Honestly, What is so Bad About Hillary Being President?

A neoconservative one at that.

She's not even close to being a neoconservative.
How do you define neoconservative?
Neoconservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
She is aligned with Robert Kagan a prominent neoconservative.
Of course she is one.

Having one adviser at the State Dept doesn't make one a neocon. I was going to post the same link because, you know, this fits Hillary like a glove (from the link) : "Neoconservatives peaked in influence during the administrations of George W. Bush, George H W Bush and Tony Blair, when they played a major role in promoting and planning the 2003 invasion of Iraq.[1] Prominent neoconservatives in the Bush administration included Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Paul Bremer. Senior officials Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld,"

Yeah, that really sounds like Hillary <rolls eyes>..
A neoconservative one at that.

She's not even close to being a neoconservative.
How do you define neoconservative?
Neoconservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
She is aligned with Robert Kagan a prominent neoconservative.
Of course she is one.

Having one adviser at the State Dept doesn't make one a neocon. I was going to post the same link because, you know, this fits Hillary like a glove (from the link) : "Neoconservatives peaked in influence during the administrations of George W. Bush, George H W Bush and Tony Blair, when they played a major role in promoting and planning the 2003 invasion of Iraq.[1] Prominent neoconservatives in the Bush administration included Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Paul Bremer. Senior officials Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld,"

Yeah, that really sounds like Hillary <rolls eyes>..
Her record at the State Dept. speaks for itself.
A neoconservative one at that.

She's not even close to being a neoconservative.
How do you define neoconservative?
Neoconservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
She is aligned with Robert Kagan a prominent neoconservative.
Of course she is one.

Having one adviser at the State Dept doesn't make one a neocon. I was going to post the same link because, you know, this fits Hillary like a glove (from the link) : "Neoconservatives peaked in influence during the administrations of George W. Bush, George H W Bush and Tony Blair, when they played a major role in promoting and planning the 2003 invasion of Iraq.[1] Prominent neoconservatives in the Bush administration included Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Paul Bremer. Senior officials Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld,"

Yeah, that really sounds like Hillary <rolls eyes>..
Her record at the State Dept. speaks for itself.

unless you're a deranged rightwingnut you'd know that she was perfectly fine as secretary of state and well regarded by other countries and most people here.... hence the hysteria and spending millions of our tax dollars on hearings which were a pointless partisan exercise....
This is a real attempt to find out why so many conservatives hate Hillary or think she would be a catastrophe as President.

I personally break it down to five areas;
1. she does not have the character we need for a President; she is a liar, a hypocrit and a shallow fraud who sifts her perspective with the winds of opinion, such as her stance on Gay marriage and the Confederate battle flag.
2. She has no accomplishments of her own to show off as successes, going from one 'Reset Button' blunder to another 'Libya death' disaster. There is no reason of accomplishment to vote for Hillary, and she has fucked up everything she has ever attempted as far back as her derailed national health care attempt in the early 90's so why chance it?
3. Hillary is a closet Marxist sympathizer. Despite her selling herself off to corporations for their donations, she despises them all. She has completely bought into the Marxist struggle model for gender relations, race relations and her being an economic class struggle Marxist zealot would not surprise me at all.
4. Hillary Clinton is a crook, with likely ties to the drug running coming out of Mena airport in Arkansas during her husbands time as governor of the state.
5. Hillary Clinton is psychopathic. You want to make a dog crazy then chain it to a tree and beat it every time you go out to feed it and the positive reinforcement conflicting with the negative reinforcement will produce a psychotic killing machine. Hilary's marriage to Bill Clinton with his constant womanizing and alleged rapes dogging them both has turned her into a psychotic person who believes the Presidency is hers by right; she has earned it and everyone else needs to get the hell out of her way. Thus we have the sham Democrat debates and the dropping out of 40% of her rivals who claimed that the process has been rigged into a Hillary coronation. I would hate to get between her and the Presidency; IT IS HERS, DAMN IT!

Any specific examples of these sorts of things are what I am interested in as we need some kind of running thread on why Hillary is bat-shit crazy.

The only real plus in voting Hillary into the whitehouse is an assurance that our civil rights here at home will remain intact, as will the affordable healthcare act.

Another plus, Bill Clinton

Neither were very good at foreign affairs so they should focus on domestic issues and give the rest of the world the break from our failed foreign policy that's fucked everything up so bad
Keeping Obamacare is the major reason to not elect her or any democrat President. The people hate Obama for this outrageous theft of our Rights.
A neoconservative one at that.

She's not even close to being a neoconservative.
How do you define neoconservative?
Neoconservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
She is aligned with Robert Kagan a prominent neoconservative.
Of course she is one.

Having one adviser at the State Dept doesn't make one a neocon. I was going to post the same link because, you know, this fits Hillary like a glove (from the link) : "Neoconservatives peaked in influence during the administrations of George W. Bush, George H W Bush and Tony Blair, when they played a major role in promoting and planning the 2003 invasion of Iraq.[1] Prominent neoconservatives in the Bush administration included Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Paul Bremer. Senior officials Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld,"

Yeah, that really sounds like Hillary <rolls eyes>..
Her record at the State Dept. speaks for itself.

unless you're a deranged rightwingnut you'd know that she was perfectly fine as secretary of state and well regarded by other countries and most people here.... hence the hysteria and spending millions of our tax dollars on hearings which were a pointless partisan exercise....
  1. The Russian Reset
  2. Benghazi
  3. Arab Spring
  4. ServerGate
Everywhere she flew, which she mentions as an accomplishment, has been a disaster.
  1. The Russian Reset
  2. Benghazi
  3. Arab Spring
  4. ServerGate
Everywhere she flew, which she mentions as an accomplishment, has been a disaster.

Benghazi not her problem. Ditto arab spring and this so called Russian Reset. Her email problem was an issue for sure. But not a biggie in the scheme of things....
  1. The Russian Reset
  2. Benghazi
  3. Arab Spring
  4. ServerGate
Everywhere she flew, which she mentions as an accomplishment, has been a disaster.

Benghazi not her problem. Ditto arab spring and this so called Russian Reset. Her email problem was an issue for sure. But not a biggie in the scheme of things....
. Denial is not absolution. Putin is our best buddy? 4 men died because of her incompetence. ISIS is a direct result of the Arab Spring. NK and China had unfettered access to our national secrets because Hillary wanted to keep her criminal activities off government servers.
RE: military spending. Just keep in mind that like $150billion dollars of that budget is employing our soldiers, who spend it, for the most part, in the US economy.
She was a more than adequate Secretary of State.

What foreign policy triumphs do you attribute to Hillary? The reset with Russia? Libya? The Arab Spring?

I dont see anything for her to put on her list of accomplishments, but I would be interested in knowing what you think they are.
This is a real attempt to find out why so many conservatives hate Hillary or think she would be a catastrophe as President.

I personally break it down to five areas;
1. she does not have the character we need for a President; she is a liar, a hypocrit and a shallow fraud who sifts her perspective with the winds of opinion, such as her stance on Gay marriage and the Confederate battle flag.
2. She has no accomplishments of her own to show off as successes, going from one 'Reset Button' blunder to another 'Libya death' disaster. There is no reason of accomplishment to vote for Hillary, and she has fucked up everything she has ever attempted as far back as her derailed national health care attempt in the early 90's so why chance it?
3. Hillary is a closet Marxist sympathizer. Despite her selling herself off to corporations for their donations, she despises them all. She has completely bought into the Marxist struggle model for gender relations, race relations and her being an economic class struggle Marxist zealot would not surprise me at all.
4. Hillary Clinton is a crook, with likely ties to the drug running coming out of Mena airport in Arkansas during her husbands time as governor of the state.
5. Hillary Clinton is psychopathic. You want to make a dog crazy then chain it to a tree and beat it every time you go out to feed it and the positive reinforcement conflicting with the negative reinforcement will produce a psychotic killing machine. Hilary's marriage to Bill Clinton with his constant womanizing and alleged rapes dogging them both has turned her into a psychotic person who believes the Presidency is hers by right; she has earned it and everyone else needs to get the hell out of her way. Thus we have the sham Democrat debates and the dropping out of 40% of her rivals who claimed that the process has been rigged into a Hillary coronation. I would hate to get between her and the Presidency; IT IS HERS, DAMN IT!

Any specific examples of these sorts of things are what I am interested in as we need some kind of running thread on why Hillary is bat-shit crazy.

The only real plus in voting Hillary into the whitehouse is an assurance that our civil rights here at home will remain intact, as will the affordable healthcare act.

Another plus, Bill Clinton

Neither were very good at foreign affairs so they should focus on domestic issues and give the rest of the world the break from our failed foreign policy that's fucked everything up so bad
Keeping Obamacare is the major reason to not elect her or any democrat President. The people hate Obama for this outrageous theft of our Rights.

You're in the minority on that issue. A very tiny minority. Just saying
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She was a more than adequate Secretary of State.
If you support a neoconservative agenda then yeah, she was more than adequate. Ukraine, Libya and Syria being the examples. I do not support such an agenda, she will never get my vote.
I supported Hillary over Obama in 2008 for two reasons.
Reason 1: I don't like McCain.

Reason 2: I didn't think many people would trust Hillary. I think it's a good thing when the citizens have a healthy scepticism of government. Instead we got Obama (The One), who gave the media a thrill up their leg and neutralized any dissent from the left on issues like the ACA or foreign policy.

that's really funny.... as if the loons haven't ranted about the president since the day he was inaugurated.

You've got loons on each side, conversely saying that Bush/Cheney were behind 9-11, or Obama is the anti-Christ.

The media, for their part, supported Bush and his WMD argument for the Iraq War. There's never been a war the New York Times didn't love. They didn't turn against Bush until 2006 or so.

It should be clear to anyone with any sort of memory that the media turned on Hillary in the 2008 primary. They adopted Obama as their darling story feature. The entire left fell in line with him. One seminal moment was when Kucinich abandoned his rebuke of the ACA.

With the after-taste of Bush still lingering, Obama was the only president who could have gotten away with further growing the military budget above and beyond Bush, continuing to support the Hank Paulson/Neel Kashkari style bailout regime, pepper spraying OWS into oblivion, strengthening and codifying executive power under Patriot Act provisions, completing Bush's domestic spying apparatus, etc.. Nobody but a media darling and an exalted first black president could have gotten away with all of that to the degree that Obama did. He was the perfect tool.

Hillary sucks, but at least most people know that she sucks.
This is a real attempt to find out why so many conservatives hate Hillary or think she would be a catastrophe as President.

I personally break it down to five areas;
1. she does not have the character we need for a President; she is a liar, a hypocrit and a shallow fraud who sifts her perspective with the winds of opinion, such as her stance on Gay marriage and the Confederate battle flag.
2. She has no accomplishments of her own to show off as successes, going from one 'Reset Button' blunder to another 'Libya death' disaster. There is no reason of accomplishment to vote for Hillary, and she has fucked up everything she has ever attempted as far back as her derailed national health care attempt in the early 90's so why chance it?
3. Hillary is a closet Marxist sympathizer. Despite her selling herself off to corporations for their donations, she despises them all. She has completely bought into the Marxist struggle model for gender relations, race relations and her being an economic class struggle Marxist zealot would not surprise me at all.
4. Hillary Clinton is a crook, with likely ties to the drug running coming out of Mena airport in Arkansas during her husbands time as governor of the state.
5. Hillary Clinton is psychopathic. You want to make a dog crazy then chain it to a tree and beat it every time you go out to feed it and the positive reinforcement conflicting with the negative reinforcement will produce a psychotic killing machine. Hilary's marriage to Bill Clinton with his constant womanizing and alleged rapes dogging them both has turned her into a psychotic person who believes the Presidency is hers by right; she has earned it and everyone else needs to get the hell out of her way. Thus we have the sham Democrat debates and the dropping out of 40% of her rivals who claimed that the process has been rigged into a Hillary coronation. I would hate to get between her and the Presidency; IT IS HERS, DAMN IT!

Any specific examples of these sorts of things are what I am interested in as we need some kind of running thread on why Hillary is bat-shit crazy.

The only real plus in voting Hillary into the whitehouse is an assurance that our civil rights here at home will remain intact, as will the affordable healthcare act.

Another plus, Bill Clinton

Neither were very good at foreign affairs so they should focus on domestic issues and give the rest of the world the break from our failed foreign policy that's fucked everything up so bad
Keeping Obamacare is the major reason to not elect her or any democrat President. The people hate Obama for this outrageous theft of our Rights.

You're in the minority on that issue. A very tiny minority. Just saying
. 70% is not a minority. The insurance co-ops are closing left and right and people are paying higher premiums for policies with higher deductibles. You progressives have fucked up the best health care system in the world.

You're delusional if you think we're going to let Hillary run or expand it.
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This is a real attempt to find out why so many conservatives hate Hillary or think she would be a catastrophe as President.

I personally break it down to five areas;
1. she does not have the character we need for a President; she is a liar, a hypocrit and a shallow fraud who sifts her perspective with the winds of opinion, such as her stance on Gay marriage and the Confederate battle flag.
2. She has no accomplishments of her own to show off as successes, going from one 'Reset Button' blunder to another 'Libya death' disaster. There is no reason of accomplishment to vote for Hillary, and she has fucked up everything she has ever attempted as far back as her derailed national health care attempt in the early 90's so why chance it?
3. Hillary is a closet Marxist sympathizer. Despite her selling herself off to corporations for their donations, she despises them all. She has completely bought into the Marxist struggle model for gender relations, race relations and her being an economic class struggle Marxist zealot would not surprise me at all.
4. Hillary Clinton is a crook, with likely ties to the drug running coming out of Mena airport in Arkansas during her husbands time as governor of the state.
5. Hillary Clinton is psychopathic. You want to make a dog crazy then chain it to a tree and beat it every time you go out to feed it and the positive reinforcement conflicting with the negative reinforcement will produce a psychotic killing machine. Hilary's marriage to Bill Clinton with his constant womanizing and alleged rapes dogging them both has turned her into a psychotic person who believes the Presidency is hers by right; she has earned it and everyone else needs to get the hell out of her way. Thus we have the sham Democrat debates and the dropping out of 40% of her rivals who claimed that the process has been rigged into a Hillary coronation. I would hate to get between her and the Presidency; IT IS HERS, DAMN IT!

Any specific examples of these sorts of things are what I am interested in as we need some kind of running thread on why Hillary is bat-shit crazy.

The only real plus in voting Hillary into the whitehouse is an assurance that our civil rights here at home will remain intact, as will the affordable healthcare act.

Another plus, Bill Clinton

Neither were very good at foreign affairs so they should focus on domestic issues and give the rest of the world the break from our failed foreign policy that's fucked everything up so bad
Keeping Obamacare is the major reason to not elect her or any democrat President. The people hate Obama for this outrageous theft of our Rights.

You're in the minority on that issue. A very tiny minority. Just saying
. 70% is not a minority. The insurance co-ops are closing left and right and people are paying higher premiums for policies with higher deductibles. You progressives have fucked up the best health care system in the world.

You're delusional if you think we're going to let Hillary run or expand it.

Is that best healthcare network you speak of the same one that's killing more than a half million patients per year. And for reasons other than what the patients sought treatment for? Because if so, your best healthcare network is bordering on the verge of third world toilet status.
Denial is not absolution. Putin is our best buddy? 4 men died because of her incompetence. ISIS is a direct result of the Arab Spring. NK and China had unfettered access to our national secrets because Hillary wanted to keep her criminal activities off government servers.

Four people died because bad guys shot them. The arab spring has nothing to do with her. ISIS, if anything, was brought about by the Iraqi situation.

But did NK and China actually have access to those secrets.

What criminal activities?
She was a more than adequate Secretary of State.

What foreign policy triumphs do you attribute to Hillary? The reset with Russia? Libya? The Arab Spring?

I dont see anything for her to put on her list of accomplishments, but I would be interested in knowing what you think they are.

Plenty - Hillary Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hillary Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But more importantly she made the US likable with its key allies again. The US was a pariah amongst its allies when Bush, Wolvie, Rummy, Deferment Cheney et al were in charge.
She was a more than adequate Secretary of State.

What foreign policy triumphs do you attribute to Hillary? The reset with Russia? Libya? The Arab Spring?

I dont see anything for her to put on her list of accomplishments, but I would be interested in knowing what you think they are.

Plenty - Hillary Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hillary Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But more importantly she made the US likable with its key allies again. The US was a pariah amongst its allies when Bush, Wolvie, Rummy, Deferment Cheney et al were in charge.
I am not going to read an entire encyclopedia article searching for whatever the hell you might be referring to, dude.

Either you can give us a list of what you think are Clintons foreign policy triumphs, or you are spewing horse shit out of your mouth.
Denial is not absolution. Putin is our best buddy? 4 men died because of her incompetence. ISIS is a direct result of the Arab Spring. NK and China had unfettered access to our national secrets because Hillary wanted to keep her criminal activities off government servers.

Four people died because bad guys shot them. The arab spring has nothing to do with her. ISIS, if anything, was brought about by the Iraqi situation.

But did NK and China actually have access to those secrets.

What criminal activities?
lolololol, what a load of horse manure.

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