House Conservatives Warn Paul Ryan: ‘Honeymoon Is Over’


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
I hope they stand up and make him keep his promises. Something has to be done.

He needs to start putting up real conservative reform in the House and doing the things that are necessary to show the voters that he is a different speaker than John Boehner, because frankly, everything he has done so far is no different than what John Boehner would have done. I do think he [Ryan] has a year to make that up, and we all want to give him that opportunity.”

Full story @ House Conservatives Warn Paul Ryan: ‘Honeymoon Is Over’
He'll stop beating us this time. For sure. It's different. It just is somehow -- Battered Conservative Syndrome
Tell me, why should we cut infrastructure, science, r&d and education? What benefits will we get for doing so????

Instead, I believe we'll become a third world shithole and a international joke.
Tell me, why should we cut infrastructure, science, r&d and education? What benefits will we get for doing so????

Instead, I believe we'll become a third world shithole and a international joke.

Well our current department of education is a bad joke. We're paying a fortune for the deadbeats and under funding the things that actually help.

We should have had a lunar base 20 years ago, and be working on Mars, especially since they found the key.

Is that happening? Nope, need to pay for some more baby mamas inability to keep their legs together, or some climate change trust fund baby who needs a few million to accomplish nothing.

BTW we're already an international joke thanks to Barrack Hussein Obama. You're late on that one.
Tell me, why should we cut infrastructure, science, r&d and education? What benefits will we get for doing so????

Instead, I believe we'll become a third world shithole and a international joke.

News flash Matthew, we already are. Our schools are teaching socialism, our infrastructure is shot to hell, science is floundering and R&D is being stolen by every friendly/unfriendly alike. So, in spite of that small disturbance at Ford Theater last night, Mrs. Lincoln, how is your day going? And I refuse to speak about any particular political party, Matthew, they have all failed us, "we the people".If you are not of the "chosen few", you ain't!

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