HORROR: Man brutally shoots and kills 5-yr-old neighbor in front of his family

The Governor is Liberal Democrat no way he allows the death penalty.
He doesn't get to decide a judge does.
He gets to commute the sentence.
Oh you mean he'll act like Trump and get his buddy off and out of prison? I doubt it very seriously.
Name one person convicted of murder or a NON political event Trump pardoned?
But no previous recent president has pardoned a murderer. Until Trump.

There it is. Psychos like you cant even skip bashing Trump even in a thread about a 5 year old boy being executed in his front yard. You are a sick person.

They're all sick Pos's; they never even mention the massive murder rates in black neihgborhoods, as if they don't exist, but then they get mad and wet themselves when whites lament the senseless murder of a white kid. They're feral animals, and their white fans are doped addled sociopaths, hence the snotty retorts and TDS.
I know we are supposed to give personal comments on stories posted,,
but for the life of me I dont know what to say about this,,

A horrible, brutal murder happened over the weekend in Wilson, North Carolina, where a 25-year-old man ran out of his home and over to his neighbors, where their 5-year-old was playing in the street. The man pulled out a gun and shot the 5-year-old in the head, killing him in front of his two siblings who were in the front yard and witnessed it all:

Gee, a BLACK man shoots and kills a WHITE child. Where's BLM on THIS one?
dont ask stupid questions,,,
It's NOT stupid. I'm just wondering what BLM thinks of this murder.
No youre stupid. Too stupid to read a website and find out the mission statement. What in the hell does this have to do with BLM?

Fuck the mission statement.. that's an excuse for your lazy ass not to check out EVERY news story before you start yakking about it..

What the fuck does the story have to do with BLM?

" Gee, a BLACK man shoots and kills a WHITE child. Where's BLM on THIS one? "

Not sure it does.. But seems you cared more about "mission statement" on the source of the story then accepting the news...
So you people think that a white killed was killed by a black man that this is a more heinous crime than if the races were reversed?

It just doesn't matter what races were involved.

Yeah, cuz you always post threads about all the black kids murdered every week by black scum, right? lol you're a joke poster, and too nuts to fake empathy and fool anybody..
If your point is "blacks murder whites at ten times the rate of vice versa", you're trying to bend a cut and dry incident on your overall narrative against social justice. This man was apprehended and will be charged with murder. If he's guilty, life and toss away the key. Or the needle. Whichever is faster and legal under NC law.

The point isn't blacks murdering whites. Or blacks murdering blacks. It's white police officers murdering unarmed black men and women and skating because they're police officers. That's what the outrage is about. That's what needs to be addressed.
In this case, what needs to be addressed is why this person was allowed to have access to a gun. Sounds like on the surface, he had issues.
I know we are supposed to give personal comments on stories posted,,
but for the life of me I dont know what to say about this,,

A horrible, brutal murder happened over the weekend in Wilson, North Carolina, where a 25-year-old man ran out of his home and over to his neighbors, where their 5-year-old was playing in the street. The man pulled out a gun and shot the 5-year-old in the head, killing him in front of his two siblings who were in the front yard and witnessed it all:

Gee, a BLACK man shoots and kills a WHITE child. Where's BLM on THIS one?
dont ask stupid questions,,,
It's NOT stupid. I'm just wondering what BLM thinks of this murder.
No youre stupid. Too stupid to read a website and find out the mission statement. What in the hell does this have to do with BLM?

Fuck the mission statement.. that's an excuse for your lazy ass not to check out EVERY news story before you start yakking about it..

What the fuck does the story have to do with BLM?

" Gee, a BLACK man shoots and kills a WHITE child. Where's BLM on THIS one? "

Not sure it does.. But seems you cared more about "mission statement" on the source of the story then accepting the news...
It doesnt have shit to do with BLM or their mission statement. Thats just your perception because you agree with them. Thats exactly why you got angry that I mentioned it. If it wasnt personal you would said something to the person that brought it up.
I know we are supposed to give personal comments on stories posted,,
but for the life of me I dont know what to say about this,,

A horrible, brutal murder happened over the weekend in Wilson, North Carolina, where a 25-year-old man ran out of his home and over to his neighbors, where their 5-year-old was playing in the street. The man pulled out a gun and shot the 5-year-old in the head, killing him in front of his two siblings who were in the front yard and witnessed it all:

Gee, a BLACK man shoots and kills a WHITE child. Where's BLM on THIS one?
oprah jesse al...where the fuck are you? we need your guidance on how to ruin our neighborhoods because of this. how come you never see any of these assholes sticking up for the whites? because they are all prejudiced retards...some day you idiots will see this
The point isn't blacks murdering whites. Or blacks murdering blacks.It's white police officers murdering unarmed black men and women and skating
this has been debunked many times
Who? Name? Whites are killed more than blacks by cops.. Even though Blacks come in contact with the cops far more than whites. Far more weapon charges..
But we can’t even go for a jog #black lives matter

I know we are supposed to give personal comments on stories posted,,
but for the life of me I dont know what to say about this,,

A horrible, brutal murder happened over the weekend in Wilson, North Carolina, where a 25-year-old man ran out of his home and over to his neighbors, where their 5-year-old was playing in the street. The man pulled out a gun and shot the 5-year-old in the head, killing him in front of his two siblings who were in the front yard and witnessed it all:

According to the left, the GUN killed the 5 year old. They have too much respect for criminals to blame them.
IM2 says this one was justified.
IM2 has said no such thing.

I know what you're thinking.
You can deny it but you've already said blacks can't be racist....so I have NO DOUBT you believe they can't murder whites either.

That said, you're welcome to come out as saying YES, blacks can and do murder whites...ALL THE TIME
If your point is "blacks murder whites at ten times the rate of vice versa", you're trying to bend a cut and dry incident on your overall narrative against social justice. This man was apprehended and will be charged with murder. If he's guilty, life and toss away the key. Or the needle. Whichever is faster and legal under NC law.

The point isn't blacks murdering whites. Or blacks murdering blacks. It's white police officers murdering unarmed black men and women and skating because they're police officers. That's what the outrage is about. That's what needs to be addressed.
In this case, what needs to be addressed is why this person was allowed to have access to a gun. Sounds like on the surface, he had issues.

Couldn’t agree more. If this killer was white and victim was black none of us progressives would be saying anything, brother man. And the statistics of police murdering blacks are so overwhelming we don’t use them in debating. It would be too easy. Stay woke moon beam!
The point isn't blacks murdering whites. Or blacks murdering blacks.It's white police officers murdering unarmed black men and women and skating
this has been debunked many times
Who? Name? Whites are killed more than blacks by cops.. Even though Blacks come in contact with the cops far more than whites. Far more weapon charges..

What's been debunked? You'll have to make some sense here. Do you have statistics showing that white police officers shoot unarmed white "suspects"?
I know we are supposed to give personal comments on stories posted,,
but for the life of me I dont know what to say about this,,

A horrible, brutal murder happened over the weekend in Wilson, North Carolina, where a 25-year-old man ran out of his home and over to his neighbors, where their 5-year-old was playing in the street. The man pulled out a gun and shot the 5-year-old in the head, killing him in front of his two siblings who were in the front yard and witnessed it all:

Gee, a BLACK man shoots and kills a WHITE child. Where's BLM on THIS one?
dont ask stupid questions,,,
It's NOT stupid. I'm just wondering what BLM thinks of this murder.
No youre stupid. Too stupid to read a website and find out the mission statement. What in the hell does this have to do with BLM?

Fuck the mission statement.. that's an excuse for your lazy ass not to check out EVERY news story before you start yakking about it..

What the fuck does the story have to do with BLM?

" Gee, a BLACK man shoots and kills a WHITE child. Where's BLM on THIS one? "

Not sure it does.. But seems you cared more about "mission statement" on the source of the story then accepting the news...
It doesnt have shit to do with BLM or their mission statement. Thats just your perception because you agree with them. Thats exactly why you got angry that I mentioned it. If it wasnt personal you would said something to the person that brought it up.

The bias in the reporting is what it is.. Some folks like their news presented as propaganda.. While the REST of us -- just want to discuss the story or event.. Aint just a right winger thing...
There are whites that do this to each other. Same thing. Yet daily we see posts with anecdotes showing stories of individual blacks doing terrible things then trying to use that to claim inherent black racial violence. The same people doing this howl the loudest about looking at people as individuals when we discuss laws and policies done by whites that are racist. So until you begin posting the daily stories of white on white violence and killing, you whites who are racists can go fuck yourselves.
Evil personified. One cant help wonder if this would get more coverage on MSNBC and CNN if the races were reversed. I think we all know the answer....plus...this is Trumps fault.

RIP little one.

Sometimes execution is not enough.... What could a 5 year old boy do to trigger something like this?
Oops he was white...!
You'll never make it as a psychologist.

Never intend to... I'd prefer to be his executioner and chose my choice in the type of execution....
There are whites that do this to each other. Same thing. Yet daily we see posts with anecdotes showing stories of individual blacks doing terrible things then trying to use that to claim inherent black racial violence. The same people doing this howl the loudest about looking at people as individuals when we discuss laws and policies done by whites that are racist. So until you begin posting the daily stories of white on white violence and killing, you whites who are racists can go fuck yourselves.
The reality is over HALF of all murders are committed by blacks. The reality is that blacks kill 3 times as many whites as whites kill blacks.
The point isn't blacks murdering whites. Or blacks murdering blacks.It's white police officers murdering unarmed black men and women and skating
this has been debunked many times
Who? Name? Whites are killed more than blacks by cops.. Even though Blacks come in contact with the cops far more than whites. Far more weapon charges..

What's been debunked? You'll have to make some sense here. Do you have statistics showing that white police officers shoot unarmed white "suspects"?
Are you on crack? or trolling more whites are killed by cops than blacks... Who are these on our blacks getting killed by cops.. give me 3 names

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