Honestly, What is so Bad About Hillary Being President?

This is a real attempt to find out why so many conservatives hate Hillary or think she would be a catastrophe as President.

I personally break it down to five areas;
1. she does not have the character we need for a President; she is a liar, a hypocrit and a shallow fraud who sifts her perspective with the winds of opinion, such as her stance on Gay marriage and the Confederate battle flag.
2. She has no accomplishments of her own to show off as successes, going from one 'Reset Button' blunder to another 'Libya death' disaster. There is no reason of accomplishment to vote for Hillary, and she has fucked up everything she has ever attempted as far back as her derailed national health care attempt in the early 90's so why chance it?
3. Hillary is a closet Marxist sympathizer. Despite her selling herself off to corporations for their donations, she despises them all. She has completely bought into the Marxist struggle model for gender relations, race relations and her being an economic class struggle Marxist zealot would not surprise me at all.
4. Hillary Clinton is a crook, with likely ties to the drug running coming out of Mena airport in Arkansas during her husbands time as governor of the state.
5. Hillary Clinton is psychopathic. You want to make a dog crazy then chain it to a tree and beat it every time you go out to feed it and the positive reinforcement conflicting with the negative reinforcement will produce a psychotic killing machine. Hilary's marriage to Bill Clinton with his constant womanizing and alleged rapes dogging them both has turned her into a psychotic person who believes the Presidency is hers by right; she has earned it and everyone else needs to get the hell out of her way. Thus we have the sham Democrat debates and the dropping out of 40% of her rivals who claimed that the process has been rigged into a Hillary coronation. I would hate to get between her and the Presidency; IT IS HERS, DAMN IT!

Any specific examples of these sorts of things are what I am interested in as we need some kind of running thread on why Hillary is bat-shit crazy.

The only real plus in voting Hillary into the whitehouse is an assurance that our civil rights here at home will remain intact, as will the affordable healthcare act.

Another plus, Bill Clinton

Neither were very good at foreign affairs so they should focus on domestic issues and give the rest of the world the break from our failed foreign policy that's fucked everything up so bad
Keeping Obamacare is the major reason to not elect her or any democrat President. The people hate Obama for this outrageous theft of our Rights.

You're in the minority on that issue. A very tiny minority. Just saying
. 70% is not a minority. The insurance co-ops are closing left and right and people are paying higher premiums for policies with higher deductibles. You progressives have fucked up the best health care system in the world.

You're delusional if you think we're going to let Hillary run or expand it.

Is that best healthcare network you speak of the same one that's killing more than a half million patients per year. And for reasons other than what the patients sought treatment for? Because if so, your best healthcare network is bordering on the verge of third world toilet status.
Our healthcare system is now called Obamacare. We need to get back to the best healthcare system in the world. The one before Obama fucked it up.
If Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky becomes president one might wonder what will be on the menu in The Oval Office. We know what was being eaten in there under the last Clintondent.
Denial is not absolution. Putin is our best buddy? 4 men died because of her incompetence. ISIS is a direct result of the Arab Spring. NK and China had unfettered access to our national secrets because Hillary wanted to keep her criminal activities off government servers.

Four people died because bad guys shot them. The arab spring has nothing to do with her. ISIS, if anything, was brought about by the Iraqi situation.

But did NK and China actually have access to those secrets.

What criminal activities?
. Four good men died because Hillary wouldn't send them protection when asked and they died because Obama and Hillary wouldn't send F-15s at supersonic speed to let those men and the terrorists know WE were coming for them even if we shattered every window in Benghazi.
[ Four good men died because Hillary wouldn't send them protection when asked and they died because Obama and Hillary wouldn't send F-15s at supersonic speed to let those men and the terrorists know WE were coming for them even if every window in Benghazi shattered.

Yeah, but as Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky might have said (oh wait, she DID): "What difference does it make......."
I can not think of a single redeeming quality in Mrs Clinton. Not one.

Business & money savy
Kind man of impeccable morality
Speaks his mind
Undying love of America
Tells you what she thinks in a point blank manner
Very smart & articulate
Savy speaker
Actually believes what he says

I can't wait to see the type of meltdown you radical Republicans will have when Hillary wins.

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I supported Hillary over Obama in 2008 for two reasons.
Reason 1: I don't like McCain.

Reason 2: I didn't think many people would trust Hillary. I think it's a good thing when the citizens have a healthy scepticism of government. Instead we got Obama (The One), who gave the media a thrill up their leg and neutralized any dissent from the left on issues like the ACA or foreign policy.
McCain's running mate was his downfall. As was the Liberal hate media.
Oh, nonsense. Palin pulled McCain UP in his standing among rank and file Republicans, seriously.

But not with Americans.

Just prior to announcing that Palin would be his running mate, McCain was trailing Obama by 6% on average. He lost by 7.2%.

2008 - General Election: McCain vs. Obama | RealClearPolitics
United States presidential election, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's the point. That's what you guys don't get.

What is more appealing to conservatives is often less appealing to everyone else.

Like Sarah Palin.
I am not going to read an entire encyclopedia article searching for whatever the hell you might be referring to, dude.

Either you can give us a list of what you think are Clintons foreign policy triumphs, or you are spewing horse shit out of your mouth.

Well, if you can't be bothered reading I'll assume you were asking a rhetorical question, don't like her achievements, or you don't really care. It's there in black and white.
Four good men died because Hillary wouldn't send them protection when asked and they died because Obama and Hillary wouldn't send F-15s at supersonic speed to let those men and the terrorists know WE were coming for them even if we shattered every window in Benghazi.

Nice story. I'll file it under Brothers Grimm or Mother Goose. About the same credibility...
The only real plus in voting Hillary into the whitehouse is an assurance that our civil rights here at home will remain intact, as will the affordable healthcare act.

Another plus, Bill Clinton

Neither were very good at foreign affairs so they should focus on domestic issues and give the rest of the world the break from our failed foreign policy that's fucked everything up so bad
Keeping Obamacare is the major reason to not elect her or any democrat President. The people hate Obama for this outrageous theft of our Rights.

You're in the minority on that issue. A very tiny minority. Just saying
. 70% is not a minority. The insurance co-ops are closing left and right and people are paying higher premiums for policies with higher deductibles. You progressives have fucked up the best health care system in the world.

You're delusional if you think we're going to let Hillary run or expand it.

Is that best healthcare network you speak of the same one that's killing more than a half million patients per year. And for reasons other than what the patients sought treatment for? Because if so, your best healthcare network is bordering on the verge of third world toilet status.
Our healthcare system is now called Obamacare. We need to get back to the best healthcare system in the world. The one before Obama fucked it up.
Four good men died because Hillary wouldn't send them protection when asked and they died because Obama and Hillary wouldn't send F-15s at supersonic speed to let those men and the terrorists know WE were coming for them even if we shattered every window in Benghazi.

Nice story. I'll file it under Brothers Grimm or Mother Goose. About the same credibility...
Lack of credibility regarding those men dying? You think they didnt die and are living on some tropical island?

Or you think Hillary was not in charge at the time and had nothing to do with it?

Or you dont think we had the military capability to save the men?

You really are not making much sense, Dr Gump.
Four good men died because Hillary wouldn't send them protection when asked and they died because Obama and Hillary wouldn't send F-15s at supersonic speed to let those men and the terrorists know WE were coming for them even if we shattered every window in Benghazi.

Nice story. I'll file it under Brothers Grimm or Mother Goose. About the same credibility...
Lack of credibility regarding those men dying? You think they didnt die and are living on some tropical island?

Or you think Hillary was not in charge at the time and had nothing to do with it?

Or you dont think we had the military capability to save the men?

You really are not making much sense, Dr Gump.
I would suggest that you read all 8 Benghazi committee's reports on the matter to inform yourself.
lolololol, what a load of horse manure.

Bit like the pasty old white guys that run the GoP...a bit like you, maybe?
Lets see, the Dhimmicrats have lifelong professional politician Hillary Clintoon (white, old, wrinkled), lifelong professional politician Bernie Sanders (white, old, wrinkled), and that idiot failure of a governor of Maryland whose name I cant recall because he is so pointless and redundant, but he is an old fart as well and a lifelong professional politician. Webb is a writer and good candidate, but he is also an old white guy and got run out of the Dhimmicratic primary, and Chaffee (white, old, wrinkled) lifelong professional politician is also out.

And on the GOP side we have two hispanic candidates (not counting faux hispanic Jebba the Bush), a successful woman former CEO and a very popular and successful black surgeon in addition to a very successful real estate business developer, and a young white dude that is a still practicing surgeon.

This is an example of a libtard, you, thinking that the reverse of Reality is true, simply because you have read it so many times on whatever libtard rags you read in print or on the internet.

Which is why libtardism is a dying elitist ideology, thank God.
Four good men died because Hillary wouldn't send them protection when asked and they died because Obama and Hillary wouldn't send F-15s at supersonic speed to let those men and the terrorists know WE were coming for them even if we shattered every window in Benghazi.

Nice story. I'll file it under Brothers Grimm or Mother Goose. About the same credibility...
Lack of credibility regarding those men dying? You think they didnt die and are living on some tropical island?

Or you think Hillary was not in charge at the time and had nothing to do with it?

Or you dont think we had the military capability to save the men?

You really are not making much sense, Dr Gump.
I would suggest that you read all 8 Benghazi committee's reports on the matter to inform yourself.
No, how about you make your point your own self?
Lack of credibility regarding those men dying? You think they didnt die and are living on some tropical island?

Or you think Hillary was not in charge at the time and had nothing to do with it?

Or you dont think we had the military capability to save the men?

You really are not making much sense, Dr Gump.

What I believe in, is that you neocon whackjobs get so caught up in blaming anybody left of Atilla the Hun for all the ills in the world, that you lack reason and common sense.

It all started under Bill Clinton. You guys just couldn't stand the fact that some guy from Nowheresville came and took the carpet from under Bush Senior. And since then, you morons have been blaming everything from Climate Change to the killing of the Easter Bunny on lefties.

See, this is the big problem I have. Since the day Obama got elected - the day - neocon whackjobs have been blaming him for every little problem your country has had. And so you lack credibility. Instead of picking your battles and blaming him for things he might be truly responsible for, you just cover him in a shit sandwich and say it's his problem. You said he is responsible for Iraq (he's not - it always has been and always will be Bush/Wolfowitz/Cheney/Rummyboy's war), Afghanistan (he's not - it always has been and always will be Bush/Wolfowitz/Cheney/Rummyboy's war), the GFC (freddie mac and fannie mae happened BEFORE he was elected). I could go on. So when something comes along that actually might be true and alarming (Hillary's email issue), it suddenly becomes the Boy Who Cried Wolf. As for Benghazi? A lot more - A SHIT LOAD MORE - people have died thanks to Bush's two wars of choice and Raygun's Iran/Contra affair. So thousands of American soldiers have died in Iraq and Afghanistan and 10s of 1000s if not 100s of 1000s of civilians died in both those wars and suddenly four lives in Benghazi 'matter'? Get the fuck out of here you sanctimonious prick. Either they all matter, or none of them do. And if they all matter, then start pointing your finger at Bush, "Deferment" Cheney and all the other neocon losers. Anything else is just white noise.
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Lets see, the Dhimmicrats have lifelong professional politician Hillary Clintoon (white, old, wrinkled), lifelong professional politician Bernie Sanders (white, old, wrinkled), and that idiot failure of a governor of Maryland whose name I cant recall because he is so pointless and redundant, but he is an old fart as well and a lifelong professional politician. Webb is a writer and good candidate, but he is also an old white guy and got run out of the Dhimmicratic primary, and Chaffee (white, old, wrinkled) lifelong professional politician is also out.

And on the GOP side we have two hispanic candidates (not counting faux hispanic Jebba the Bush), a successful woman former CEO and a very popular and successful black surgeon in addition to a very successful real estate business developer, and a young white dude that is a still practicing surgeon.

This is an example of a libtard, you, thinking that the reverse of Reality is true, simply because you have read it so many times on whatever libtard rags you read in print or on the internet.

Which is why libtardism is a dying elitist ideology, thank God.

Before you get too excited, remember this - The first Black President was a Dem. The First Female Majority Leader was a Dem. The first Female going for one of the top two positions (Ferraro) was a Dem. Ethnic diversity? Dukakis - Greek descendant and Dem. The first Catholic to hold office was a Dem.

Hillary may be old and white but she is still a woman. Who have you put up over the past 40 years? Nixon? White male. Ford? white male. Raygun? White male. Bush and Bush? White male, white male. Dole? White male. McCain? White male? Romney? White male! Although he was a Mormon, so you get points for religious diversity.

As for your ramblings about your own diversity, I'll tell you something for free. Carson will not be your choice, nor will Cruz. Neither will Fiorina. You might get Rubio! Woo hoo! It might take the GoP until 2016 to get somebody other than a old white guy to be its candidate for president. Hand out the Kewpie dolls!!!
What I believe in, is that you neocon whackjobs get so caught up in blaming anybody left of Atilla the Hun for all the ills in the world, that you lack reason and common sense.

Well then your belifs are bullshit as I am not a neocon and your mental pratfalls continue down from that fuck up.

It all started under Bill Clinton. You guys just couldn't stand the fact that some guy from Nowheresville came and took the carpet from under Bush Senior. And since then, you morons have been blaming everything from Climate Change to the killing of the Easter Bunny on lefties.

I'm from Texas, so I dont look down on anyone from Arkansass. I think that Bill did good for the economy when he and Gingrich worked together to balance the federal budget, relatively speaking.

Again, another mental fuck up on your cognitive abilities, Sherlock.

See, this is the big problem I have. Since the day Obama got elected - the day - neocon whackjobs have been blaming him for every little problem your country has had.

Well, he *is* the fucking President, you know? While his golf playing does take him out of the loop a lot, he does tend to have some impact on things due to his office and its attendant duties the he sadly neglects.

And so you lack credibility. Instead of picking your battles and blaming him for things he is truly responsible for, you said he is responsible for Iraq (he's not - it always has been and always will be Bush/Wolfowitz/Cheney/Rummyboy's war), Afghanistan (he's not - it always has been and always will be Bush/Wolfowitz/Cheney/Rummyboy's war), ...

Obamy is responsible for fleeing from Iraq, not sure what you might be referring to otherwise. The ripple effects from that were predicted by many and most of them have come true in short order. He almost left Afghanistan deserted as well.

But them cant be failures to you since you are apparently too busy praying at the alter of the Fearless Leader to actually look at the carnage he has caused.

the GFC (freddie mac and fannie mae happened BEFORE he was elected). I could go on. So when something comes along that actually might be true and alarming (Hillary's email issue), it suddenly becomes the Boy Who Cried Wolf. As for Benghazi? A lot more - A SHIT LOAD MORE - people have died thanks to Bush's two wars of choice and Raygun's Iran/Contra affair. So thousands of American soldiers have died in Iraq and Afghanistan and 10s of 1000s if not 100s of 1000s of civilians died in both those wars and suddenly four lives in Benghazi 'matter'?

The comparison between combat on the one hand and abandoning people while on the battlefield on the other is just breath-takingly stupid.

Get the fuck out of here you sanctimonious prick. Either they all matter, or not of them do. And if they all matter, then your starting point is Bush, "Deferment" Cheney and all the other neocon losers. Anything else is just white noise.

Before you get too excited, remember this - The first Black President was a Dem. The First Female Majority Leader was a Dem. The first Female going for one of the top two positions (Ferraro) was a Dem. Ethnic diversity? Dukakis - Greek descendant and Dem. The first Catholic to hold office was a Dem.

Living on past accomplishments is so sad, even for a libtard.

Hillary may be old and white but she is still a woman. Who have you put up over the past 40 years? Nixon? White male. Ford? white male. Raygun? White male. Bush and Bush? White male, white male. Dole? White male. McCain? White male? Romney? White male! Although he was a Mormon, so you get points for religious diversity.

Yeah, shame on anyone trying to elect who they think is the best person for the job. Oh, no, we gotta use Identity Politics and pick people by what demographic group's turn it is. /sarc


As for your ramblings about your own diversity, I'll tell you something for free. Carson will not be your choice, nor will Cruz. Neither will Fiorina. You might get Rubio! Woo hoo! It might take the GoP until 2016 to get somebody other than a old white guy to be its candidate for president. Hand out the Kewpie dolls!!!

I am simply stating the facts after your demented assertion that the GOP has no diversity. To idiots like you diversity can only come out of some PC agenda. when it can just as easily be produced from honest competition. You see women and minorities are not as helpless as you condescending racist pricks seem to think, and that means they dont really need you and the Dhimmicrats pandering to them for votes.
Well then your belifs are bullshit as I am not a neocon and your mental pratfalls continue down from that fuck up.

I'm from Texas, so I dont look down on anyone from Arkansass. I think that Bill did good for the economy when he and Gingrich worked together to balance the federal budget, relatively speaking. Again, another mental fuck up on your cognitive abilities, Sherlock.

Well, he *is* the fucking President, you know? While his golf playing does take him out of the loop a lot, he does tend to have some impact on things due to his office and its attendant duties the he sadly neglects. Obamy is responsible for fleeing from Iraq, not sure what you might be referring to otherwise. The ripple effects from that were predicted by many and most of them have come true in short order. He almost left Afghanistan deserted as well.

But them cant be failures to you since you are apparently too busy praying at the alter of the Fearless Leader to actually look at the carnage he has caused.

The comparison between combat on the one hand and abandoning people while on the battlefield on the other is just breath-takingly stupid.

Well, stop acting like a neocon whackjob.

What do you mean 'fleeing' from Iraq? You mean he realised it was a cluster fuck and decided no more US lives were worth being lost? Are you saying that was wrong? Are you really saying that? Really?? Dumbya decides to totally fuck up the ME and suddenly it's Obama's fault? I thought you conservatives were all about personal responsibility, but when it comes to Iraq and Afghanistan, it's all Obama's fault? Seriously, you couldn't make this shit up. The carnage was caused by, and will always be the fault, of Bush, Deferment Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and all the other neocon chickenhawks. Hey, if you want to give a free pass to those who are more than happy to send others' children to their deaths, then that's on you.

Yeah, let's not compare Benghazi with the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm sure the relatives of the four people killed in Benghazi are a lot more hurt than than those killed in combat and NON-COMBAT environs in Iraq and Afghanistan (and I'm talking both coalition soldiers AND civilians here - I know to fuckwits like you civilians 'don't really count'). Do you even read what you write? Your ignorance and justification are breath-takeningly absurd and offensive. But I'm not surprised. You're a neocon whackjob. You'd justify anything to your POV.

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