House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

The $15 minimum wage is called a political gesture that will incentivize employers to replace low skilled workers faster with smart machines. The only people it will help are the Democratic politicians who campaign for it.

Except that hasn't happened where it has been tried
It has been happening for decades whenever smart machines are available to do the job low skilled workers for less than it costs to hire workers.
Henry Ford got machines And paid labor more. He was a Good Capitalist.

You don't know much about Mr. Ford do you? Perhaps you should look at his ties to the Nazi's.
The federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour hasn’t increased since 2009 and is worth substantially less than the minimum wage was in the 1960s once adjusted for inflation, according to the Economic Policy Institute.

Ballot initiatives across the country to raise the minimum wage in states and cities have passed with broad public support. There hasn’t been a single loss on this issue since 1996, so some were not surprised to see the result in Arkansas. But what makes Arkansas stand out is that no other red state has gone this high.

Arizona was the only red state above $10 before this week’s election. Now Missouri and Arkansas are on their way to joining those ranks.

Conservative Arkansas could soon have the highest effective minimum wage in the country

In other words, we don’t need to raise the federal minimum wage because states are doing it on their own
Automation has been happening for 50 years.

Minimum wage has nothing to do with it
If the minimum wage is set low enough, it will effect nothing, but if it causes employers to pay more for low skilled workers and smart machines are available to do the job for less, these workers will be replaced. It would be bad business not to do that.
so what; Persons should not have to sign up for social services on the minimum wage. That is the whole reason for Working for a living.
It is absolutely despicable that the fucking asshole Liberals think the government should mandate the terms of employment between an employee and employer.

Of course these are the same asshole Liberals that have never understood economics or understood the concept of Liberty.
Terms of employment are codified in State laws and a federal doctrine.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!
If the Dems push such a bill, they know it will never make it past the Republican Senate.

Unlike the GOP 60+ fake repeals of Obamacare all those years, though, the Dems are NOT pretending. If they ever get full power, they will actually carry through on their promise.

Which works out really well for those Democrats, G5000 because they can paint Republicans as "meanies" who hate the poor because they won't give them a raise but don't have to explain to those same poor people why they got laid off from their jobs because their employers automated or downsized because they couldn't afford labor costs or explain to everyone else why the costs of goods and services just increased by a huge amount to pay for the $15 an hour minimum wage!
This is bullshit grandstanding.

Less than 1% of all workers make minimum wage and 2.3% of all hourly workers earn minimum wage. This is bullshit.

Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2017 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
They are probably, also on social services. They shouldn't need social services with fifteen dollars an hour.

A cost savings from social services, along with higher paid labor paying more in taxes and creating more in demand.
It is absolutely despicable that the fucking asshole Liberals think the government should mandate the terms of employment between an employee and employer.

Of course these are the same asshole Liberals that have never understood economics or understood the concept of Liberty.
Terms of employment are codified in State laws and a federal doctrine.

The government does oppressive things, that doesn't make it right you dumbass Moon Bat.
During the recent presidential election, low-income families were described as “takers” who do not work and rely on government aid... But the report shows that in 2011 more than seven in 10 low-income families were working. Also, half of all families with incomes below the poverty line ($22,811 for a family of four with two children) were working.

Other results from the report include:

The total number of people living in low-income working families now stands at 47.5 million, including 23.5 million children.

U.S. Low-Income Working Families Increasing – Population Reference Bureau

Trump proposes $15 billion spending cuts, targets children's health program | Reuters
The Best, tax cut economics can do.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!
The $15 minimum wage is called a political gesture that will incentivize employers to replace low skilled workers faster with smart machines. The only people it will help are the Democratic politicians who campaign for it.
we don't want the cost of low wage jobs that have to be subsidized through social services, regardless.
So you are saying you'd prefer they had no jobs and depended entirely on social services.
Automation has been happening for 50 years.

Minimum wage has nothing to do with it
If the minimum wage is set low enough, it will effect nothing, but if it causes employers to pay more for low skilled workers and smart machines are available to do the job for less, these workers will be replaced. It would be bad business not to do that.
so what; Persons should not have to sign up for social services on the minimum wage. That is the whole reason for Working for a living.
If low skilled workers are unhappy with their wages, they should sign up for courses that will give them higher paying skills and then they won't have to sign up for social services.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!
The $15 minimum wage is called a political gesture that will incentivize employers to replace low skilled workers faster with smart machines. The only people it will help are the Democratic politicians who campaign for it.
we don't want the cost of low wage jobs that have to be subsidized through social services, regardless.
So you are saying you'd prefer they had no jobs and depended entirely on social services.
Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
Automation has been happening for 50 years.

Minimum wage has nothing to do with it
If the minimum wage is set low enough, it will effect nothing, but if it causes employers to pay more for low skilled workers and smart machines are available to do the job for less, these workers will be replaced. It would be bad business not to do that.
so what; Persons should not have to sign up for social services on the minimum wage. That is the whole reason for Working for a living.
If low skilled workers are unhappy with their wages, they should sign up for courses that will give them higher paying skills and then they won't have to sign up for social services.
Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment, regardless. This is a social dilemma that involves macro economics, not micro economics.
Exactly. The system DEMANDS a certain amount of unemployment for "flexibility" (and also to depress wages),

Unfortunately being unemployed is a pretty nasty hardship...especially in a society where healthcare is tied to employment
Exactly. The system DEMANDS a certain amount of unemployment for "flexibility" (and also to depress wages),

Unfortunately being unemployed is a pretty nasty hardship...especially in a society where healthcare is tied to employment

" especially in a society where healthcare is tied to employment"

Who is responsible for this?
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!

can I get my old job as switchboard operator back----I could to that
for 60 hours per week (often did as a college student) and earn $930
per week. -----how about babysitting----I used to get 50 cents per hour.
My brothers all went to college on McDonalds-----not 15 dollars per hour---
it would probably have driven the cost of a bag of fries to 20 bucks
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!

can I get my old job as switchboard operator back----I could to that
for 60 hours per week (often did as a college student) and earn $930
per week. -----how about babysitting----I used to get 50 cents per hour.
My brothers all went to college on McDonalds-----not 15 dollars per hour---
it would probably have driven the cost of a bag of fries to 20 bucks

They can't "think" in a linear manner. Cause and effect is beyond them.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!

No kidding, Democrats want to raise wages and create more jobs....what could possibly go wrong? Oh yeah, your hours will get cut, but wait, they'll need more employees. Great plan dumbass, but think of all the free time you'll have to find a second job.

Frankly the ACA signaled that they KNEW it was going to hurt the economy and jobs. The signal was lowering the threshold o of insurance qualification to having worked 30 hours in a week.
Of course they will. They need the economy to tank by 2020
Exactly. The system DEMANDS a certain amount of unemployment for "flexibility" (and also to depress wages),

Unfortunately being unemployed is a pretty nasty hardship...especially in a society where healthcare is tied to employment
Before the liberals decided to TAX people who worked, earn income, everyone would be able to keep their cash until the last moment and then at the end of the year, put in their taxes, that they had to pay. Then those fucking liberals decided that to pay for a war, they would enforce that income tax because of its insidiousness. If the people didnt see the money going out of their income, then more low information idiots wouldn't give a shit and the Federal Income Tax stayed. So along came the businesses, who wanted to incentivize their business to get the best people that they could, and offered healthcare instead of cash because the guberment couldn't tax the tax write off or the health benefits of the employee. But then along came the 1/2 white fagot community agitator who fucked all the working people because the liberal lazy fucks didnt work, and didnt get healthcare unless they used the emergency room. Now everyone is fucked, because of the unaffordability of Obummercare, so with liberal FAIRNESS, many people ended up poor and miserable. That is liberalism and what it is all about. Fucking everyone, except the liberal elites who wrote themselves out of the shit healthcare.

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