House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!

What is it called when government kills small businesses and eliminates jobs? That's called the leftist dream.

If Obamacare and other unreasonable regulations hadn't killed small businesses, people would make a decent living and get raises each year. You aren't supposed to support a family on a minimum wage beginner job. Thanks to the left, those little jobs are all that's left. And most of them don't offer full-time positions because that would make every employee a huge liability. The left's policies are very unfriendly to small businesses.

They even limited the loans for small business start-ups.

The left wants only crappy jobs available so people will still need to be subsidized. And this idea of raising the minimum to make things better just doesn't work the way they promise. Instead, more will lose their jobs and the available jobs will all be part-time.

Even in places that raised the minimum wage, people are finding that with less hours, they end up with smaller paychecks. That is exactly what the left wants to happen because the more desperate people become, the more attractive socialism looks.

If the leftists in this country get their way, we will all be equally miserable someday. They are taking out the rungs of the ladder that people need to realize the American dream.

We have so many little jobs taken by uneducated, non-English speaking illegal aliens and too many Americans have the mindset that they are entitled to government handouts so they aren't doing much to improve their situation.

Many who had decent jobs ended up with minimum wage jobs because that was all they could find during the Obama years.

Jobs have come back and the economy is better, thanks to Trump. Companies will pay employees who have qualifications and are dependable. Always been that way when we had the smaller businesses. Illegals have driven down a lot of wages over the years. Everything from construction to meat packing plants used to pay quite well but once illegals were willing to do the work for cheap, it eliminated the opportunities for citizens.

What good is raising the minimum when it means jobs will decrease and we still have illegals pouring in through the borders?
Why not $15.25 or $14.75 where did they get this nice round $15 an hour number, pull it out their ass? :icon_rolleyes: Also $15 an hour is poverty in many areas of the country. I swear Dem's have weaponized stupid.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!
Nothing the House wants will be given a hearing in the Senate.

Dem House bills go in the black bin.

If the Dems push such a bill, they know it will never make it past the Republican Senate.

Unlike the GOP 60+ fake repeals of Obamacare all those years, though, the Dems are NOT pretending. If they ever get full power, they will actually carry through on their promise.
It's scary how serious the Dems are when it comes to using the state to fuck us all over. When they threaten to do something, we should take their goose-stepping word for it.

They will try to confiscate all of our guns too. Believe them.

The dog-shit GOP can never be trusted to do jack shit. They love being the party in opposition because they can relax and fake-bitch about having no power. I fucking HATE that party!!!!

That's exactly why the commies keep winning, moving closer and closer to a government takeover of everything. Because the commies mean business, while the GOP is just a bunch of lip-serving, jingoistic, power mad hucksters.

And the Rube Herd has STILL not caught on they've been hoaxed. For decades now.
Dem House...we want a $15 an hour minimum wage :aargh:
Rep Senate...No.
Dem House...what do you mean no :aargh::aargh::aargh:
Rep Senate...:itsok:
We've had several cities and areas raise their minimum wage to $15 and despite right wing tears...the sky didn't fall
People will soon reap what they have sown by voting these idiots in. But, they still will not understand what they have done.
We've had several cities and areas raise their minimum wage to $15 and despite right wing tears...the sky didn't fall

On the contrary. You might wanna do some research on this. Cities that have done this have gotten a lot of pushback from small businesses because it has hurt them so badly, especially restaurants.
$15/hr might be a little high...but if we had an inflation adjusted MW ...using 1968 as a would be $12/hr. That means we have been DECREASING it since 1968
It's interesting that the Left NEEDS the Gov to take care of them.

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