House Democrats Are In Possession of 6-Years of Trump Tax Returns.

And Trump is DEFINITELY one of those "special" evidenced by his company's felony tax fraud conviction today and the new revelation that he had undeclared debt that ran straight to our North Korean enemy through a South Korean shadow entity.

Yea but even on ABC they said Trump was not part of the investigation and knew nothing about it.
And Trump is DEFINITELY one of those "special" evidenced by his company's felony tax fraud conviction today and the new revelation that he had undeclared debt that ran straight to our North Korean enemy through a South Korean shadow entity.
But what you attempt to imply, has nothing to do with Trump's tax records and His subpoena, does it?
It should be.

Otherwise you get crooks like Trump refusing to disclose shady business dealings (debt) to some of America's arch enemies.

Then you have to wonder exactly WHOSE best intetests that candidate is really looking out for.

Then change the laws properly.

This emo "should be" crap is, bullshit.
The House Ways & Means Committee is now in possession of six years of former President Donald Trump’s tax returns after a three-year battle to obtain them.

The committee received the documents from the Treasury Department on Wednesday after the Supreme Court rejected Trump’s final appeal on Nov. 22, according to the Treasury Department.

Treasury has complied with last week’s court decision,” a Treasury official said.
The receipt of Trump’s tax returns brings to a close a three-year legal fight that began when Ways & Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.) asked the Treasury Department to hand over the then-president’s tax returns under a law that allows congressional tax-writing committees to obtain tax returns for its investigations.
So....what can they do with them? legally, nothing. Read the tax law. it says the chairman of the House Ways and Means committee can only make a request for tax information that will personally identify an individual, while sitting in closed executive session, which the ways and means committee was not. it also says that they can pass that information to other committees if those committees are in closed executive session, which they are not. even if all those conditions are met, there are secrecy rules regarding closed executive session, which means that information cannot be publicly disclosed.

So, already, they have broken the law. will they break it further?
If the Treasury couldn't find anything in 6 years what makes you think the dems can find anything in 5 weeks time?...
The Treasury is looking for something actionable. House democrats are looking for a number on a line they can leak, then dance around the camp fire, proclaiming the end of democracy.
The Traitor is first presidential candidate since Tricky Dickey to refuse to release his tax returns. What is he hiding. The Traitor promised release those returns long before he ran for his Russian Backed run for the Oval Office. If Gerald R. Ford can release his tax returns, if James Earl Carter can release his tax returns, if Ronald Wilson Reagan can release his tax returns, if George Herbert Walker Bush can release his tax returns, if William Jefferson Clinton can release his tax returns, if George Walker Bush can release his tax returns, if Barack Hussein Obama can release his tax returns, if Joesph Robinette Biden can release his tax returns, why the fuck cannot Donald John Trump release his?

If all those former presidents released their returns, why shouldn't the Traitor be held to that same standard.
Because it's a voluntary standard.
It should be.

Otherwise you get crooks like Trump refusing to disclose shady business dealings (debt) to some of America's arch enemies.

Then you have to wonder exactly WHOSE best intetests that candidate is really looking out for.

South Korea is an enemy of The United States?
Otherwise you get crooks like Trump refusing to disclose shady business dealings (debt) to some of America's arch enemies.
He he he.....this is the exact reason the Hunter laptop will be totally investigated.
Because The Orange Combover Ape is an organized crime mob boss who is about to have his thieving ass nailed to the wall once & for all. That motherfucker has been evading justice for years just like Capone & all mob bosses do, until their turn comes. Trump doesn't use email for the same reason John Gotti wouldn't use a phone.

Tick tock, tick tock.

Now, there are reports of the Traitor being involved in a Ponzi Scheme. His grift is endless.
The government needs to get a hold of The Worthless Negro's college transcripts to find out if he enrolled as a foerign student that would have made his administration Illegal.

What the hell was the sonofbitch hiding by not releasing his college transcripts? Was it the fact he enrolled as a foreign student or that he got his degree by affirmative action or maybe both?

You moron. Foreign students leave a paper trail of visas. Your college transcripts are sealed. You didn't go to college, did you?
Do you have a US passport? Look inside the cover.
? You don't have a have college degree to get a passport. My kids have theirs and they haven't graduated yet. I'm not sure what could be in a passport that would have to do with releasing or not releasing your college transcripts
You moron. Foreign students leave a paper trail of visas. Your college transcripts are sealed. You didn't go to college, did you?

MAGA MAGGOTS are not known for their intelligence. They lack the singluar innate ability to think for themsevles. Thinking for yourself is strictly prohibited, thinking gets in the way of believing the spoon fed lies they believe.
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? You don't have a have college degree to get a passport. My kids have theirs and they haven't graduated yet. I'm not sure what could be in a passport that would have to do with releasing or not releasing your college transcripts
So you tell your kids to release their passports? If not, what's stopping you?

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