the left will go psychotic on everyone.

They canot allow true freedom of assembly which requires the ability to refuse membership to those opposed to the groups core values, whether it is being for or against tax increases, a favorite sports team, the worship of God, or anything else. If there is no sign the group in question is not getting on board then the left will destroy it. Just look at how the Mormon church was threatened with loss of its tax exempt status if it continued to refuse membership to blacks in its priesthood.

Biblical churches need to learn how to go underground again and not be formally organized any more.


Liberals not only accept but also protect freedom of assembly doctrine; no one on the ‘left’ advocates forcing a private organization to abide policies contrary to its tenets.

‘Biblical churches’ are free to practice whatever hate and ignorance they wish, free from government inference.

But what they may not do is attempt to force that ignorance and hate on society in general, by seeking to codify subjective religious doctrine and dogma.
WTF happened to the Boy Scouts. When I was a scout there was none of this shit. The actual scout doesn't care or see why thiese things go on. It is the adults who create all of the problems. A young scout don't care if the kid next to him is gay, probably don't even know he's gay. The gay kid probably don't know he's gay yet.

The scouts taught alot of good life lessons. When it came time for my son to join the scouts and he showed no intrest, I didn't even bother to pursue it.

I take it that you didn't read the article.
Boy Scout Oath or Promise

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and MORALLY STRAIGHT

The end
Boy Scout Oath or Promise

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and MORALLY STRAIGHT

The end

Exactly WHOSE "morals"? Over in Europe, it's "moral" to do certain things that would be considered "immoral" here in the US.

Christian morals? Hindu morals? Jewish morals? Whose morals exactly? And, if it's limited to just one interpretation of God (the Christian one), why are the Boy Scouts bigoted against other religions?
Boy Scout Oath or Promise

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and MORALLY STRAIGHT

The end

More ignorant nonsense from the right.

Homosexuals are just as moral as everyone else.
It's sad that he worked so hard to get the badge, however the rules are the rules.

The rules are wrong - because they KNEW about his homosexuality BEFORE they gave him his final task. Its not like he completed it and then said 'Hey, I'm gay, but give me the badge anyway'. They knew he was gay and made him do all that work when they never had any intention of giving him that badge!

That is just wrong.

Who says they never had any intention of giving him the badge? He broke the rules by being gay, and he then says they agreeed to "work around it". Perhaps the local chapter intended to work around it, but someone higher up the ladder overrode their agreement.

I'm not saying the rules are right or wrong, but as a private orgiznation they have the right to make them, and saying "I've been breaking the rules and they let me", isn't an excuse when they then stop letting you.
Boy Scout Oath or Promise

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and MORALLY STRAIGHT

The end

More ignorant nonsense from the right.

Homosexuals are just as moral as everyone else.

oh but fuck no they are not.
It's sad that he worked so hard to get the badge, however the rules are the rules.

The rules are wrong - because they KNEW about his homosexuality BEFORE they gave him his final task. Its not like he completed it and then said 'Hey, I'm gay, but give me the badge anyway'. They knew he was gay and made him do all that work when they never had any intention of giving him that badge!

That is just wrong.

Who says they never had any intention of giving him the badge? He broke the rules by being gay, and he then says they agreeed to "work around it". Perhaps the local chapter intended to work around it, but someone higher up the ladder overrode their agreement.

I'm not saying the rules are right or wrong, but as a private orgiznation they have the right to make them, and saying "I've been breaking the rules and they let me", isn't an excuse when they then stop letting you.

He didn't break any damned rules! Being gay is not braking any rules, its something completely out of his control!
Haha, so now the wingnuts are telling us that it is immoral to be gay. Has anyone studied moral philosophy, know of Kant? know anything, other than what they learned during their Southern Oklahoman bible belt upbringing? Well many modern philosophers contend that morals have to do with making sure we promote the health and welfare of the other humans that we share the landscape with. This is not achieved by condemning other humans for what they do in private.

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