Hondurans Paint Swastika On American Flag, Set It On Fire; Wave Honduran Flags, Give Us The Finger

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
As soon as they waved that Hondutan flag, they became foreign invaders and not refugees looking to become Americans and follow our way of life...What do you do with a foreign invasion firce....you shoot and kill them!!!

Two people burn a United States flag during a protest in favor of the caravan of migrants that is currently stuck on the Guatemala-Mexico border, in front of the American embassy, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Friday, Oct. 19, 2018.

It appears they set multiple flags on fire, as this picture from the BBC shows a second flag set ablaze and treated like garbage:

Buried in a News 8 broadcast from San Diego was footage of illegal migrants and their supporters on the U.S. side breaching the U.S. fence on the border, waving a big Honduran flag, victory-style, and whipping out a big middle finger at America.

Read more at informationliberation.com ...

Riot police tell me they’ve been ordered to stop the caravan. There are more than 100 of them.

Police retreated for the 2nd time today. Again, strategy seems to be: put on show of force ahead of the caravan (appease Trump) but let people through.


By now the president knows all about this American gambit@
So what? Thanks to decades of liberalism it isn't even against the law in the U.S.
Yes, it is....but neither Repubicks ior DemonRATS cared to do anything about it....until Donald Trump stood his ground!
Every country south of the US is murderous, violent, low-I.Q., cocaine-saturated, American-hating filth. Nothing good has ever come from the utter failure of Latin America. Even their tropical fruit products & coffee are an inferior joke compared to the same tropical products in the American state of Hawaii. That Latin American sewer is a place where idiots rot and die....in that order.
So what? Thanks to decades of liberalism it isn't even against the law in the U.S.

You can't just say " so what" . If we all said that thing would be ten times worse. Look at the jerks offs on here who attack me constantly on here because stupidity doesn' tknow reality and only the weak use the information as their denial of facts put in their faces. ( not say you) I mean the leftist liberals in general. But I continue to post in spite of the pos retards.
Sounds like we need a bunch of Apache helicopters and A-10 Warthogs to straffe these fuckers and teach them some respect for their betters.
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As soon as they waved that Hondutan flag, they became foreign invaders and not refugees looking to become Americans and follow our way of life...What do you do with a foreign invasion firce....you shoot and kill them!!!

Two people burn a United States flag during a protest in favor of the caravan of migrants that is currently stuck on the Guatemala-Mexico border, in front of the American embassy, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Friday, Oct. 19, 2018.

It appears they set multiple flags on fire, as this picture from the BBC shows a second flag set ablaze and treated like garbage:

Buried in a News 8 broadcast from San Diego was footage of illegal migrants and their supporters on the U.S. side breaching the U.S. fence on the border, waving a big Honduran flag, victory-style, and whipping out a big middle finger at America.

Read more at informationliberation.com ...

Just put up a sign at the border that reads, "Everyone that crosses the border illegally will be instantly recognized as a US citizen and have to pay for health care and college", and they will poop their pants and run back home.
The UN are using these savages to destroy American, watch when Trump cuts these funds the Tards, the Savageg will all create some violent war of some sort.


As soon as they waved that Hondutan flag, they became foreign invaders and not refugees looking to become Americans and follow our way of life...What do you do with a foreign invasion firce....you shoot and kill them!!!

Two people burn a United States flag during a protest in favor of the caravan of migrants that is currently stuck on the Guatemala-Mexico border, in front of the American embassy, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Friday, Oct. 19, 2018.

It appears they set multiple flags on fire, as this picture from the BBC shows a second flag set ablaze and treated like garbage:

Buried in a News 8 broadcast from San Diego was footage of illegal migrants and their supporters on the U.S. side breaching the U.S. fence on the border, waving a big Honduran flag, victory-style, and whipping out a big middle finger at America.

Read more at informationliberation.com ...
Honduran culture shows it's appreciation by burning flags and stuff and showing the middle finger. It's an honor there. They pee on each other on Christmas. It's a special occasion with flags burning and middle fingers wagging. The whole shebang.
I am perplexed. If you want into a certain country (X,Y or Z), fleeing oppression...Why paint that countries flag with swastikas and show such disrespect? Beggars can be choosers, after all.

Hell, they can whine and complain about the country they are invading because that country hasn't rolled out the red carpet for them. Like they are god's gift to mankind or something. Poor babies. They are in for the shock of their lives.
I am perplexed. If you want into a certain country (X,Y or Z), fleeing oppression...Why paint that countries flag with swastikas and show such disrespect? Beggars can be choosers, after all.

Hell, they can whine and complain about the country they are invading because that country hasn't rolled out the red carpet for them. Like they are god's gift to mankind or something. Poor babies. They are in for the shock of their lives.

Shoot them and bury them in the desert

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So what? Thanks to decades of liberalism it isn't even against the law in the U.S.
Yes, it is....but neither Repubicks ior DemonRATS cared to do anything about it....until Donald Trump stood his ground!
--------------------------------- big caravans so i guess that this is a bit different but both repubs and dems have been allowing this zhit for 40 years . It started with 'reagan' and the 'bush' familia .
I am perplexed. If you want into a certain country (X,Y or Z), fleeing oppression...Why paint that countries flag with swastikas and show such disrespect? Beggars can be choosers, after all.

Hell, they can whine and complain about the country they are invading because that country hasn't rolled out the red carpet for them. Like they are god's gift to mankind or something. Poor babies. They are in for the shock of their lives.

Beggers can't be choosers anywhere in the universe EXCEPT in the US of A.

American citizens are second class citizens don't ya know.
If you want to borrow a cup of sugar from your neighbor, you don't shit on their doorstep.
-------------------------------- they ain't looking for polite favors , they will take your sugar or sugar will e given to them at your expense MaryL.
I am perplexed. If you want into a certain country (X,Y or Z), fleeing oppression...Why paint that countries flag with swastikas and show such disrespect? Beggars can be choosers, after all.

Hell, they can whine and complain about the country they are invading because that country hasn't rolled out the red carpet for them. Like they are god's gift to mankind or something. Poor babies. They are in for the shock of their lives.
-------------------------------------- they get the Red Carpet every day of the day of the year and and have been getting it for many years as thousands of illegals have just been moving in and shipped all over the USA on a daily basis .

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