Horowitz: Which party's base did cochran 'broaden'?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
it's time for people to wake to BOTH (DEMS AND REPUBS) of these entrenched nasty corrupted CAREER politicans in our government who will do anything to get someone elected who care's more about themselves than they do what they took an OATH to do for US
LINKS in the article with comments at site

Last Tuesday’s GOP primary runoff in Mississippi is turning out to be the most revealing incident in the protracted fight between the conservative grassroots and the GOP establishment. The GOP party leadership has been exposed for their true motives in front of all the party faithful.

Over the past few years, we have been told by some of the inside-the-beltway “conservatives” that the GOP schism is overblown, that it is merely a disagreement over strategy. We have also been told that the grassroots have been too purist in their expectations of how Republicans can govern when they only control the House of Representatives. These “conservatives” asserted that the party leadership was just as committed to fighting Obamacare and the growth of government, they just lacked the political power to do so. We were assured that as soon as they win just one more election, they will fight for conservative issues.

We have always known that the intra-party divide encompassed a lot more than disagreements over strategy, rather it cut to the core of many policy issues. It manifested in issues like full repeal of Obamacare, the debt ceiling, bailouts, immigration, so-called social issues, and corporate welfare. However, last week’s runoff in Mississippi showed us that GOP leadership fundamentally doesn’t share our conservative values.

With conservative Chris McDaniel leading by roughly 8-10 points in the pre-runoff polling, the Cochran campaign, with the full support of the Mississippi GOP establishment and the NRSC, abandoned the party platform in support of Democrat votes. It’s bad enough to deliberately and systematically override the will of the party voters in a primary, but it would have been worth it had the Cochran campaign attracted Democrat voters on a conservative message.

Instead, Cochran doubled down on a pro-earmark message and waged a demagogic scaremongering campaign over food stamps, federal education funding, and race.
Allied PACs paid for ads insinuating that McDaniel and conservatives would cut funding for programs and criticized him for being “disrespectful” to the first African-American president.

Encouraging black voters to help stop the “racist” Tea Party is not a winning Republican message, and it doesn't broaden the Republican base. Indeed, many of the people involved said openly they would be voting for the Democrat in the general election – which is technically illegal under Mississippi law.

Worse, we now have Democrat party officials on record as saying they were asked to help steal the election and not hand over the polling books to GOP clerks so they could prevent Democrats from double voting in the primary and runoff. The McDaniel campaign claims to have already found roughly 2,000 illegitimate ballots from combing through the books of just a few counties.

Yet, astoundingly, several GOP senators have actually expressed glee and approval of Cochran’s tactic for winning the primary.

Mississippi’s junior senator, Roger Wicker (R-MS), scoffed at the notion there is anything wrong with the insidious campaign tactics: “Going out and broadening the base of the party, asking more Mississippians to participate in the ballot that was going to determine the next senator? No, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that,” said Wicker.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) dismissed the concerns of conservatives: "I'm for more people voting, not less people voting."

Senator John McCain (R-AZ) told the AZ Central that Cochran’s strategy was good for the party: "There are some people complaining that African-American voters voted. [But] I thought one of the major priorities of the Republican Party was to get all minority and ethnic voters out to vote for Republicans."

The rationale of these senators is as sound as someone defending Benedict Arnold’s treachery as an innovative way to expand American forces in the region. Getting Democrats to vote in a GOP primary solely on a message that is an anathema to the Party is not a form of expanding the base; it is destroying our base and expanding the other party.

all of it here:
Horowitz: Which Party's Base Did Cochran 'Broaden'?
Shocking that anything like this could happen in Mississippi. :eek:
this thread is more for any Republican/conservative on this board

we know the people like the three losers who commented could care less about corruption, lies, etc as long as their party wins

it's party over country for a lot of people nowadays..don't be one of them
this thread is more for any Republican/conservative on this board

we know the people like the three losers who commented could care less about corruption, lies, etc as long as their party wins

it's party over country for a lot of people nowadays..don't be one of them

The usual trolls who live on political forums..
If I were part of the Tea Bag Brotherhood, I'd never vote GOP again. They clearly don't want you!

From the OP:

"Yet, astoundingly, several GOP senators have actually expressed glee and approval of Cochran’s tactic for winning the primary."
The Democrats of Mississippi made a pragmatic choice between what they perceive as two evils.

Operation Chaos II.
The Democrats of Mississippi made a pragmatic choice between what they perceive as two evils.

Operation Chaos II.

sure they did, with promises of getting paid
you find this kind of politics ok, no problem
The Democrats of Mississippi made a pragmatic choice between what they perceive as two evils.

Operation Chaos II.

I can't argue the validity of your statement.. it's true. My anger isn't with those voters but within the Establishment- GOP.
Here's the real question..

Are Conservatives willing, if necessary to vote 3rd party in the next election in order to send a message to these career Establishment politicians? I'm voting mostly Libertarian anyhow.. After the Romney fiasco, I learned my lesson.. I will state right here and now that I would support the candidacy of Ted Cruz.. other than him- I can't think of one elected republican I find who has any integrity what so ever. (Mike Lee but he won't run.)
The Democrats of Mississippi made a pragmatic choice between what they perceive as two evils.

Operation Chaos II.

sure they did, with promises of getting paid
you find this kind of politics ok, no problem

It is not a matter of whether it is okay. It is a matter of figuring out not to put up a whackadoo as the alternative to a sclerotic Establishment putz.
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"papa don't preach" but seriously I caution anyone from trying to apply this election too much to outside of Mississippi. Imo, there's certainly a similarity in that the state gop parties are still aligned somewhat with what BushII wrought.

Really, the way the party was run, in 1996 it was obvious we ran Dole because "it was his turn," even though Steve Forbes had the highground on policy and ideas. You'd think we'd have gone to him again, but BushII took him out early in the primary season by a)having been chair of the gop governors and raised a pile of money for the state parties, and b) coopting the religious conservatives who have votes but no money. And, then he flat out bribed the 1%. Forbes never knew what hit him, even though he wanted to reform taxes entirely. And McCain was too little too late in warning of the deficits.

So, there really is a view inside the gop that "management can't be trusted." And they can't. They voted to spend all this money.

And I really don't want to re-fight the primary. I don't enjoy donning a confederate grey woolen uniform in July and running around getting bitten by bugs. But to say it as simply as possible, what Cochran did was essentially run his Nov campaign in late June. He got over 700K votes in 2008, and apparently didn't want to lose "his" seat to a guy who got 175K. This state has an unfortunate history of the majority of whites allowing a minority of whites, most of whom are lower income, to vent their rage and relative impotence via demi-God politicians.

forgot the link. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articl...-a-win-over-chris-mcdaniel-simple-really.html This was first posted on y'all politics Sunday or Monday.
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Steph.. Mark Levin had a great show about two days after this election.. He tore in to the Establishment and showed just how corrupt they are.. If you get the chance, go listen to it.. He stated the same.. NO ONE OWES these GOP cronies a damn thing. He urged Conservatives in Ms to NOT vote for Cochran.. Principle matters and I agree with him.
Steph.. Mark Levin had a great show about two days after this election.. He tore in to the Establishment and showed just how corrupt they are.. If you get the chance, go listen to it.. He stated the same.. NO ONE OWES these GOP cronies a damn thing. He urged Conservatives in Ms to NOT vote for Cochran.. Principle matters and I agree with him.

But it's not just Cochran, it's the entire GOP Establishment and they are just using the TP.

June 25, 2014
RUSH:* Yeah, they [the GOP Establishment] make a play at party unity, but as you say, it's a one-way street.* They will not in any way, shape, manner, or form support a Tea Party idea or candidate.* But they want the Tea Party to think so.* This is the great trick that they're trying to perpetrate here.* The establishment wants the Tea Party, even after this debacle in Mississippi, to think that they're in support in some ways.
yet, wasn't randian paul the TPM darling?

Again, I don't think I'd focus so much on this individual race. The "buying votes" thing is just one example. The story picked up by Briebart was from an exposed schlep who actually paid his "source" for the story. I'd think anyone familiar with Miss politics would admit that there's a long standing "gop" and dem tactic of handing envelopes with a few hundred bucks to a group of 30-50 African American preachers. It's called "walking around money," or money to get people w/o personal transportation to the polls, and a little extra for the Rev's as well. It may not be right, but it's a reality.

The farm bill that passed last spring took money from paying farmers to not plant to instead go to crop insurance. Food stamps were carved out of it. I'd like to see more welfare to work reform, but that might actually require more spending on healthcare. And, the deficit/gnp ratio is the biggest priority at this time, and it is coming down, despite having Obama and Reid. The import export bank is probably toast. Suddenly, compromise is surrender even when the dems compromise on 60% and the gop on 40%.
Steph.. Mark Levin had a great show about two days after this election.. He tore in to the Establishment and showed just how corrupt they are.. If you get the chance, go listen to it.. He stated the same.. NO ONE OWES these GOP cronies a damn thing. He urged Conservatives in Ms to NOT vote for Cochran.. Principle matters and I agree with him.

But it's not just Cochran, it's the entire GOP Establishment and they are just using the TP.

June 25, 2014
RUSH:* Yeah, they [the GOP Establishment] make a play at party unity, but as you say, it's a one-way street.* They will not in any way, shape, manner, or form support a Tea Party idea or candidate.* But they want the Tea Party to think so.* This is the great trick that they're trying to perpetrate here.* The establishment wants the Tea Party, even after this debacle in Mississippi, to think that they're in support in some ways.

It's not the entire GOP establishment, but notables ARE:

McConnell, Murkowski, Portman, Thune, Shelby, Hatch, Grassley, Barrasso, Cornyn, Corker, Collins, Heller, and Ayotte.
Steph.. Mark Levin had a great show about two days after this election.. He tore in to the Establishment and showed just how corrupt they are.. If you get the chance, go listen to it.. He stated the same.. NO ONE OWES these GOP cronies a damn thing. He urged Conservatives in Ms to NOT vote for Cochran.. Principle matters and I agree with him.

But it's not just Cochran, it's the entire GOP Establishment and they are just using the TP.

June 25, 2014
RUSH:* Yeah, they [the GOP Establishment] make a play at party unity, but as you say, it's a one-way street.* They will not in any way, shape, manner, or form support a Tea Party idea or candidate.* But they want the Tea Party to think so.* This is the great trick that they're trying to perpetrate here.* The establishment wants the Tea Party, even after this debacle in Mississippi, to think that they're in support in some ways.

It's not the entire GOP establishment, but notables ARE:

McConnell, Murkowski, Portman, Thune, Shelby, Hatch, Grassley, Barrasso, Cornyn, Corker, Collins, Heller, and Ayotte.

that's the exact same guy at briebart who reposed the previously debunked story of buying votes.

As your MessiahRushie tells you, it is just a "TRICK."

June 25, 2014
RUSH:* Yeah, they [the GOP Establishment] make a play at party unity, but as you say, it's a one-way street.* They will not in any way, shape, manner, or form support a Tea Party idea or candidate.* But they want the Tea Party to think so.* This is the great trick that they're trying to perpetrate here.* The establishment wants the Tea Party, even after this debacle in Mississippi, to think that they're in support in some ways.
Steph.. Mark Levin had a great show about two days after this election.. He tore in to the Establishment and showed just how corrupt they are.. If you get the chance, go listen to it.. He stated the same.. NO ONE OWES these GOP cronies a damn thing. He urged Conservatives in Ms to NOT vote for Cochran.. Principle matters and I agree with him.

But it's not just Cochran, it's the entire GOP Establishment and they are just using the TP.

June 25, 2014
RUSH:* Yeah, they [the GOP Establishment] make a play at party unity, but as you say, it's a one-way street.* They will not in any way, shape, manner, or form support a Tea Party idea or candidate.* But they want the Tea Party to think so.* This is the great trick that they're trying to perpetrate here.* The establishment wants the Tea Party, even after this debacle in Mississippi, to think that they're in support in some ways.

I agree with you.. They have used the Tea Party/ and they have taken the Libertarian vote for granted. I am hoping that their disgusting stunt in Mississippi will be the proverbial straw that's needed to get true Conservatives to split and divorce those bastards.

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