House Democrats Are In Possession of 6-Years of Trump Tax Returns.

What laws did Hunter violate?

All at this point in both cases is speculation.

Yet….suddenly, after a meeting with Xi….they came through.

Irrelevant overall. Anyone can be crooked.

Selling influence.

Trump and his family are wealthy. They are harder to buy as they don’t really need money to begin with. The Trumps run businesses and make money by providing goods and services.

However I will admit that the Trumps may at times be a little dirty. I am sure Trump had to make some deals with the Mafia when he was building skyscrapers in the Big Apple. I wouldn’t be surprised if some people tried to buy Trump and for all I know it might work today as he is not as wealthy as he was.

For years Trump sold his name but today it has lost much of its value.

Biden and his family made their fortune through corruption mainly selling Joe’s influence. The family never really made anything or were experts on any areas of business. Joe had power and influence and the family sold it for profit.

He lied to you.

Well, there is no penalty incurred for lying to you so yeah...he has ever right to keep lying to you.

I don't enjoy being lied to as much as you do. Its probably your absence of character.
How do you get around Joe Biden lying to you continuously?
What laws did Hunter violate?

All at this point in both cases is speculation.
yet, you digging in trumps taxes is what again?

this is why you are impossible to talk to. you use one set of standards for your side but won't allow the VERY SAME for the other side.

you hate trump, ergo he's guilty of SOMETHING. keep digging and you'll find it.
yet for hunter, we have a LOT of proof SOMETHING IS THERE, but you call it speculation and dismiss it.

where is the balance there?

like i said and will keep saying - you want emotional validation, not pure justice.

and that is why things are as fucked up as they are.

we have banks giving us 150+ examples of potential illegal money laundering - you don't give a fuck. why?
Checks and balances on government.

It IS (one of) the functions of the Legislative Branch to hold the Executive Branch accountable.

Now some may say once he became a private citizen then his returns should have been off limits to Congress but that is innacurate.

the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Committee on Finance and the Joint Committee on Taxation have the right to access anyone's tax returns at any time via the subpoena process, which has been done in Trump's case.

Also it is important to keep in mind that the request for Trump's records was put in place YEARS ago...while he was still in office. It is only his habit of stalling the legal process and drawing everything out that has resulted in this long delay.

The practice of making the returns public (which EVERY single presidential candidate before Trump has willingly done) is simply so that Congress and the American peole can be assured that their POTUS doesn't have any ugly skeletons in his financial closet that might compromise him (and the nation) to foreign and/or domestic enemies.

In other words a clean and above-board financial track record goes straight to the POTUS' fitness for office.

It's not "political."
It's just good business practice.
And it's not required.
The Traitor is first presidential candidate since Tricky Dickey to refuse to release his tax returns. What is he hiding. The Traitor promised release those returns long before he ran for his Russian Backed run for the Oval Office. If Gerald R. Ford can release his tax returns, if James Earl Carter can release his tax returns, if Ronald Wilson Reagan can release his tax returns, if George Herbert Walker Bush can release his tax returns, if William Jefferson Clinton can release his tax returns, if George Walker Bush can release his tax returns, if Barack Hussein Obama can release his tax returns, if Joesph Robinette Biden can release his tax returns, why the fuck cannot Donald John Trump release his?

If all those former presidents released their returns, why shouldn't the Traitor be held to that same standard.
There's no requirement for a presidential candidate to release his tax returns.

Why is your ass hurting over it so bad?
Silence is golden. They're either figuring out how they can get away leaking or there is nothing there.
I predict we'll hear story after story about how they found all kinds of illegal shit in Trump's tax returns. Oh, but they can't show us the
The House Ways & Means Committee is now in possession of six years of former President Donald Trump’s tax returns after a three-year battle to obtain them.

The committee received the documents from the Treasury Department on Wednesday after the Supreme Court rejected Trump’s final appeal on Nov. 22, according to the Treasury Department.

Treasury has complied with last week’s court decision,” a Treasury official said.
The receipt of Trump’s tax returns brings to a close a three-year legal fight that began when Ways & Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.) asked the Treasury Department to hand over the then-president’s tax returns under a law that allows congressional tax-writing committees to obtain tax returns for its investigations.
If this doesn't turn into anything, I will be very disappointed!
What laws did Hunter violate?
Very good question because it makes you wonder why the FBI buried the story and why the Biden clan got Twitter to suppress the laptop story.

I reckon Trump's tax returns will highlight what little he took, so he was just protecting his pride by trying to avoid their release.

And more importantly, anyone in the senate should supply their tax returns because many come out as millionaires.
It should be.

Otherwise you get crooks like Trump refusing to disclose shady business dealings (debt) to some of America's arch enemies.

Then you have to wonder exactly WHOSE best intetests that candidate is really looking out for.

Why, under the COTUS, should it be required? Because you have a trump boner or is there law requiring it?
Yet you have failed to prove why any candidate should be required to supply their tax returns.

Only under certain circumstances does congress have the authority to subpoena a private individuals tax return.
And Trump is DEFINITELY one of those "special" evidenced by his company's felony tax fraud conviction today and the new revelation that he had undeclared debt that ran straight to our North Korean enemy through a South Korean shadow entity.

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