Homosexual degeneracy

people tried refusing service, once upon a time , it was called jim crow


Now they just try and make political points, politically correct people are pussies
No one serving a product in the public forum can hide behind "expressive art" as an excuse.

The "art" comes from the customer, the baker is merely the tech putting the message on the cake.

If the Court accepts this case, which it just may not, the ruling will be very interesting as to where 'religious protection' intersects with public business.

Your religious freedom applies to your role as an individual

It does not apply to business or your job
anyone who claims that being kind to and accommodating "those people" is against their religion, is only fooling themselves...

Jesus would bake the cake for everybody and anybody... let he who is without sin refuse to serve cake to others.

IOW he'd say, knock off the false prophecy and let them eat cake!

All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, and privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation...

Civil Rights Act of 1964: Public Accommodation
Uh-huh, but apparently you're perfectly fine forcing business owners to do things they don't want to do..... :rolleyes:
Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws?
As usual you missed the point, the issue is not with following "the law", the issue is that the some of the laws are egregious violations of individual liberty, like er..um.. forcing business owners to do business with people against their will.

If someone FORCED them to go into business serving the public, they should call the cops immediately. There are laws against that.
LOL, what the fuck does that have to do with anything? business aren't "public service" organizations that what's the government is for. Nobody FORCED you to find employment did they? Yet you are free to refuse to do business with any employer based on any criteria that your heart desires, a consumer is free to decline to do business with any business for any reason they like, yet the jabbering mental munchkins think that business owners should be FORCED to do business with all comers just because they chose to earn a living as an entrepreneur and put their capital at risk?

The authoritarian "liberty for me but not for thee" streak is once again rearing its ugly head.
Yes. businesses should be FORCED to treat all customers fairly. Only an idiot wouldn't see the need for that.
.......and only an immoral, authoritarian hypocrite would support such egregious violations of individual liberty, ethics and common decency.

Congratulations you and the slave owners of the Old South have a lot in common, you both have no problem using coercion to get others to do your bidding.
i was refused service due to my religious or rather non religious beliefs....one of the tire changers.....objected to my bumper sticker saying "my goddess gave birth to your god" i took my business elsewhere....i should have sued the place but it was easier just to go to their competitors

i do not want to be forced to do art or anything else i do not want to do...

so you don't want to be forced to do things you don't want to do but you have zero issue forcing your "feels" on others?
that would be it in a nutshell.....once you hang out that sign and open that door ...its to the public...not just those you like......

Let this play out strolling but don't add to the lies. You know better.
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.......and only an immoral, authoritarian hypocrite would support such egregious violations of individual liberty, ethics and common decency.

only an immoral authoritarian hypocrite business owner would break anti discrimination law to refuse to accommodate their neighbor while hiding behind Jesus AS IF he'd approve...

you have failed to demonstrate how accommodating your neighbor is against your religion, ethics or decency.

didn't you learn the golden rule in Jesus school??
Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws?
As usual you missed the point, the issue is not with following "the law", the issue is that the some of the laws are egregious violations of individual liberty, like er..um.. forcing business owners to do business with people against their will.

If someone FORCED them to go into business serving the public, they should call the cops immediately. There are laws against that.
LOL, what the fuck does that have to do with anything? business aren't "public service" organizations that what's the government is for. Nobody FORCED you to find employment did they? Yet you are free to refuse to do business with any employer based on any criteria that your heart desires, a consumer is free to decline to do business with any business for any reason they like, yet the jabbering mental munchkins think that business owners should be FORCED to do business with all comers just because they chose to earn a living as an entrepreneur and put their capital at risk?

The authoritarian "liberty for me but not for thee" streak is once again rearing its ugly head.
Yes. businesses should be FORCED to treat all customers fairly. Only an idiot wouldn't see the need for that.
.......and only an immoral, authoritarian hypocrite would support such egregious violations of individual liberty, ethics and common decency.

Congratulations you and the slave owners of the Old South have a lot in common, you both have no problem using coercion to get others to do your bidding.

Laws preventing the store from selling you dog meat and telling you that it's steak make me a slave owner? You're a nut, You know that? You're a nut.
Remember when the Marxists said gay marriage wouldn't impact anyone who wasn't gay?

Religious freedom or bigotry? Supreme Court mulls high-stakes gay wedding cake case
There's a false analogy there.

"Eastman suggests we “shift the facts” and imagine a “white racist who wants an African-American baker to bake a cake celebrating the Ku Klux Klan.” If the courts tried to claim creating the cake “doesn’t implicate free speech rights, people would be howling.” Phillips, Eastman said, was willing to serve homosexuals in his shop, he just didn’t want to be forced to support their beliefs."

I'm not big on public accommodation laws, although the nation had to do something about race and segregation ... and not just in the South. But a KKK member wanting a cake saying "America is only for whites" would not be protected. He wouldn't be discriminated against because of his race. Likewise, I'm not sure a gay wedding couple would be protected if the cake was to read "anal is the only way."
i was refused service due to my religious or rather non religious beliefs....one of the tire changers.....objected to my bumper sticker saying "my goddess gave birth to your god" i took my business elsewhere....i should have sued the place but it was easier just to go to their competitors

i do not want to be forced to do art or anything else i do not want to do...
Uh-huh, but apparently you're perfectly fine forcing business owners to do things they don't want to do..... :rolleyes:
Why would someone get a business license and not be expected to follow business laws?
As usual you missed the point, the issue is not with following "the law", the issue is that the some of the laws are egregious violations of individual liberty, like er..um.. forcing business owners to do business with people against their will.

If someone FORCED them to go into business serving the public, they should call the cops immediately. There are laws against that.
LOL, what the fuck does that have to do with anything? business aren't "public service" organizations that what's the government is for. Nobody FORCED you to find employment did they? Yet you are free to refuse to do business with any employer based on any criteria that your heart desires, a consumer is free to decline to do business with any business for any reason they like, yet the jabbering mental munchkins think that business owners should be FORCED to do business with all comers just because they chose to earn a living as an entrepreneur and put their capital at risk?

The authoritarian "liberty for me but not for thee" streak is once again rearing its ugly head.
Authoritarian is forcing your religious beliefs on others, and using religion to discriminate those you disagree with.
The United States does not have christian sharia law, and we will not tolerate y'all qaeda.
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"Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than this."

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

Jesus does not approve of self righteous nincompoops claiming the moral high ground while treating others as LESS THAN.
.......and only an immoral, authoritarian hypocrite would support such egregious violations of individual liberty, ethics and common decency.

only an immoral authoritarian hypocrite business owner would break anti discrimination law to refuse to accommodate their neighbor while hiding behind Jesus AS IF he'd approve...

you have failed to demonstrate how accommodating your neighbor is against your religion, ethics or decency.

didn't you learn the golden rule in Jesus school??
i spent up to my sr year in high school in "jesus school". today i'm apathetic and non religious but if you wanna go after it, i'm your huckleberry.

do you have any idea what they teach in "jesus school" or when you graduated the "dick academy" was that not covered?
"Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than this."

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

Jesus does not approve of self righteous nincompoops claiming the moral high ground while treating others as LESS THAN.
He also says not to pray in public but they do it anyway.
i spent up to my sr year in high school in "jesus school". today i'm apathetic and non religious but if you wanna go after it, i'm your huckleberry.

do you have any idea what they teach in "jesus school" or when you graduated the "dick academy" was that not covered?

actually, i went to Catholic school and CCD. anything else, fauxn00b..?
O.k., folks -- here we have the hard core leftists demanding the baker express sentiments and create art against his will, and the hard core right wingers thinking he should be allowed to refuse service because customers are gay. As usual for this place, there are just these two extremes with no middle ground, no nuance and no principles.

Equal accommodation under the law means that businesses should not be allowed to discriminate against people based upon certain traits. I own a business and I understand that. This notion doesn't mean that a business owner should be forced to offer an article or service BECAUSE of these traits, however.

Now, in the case of gay people and weddings, there IS a middle ground here. If a baker offers a cake that says "best wishes Tom and Martha", they should offer one that says "Best wishes Ravi and Valerie". Oops, maybe I need a better example as that is just one person. If they create flowers and other depictions for one couple, they should do so for another. That is equal accommodation. I draw the line at the their being forced to offer words or depictions that goes against their beliefs, however. Turn this thing around, and look at it the other way around, and ask whether you would support forcing a baker to express sentiments that marriage is only between a man and a woman with some anti gay artwork. Would people support that as well?

Equal accommodation vs freedom of speech. There doesn't HAVE to be a conflict but all the partisan hacks of both extremes sure want to make it one.
"hard core leftists demanding the baker express sentiments and create art against his will" :eusa_liar:

bearing false witness is in the top ten ^
The United States does not have christian shariah law.

Because there is no such thing as "christian shariah law", dumbass
The christ stains tried and there are some remnants here in the united states

blue laws and blasphemy laws

Blue laws in the United States - Wikipedia


Opinion | Religious law may be coming to America. But it’s not sharia; it’s Christian.
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O.k., folks -- here we have the hard core leftists demanding the baker express sentiments and create art against his will, and the hard core right wingers thinking he should be allowed to refuse service because customers are gay. As usual for this place, there are just these two extremes with no middle ground, no nuance and no principles.

Equal accommodation under the law means that businesses should not be allowed to discriminate against people based upon certain traits. I own a business and I understand that. This notion doesn't mean that a business owner should be forced to offer an article or service BECAUSE of these traits, however.

Now, in the case of gay people and weddings, there IS a middle ground here. If a baker offers a cake that says "best wishes Tom and Martha", they should offer one that says "Best wishes Ravi and Valerie". Oops, maybe I need a better example as that is just one person. If they create flowers and other depictions for one couple, they should do so for another. That is equal accommodation. I draw the line at the their being forced to offer words or depictions that goes against their beliefs, however. Turn this thing around, and look at it the other way around, and ask whether you would support forcing a baker to express sentiments that marriage is only between a man and a woman with some anti gay artwork. Would people support that as well?

Equal accommodation vs freedom of speech. There doesn't HAVE to be a conflict but all the partisan hacks of both extremes sure want to make it one.
I agree, and business has the right to deny service if the display is offensive.But everyday run of the mill services and items shouldn't be denied just because they know they be gay.
.......and only an immoral, authoritarian hypocrite would support such egregious violations of individual liberty, ethics and common decency.

only an immoral authoritarian hypocrite business owner would break anti discrimination law to refuse to accommodate their neighbor while hiding behind Jesus AS IF he'd approve...
LOL, thanks for demonstrating that you don't understand the meaning of the words authoritarian and hypocrite. For your edification this has nothing to do with "Jesus" and everything to do with the basic human right of free association and the immorality of coercing an individual into servitude.

Of course I wouldn't expect someone of your limited reasoning ability to understand refined principles like individual liberty and generally accepted morality, for you it's all about getting what YOU want regardless of the cost to others, your id rules while your superego remains permanently on vacation.

you have failed to demonstrate how accommodating your neighbor is against your religion, ethics or decency.
I don't have a religion you intellectual Oompa Loompa and given that you have demonstrated on numerous occasions that you no grasp of ethics or decency your comment has been filed where it belongs... in /dev/null.

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