Hondurans Paint Swastika On American Flag, Set It On Fire; Wave Honduran Flags, Give Us The Finger

If you want to borrow a cup of sugar from your neighbor, you don't shit on their doorstep.
-------------------------------- they ain't looking for polite favors , they will take your sugar or sugar will e given to them at your expense MaryL.
Tell that to the press, whom is obviously the ones making this an issue to begin with. The ones that ignore the high black on black crime rate. Bingo. Same Media that ignores the American poor homeless and jobless and focus on po' witto victims from elsewhere land. Why can't we be concerned with our own weary poor and needy, first? Why not? Why is the press so concerned with outlanders?
I am perplexed. If you want into a certain country (X,Y or Z), fleeing oppression...Why paint that countries flag with swastikas and show such disrespect? Beggars can be choosers, after all.

Hell, they can whine and complain about the country they are invading because that country hasn't rolled out the red carpet for them. Like they are god's gift to mankind or something. Poor babies. They are in for the shock of their lives.

Shoot them and bury them in the desert

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Now, now, we are not liberals at a charity baseball game.

We have actual brains that we use instead of mindless violence.

Think man!

I say dig a giant canal like the one in Panama.

1. No tunnels can be dug under it
2. No way to "take it down"
3. It pays for itself via a route from both oceans devoid of paying Panama for entry.
4. It's a national security issue of quick US access to both oceans.
5. No one will be crossing as easily as climbing a wall.
This is nothing less than a hostile invasion. Put the military on the border and shoot anyone who crosses that border. Period. There are legal and legitimate ways to gain entry into this country. This rabble is relying on the stupidity of our political class to give them cart blanche to invade and overcome the rightful citizens. Shoot any one of them who crosses without permission. If they decide to hold their children up as shields, sobeit, that's their choice.
As soon as they waved that Hondutan flag, they became foreign invaders and not refugees looking to become Americans and follow our way of life...What do you do with a foreign invasion firce....you shoot and kill them!!!

Two people burn a United States flag during a protest in favor of the caravan of migrants that is currently stuck on the Guatemala-Mexico border, in front of the American embassy, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Friday, Oct. 19, 2018.

It appears they set multiple flags on fire, as this picture from the BBC shows a second flag set ablaze and treated like garbage:

Buried in a News 8 broadcast from San Diego was footage of illegal migrants and their supporters on the U.S. side breaching the U.S. fence on the border, waving a big Honduran flag, victory-style, and whipping out a big middle finger at America.

Read more at informationliberation.com ...

HollyWierd Leftists will give them a standing ovation at the next self-award ceremony.
The ones that ignore the high black on black crime rate. B
How so? What in the world are you babbling about?

I must have hit a nerve. In a universe far, far away, called reality, there is this thing...called facts. The high black on black murder rate. The dystopian media loves to present everything framed in visions of White racism or xenophobia or all that hyperpoble...but you don't understand. I need to dumb this down?
Hitler invaded counties too. Used force. But if that asshole had been half the mastermind everyone makes him out to be, he would have just been patient and sent in massive waves of unarmed passive aggressive invaders. Not Stukas or storm troopers. No need for that. It's cool that our Latin American friends have learned that from history. It's too bad we have to find out the hard way.
The United States provided about 175 million in aid to Honduras in 2016 and 2017....be a shame if we cut that aid and invested it in Americans

We should anyway
Yanno, if they feel so strongly about their Honduran flag, ship their asses back. They want change? Let them work for changing that shithole they come from.
As soon as they waved that Hondutan flag, they became foreign invaders and not refugees looking to become Americans and follow our way of life...What do you do with a foreign invasion firce....you shoot and kill them!!!

Two people burn a United States flag during a protest in favor of the caravan of migrants that is currently stuck on the Guatemala-Mexico border, in front of the American embassy, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Friday, Oct. 19, 2018.

It appears they set multiple flags on fire, as this picture from the BBC shows a second flag set ablaze and treated like garbage:

Buried in a News 8 broadcast from San Diego was footage of illegal migrants and their supporters on the U.S. side breaching the U.S. fence on the border, waving a big Honduran flag, victory-style, and whipping out a big middle finger at America.

Read more at informationliberation.com ...

Sounds like it is time for some arial maneuvers at the border. Some low altitude training runs from these fellows should do the trick:

Put the military on the border and shoot anyone who crosses that border. Period.
No, I volunteer you and your fellow wingnuts.
I agree....there must be a way for our government to identify all those who want to man the border with guns to shoot anyone that crosses, notify them that they've just been assigned to a designated part of the border and order them there....provide guns.
And these caravans will continue.

Dimocrats of course will fight to stop the U.S. from attempting to keep these mf'ers out.

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