Hottest August Ever Or Biggest Fraud Ever??

Then, why don't all scientists lie all the time? We could have plagues of imaginary diseases. They could tell us that mystery insects are destroying all our food crops. NASA needs to blow up an asteroid right now. Research is about to invent teleportation, faster-than-light travel, telekinesis, making food from thin air, terraforming, room-temperature superconductors... all we need is more money. Right?

So stupid

They tend to lie a lot more if the study is largely a public policy issue. And the money comes from orgs with indebtness to govt funding..

See 2nd hand smoke, renewables performance, forest management and others..

What did I list that wouldn't qualify? You think there's more money to be had from fraud in forest management than from fraud in public health?

That wasn't much of a response. The idea that climate scientists are all, as a group, lying to make money is just batshit crazy. Have some self respect. At least have enough self respect to steer clear of the complete whackos on your bus.

Nahhh.. The only flavor of bat-shit crazy we have around here are the cheeseheads who think they KNOW what 1000s of Climate Scientists "think" in terms of OPINION.. All on the basis of ancient, ill-structured and corrupted "polls". THEY ARE slanting their "research" and Press Releases towards the doctrinal message of scary and extreme climate change. And as a result -- VALUABLE and ground-breaking work on Climate understanding is not emphasized or being done..

Time to let them go back to nature and stop making up fables...
Ancient, ill-structured and corrupted polls? Really? Do you have evidence? Do you have evidence to bring against all of them? Some explanation why they all get such consistent results? Conspiracy? Again? I thought the idea was to move away from "bat-shit crazy".
Ancient, ill-structured and corrupted polls? Really? Do you have evidence? Do you have evidence to bring against all of them? Some explanation why they all get such consistent results? Conspiracy? Again? I thought the idea was to move away from "bat-shit crazy".


Legates Et Al... Need I say more. Real science exposing the pseudo science of John Cook and company..
Ancient, ill-structured and corrupted polls? Really? Do you have evidence? Do you have evidence to bring against all of them? Some explanation why they all get such consistent results? Conspiracy? Again? I thought the idea was to move away from "bat-shit crazy".

Been there done that. Reduced your ass to smoking rubbble multiple times. Your ass has been handed to you so many times, it now has a convienent carrying handle. On that issue --- you are just blowing smoke and wasting time. There may be a majority opinion, but I have not seen it lately and furthermore, I wouldnt care.
Ahh... you wouldn't care. That's the real point here, isn't it. You don't care about evidence. You don't care about a consensus among the experts. There's a name for such a stratagem: prejudice. You've made up your mind and have no intention of letting facts get in the way.

And on what topics do you believe you've handed me my ass?

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