House Dem calls Biden's handling of Afghanistan 'f---g disaster'

When will you stop LYING about Trump and trying to dump Bidens f'ed up mess on Trump? Trump's agreement with the Taliban had conditions the Taliban agreed to and consequences should the Taliban fail to hold up their end. Idiot Biden just cut and ran for the exit without holding the Taliban accountable. That's on Biden. So enough with your lies.
Here's the agreement. What were those consequences...?

After you supported what Trump did to the Kurds don’t EVEN talk about honor or loyalty.

Even your fellow DemoKKKrats can smell the failure emanating from the corpse of the Biden regime, but you cultists are still screeching that he did everything perfectly.
Even your fellow DemoKKKrats can smell the failure emanating from the corpse of the Biden regime, but you cultists are still screeching that he did everything perfectly.
55% of Democrats feel Biden screwed the Afghanistan withdrawal up. Only the die hard nut cases believe otherwise.
When will you stop LYING about Trump and trying to dump Bidens f'ed up mess on Trump? Trump's agreement with the Taliban had conditions the Taliban agreed to and consequences should the Taliban fail to hold up their end. Idiot Biden just cut and ran for the exit without holding the Taliban accountable. That's on Biden. So enough with your lies.

"Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame."

Donald Trump: (22:53)

Why did he reduce troop strength to 2500 if the Taliban have not achieved the conditions he set? What exactly did he mean "They couldn't stop the process"?
Likely not Biden's doing he can take credit for, but whoever pulled off the evacuation from Afghanistan needs to be credited with the greatest in history.
The entire airport and the US military were sitting ducks but are blessed with escaping with 13 marines taken out by the enemy.
While the Taliban, the victorious army, didn't raise a finger against the banished!

Pure genius, beyond Biden's pay grade!
Likely not Biden's doing he can take credit for, but whoever pulled off the evacuation from Afghanistan needs to be credited with the greatest in history.
The entire airport and the US military were sitting ducks but are blessed with escaping with 13 marines taken out by the enemy.
While the Taliban, the victorious army, didn't raise a finger against the banished!

Pure genius, beyond Biden's pay grade!
And what American is going to shit in his own nest and claim Trump was the mastermind?

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