Hope & Change

Why don't you partisans research who is funding your candidates? Isn't it possible that you are both correct?


Not a whole lot of difference between candidates when it comes to keeping the plutocracy safe from the guillotine. Big money won't fund a candidate that's a threat to them. Still, democrats will still try to have some safety nets to help you when you're down, or maybe stick up for those that lead a different lifestyle than others. A republican will kick you when you're down and call you a freeloader or a faggot. Much evidence on this forum to prove what I say.
When it's all over, we'll be hoping we have some change...

Does that count?
After 6 years what have we got out of that simpletons slogan?

Not much from my perspective. Business is better, but not by much. Although I must say we did get A LOT of change in the racial strife & turning folks against each other departments.

Obama bragged about ending the war. Then blamed it on Bush. Then started the war again but blamed it on bad intel.

The economy is just gimping along despite everything he's claimed to have done.

Welfare rolls are at their highest in our nations history.

Healthcare is expensive as hell unless you're dirt poor.

Food & other essentials are as expensive as they've ever been.

Gas prices have been stuck in the 3 dollar range seemingly forever.

Our already failing public education system has been inundated with illegals, making it even harder for American children to get the attention they need in school.

Obama & Holders constant condemnation of law enforcement has some communities spiraling out of control.

Golf as a sport has gotten a lot of coverage tho......

Hope and change? Let's hope.

There's a fantastic couple of episodes of Frontline that goes into detail about just how the economic crisis took place in 2008 and what was done in DC and on Wall Street to try to stop the hemorrhaging and fix the banking sector. There's a line in there about how Obama had enough political capital to fix the banking system so the crash couldn't happen again OR ram Obamacare down our throats. He chose Obamacare.

If anyone is interested it's four episodes called "Money, Power and Wall Street" and it's well worth anyone's time to check it out. Money Power and Wall Street FRONTLINE PBS
There's a fantastic couple of episodes of Frontline that goes into detail about just how the economic crisis took place in 2008 and what was done in DC and on Wall Street to try to stop the hemorrhaging and fix the banking sector. There's a line in there about how Obama had enough political capital to fix the banking system so the crash couldn't happen again OR ram Obamacare down our throats. He chose Obamacare.

If anyone is interested it's four episodes called "Money, Power and Wall Street" and it's well worth anyone's time to check it out. Money Power and Wall Street FRONTLINE PBS

I wanna check that out but my KC Royals are in their playoff game tonight.
Why don't you partisans research who is funding your candidates? Isn't it possible that you are both correct?


Not a whole lot of difference between candidates when it comes to keeping the plutocracy safe from the guillotine. Big money won't fund a candidate that's a threat to them. Still, democrats will still try to have some safety nets to help you when you're down, or maybe stick up for those that lead a different lifestyle than others. A republican will kick you when you're down and call you a freeloader or a faggot. Much evidence on this forum to prove what I say.
Sure, that's what the MSM would like you to believe, keeps the partisan bickering going and your eyes off of what is really going on.

Yet, when those "social safety net" programs are truly discussed in earnest, I bet you would be surprised which way the partisan votes actually land. For instance, the Food Stamp Program is part of the Ag bill. This program has been greatly expanded in a heavily conservative leaning house. In the final analysis, it is the HOUSE that decides where the money goes. The buck stops there. Sure, they know they have the POTUS approval, and partisans here will blame Obama for giving away tons of food stamps. But point of fact, the folks that benefit the most from an expansion in the amount of spending in that Ag bill, are the giant corporate farms who always have a guaranteed profit, and huge food retailers, who never have to compete, because food stamps keep food prices artificially high for everyone. INCLUDING folks that don't receive food stamps. Incidentally, this makes running food charities, food kitchens, community outreach, etc. all that much harder as well.

People with left leaning politics should be outraged that conservatives are protecting the corporate classes with the food stamp program. However, the MSM has the masses so damned brainwashed, including yourself, that everyone has it ass backwards. They actually believe that liberals have created the food stamp programs as a social safety net. Nothing could be further from the truth. Go do a Google search and find that in the top 20 wealthiest American's, there you will find the Walton's. Well? A very large percentage of those profits at Walmart are from food stamps. . . that's tax payer money. You got it, the Walton's fund conservative politicians to make sure that the food stamp program is expanded because they are welfare whores. The Walton's didn't get so rich on their own, they got that way due to government interference in the economy. And you can thank a conservative. So much for "Laissez-faire."

You'll find the MSM has what ever agenda the elite's tell it to have, and most people will believe it. I come here to gauge how many of them do. It's a sad sad state of affairs. It really is.
After 6 years what have we got out of that simpletons slogan?

Not much from my perspective. Business is better, but not by much. Although I must say we did get A LOT of change in the racial strife & turning folks against each other departments.

Obama bragged about ending the war. Then blamed it on Bush. Then started the war again but blamed it on bad intel.

The economy is just gimping along despite everything he's claimed to have done.

Welfare rolls are at their highest in our nations history.

Healthcare is expensive as hell unless you're dirt poor.

Food & other essentials are as expensive as they've ever been.

Gas prices have been stuck in the 3 dollar range seemingly forever.

Our already failing public education system has been inundated with illegals, making it even harder for American children to get the attention they need in school.

Obama & Holders constant condemnation of law enforcement has some communities spiraling out of control.

Golf as a sport has gotten a lot of coverage tho......

Weird after 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies, why didn't the US boom? lol

Besides giving US 2 UNFUNDED wars (while gutting revenues), 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts (funding means more revenues or budget cuts) and UNFUNDED Medicare expansion, what was Dubya's highlights?

Oh right he ALLOWED 9/11 to happen, then went to a war on false premises WHILE losing over 1,00,000+ jobs in 8 years, NOT counting the 4+ million lost in 2009 thanks to his policies!

Feb 2009 Obama first month, 110,699,000 PRIVATE sector jobs in the US. Today OVER 117,221,000. Hmm. how horrible

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

FACTS on Dubya's great recession

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You mean that Obama is still blaming Bush for everything bad six years into his presidency, yet is taking credit for something that happened his first month in office? I don't think so.

And most of the jobs in Feb. 2009 would be due to Bush's policies. Obama hasn't added many since then and that is on him. And the ones Obama added are mostly part-time jobs that were filled by people who lost their full time jobs because of Obamacare. That is a huge step backwards.

So you are an ignorant tool without comprehension abilities. I'm shocked

The Feb 2009 numbers were TOTAL private sector jobs Obama started with, 6 years LATER there are nearly 7+ MILLION more (after Dbya lost ONLY 1,000,000+ jobs inb his 8 years, NOT counting the 4+ million lost under Obama's first 14 months). Get it?


Here's What Obama's 'Part-Time America' Really Looks Like

The president's critics love this talking point. But since 2010, full-time jobs are up 7.6 million, and part-time jobs have declined by more than 900,000.

Here s What Obama s Part-Time America Really Looks Like - The Atlantic
Liberal faggots just can't stand any criticisms of their messiah. They have to INSTANTLY do one of two things.

1. Divert to a different subject or person.

2. Insult or attack the messenger.
They all learned well in Rules for Radicals. Especially their dear leader whom they will continue to defend because they voted for him and are like him in so many ways.

Rules for radicals? lol. Grow a brain. ONE policy that conservatives have EVER gotten right?
There's a fantastic couple of episodes of Frontline that goes into detail about just how the economic crisis took place in 2008 and what was done in DC and on Wall Street to try to stop the hemorrhaging and fix the banking sector. There's a line in there about how Obama had enough political capital to fix the banking system so the crash couldn't happen again OR ram Obamacare down our throats. He chose Obamacare.

If anyone is interested it's four episodes called "Money, Power and Wall Street" and it's well worth anyone's time to check it out. Money Power and Wall Street FRONTLINE PBS

Don't worry, the GOP will fix those Banksters :blahblah:
Why don't you partisans research who is funding your candidates? Isn't it possible that you are both correct?

Entirely possible as Bush did a lot of stupid shit. Having said that, this thread IS NOT ABOUT BUSH
. . . but, you probably voted for Romney, thinking that would solve something. And you are blaming the wrong element in the power structure. The fact is, if Romney were President, NOTHING, and I mean, NOTHING, would be any different.

It would be called RomneyCare instead of ObamaCare.

Well, and instead of going to war in Syria to reorganize the Middle East, I predicted the Republicans would have invaded Iran on some made up pretext. I'm not going through all my posts, but I specifically remember posting that any idiot that votes for either of them will have blood on their hands; because their handlers are planning on a MAJOR WAR in the middle east. Romney's want to go to war in Iran and Northern Iraq, Obama's want to reorganize the ME via Syria and Northern Iraq.

The POTUS has no power. Only a TV watching moron thinks he does make the decisions any more. If he actually TRIES to affect policy, they do him like they did Kennedy or Reagan. If he is lucky, like Reagan, then he'll sit back and go against everything he campaigned on.

Smaller government? W/e. Reagan said that, tried to do it, then they took a shot at him. That's the last time he tried to lead. Then he let his CIA back seat driver tell him what the handlers wanted. . . .
Why don't you partisans research who is funding your candidates? Isn't it possible that you are both correct?


Not a whole lot of difference between candidates when it comes to keeping the plutocracy safe from the guillotine. Big money won't fund a candidate that's a threat to them. Still, democrats will still try to have some safety nets to help you when you're down, or maybe stick up for those that lead a different lifestyle than others. A republican will kick you when you're down and call you a freeloader or a faggot. Much evidence on this forum to prove what I say.
Tell that to a brother that is trying to make it on his own. He is an uncle tom by liberal standards.
Liberal faggots just can't stand any criticisms of their messiah. They have to INSTANTLY do one of two things.

1. Divert to a different subject or person.

2. Insult or attack the messenger.

Yeah fuckstick...you're the one that insinuated a total stranger is not a good example to his kids. If you don't like getting attacked, perhaps you can stop attacking people in the first place. Just a thought.
Blow me whore

And the conservative instincts to call people "whore" was too much for you to ignore. Too bad you guys can't get away with beating your wives like you could in the good old days, eh fuckstick?
There's a fantastic couple of episodes of Frontline that goes into detail about just how the economic crisis took place in 2008 and what was done in DC and on Wall Street to try to stop the hemorrhaging and fix the banking sector. There's a line in there about how Obama had enough political capital to fix the banking system so the crash couldn't happen again OR ram Obamacare down our throats. He chose Obamacare.

If anyone is interested it's four episodes called "Money, Power and Wall Street" and it's well worth anyone's time to check it out. Money Power and Wall Street FRONTLINE PBS

Oh yeah and Obamacare thats going to cost 8.6 billion dollars with the only winners being those the rest of us are forced to subsidize.

My beneifit costs are going up by 30% because of the ACA and I'm sure there are others out there in the same boat.

Obamas signature legislation is a POS and never should have been passed and I sure hope the voters throw those Dem idiots out on the shitpile where they belong.
I hope that I will be able to get health insurance
I hope that I don't lose my job
I hope that my 401k retirement plan recovers
I hope that gays will be accepted more in our society
I hope that we kill that son of a bitch bin Laden
I hope the American auto industry doesn't collapse

Yea....its working
Record Poverty, Record Debt, Skyrocketing Food & Gas Prices, Massive Domestic Spying, NDAA, Open Borders, Racial Divisiveness, More War, and so on...

Seriously, is there really anyone left who still believes in the Supreme Leader's 'Hope & Change' shite?
After 6 years what have we got out of that simpletons slogan?

Not much from my perspective. Business is better, but not by much. Although I must say we did get A LOT of change in the racial strife & turning folks against each other departments.

Obama bragged about ending the war. Then blamed it on Bush. Then started the war again but blamed it on bad intel.

The economy is just gimping along despite everything he's claimed to have done.

Welfare rolls are at their highest in our nations history.

Healthcare is expensive as hell unless you're dirt poor.

Food & other essentials are as expensive as they've ever been.

Gas prices have been stuck in the 3 dollar range seemingly forever.

Our already failing public education system has been inundated with illegals, making it even harder for American children to get the attention they need in school.

Obama & Holders constant condemnation of law enforcement has some communities spiraling out of control.

Golf as a sport has gotten a lot of coverage tho......

Weird after 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies, why didn't the US boom? lol

Besides giving US 2 UNFUNDED wars (while gutting revenues), 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts (funding means more revenues or budget cuts) and UNFUNDED Medicare expansion, what was Dubya's highlights?

Oh right he ALLOWED 9/11 to happen, then went to a war on false premises WHILE losing over 1,00,000+ jobs in 8 years, NOT counting the 4+ million lost in 2009 thanks to his policies!

Feb 2009 Obama first month, 110,699,000 PRIVATE sector jobs in the US. Today OVER 117,221,000. Hmm. how horrible

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

FACTS on Dubya's great recession

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Dadtothree, moron to everyone else.

This thread IS NOT ABOUT BUSH.

Post on topic if you can and set a good example for your kids for once in your life

What year did you get out of prison again?
Before my children who are now grown were born.

Back to ignore troll

Pointing out your hypocrisy bothers you? Good.
No hypocrisy, you lying bitch.
Gramps is a fine example. He screwed up. He realized it. He's admitted it here. He's gone on to build a fine business, marry, have children and be a contributing member of society.
Remind me what you've done besides indulge your sins.
"Hope & Change"

This refers to errant, failed conservative social and fiscal policies that manifested as a consequence of the Reagan and Bush years, policies that disadvantaged, and caused hardship for, millions of Americans: the failed policy of social conservatives hostile to the rights of Americans, the failed fiscal policy that placed undue hardship on America's middle class and working Americans.

Change represents ending the failed policies of the right, hope represents ending the hardship sustained by millions of Americans disadvantaged by failed conservative social and fiscal dogma.
Hmm, there is more dependence today than the day Obama took office, presumably the depth of GOP "failure."
Debt is significantly higher than under the "failed" policies
Household income is lower
Household wealth is lower
More people are unemployed or underemployed
Income inequality is greater.

Yeah, if the GOP policies were failures I'd like more of them.
I HOPE Gramps CHANGES his Depends, and Rabid wipes his butt for him.
I hope that I will be able to get health insurance
I hope that I don't lose my job
I hope that my 401k retirement plan recovers
I hope that gays will be accepted more in our society
I hope that we kill that son of a bitch bin Laden
I hope the American auto industry doesn't collapse

Yea....its working

Our economy is headed for Depression....we need a change
I'm sick of failed Republican nation building.....we need a change
I am embarassed that my country would engage in torture....we need a change
I am tired of not enforcing environmental and employment regulations....we need a change
We need to start to acknowledge the rights of gays....we need a change
Our healtcare system ignores millions of Americans....we need a change

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