House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

Exactly. The system DEMANDS a certain amount of unemployment for "flexibility" (and also to depress wages),

Unfortunately being unemployed is a pretty nasty hardship...especially in a society where healthcare is tied to employment

" especially in a society where healthcare is tied to employment"

Who is responsible for this?

Mostly labor unions. But government was a willing accomplice.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!

No kidding, Democrats want to raise wages and create more jobs....what could possibly go wrong? Oh yeah, your hours will get cut, but wait, they'll need more employees. Great plan dumbass, but think of all the free time you'll have to find a second job.

Frankly the ACA signaled that they KNEW it was going to hurt the economy and jobs. The signal was lowering the threshold o of insurance qualification to having worked 30 hours in a week.

That's true, not quite sure how that would affect minimum wage though. So someone working 30 hrs at $10/week would end up working 20 hrs at $15/week....plenty of free time to get a second job.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!

No kidding, Democrats want to raise wages and create more jobs....what could possibly go wrong? Oh yeah, your hours will get cut, but wait, they'll need more employees. Great plan dumbass, but think of all the free time you'll have to find a second job.
It's not like minimum wages haven't been increased in the past...and guess what...none of that happened
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!

No kidding, Democrats want to raise wages and create more jobs....what could possibly go wrong? Oh yeah, your hours will get cut, but wait, they'll need more employees. Great plan dumbass, but think of all the free time you'll have to find a second job.
It's not like minimum wages haven't been increased in the past...and guess what...none of that happened

No kidding, how did that work when Obamacare was implemented?
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!

No kidding, Democrats want to raise wages and create more jobs....what could possibly go wrong? Oh yeah, your hours will get cut, but wait, they'll need more employees. Great plan dumbass, but think of all the free time you'll have to find a second job.

Frankly the ACA signaled that they KNEW it was going to hurt the economy and jobs. The signal was lowering the threshold o of insurance qualification to having worked 30 hours in a week.

That's true, not quite sure how that would affect minimum wage though. So someone working 30 hrs at $10/week would end up working 20 hrs at $15/week....plenty of free time to get a second job.
When I was working a minimum wage job, I realized what a shit job it was, and decided that it wasn't created for those who wanted to succeed in life. I got skills that enabled me to make over $70,000 a year tax free, instead of being a burger flipper at $2.10 an hour. Only dumbasses would take minimum wage because they are too stupid to try to better themselves, and then demand welfare on top of it.

House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!

No kidding, Democrats want to raise wages and create more jobs....what could possibly go wrong? Oh yeah, your hours will get cut, but wait, they'll need more employees. Great plan dumbass, but think of all the free time you'll have to find a second job.

Frankly the ACA signaled that they KNEW it was going to hurt the economy and jobs. The signal was lowering the threshold o of insurance qualification to having worked 30 hours in a week.

That's true, not quite sure how that would affect minimum wage though. So someone working 30 hrs at $10/week would end up working 20 hrs at $15/week....plenty of free time to get a second job.
When I was working a minimum wage job, I realized what a shit job it was, and decided that it wasn't created for those who wanted to succeed in life. I got skills that enabled me to make over $70,000 a year tax free, instead of being a burger flipper at $2.10 an hour. Only dumbasses would take minimum wage because they are too stupid to try to better themselves, and then demand welfare on top of it.


Yup, that's the way it typically works.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!

No kidding, Democrats want to raise wages and create more jobs....what could possibly go wrong? Oh yeah, your hours will get cut, but wait, they'll need more employees. Great plan dumbass, but think of all the free time you'll have to find a second job.

Frankly the ACA signaled that they KNEW it was going to hurt the economy and jobs. The signal was lowering the threshold o of insurance qualification to having worked 30 hours in a week.

That's true, not quite sure how that would affect minimum wage though. So someone working 30 hrs at $10/week would end up working 20 hrs at $15/week....plenty of free time to get a second job.

No, the point is that they KNOW what this shit will do to the economy, they just don't care.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!

No kidding, Democrats want to raise wages and create more jobs....what could possibly go wrong? Oh yeah, your hours will get cut, but wait, they'll need more employees. Great plan dumbass, but think of all the free time you'll have to find a second job.

Frankly the ACA signaled that they KNEW it was going to hurt the economy and jobs. The signal was lowering the threshold o of insurance qualification to having worked 30 hours in a week.

That's true, not quite sure how that would affect minimum wage though. So someone working 30 hrs at $10/week would end up working 20 hrs at $15/week....plenty of free time to get a second job.

No, the point is that they KNOW what this shit will do to the economy, they just don't care.

If the "they" means democrats, I agree.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!

No kidding, Democrats want to raise wages and create more jobs....what could possibly go wrong? Oh yeah, your hours will get cut, but wait, they'll need more employees. Great plan dumbass, but think of all the free time you'll have to find a second job.

Frankly the ACA signaled that they KNEW it was going to hurt the economy and jobs. The signal was lowering the threshold o of insurance qualification to having worked 30 hours in a week.

That's true, not quite sure how that would affect minimum wage though. So someone working 30 hrs at $10/week would end up working 20 hrs at $15/week....plenty of free time to get a second job.

No, the point is that they KNOW what this shit will do to the economy, they just don't care.

If the "they" means democrats, I agree.

Indeed it does.
Dem House...we want a $15 an hour minimum wage :aargh:
Rep Senate...No.
Dem House...what do you mean no :aargh::aargh::aargh:
Rep Senate...:itsok:
I say give the House the $15/her wage they are demanding. Better for taxpayers than us paying them $174,000 per year.

I'm really surprised by the democrats wanting to make $15 per hour. Good job Dems!
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!
Fine, as long as there is no more WELFARE given out. If people now have a livable wage, they dont need fucking welfare...

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion

Make no mistake about it...the push to raise the minimum wage is just another not so clever way to subsidize the underclass wetback...that’s all...simple shit.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!

No kidding, Democrats want to raise wages and create more jobs....what could possibly go wrong? Oh yeah, your hours will get cut, but wait, they'll need more employees. Great plan dumbass, but think of all the free time you'll have to find a second job.
It's not like minimum wages haven't been increased in the past...and guess what...none of that happened

It was never increased enough to matter one way or another.

Listen, if you seriously don't believe there will be any negative repercussions from raising the minimum wage, why settle for something as low as $15/hr. I mean, that's better than ten, but it's still not much. Why not make everyone rich? Why not $200/hr? I'd seriously like to hear your answer. If I saw it the way you do, I sure as fuck wouldn't dick around with $15/hr.
Exactly. The system DEMANDS a certain amount of unemployment for "flexibility" (and also to depress wages),

Unfortunately being unemployed is a pretty nasty hardship...especially in a society where healthcare is tied to employment
The solution is to solve for simple poverty through compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.
They Said Seattle’s Higher Base Pay Would Hurt Workers. Why Did They Flip?

Seattle raised it considerably and although the results were mixed...they were generally positive.

The sky certainly didn't fall.

Would $15/hr be appropriate in areas that have lower costs of living?

Probably not but the current $7.25 is insane
A reminder

Among those paid by the hour, 870,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.7 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 2.6 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 3.3 percent of all hourly paid workers.

Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2015 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
the Dems are NOT pretending. If they ever get full power, they will actually carry through on their promise.

Actually, the Democrats had a chance when they controlled congress and had the Radical B. Hussein O ruling as president. Didn't do it.

Its a political scam.

In actuality, I'd be in favor of such a move, provided ALL federal subsidies for able bodied Americans must end. No Section 8, no medicaid, no EBT. $15 minimum wage should be enough for anyone.

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