Hottest August Ever Or Biggest Fraud Ever??

jc, everyone classifies you as a bedwetting crybaby, whining at the grownups in a desperate plea for attention. You're a complete dumbfuk who degrades any conservation he tries to enter. All you ever do is blubber like the little bitch you are.

Please just go away. You contribute nothing, and nobody on any side wants you here.
hahahahahahahaha everyone? Way to go ballistic with that statement. So even the ones who agree with me? I don't think so. WiNNiNg

BTW, the correct way to make the statement is many of us not everyone. How can that possibly be when I have folks who agree with me? So your statement like most is in error and a LIE................
He never said anyone here agrees with you. Personally, I think you might have an ally in Crusader Frank but... you know how that goes...
It must be rough being a denier these days. All the data contradicts them, so they have to keep coming up with these ever more elaborate conspiracy theories. Record high temperatures, again? Just scream even louder that there's actually a "pause". It makes deniers look stupid and crazy to most people, but their fellow cultists only care about the volume, not the data.

RSS is the sole outlier of the temperature sets. Honest people don't rely on outliers. Only cultist frauds with their minds set on deliberate cherrypicking with focus solely on the outlier. Hence, SSDD swears by that tactic. On the bright side, at least he's stopped dreaming of the genocide of his political enemies. Temporarily. Don't worry, he always comes back to that.

Oh, he's even parroting Steve Goddard now. Wow. Even over the internet, one can smell the desperation.

Data manipulation compliments of fools and your government...
So, August was cool in the US, parts of Siberia, South America, the southern part of Asia, western Europe, Antarctica, Africa, and Australia and either the first or second coldest August on record north of 80 degrees..

So what does NASA say? Two guesses and one of them isn't the truth. According to NASA, the world just experienced its hottest August on record?

Here is GISS vs RSS:


Exactly how far out there does one have to be to continue to believe the climate science establishment?

Caught data tampering again. USCRN shows cooling of the Northern Hemisphere despite the cries from the livid alarmists who are dead wrong... August was not a record setter even thought the data manipulators at GISS/NASA would like people to thinks so. Agenda political pseudoscience at its worst...


These fools just cant get it right on any level. They are caught lying their asses off all for the UN Climate conference. Lying to drum up fear.. The CRN data network tells the tale very well and exposes the lies too..

How exactly were you planning on making a valid comment on the global temperatures of August 2014 with a graph of the temperatures of the contiguous 48 states that ends last April?
It must be rough being a denier these days. All the data contradicts them, so they have to keep coming up with these ever more elaborate conspiracy theories. Record high temperatures, again? Just scream even louder that there's actually a "pause". It makes deniers look stupid and crazy to most people, but their fellow cultists only care about the volume, not the data.

RSS is the sole outlier of the temperature sets. Honest people don't rely on outliers. Only cultist frauds with their minds set on deliberate cherrypicking with focus solely on the outlier. Hence, SSDD swears by that tactic. On the bright side, at least he's stopped dreaming of the genocide of his political enemies. Temporarily. Don't worry, he always comes back to that.

Oh, he's even parroting Steve Goddard now. Wow. Even over the internet, one can smell the desperation.

The nasa and noaa data set say pretty much the same thing for the past 15 years.
If you actually believe that, then I can only suggest less koolaid in your diet. They have stopped even trying to hide their has become blatant and in your face...I can't even begin to conceive of the sort of mindset that continues to believe them.
The Oregon Coast had one of the coolest months, in years, in August 2014. Loved it. :D

The valley had one of its hottest. Jesus Christ it is hot.
Isn't just RSS... UAH has it right on the average midline for at least the past decade. 0.2dgC.


I think I'll go with the satellites and not with the Disney Animators at GISS. To many cooks in the kitchen there. UAH probably does this with 3 guys on their lunch break...

You all continue to consume the bad sushi if you wanna..
Cool everywhere, but still the warmest ever...ever wonder how they do it? Here are a couple of examples:

Not mamy temperature stations in Antarctica, but GISS manages to turn quite a large area in Antarctica that had an anomaly of -0.5 degrees into a +6.0 degree anomaly and claimed to do it with a precision of 0.01 degrees.


Look at Africa... very little coverage over most of the continent so they are free to just make it up as they go...and again, report that their fantasy is precise to 0,01 degrees....and the same thing happens over most of the earth since the temperature over most of the earth is not well measured...


Anyone who continues to believe these obvious and blatant fraudsters is, to put it bluntly, a fool.
How exactly were you planning on making a valid comment on the global temperatures of August 2014 with a graph of the temperatures of the contiguous 48 states that ends last April?

A five month running average requires FIVE MONTHS OF DATA.. the trend continues...

You had no temperature data past April and you were attempting to refute global land/sea data with surface temperatures from the contiguous United States. Your "five month" defense is complete bullshit.

If even once in a while you would admit the mistakes you make, the rest of this community might raise their opinion of you from the nadir of the abysmal silt where it currently resides.
This year will go down around .61-.62c...Third or forth warmest based on the giss.

And the warmest ever for a year that isn't an El Nino. Temps just keep climbing. Deniers are running out of excuses to handwave away the data, and the excuses they do try make them look crazy.
How exactly were you planning on making a valid comment on the global temperatures of August 2014 with a graph of the temperatures of the contiguous 48 states that ends last April?

A five month running average requires FIVE MONTHS OF DATA.. the trend continues...

You had no temperature data past April and you were attempting to refute global land/sea data with surface temperatures from the contiguous United States. Your "five month" defense is complete bullshit.

If even once in a while you would admit the mistakes you make, the rest of this community might raise their opinion of you from the nadir of the abysmal silt where it currently resides.

Do you even have a clue about statistical measurements? Had AUG been hotter the last point in the 5 month running average would have been high. its not. As my self and others pointed out the real data sets say its all a lie only the faithful believe the lie..
Cool everywhere, but still the warmest ever...ever wonder how they do it? Here are a couple of examples:

Not mamy temperature stations in Antarctica, but GISS manages to turn quite a large area in Antarctica that had an anomaly of -0.5 degrees into a +6.0 degree anomaly and claimed to do it with a precision of 0.01 degrees.


Look at Africa... very little coverage over most of the continent so they are free to just make it up as they go...and again, report that their fantasy is precise to 0,01 degrees....and the same thing happens over most of the earth since the temperature over most of the earth is not well measured...


Anyone who continues to believe these obvious and blatant fraudsters is, to put it bluntly, a fool.

This is but one reason all models fail. They changed 1,500 square miles of cool into warm.. There is nothing scientific about it unless you consider fraud and deception scientific.
It must be rough being a denier these days. All the data contradicts them, so they have to keep coming up with these ever more elaborate conspiracy theories. Record high temperatures, again? Just scream even louder that there's actually a "pause". It makes deniers look stupid and crazy to most people, but their fellow cultists only care about the volume, not the data.

RSS is the sole outlier of the temperature sets. Honest people don't rely on outliers. Only cultist frauds with their minds set on deliberate cherrypicking with focus solely on the outlier. Hence, SSDD swears by that tactic. On the bright side, at least he's stopped dreaming of the genocide of his political enemies. Temporarily. Don't worry, he always comes back to that.

Oh, he's even parroting Steve Goddard now. Wow. Even over the internet, one can smell the desperation.

The nasa and noaa data set say pretty much the same thing for the past 15 years.
NASA, NOAA and GISS were under James Hansen's control and the shill there now has continued the deceptions and manipulations. Only now with CRN on line and their manipulations exposed and they are serious...
He never said anyone here agrees with you. Personally, I think you might have an ally in Crusader Frank but... you know how that goes...
well then that proves my point right? It isn't everyone. So he lied. Thanks for your support.
How exactly were you planning on making a valid comment on the global temperatures of August 2014 with a graph of the temperatures of the contiguous 48 states that ends last April?

A five month running average requires FIVE MONTHS OF DATA.. the trend continues...

You had no temperature data past April and you were attempting to refute global land/sea data with surface temperatures from the contiguous United States. Your "five month" defense is complete bullshit.

If even once in a while you would admit the mistakes you make, the rest of this community might raise their opinion of you from the nadir of the abysmal silt where it currently resides.
Ditto for you!
More bull shit from the cluelessly inept...

Billy, are you still claiming to have a Ph.D. in solar sciences, or are you officially abandoning that bullshit claim? After all, given how badly you stink at science and logic, nobody is buying it. You've shown no ability at anything except parroting nonsense from denier websites.

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