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Hooray! Diverse Group of Muslims Condemn Terrorism and Hebdo Attack

Hooray! Diverse Group of Muslims Condemn Terrorism and Hebdo Attack

A diverse array of Muslim religious and political leaders have issued condemnations of the Paris massacre at the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine ahead of vigils planned here Sunday to mourn the victims.

Lebanon’s Sunni Muslim religious leader, Grand Mufti Abdul-Latif Derian, called on the country’s Muslims to renounce extremism in favor of tolerance, especially in the capital.


Hasan Nasrallah, leader of the Shiite militant group Hezbollah, also decried the Paris shooters in a video speech to supporters in southern Beirut on Thursday, saying they were more offensive to Muhammad than Western satirical cartoonists, and dismissed them as takfiris, or wannabe Muslims.


Fellow Shiites in Iran have also condemned the Paris attack. Speaking in Tehran on Friday, prayer leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami sermonized, “Islam does not approve of killing innocent people, whether in Paris, or in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan and Afghanistan,” according to the Islamic Republic News Agency.


Hamas, meanwhile, issued a statement Saturday saying the group “condemns the attacks against the Charlie Hebdo magazine and insists that the difference of opinions and thoughts cannot justify murder.”


The Palestinian Authority also dismissed the Paris attacks as terrorism, calling them a “heinous crime.”

In Beirut on Sunday, a “Je Suis Charlie” gathering is planned in the downtown Samir Kassir Square, named after a 45-year-old columnist killed by a car bomb in 2005. Supporters posted and tweeted messages of solidarity Saturday.

--- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this week likened the Paris attacks to those by Hamas and Hezbollah against Israel. ----- Muslim leaders condemn French massacre but some on street disagree - LA Times
----- While many condemn the Paris violence some support it - LA Times
People like myself have been calling for Muslims and their leaders worldwide to stand up and take a public stance -- they are doing so. It is progress and anyone who disputes this is an fool and hater

They've been denouncing this shit but its hard to believe that all muslims are bad if you remember that not all of them are.

Dont worry, this will be forgotten quickly. Its easier to attack people if you believe they are bad.
The only people that say "all muslims are bad" are liberals strawmaning those of us who are raising legitimate concerns with radical islam and the violent foundations of the religion.

" violent foundations of the religion?" Judaism has an extremely violent foundation. Celebrating going in slaughtering the animals as well as the women and children of 'enemies' and washing in the flowing rivers of blood.

simply barbaric. If I had my way the Abrahamic religions would be stomped out
They don't kill any non-Jews now for being non-Jewish today. Unfortunately, many more Muslims literally adhere to the violent foundational texts of their faith, and many more who sympathize with the fundamentalist view.
text of their faith or interpretations?

stop being a bore. rise above your hatred, because it makes you look dumb and you're not
OOOOh, a couple muslims said some stuff. Now we just need 1.5 billion more to say something.

why would every muslim have to do this? when did every christian or every jew or every...

oh, never mind.

you're an imbecile
Don't you think in order to stop terrorism, you need more than a couple people to be on board? MAYBE if you have a billion muslims condemning these attacks, MAYBE you might prevent future troubled teens from becoming terrorists. Maybe then it wont be a popular thing to do, but a moron like you wont understand the amount of effort its really going to take in order to change the culture of a billion+ people. No, im sure youre right, a couple guys saying some stuff should solve the problem.

Gerry Adams, Menachem Begin, and on...
So Hezbollah's terrorist acts are justified because of Zionist or IRA terrorism?

nope. Don't know why you would think Dante would agree with that. Maybe you truly do not pay attention and just post from your arse
You are the one that posts like a rambling drug addict. Not me. I understand what you are trying to do. You are suggesting that Hezbollah or Hamas are "freedom fighters to some", and that terrorism is relative term, in not many words at all. You are trying to minimize the absurdity of an article citing terrorist leaders as opponents of terrorism by suggesting they aren't terrorists at all.

But you are wrong.
Nope. I consider HAMAS and Hezbollah to be terrorist organizations, but you do know if they were to sign certain treaties with Israel tomorrow, they would be off the terrorist list. It's how it works.

No one is suggesting what you say they are. You're just a nut
Your statement means nothing. Yes, if they signed a treaty vowing not to carry out terrorist attacks against Israel and the West, they would not be terrorists. But they are not doing such a thing, so this is a pointless statement to make. All they have done here is condemn a rival sunni islamists, along with exposing themselves as hypocrites and dupe dumb leftists into thinking they oppose terrorism and "progress" is being made.

any movement in that direction is progress
OOOOh, a couple muslims said some stuff. Now we just need 1.5 billion more to say something.

why would every muslim have to do this? when did every christian or every jew or every...

oh, never mind.

you're an imbecile
Don't you think in order to stop terrorism, you need more than a couple people to be on board? MAYBE if you have a billion muslims condemning these attacks, MAYBE you might prevent future troubled teens from becoming terrorists. Maybe then it wont be a popular thing to do, but a moron like you wont understand the amount of effort its really going to take in order to change the culture of a billion+ people. No, im sure youre right, a couple guys saying some stuff should solve the problem.

nope, I think you are ignoring human nature
Hooray! Diverse Group of Muslims Condemn Terrorism and Hebdo Attack

A diverse array of Muslim religious and political leaders have issued condemnations of the Paris massacre at the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine ahead of vigils planned here Sunday to mourn the victims.

Lebanon’s Sunni Muslim religious leader, Grand Mufti Abdul-Latif Derian, called on the country’s Muslims to renounce extremism in favor of tolerance, especially in the capital.


Hasan Nasrallah, leader of the Shiite militant group Hezbollah, also decried the Paris shooters in a video speech to supporters in southern Beirut on Thursday, saying they were more offensive to Muhammad than Western satirical cartoonists, and dismissed them as takfiris, or wannabe Muslims.


Fellow Shiites in Iran have also condemned the Paris attack. Speaking in Tehran on Friday, prayer leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami sermonized, “Islam does not approve of killing innocent people, whether in Paris, or in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan and Afghanistan,” according to the Islamic Republic News Agency.


Hamas, meanwhile, issued a statement Saturday saying the group “condemns the attacks against the Charlie Hebdo magazine and insists that the difference of opinions and thoughts cannot justify murder.”


The Palestinian Authority also dismissed the Paris attacks as terrorism, calling them a “heinous crime.”

In Beirut on Sunday, a “Je Suis Charlie” gathering is planned in the downtown Samir Kassir Square, named after a 45-year-old columnist killed by a car bomb in 2005. Supporters posted and tweeted messages of solidarity Saturday.

--- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this week likened the Paris attacks to those by Hamas and Hezbollah against Israel. ----- Muslim leaders condemn French massacre but some on street disagree - LA Times
----- While many condemn the Paris violence some support it - LA Times
People like myself have been calling for Muslims and their leaders worldwide to stand up and take a public stance -- they are doing so. It is progress and anyone who disputes this is an fool and hater

They've been denouncing this shit but its hard to believe that all muslims are bad if you remember that not all of them are.

Dont worry, this will be forgotten quickly. Its easier to attack people if you believe they are bad.
The only people that say "all muslims are bad" are liberals strawmaning those of us who are raising legitimate concerns with radical islam and the violent foundations of the religion.

" violent foundations of the religion?" Judaism has an extremely violent foundation. Celebrating going in slaughtering the animals as well as the women and children of 'enemies' and washing in the flowing rivers of blood.

simply barbaric. If I had my way the Abrahamic religions would be stomped out
They don't kill any non-Jews now for being non-Jewish today. Unfortunately, many more Muslims literally adhere to the violent foundational texts of their faith, and many more who sympathize with the fundamentalist view.
text of their faith or interpretations?

stop being a bore. rise above your hatred, because it makes you look dumb and you're not
The texts.

You're the fool. For a guy that claims to want to "stamp out all Abrahamic religions", you seem to ardently defend the most violent of the three by playing dumb the violence inherent in the foundational texts of Islam, and failing to see its connection the violence we see today.

Quran (47:3-4) - "Those who disbelieve follow falsehood, while those who believe follow the truth from their Lord... So, when you meet (in fight Jihad in Allah's Cause), those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives)... If it had been Allah's Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others

Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not."

- "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks."

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"
So Hezbollah's terrorist acts are justified because of Zionist or IRA terrorism?

nope. Don't know why you would think Dante would agree with that. Maybe you truly do not pay attention and just post from your arse
You are the one that posts like a rambling drug addict. Not me. I understand what you are trying to do. You are suggesting that Hezbollah or Hamas are "freedom fighters to some", and that terrorism is relative term, in not many words at all. You are trying to minimize the absurdity of an article citing terrorist leaders as opponents of terrorism by suggesting they aren't terrorists at all.

But you are wrong.
Nope. I consider HAMAS and Hezbollah to be terrorist organizations, but you do know if they were to sign certain treaties with Israel tomorrow, they would be off the terrorist list. It's how it works.

No one is suggesting what you say they are. You're just a nut
Your statement means nothing. Yes, if they signed a treaty vowing not to carry out terrorist attacks against Israel and the West, they would not be terrorists. But they are not doing such a thing, so this is a pointless statement to make. All they have done here is condemn a rival sunni islamists, along with exposing themselves as hypocrites and dupe dumb leftists into thinking they oppose terrorism and "progress" is being made.

any movement in that direction is progress
There was no "movement" or "progress" in any direction, that's the point.

Honestly, stop playing dumb and pretending not to see the ridiculousness of suggesting that leaders of muslim terror groups are examples of muslim voices against terrorism or whatever. I hope you are smarter than that...
Hooray! Diverse Group of Muslims Condemn Terrorism and Hebdo Attack

A diverse array of Muslim religious and political leaders have issued condemnations of the Paris massacre at the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine ahead of vigils planned here Sunday to mourn the victims.

Lebanon’s Sunni Muslim religious leader, Grand Mufti Abdul-Latif Derian, called on the country’s Muslims to renounce extremism in favor of tolerance, especially in the capital.


Hasan Nasrallah, leader of the Shiite militant group Hezbollah, also decried the Paris shooters in a video speech to supporters in southern Beirut on Thursday, saying they were more offensive to Muhammad than Western satirical cartoonists, and dismissed them as takfiris, or wannabe Muslims.


Fellow Shiites in Iran have also condemned the Paris attack. Speaking in Tehran on Friday, prayer leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami sermonized, “Islam does not approve of killing innocent people, whether in Paris, or in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan and Afghanistan,” according to the Islamic Republic News Agency.


Hamas, meanwhile, issued a statement Saturday saying the group “condemns the attacks against the Charlie Hebdo magazine and insists that the difference of opinions and thoughts cannot justify murder.”


The Palestinian Authority also dismissed the Paris attacks as terrorism, calling them a “heinous crime.”

In Beirut on Sunday, a “Je Suis Charlie” gathering is planned in the downtown Samir Kassir Square, named after a 45-year-old columnist killed by a car bomb in 2005. Supporters posted and tweeted messages of solidarity Saturday.

--- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this week likened the Paris attacks to those by Hamas and Hezbollah against Israel. ----- Muslim leaders condemn French massacre but some on street disagree - LA Times
----- While many condemn the Paris violence some support it - LA Times
People like myself have been calling for Muslims and their leaders worldwide to stand up and take a public stance -- they are doing so. It is progress and anyone who disputes this is an fool and hater

They've been denouncing this shit but its hard to believe that all muslims are bad if you remember that not all of them are.

Dont worry, this will be forgotten quickly. Its easier to attack people if you believe they are bad.
The only people that say "all muslims are bad" are liberals strawmaning those of us who are raising legitimate concerns with radical islam and the violent foundations of the religion.

Obviously you have some sort of ability to not see things when you dont want to see them.

This will certainly change their failed, corrupt, backwards, illiterate, violent culture of neanderthals...

OOOOh, a couple muslims said some stuff. Now we just need 1.5 billion more to say something.
They've been denouncing this shit but its hard to believe that all muslims are bad if you remember that not all of them are.

Dont worry, this will be forgotten quickly. Its easier to attack people if you believe they are bad.
The only people that say "all muslims are bad" are liberals strawmaning those of us who are raising legitimate concerns with radical islam and the violent foundations of the religion.

" violent foundations of the religion?" Judaism has an extremely violent foundation. Celebrating going in slaughtering the animals as well as the women and children of 'enemies' and washing in the flowing rivers of blood.

simply barbaric. If I had my way the Abrahamic religions would be stomped out
They don't kill any non-Jews now for being non-Jewish today. Unfortunately, many more Muslims literally adhere to the violent foundational texts of their faith, and many more who sympathize with the fundamentalist view.
text of their faith or interpretations?

stop being a bore. rise above your hatred, because it makes you look dumb and you're not
The texts.

You're the fool. For a guy that claims to want to "stamp out all Abrahamic religions", you seem to ardently defend the most violent of the three by playing dumb the violence inherent in the foundational texts of Islam, and failing to see its connection the violence we see today.

Quran (47:3-4) - "Those who disbelieve follow falsehood, while those who believe follow the truth from their Lord... So, when you meet (in fight Jihad in Allah's Cause), those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives)... If it had been Allah's Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others

Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not."

- "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks."

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"
there is no defense of Islam from Dante. what Dante defends is for Islam to be treated equally

the connections are about interpretations and what part of the Abrahamic book is stressed. See it with Christians and Jews all the time. Orthodox versus Progressive churches and temples stress different parts of the texts they use. It divides the faiths. We see the same with Islam

go live in a settlement where you can play out your ignorance and hatred in real time and real life - how's that for honesty?
nope. Don't know why you would think Dante would agree with that. Maybe you truly do not pay attention and just post from your arse
You are the one that posts like a rambling drug addict. Not me. I understand what you are trying to do. You are suggesting that Hezbollah or Hamas are "freedom fighters to some", and that terrorism is relative term, in not many words at all. You are trying to minimize the absurdity of an article citing terrorist leaders as opponents of terrorism by suggesting they aren't terrorists at all.

But you are wrong.
Nope. I consider HAMAS and Hezbollah to be terrorist organizations, but you do know if they were to sign certain treaties with Israel tomorrow, they would be off the terrorist list. It's how it works.

No one is suggesting what you say they are. You're just a nut
Your statement means nothing. Yes, if they signed a treaty vowing not to carry out terrorist attacks against Israel and the West, they would not be terrorists. But they are not doing such a thing, so this is a pointless statement to make. All they have done here is condemn a rival sunni islamists, along with exposing themselves as hypocrites and dupe dumb leftists into thinking they oppose terrorism and "progress" is being made.

any movement in that direction is progress
There was no "movement" or "progress" in any direction, that's the point.

Honestly, stop playing dumb and pretending not to see the ridiculousness of suggesting that leaders of muslim terror groups are examples of muslim voices against terrorism or whatever. I hope you are smarter than that...
baby steps.

grow up. you have nothing to fear but your own fear
Hooray! Diverse Group of Muslims Condemn Terrorism and Hebdo Attack

A diverse array of Muslim religious and political leaders have issued condemnations of the Paris massacre at the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine ahead of vigils planned here Sunday to mourn the victims.

Lebanon’s Sunni Muslim religious leader, Grand Mufti Abdul-Latif Derian, called on the country’s Muslims to renounce extremism in favor of tolerance, especially in the capital.


Hasan Nasrallah, leader of the Shiite militant group Hezbollah, also decried the Paris shooters in a video speech to supporters in southern Beirut on Thursday, saying they were more offensive to Muhammad than Western satirical cartoonists, and dismissed them as takfiris, or wannabe Muslims.


Fellow Shiites in Iran have also condemned the Paris attack. Speaking in Tehran on Friday, prayer leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami sermonized, “Islam does not approve of killing innocent people, whether in Paris, or in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan and Afghanistan,” according to the Islamic Republic News Agency.


Hamas, meanwhile, issued a statement Saturday saying the group “condemns the attacks against the Charlie Hebdo magazine and insists that the difference of opinions and thoughts cannot justify murder.”


The Palestinian Authority also dismissed the Paris attacks as terrorism, calling them a “heinous crime.”

In Beirut on Sunday, a “Je Suis Charlie” gathering is planned in the downtown Samir Kassir Square, named after a 45-year-old columnist killed by a car bomb in 2005. Supporters posted and tweeted messages of solidarity Saturday.

--- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this week likened the Paris attacks to those by Hamas and Hezbollah against Israel. ----- Muslim leaders condemn French massacre but some on street disagree - LA Times
----- While many condemn the Paris violence some support it - LA Times
People like myself have been calling for Muslims and their leaders worldwide to stand up and take a public stance -- they are doing so. It is progress and anyone who disputes this is an fool and hater
A "diverse" group of moderate Muslims condemn the attack. It kind of misses the point altogether.
Hooray! Diverse Group of Muslims Condemn Terrorism and Hebdo Attack

A diverse array of Muslim religious and political leaders have issued condemnations of the Paris massacre at the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine ahead of vigils planned here Sunday to mourn the victims.

Lebanon’s Sunni Muslim religious leader, Grand Mufti Abdul-Latif Derian, called on the country’s Muslims to renounce extremism in favor of tolerance, especially in the capital.


Hasan Nasrallah, leader of the Shiite militant group Hezbollah, also decried the Paris shooters in a video speech to supporters in southern Beirut on Thursday, saying they were more offensive to Muhammad than Western satirical cartoonists, and dismissed them as takfiris, or wannabe Muslims.


Fellow Shiites in Iran have also condemned the Paris attack. Speaking in Tehran on Friday, prayer leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami sermonized, “Islam does not approve of killing innocent people, whether in Paris, or in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan and Afghanistan,” according to the Islamic Republic News Agency.


Hamas, meanwhile, issued a statement Saturday saying the group “condemns the attacks against the Charlie Hebdo magazine and insists that the difference of opinions and thoughts cannot justify murder.”


The Palestinian Authority also dismissed the Paris attacks as terrorism, calling them a “heinous crime.”

In Beirut on Sunday, a “Je Suis Charlie” gathering is planned in the downtown Samir Kassir Square, named after a 45-year-old columnist killed by a car bomb in 2005. Supporters posted and tweeted messages of solidarity Saturday.

--- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this week likened the Paris attacks to those by Hamas and Hezbollah against Israel. ----- Muslim leaders condemn French massacre but some on street disagree - LA Times
----- While many condemn the Paris violence some support it - LA Times
People like myself have been calling for Muslims and their leaders worldwide to stand up and take a public stance -- they are doing so. It is progress and anyone who disputes this is an fool and hater
A "diverse" group of moderate Muslims condemn the attack. It kind of misses the point altogether.
meathead = "dead from the neck up" - archie bunker
nope. Don't know why you would think Dante would agree with that. Maybe you truly do not pay attention and just post from your arse
You are the one that posts like a rambling drug addict. Not me. I understand what you are trying to do. You are suggesting that Hezbollah or Hamas are "freedom fighters to some", and that terrorism is relative term, in not many words at all. You are trying to minimize the absurdity of an article citing terrorist leaders as opponents of terrorism by suggesting they aren't terrorists at all.

But you are wrong.
Nope. I consider HAMAS and Hezbollah to be terrorist organizations, but you do know if they were to sign certain treaties with Israel tomorrow, they would be off the terrorist list. It's how it works.

No one is suggesting what you say they are. You're just a nut
Your statement means nothing. Yes, if they signed a treaty vowing not to carry out terrorist attacks against Israel and the West, they would not be terrorists. But they are not doing such a thing, so this is a pointless statement to make. All they have done here is condemn a rival sunni islamists, along with exposing themselves as hypocrites and dupe dumb leftists into thinking they oppose terrorism and "progress" is being made.

any movement in that direction is progress
There was no "movement" or "progress" in any direction, that's the point.

Honestly, stop playing dumb and pretending not to see the ridiculousness of suggesting that leaders of muslim terror groups are examples of muslim voices against terrorism or whatever. I hope you are smarter than that...
I question your objectives here. Or, I assume you cannot find someone sensible and somewhat just on the opposing side to have a debate with?

Nor is it a question of many being dumb or playing dumb. For non-muslim “intellects” in the West it strikes me more as a matter of self-pride. They want to impress others or themselves by being a contrarian towards civil and honest endeavors by the Jewish people. It is such a hip trend in the universities and on the left for many decades now.

Either that, or if you ask me as a Catholic what I think, I believe it is a spiritual blindness that envelopes so many who are not very Christian or very Jewish. They are either engaged in some pagan faith, or more likely, engaged in no faith at all. Nominal Christians (untold millions in the West) are not religious, they are players. They call themselves “believers” on occasion for ulterior gain or acceptance.

So when some bright mind tries to make Israel to be a terrorist state or the reason there is no peace in the Middle East, rest assured, they are most likely a lost cause. (experience has convinced me of that)
Last edited:
The only people that say "all muslims are bad" are liberals strawmaning those of us who are raising legitimate concerns with radical islam and the violent foundations of the religion.

" violent foundations of the religion?" Judaism has an extremely violent foundation. Celebrating going in slaughtering the animals as well as the women and children of 'enemies' and washing in the flowing rivers of blood.

simply barbaric. If I had my way the Abrahamic religions would be stomped out
They don't kill any non-Jews now for being non-Jewish today. Unfortunately, many more Muslims literally adhere to the violent foundational texts of their faith, and many more who sympathize with the fundamentalist view.
text of their faith or interpretations?

stop being a bore. rise above your hatred, because it makes you look dumb and you're not
The texts.

You're the fool. For a guy that claims to want to "stamp out all Abrahamic religions", you seem to ardently defend the most violent of the three by playing dumb the violence inherent in the foundational texts of Islam, and failing to see its connection the violence we see today.

Quran (47:3-4) - "Those who disbelieve follow falsehood, while those who believe follow the truth from their Lord... So, when you meet (in fight Jihad in Allah's Cause), those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives)... If it had been Allah's Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others

Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not."

- "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks."

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"
there is no defense of Islam from Dante. what Dante defends is for Islam to be treated equally

the connections are about interpretations and what part of the Abrahamic book is stressed. See it with Christians and Jews all the time. Orthodox versus Progressive churches and temples stress different parts of the texts they use. It divides the faiths. We see the same with Islam

go live in a settlement where you can play out your ignorance and hatred in real time and real life - how's that for honesty?
Orthodox Christians and Liberal Christians have differences in doctrine and interpretation. However, none of their qualms are over whether it is ok for killing non-believers. Of course there are nominal muslims who aren't fundamentalist adherents to the Koran. But those who are literal adherents to the texts I cited above are violent or at least sympathetic to those who engage in violence.

I question your moral compass if you are going to equivocate jewish settlers in the West Bank to the terrorists who launched the Charlie Hebdo and kosher market attacks.

There of course exists a problem with the current settlement policy in the West Bank, but to equate it to "terrorism" excuses real acts of terrorism and provides legitimacy to radical Islamism.

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