Honest debate: Libs...would the "AR15-pistol" w 10 Rd mag still be an "Assault Weapon"

The only reason to buy a semi auto AR-15 style rifle is because they want a full auto an can not buy it.

Izzatrite sploogy?

Did you see that etched into your colon wall.

This has to be true, because the typical hunting rifle with a wood stock is many times more accurate

This "has to be true" because you hate liberty and are dumb as a bag of hammers? :eek:

We sure increased security at airports after 9-11.


We need to increase security on Muslims. Since there IS a common thread - which is NOT semi-auto rifles.

In addition to Orlando, Obama has incompetently incurred;

December 2015: Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, a married Pakistani couple, stormed a San Bernardino County government building with combat gear and rifles and opened fire on about 80 employees enjoying an office Christmas party. They killed 14 after pledging loyalty to ISIS. A third Muslim was charged with helping buy weapons.

July 2015:
Mohammad Abdulazeez opened fire on a military recruiting center and US Navy Reserve center in Chattanooga, Tenn., where he shot to death four Marines and a sailor. Obama refused to call it terrorism.

May 2015: ISIS-directed Muslims Nadir Soofi and Elton Simpson opened fire on the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas, shooting a security guard before police took them down.

April 2013:
Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Muslim brothers from Chechnya, exploded a pair of pressure-cooker bombs at the Boston Marathon, killing three and wounding more than 260. At least 17 people lost limbs from the shrapnel.

September 2012: Terrorists with al Qaeda in the Maghreb attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, killing the US ambassador, a US Foreign Service officer and two CIA contractors. Obama and then-Secretary of State Clinton misled the American people, blaming the attack on an anti-Muslim video.

November 2009: Army Maj. Nidal Hasan opened fire on fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 13. Obama ruled it “workplace violence,” even though Hasan was in contact with an al Qaeda leader before the strikes and praised Allah as he mowed down troops.

June 2009:
Al Qaeda-trained Abdulhakim Muhammad opened fire on an Army recruiting office in Little Rock, Ark., killing Pvt. William Long and wounding Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula.


So, is he the biggest fuckup in history, or a traitor? :dunno:

But YOU want to crush civil rights, as if that would have a positive effect.
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When was the last mass killing from a blunt object? How many were killed?

Ducking again, huh?

So you acknowledge that blunt objects kill FAR more people each year than do semi-auto rifles.

Hence there is nothing even remotely rational in your attack on civil rights.
When was the last mass killing from a blunt object? How many were killed?

Ducking again, huh?

So you acknowledge that blunt objects kill FAR more people each year than do semi-auto rifles.

Hence there is nothing even remotely rational in your attack on civil rights.
One event and one murder, 49 dead and over 50 injured. When has a blunt weapons been used in a mass killing?

Guns with hi cap mags kill more than blunt objects.
One event and one murder, 49 dead and over 50 injured. When has a blunt weapons been used in a mass killing?

If speed is the issue, the fertilizer is the king. Far more killed in 1 minute by fertilizer than the Muslim terrorist killed in Orlando.

Guns with hi cap mags kill more than blunt objects.

There you go, now you're blatantly lying. I knew you would, you're a freedom hating leftist, not a hint of integrity. :thup:
One event and one murder, 49 dead and over 50 injured. When has a blunt weapons been used in a mass killing?

If speed is the issue, the fertilizer is the king. Far more killed in 1 minute by fertilizer than the Muslim terrorist killed in Orlando.

Guns with hi cap mags kill more than blunt objects.

There you go, now you're blatantly lying. I knew you would, you're a freedom hating leftist, not a hint of integrity. :thup:

Bombs are illegal.

Lying about what? Guns kill the most by far and most guns now have hi cap mags.
Playing word games? You're presenting hyperbolic lies as an argument and it's tiresome. Come back when you KNOW what you're talking about.
Hyperbolic lies? Ok bucko... since i need to spell it out out in elementary terms for you to understand i'll do so...

1 trigger pull per shot with 6-10 shots before a reload
compared to
1 trigger pull resulting in a spray of bullets producing dozens of bullets in the same amount of time equals way more shots and way more damage potential.

The less the ammo capacity per magazine means more reloads are needed, this means more mags need to be purchased and carried by the shooter.

Are you seeing how all this adds up to more or less potential for damage?

I'm a gun owner, I don't think anything should be done to infringe on our rights to own weapons to hunt, protect ourselves with or just to have fun shooting shit in our back yards like what I do... But having common sense safety measure isn't asking for too much and it doesn't need to be blown way out of proportion like it has been in these debates.

1 trigger pull per shot with 6-10 shots before a reload
compared to
1 trigger pull resulting in a spray of bullets producing dozens of bullets in the same amount of time equals way more shots and way more damage potential.

1 trigger pull resulting in a spray of bullets producing dozens of bullets?

When is the last time that happened?

Every time a full auto weapon is used in the full auto mode. Has it happened here, thankfully no, and this is 100 percent due to the ban, or do you really believe that Omar Mateen would have chosen a semi over an auto if the auto was available?

Automatic weapons AREN'T banned. The time wasted explaining the facts to you is why you are obviously a timesuck troll.
Automatic weapons are banned to all but law enforcement, and someone that is a secret agent of some sort which explains the process to have these weapons and not be in law enforcement, as this person is in law enforcement. Thank God that the ban exist or there might be 200 dead in Orlando, I am glad that you agree with me that this ban is thus a very good thing.

Now if you say the ban is wrong, you are saying that more people should have died as Mateen certainly would have chosen a full auto gun.


My god, you are so ignorant, you are probably a danger to yourself.

here, educate yourself. Automatic Weapons Permit | Class 3 Weapons License

"I have had a couple of people contact me at class 3 weapons license looking for an “automatic weapons permit” and the answers can sometimes be confusing. I have tried to explain to people that there is no such thing as an automatic weapons permit, just a tax stamp that you need to buy before purchasing the firearm. That being said, it isn’t that easy. We at class 3 weapons license have tried to put together a short list of the items that you will need to handle in order to complete the sale."

Now, since you obviously have no idea what you're talking about and are contributing nothing but ignorance, you'll get no more responses until you improve.
1 trigger pull resulting in a spray of bullets producing dozens of bullets?

When is the last time that happened?

Every time a full auto weapon is used in the full auto mode. Has it happened here, thankfully no, and this is 100 percent due to the ban, or do you really believe that Omar Mateen would have chosen a semi over an auto if the auto was available?

Automatic weapons AREN'T banned. The time wasted explaining the facts to you is why you are obviously a timesuck troll.
Automatic weapons are banned to all but law enforcement, and someone that is a secret agent of some sort which explains the process to have these weapons and not be in law enforcement, as this person is in law enforcement. Thank God that the ban exist or there might be 200 dead in Orlando, I am glad that you agree with me that this ban is thus a very good thing.

Now if you say the ban is wrong, you are saying that more people should have died as Mateen certainly would have chosen a full auto gun.


I suggest you google "san diego bank robbers shootout" and tell us how those robbers got their hands on so many full auto weapons if they are so "banned" that getting them is so impossible.

No one said that criminals could not get illegal guns, I said that they full autos are banned and that Mateen would have bought a full auto weapon if they were not banned. Glad that you thus agree that the ban is a very good thing as Mateen would have killed twice as many people in the same time frame, at least... Or do you want idiots like Mateen to have full auto weapons?


Truly, you are stupid. Full autos are NOT banned as the article CLEARLY explained. Please do yourself a favor and delete this account and start over. You'll never recover under this ID.
Drop all the control measures and allow him to go buy an auto and Orlando is a much sadder story
Who wants to do this?
Why do we keep going backwards... I made a point that shows that gun control is a good thing. Since you don't display acknowledgement of my point on this, i'm forced to dumb it down to its simplest elements which is an example of no control and regulation on weapons. You all keep dodging the fact that the world is safer with the regulations preventing Joe Blow from buying an automatic weapon at a local gun store.

Both sides should be using their brains and acknowledging that certain gun control measures are both legal and valid and helping the safety of our public. Then we can have a reasonable debate about which measures we put in place. A valid argument can be made against banning certain semi-auto guns. A valid argument can be made to limit their destructive capabilities. These arguments should be the focus of the discussion and the bloated rhetoric about disarming Americans, and erasing the 2nd A, needs to take a hike.
You're late to the conversation man, I don't have the time to repeat myself. I'm making a simple point that gun control is a valid responsibility of our lawmakers and a reasonable debate to have.

Right up there with speech control and religion control?
Yes... Libel, slander, hate speech all valuable limitations to the rights... Religious freedom is great but nobody is going to be sacrificing humans or goats in the streets... Both your examples do have limits as should the 2nd amendment.
Drop all the control measures and allow him to go buy an auto and Orlando is a much sadder story
Who wants to do this?
Why do we keep going backwards... I made a point that shows that gun control is a good thing. Since you don't display acknowledgement of my point on this, i'm forced to dumb it down to its simplest elements which is an example of no control and regulation on weapons. You all keep dodging the fact that the world is safer with the regulations preventing Joe Blow from buying an automatic weapon at a local gun store.

Both sides should be using their brains and acknowledging that certain gun control measures are both legal and valid and helping the safety of our public. Then we can have a reasonable debate about which measures we put in place. A valid argument can be made against banning certain semi-auto guns. A valid argument can be made to limit their destructive capabilities. These arguments should be the focus of the discussion and the bloated rhetoric about disarming Americans, and erasing the 2nd A, needs to take a hike.

When the Second Amendment says "...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.", how can an argument be made to "limit" those arms or their use? Which of those words don't you understand?
When the Second Amendment says "...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.", how can an argument be made to "limit" those arms or their use? Which of those words don't you understand?
Very simply... Our lawmakers have the right to decide what is and is not a legal arms. We have a legal process in place to do this.
When the Second Amendment says "...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.", how can an argument be made to "limit" those arms or their use? Which of those words don't you understand?
Very simply... Our lawmakers have the right to decide what is and is not a legal arms. We have a legal process in place to do this.

I cannot agree. Each city and state have broad latitude to determine who can own firearems within their borders and regulate who owns a firearm based on their actions. Some jurisdictions prohibit everyone under their jurisdiction from owning firearms. That does not make the weapons illegal in and of themselves.

Automatic weapons and even sawn off shotguns are not really illegal, as they both can be purchased legally with a tax stamp.
When the Second Amendment says "...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.", how can an argument be made to "limit" those arms or their use? Which of those words don't you understand?
Very simply... Our lawmakers have the right to decide what is and is not a legal arms. We have a legal process in place to do this.

I cannot agree. Each city and state have broad latitude to determine who can own firearems within their borders and regulate who owns a firearm based on their actions. Some jurisdictions prohibit everyone under their jurisdiction from owning firearms. That does not make the weapons illegal in and of themselves.

Automatic weapons and even sawn off shotguns are not really illegal, as they both can be purchased legally with a tax stamp.
You make a personal argument not a legal one. I'm an advocate for states rights for most issues. For certain issues it is legal and appropriate for a Federal standards to be made. Personally on this one, I think a federal law defining the minimum standard of what is legal and not legal is appropriate and the states can further modify if they desire.
Yes... Libel, slander, hate speech all valuable limitations to the rights...

We already have laws against brandishing, assault, and murder; so the limitations you seek are in place.

Except of course that neither are limitation, just accountability for criminal acts. I know you don't grasp these concepts, democrat after all, but there is a huge distinction between criminal acts involving a right, such as slander, and prior restraint of a right (which violates the Constitution.)

Religious freedom is great but nobody is going to be sacrificing humans or goats in the streets... Both your examples do have limits as should the 2nd amendment.

Again, criminal acts with a gun are already illegal, so you anti-liberty thugs can go home and torture kittens, or whatever it is you do for fun, and stop your assault on civil rights. :thup:

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