Hot Girl Who Knows Her Rights Tells Off Border Patrol Officers...

This check point is on I-19. Her little ego game shut down 2 lanes of expressway for 20 minutes for no reason whatsover. She could have puilled over and played maryter without blocking the whole road, and still would have left in the same amount of time, without allowing them to search her car.

This particular check point stopped dozens of illegal's every day. We had a case last year where they inspected a panel truck, and found 19 illegal's inside. Two years ago, a similar truck did not even make it from Nogales to the check point, because it was overloaded with 15 illegal's, and it rolled over and killed several of them when I tire blew.

If she actually worked for a living like the border patrol does, instead of driving her daddy's car back in forth to her daddy's second home in Vail, then maybe she would not be the miserable piece of shit that she is.

I can live with this kind of inconvenience. No one has to quietly accept their abuse in the name of convenience. That time is hopefully passing. God Bless this girl.
This check point is on I-19. Her little ego game shut down 2 lanes of expressway for 20 minutes for no reason whatsover. She could have puilled over and played maryter without blocking the whole road, and still would have left in the same amount of time, without allowing them to search her car.

This particular check point stopped dozens of illegal's every day. We had a case last year where they inspected a panel truck, and found 19 illegal's inside. Two years ago, a similar truck did not even make it from Nogales to the check point, because it was overloaded with 15 illegal's, and it rolled over and killed several of them when I tire blew.

If she actually worked for a living like the border patrol does, instead of driving her daddy's car back in forth to her daddy's second home in Vail, then maybe she would not be the miserable piece of shit that she is.

I can live with this kind of inconvenience. No one has to quietly accept their abuse in the name of convenience. That time is hopefully passing. God Bless this girl.

I hope that an illegal breaks into her house while she is gone and a deputy refuses to go in to clear her house because he doen't have a search warrant.
What they should have done is request her driver's license and registration, run a quick check on the tags which would have taken less than a minute, and then let her go. Yes, the border patrol and all law enforcement have a tough job that they get far too little credit for but in this case they made it much tougher than it had to be.

And was she a jerk? Yes she was. I would have parked my car and I would have gotten out of it and I would have read them the riot act about undue harrassment of a U.S. citizen. But she was within her rights in that case however selfishly she chose to implement them or whatever her motivation was.

I'm also a citizen who is sick and tired of having my rights infringed, being put to unnecessary inconvenience, and having my choices and options restricted because others break the law.
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Another fishing expedition. If the purpose of the checkpoint was to catch illegals, once they verified her citizenship they should have let her go. The reason they didn't is because she bruised the cop's ego by not jumping to his commands. The only mistake she made was giving the camera to that guy in the passenger seat who kept giving us footage of the trees and the interior of her car.
Why not give the Officer a little consideration? A Border Patrol officer was murdered not long ago with a weapon furnished by our own government. They have an incredible and thankless job to do in spite of "hot" girls who think only of themselves.

Well, we have that thing called the Fourth Amendment.
And tell me why the damn bitch couldn't move her car so others could get past? Has the act of courtesy been considered a lost art?

Oh really? She was supposed to agree to be detained in violation of her rights just because she was in a lane of traffic? The officer could have let her go on her way...he's the one who made her stop.

But of course, intimidating people into giving up their rights is exactly what Statists do.
This check point is on I-19. Her little ego game shut down 2 lanes of expressway for 20 minutes for no reason whatsover. She could have puilled over and played marytar without blocking the whole road, and still would have left in the same amount of time, without allowing them to search her car.

This particular check point stops dozens of illegal's every day. We had a case last year where they inspected a panel truck, and found 19 illegal's inside. Two years ago, a similar truck did not even make it from Nogales to the check point, because it was overloaded with 15 illegal's, and it rolled over and killed several of them when a tire blew.

If she actually worked for a living like the border patrol does, instead of driving her daddy's car back in forth to her daddy's second home in Vail, then maybe she would not be the miserable piece of shit that she is.

It's an EGO GAME to assert one's rights under the Fourth Amendment?

Great Then that must mean when you assert whatever right it important to you, it's just an Ego Game.

Thanks for clearing that up.
This check point is on I-19. Her little ego game shut down 2 lanes of expressway for 20 minutes for no reason whatsover. She could have puilled over and played marytar without blocking the whole road, and still would have left in the same amount of time, without allowing them to search her car.

This particular check point stops dozens of illegal's every day. We had a case last year where they inspected a panel truck, and found 19 illegal's inside. Two years ago, a similar truck did not even make it from Nogales to the check point, because it was overloaded with 15 illegal's, and it rolled over and killed several of them when a tire blew.

If she actually worked for a living like the border patrol does, instead of driving her daddy's car back in forth to her daddy's second home in Vail, then maybe she would not be the miserable piece of shit that she is.
If she had been black, you would be outraged. The cop would be a racist and Al Sharpton would stage a protest. Obama would say the cop acted stupidly.
What they should have done is request her driver's license and registration, run a quick check on the tags which would have taken less than a minute, and then let her go. Yes, the border patrol and all law enforcement have a tough job that they get far too little credit for but in this case they made it much tougher than it had to be.

And was she a jerk? Yes she was. I would have parked my car and I would have gotten out of it and I would have read them the riot act about undue harrassment of a U.S. citizen. But she was within her rights in that case however selfishly she chose to implement them or whatever her motivation was.

I'm also a citizen who is sick and tired of having my rights infringed, being put to unnecessary inconvenience, and having my choices and options restricted because others break the law.

The minute you do what they ask, is when you lose your rights.
If she would have pulled over, that gave them the legal loophole to illegally search her car.
When can police search your car? | Flex Your Rights
What they should have done is request her driver's license and registration, run a quick check on the tags which would have taken less than a minute, and then let her go. Yes, the border patrol and all law enforcement have a tough job that they get far too little credit for but in this case they made it much tougher than it had to be.

And was she a jerk? Yes she was. I would have parked my car and I would have gotten out of it and I would have read them the riot act about undue harrassment of a U.S. citizen. But she was within her rights in that case however selfishly she chose to implement them or whatever her motivation was.

I'm also a citizen who is sick and tired of having my rights infringed, being put to unnecessary inconvenience, and having my choices and options restricted because others break the law.

The minute you do what they ask, is when you lose your rights.
If she would have pulled over, that gave them the legal loophole to illegally search her car.
When can police search your car? | Flex Your Rights

Maybe, but I don't think just pulling over would have jeopardized her right to refuse search and seizure. Otherwise she stuck pretty well to the script you linked. And she wasn't hostile or belligerent with the police officer. And on second thought maybe she was smart not to pull over and lose leverage she gained by having the folks behind her becoming increasingly irritated and impatient. :)
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What they should have done is request her driver's license and registration, run a quick check on the tags which would have taken less than a minute, and then let her go. Yes, the border patrol and all law enforcement have a tough job that they get far too little credit for but in this case they made it much tougher than it had to be.

And was she a jerk? Yes she was. I would have parked my car and I would have gotten out of it and I would have read them the riot act about undue harrassment of a U.S. citizen. But she was within her rights in that case however selfishly she chose to implement them or whatever her motivation was.

I'm also a citizen who is sick and tired of having my rights infringed, being put to unnecessary inconvenience, and having my choices and options restricted because others break the law.

The minute you do what they ask, is when you lose your rights.
If she would have pulled over, that gave them the legal loophole to illegally search her car.
When can police search your car? | Flex Your Rights

Maybe, but I don't think just pulling over would have jeopardized her right to refuse search and seizure. Otherwise she stuck pretty well to the script you linked. And she wasn't hostile or belligerent with the police officer. And on second thought maybe she was smart not to pull over and lose leverage she gained by having the folks behind her becoming increasingly irritated and impatient. :)
Right. Not pulling over helped to keep the pressure on them to throw in the towel. She was right not to do anything they ordered her to do. Complying would be a green light for them to bully her even more.
"If she would have pulled over, that gave them the legal loophole to illegally search her car."

I nominate this post as the the outstanding oxymoron of the day....
By not pulling over, she was overstepping her rights, because she would have been legally arrested by a deputy for unlawfully impeding the flow of traffic. if the deputy had demanded that she pull her car off the road, and she had not complied, He could have put her in the slammer. Due to sit-ins in the 1960's, capital police have the legal authority to arrest anyone who sits on the floor of the capital building in DC, for the same reason. She does not have the right to park her car on the expressway for any reason, and if her car were to break down on the expressway, it would have been towed, impounded at her expense. In addition to that, her selfish and obnoxious behavior could have been responsible for the blocking of an emergency vehicle, which could have cost someone his llife. The next time any of you are pulled over for any reason and stop in front of a Fire station, blocking the driveway, count the seconds before you are arrested, and your car towed, whether or not those engines are called out on an emergency while you are arguing your case.
Whatever, apparently she was totally within her rights. They let her go.

I was dubious, I didn't know you could refuse to cooperate like that. She is very brave, and apparently knows her rights.
I would have arrested her on the spot. ON THE SPOT.

What would your charges be?

Causing a traffic jam.
She was a bitch. The officer was too damn nice and pussyfooted around. If I were a border patrol agent with a job to do, I would have arrested her immediately, had her car towed off so she would have to pay to get it out. If I were the guys boss, I would fire him for not taking control of the situation.
I would have arrested her on the spot. ON THE SPOT.

What would your charges be?

Causing a traffic jam.
She was a bitch. The officer was too damn nice and pussyfooted around. If I were a border patrol agent with a job to do, I would have arrested her immediately, had her car towed off so she would have to pay to get it out. If I were the guys boss, I would fire him for not taking control of the situation.

How psychotic. There are enough psycho bullies with badges already.
He was not being a bully. He was not being rude. SHE was. It is his job to do what he thinks is best AT OUR BORDERS. He didn't do it very well. I'd fire him.
Concerning the girl...good thing I don't wear a uniform and that was not me. She would be in jail.
By not pulling over, she was overstepping her rights, because she would have been legally arrested by a deputy for unlawfully impeding the flow of traffic. if the deputy had demanded that she pull her car off the road, and she had not complied, He could have put her in the slammer. Due to sit-ins in the 1960's, capital police have the legal authority to arrest anyone who sits on the floor of the capital building in DC, for the same reason. She does not have the right to park her car on the expressway for any reason, and if her car were to break down on the expressway, it would have been towed, impounded at her expense. In addition to that, her selfish and obnoxious behavior could have been responsible for the blocking of an emergency vehicle, which could have cost someone his llife. The next time any of you are pulled over for any reason and stop in front of a Fire station, blocking the driveway, count the seconds before you are arrested, and your car towed, whether or not those engines are called out on an emergency while you are arguing your case.
Wrong. The cop did not have the right to detain her, so HE was responsible for impeding the flow of traffic. If he had "put her in the slammer", she would have easily won a civil case against the Border Patrol for violating her rights, that's why he didn't do it. The cop had no probable cause to search her vehicle. Obviously, she was not hiding short Mexicans in her back seat.

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