House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

Push comes to shove, pass along any additional costs to the consumer.

You donate..


Just like we donate when any costs increase
Businesses deal with cost increases of raw materials, energy, taxes, insurance, executive pay......the market adjusts

But try to increase the pay of the lowest paid worker and conservatives threaten the end of the world
Push comes to shove, pass along any additional costs to the consumer.

You donate..


Just like we donate when any costs increase
Businesses deal with cost increases of raw materials, energy, taxes, insurance, executive pay......the market adjusts

But try to increase the pay of the lowest paid worker and conservatives threaten the end of the world

Well Since you have so much damn money you wouldn't mind me moving in with you now would you?

Push comes to shove, pass along any additional costs to the consumer.

You donate..


Just like we donate when any costs increase
Businesses deal with cost increases of raw materials, energy, taxes, insurance, executive pay......the market adjusts

But try to increase the pay of the lowest paid worker and conservatives threaten the end of the world

Well Since you have so much damn money you wouldn't mind me moving in with you now would you?


I snore, ya know?
Listen, if you seriously don't believe there will be any negative repercussions from raising the minimum wage, why settle for something as low as $15/hr. I mean, that's better than ten, but it's still not much. Why not make everyone rich? Why not $200/hr? I'd seriously like to hear your answer. If I saw it the way you do, I sure as fuck wouldn't dick around with $15/hr.

*crickets* -- always with the crickets.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!

No kidding, Democrats want to raise wages and create more jobs....what could possibly go wrong? Oh yeah, your hours will get cut, but wait, they'll need more employees. Great plan dumbass, but think of all the free time you'll have to find a second job.

Frankly the ACA signaled that they KNEW it was going to hurt the economy and jobs. The signal was lowering the threshold o of insurance qualification to having worked 30 hours in a week.

That's true, not quite sure how that would affect minimum wage though. So someone working 30 hrs at $10/week would end up working 20 hrs at $15/week....plenty of free time to get a second job.
When I was working a minimum wage job, I realized what a shit job it was, and decided that it wasn't created for those who wanted to succeed in life. I got skills that enabled me to make over $70,000 a year tax free, instead of being a burger flipper at $2.10 an hour. Only dumbasses would take minimum wage because they are too stupid to try to better themselves, and then demand welfare on top of it.

Nothing but anecdotes?

Our continual warfare State economy, which the Right Wing refuses to pay for with wartime tax rates, has been eroding purchasing power ever since. Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are examples.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!
The $15 minimum wage is called a political gesture that will incentivize employers to replace low skilled workers faster with smart machines. The only people it will help are the Democratic politicians who campaign for it.
we don't want the cost of low wage jobs that have to be subsidized through social services, regardless.
So you are saying you'd prefer they had no jobs and depended entirely on social services.
Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
No such thing exists in the US or has been seriously proposed. Unemployment compensation is only available to workers who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own and then only for a limited time. What you are talking about is not unemployment insurance but welfare, and today, neither party supports welfare for people who simply don't want to work.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!
The $15 minimum wage is called a political gesture that will incentivize employers to replace low skilled workers faster with smart machines. The only people it will help are the Democratic politicians who campaign for it.
we don't want the cost of low wage jobs that have to be subsidized through social services, regardless.
So you are saying you'd prefer they had no jobs and depended entirely on social services.
Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
No such thing exists in the US or has been seriously proposed. Unemployment compensation is only available to workers who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own and then only for a limited time. What you are talking about is not unemployment insurance but welfare, and today, neither party supports welfare for people who simply don't want to work.
The left wing is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage cost of living adjustment and compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States.
Automation has been happening for 50 years.

Minimum wage has nothing to do with it
If the minimum wage is set low enough, it will effect nothing, but if it causes employers to pay more for low skilled workers and smart machines are available to do the job for less, these workers will be replaced. It would be bad business not to do that.
so what; Persons should not have to sign up for social services on the minimum wage. That is the whole reason for Working for a living.
If low skilled workers are unhappy with their wages, they should sign up for courses that will give them higher paying skills and then they won't have to sign up for social services.
Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment, regardless. This is a social dilemma that involves macro economics, not micro economics.
You are just dumb as a rock.
The $15 minimum wage is called a political gesture that will incentivize employers to replace low skilled workers faster with smart machines. The only people it will help are the Democratic politicians who campaign for it.
we don't want the cost of low wage jobs that have to be subsidized through social services, regardless.
So you are saying you'd prefer they had no jobs and depended entirely on social services.
Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
No such thing exists in the US or has been seriously proposed. Unemployment compensation is only available to workers who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own and then only for a limited time. What you are talking about is not unemployment insurance but welfare, and today, neither party supports welfare for people who simply don't want to work.
The left wing is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage cost of living adjustment and compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States.
Again, you are just way too stupid and ignorant to continue this conversation.
Automation has been happening for 50 years.

Minimum wage has nothing to do with it
If the minimum wage is set low enough, it will effect nothing, but if it causes employers to pay more for low skilled workers and smart machines are available to do the job for less, these workers will be replaced. It would be bad business not to do that.
so what; Persons should not have to sign up for social services on the minimum wage. That is the whole reason for Working for a living.
If low skilled workers are unhappy with their wages, they should sign up for courses that will give them higher paying skills and then they won't have to sign up for social services.
Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment, regardless. This is a social dilemma that involves macro economics, not micro economics.
You are just dumb as a rock.
you operate in a vacuum of microeconomic special pleading.

just another reason to not take the right wing seriously about economics.
we don't want the cost of low wage jobs that have to be subsidized through social services, regardless.
So you are saying you'd prefer they had no jobs and depended entirely on social services.
Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
No such thing exists in the US or has been seriously proposed. Unemployment compensation is only available to workers who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own and then only for a limited time. What you are talking about is not unemployment insurance but welfare, and today, neither party supports welfare for people who simply don't want to work.
The left wing is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage cost of living adjustment and compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States.
Again, you are just way too stupid and ignorant to continue this conversation.
run out of logic and reason like usual, right winger?
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!

It’s so stupid. It’s minimum wage, it’s designed for entry level positions. Vast majority of minimum wage earners are not even trying to support a family. They are high school students folding sweaters at the Gap.

Minimum wage workers-

Less than 3% of hourly paid workers
Percentage of minimum wage earners has been declining since 1979.
Most are unmarried, uneducated and unskilled.

If you are not capable of earning more than minimum wage, you should not be having kids.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!
If the Dems push such a bill, they know it will never make it past the Republican Senate.

Unlike the GOP 60+ fake repeals of Obamacare all those years, though, the Dems are NOT pretending. If they ever get full power, they will actually carry through on their promise.

And they will kill summer jobs for high school students in the process.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!
If the Dems push such a bill, they know it will never make it past the Republican Senate.

Unlike the GOP 60+ fake repeals of Obamacare all those years, though, the Dems are NOT pretending. If they ever get full power, they will actually carry through on their promise.

And they will kill summer jobs for high school students in the process.
why is that with part-time help being "normal"?
Automation has been happening for 50 years.

Minimum wage has nothing to do with it
If the minimum wage is set low enough, it will effect nothing, but if it causes employers to pay more for low skilled workers and smart machines are available to do the job for less, these workers will be replaced. It would be bad business not to do that.
so what; Persons should not have to sign up for social services on the minimum wage. That is the whole reason for Working for a living.
If low skilled workers are unhappy with their wages, they should sign up for courses that will give them higher paying skills and then they won't have to sign up for social services.
Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment, regardless. This is a social dilemma that involves macro economics, not micro economics.
You are just dumb as a rock.

All that weed has fried whatever tiny brain he once had.
A Red State Raises Its Workers' Minimum Wage to $15

In one of the most surprising legislative twists in state government this year, North Carolina became the first state to implement -- and the first red state to approve -- an increase in the minimum wage for state workers to $15 an hour, or $31,200 a year.

Deepening the intrigue, the state's Republican-controlled legislature achieved this practically-overnight minimum-wage hike with no formal testimony or hearings, and with little support from Democratic legislators or the state's Democratic governor...

Smart move by the Republicans here. They give a raise to about 10% of the work force when there is already upward pressure on wages.
BTW- the minimum hourly wage for state employees was already $11.70 per hour, not $7.25.
Your question that "nobody can answer" has been answered for generations. When minimum wages increase, there is upward pressure to increase other low skilled wages as well
The solution is......the market adjusts
It always has

The world does not come to an end, businesses do not go belly up

Businesses do go belly up. See Seattle Washington and New York City.

Yes, the market adjusts and the new minimum wage becomes the bottom and they remain on welfare, food stamps, and other subsidies. Nothing changes, Progressives just FEEL BETTER!

You also did not answer the question.
Listen, if you seriously don't believe there will be any negative repercussions from raising the minimum wage, why settle for something as low as $15/hr. I mean, that's better than ten, but it's still not much. Why not make everyone rich? Why not $200/hr? I'd seriously like to hear your answer. If I saw it the way you do, I sure as fuck wouldn't dick around with $15/hr.

*crickets* -- always with the crickets.
Well, fine. I'll answer for them. The reason they won't advocate for making the minimum wage significantly high is that they are lying when they say it has no negative repercussions. They know damned well that it does, and they know that cranking it up to something worthwhile would have a devastating effect on our economy.
we don't want the cost of low wage jobs that have to be subsidized through social services, regardless.
So you are saying you'd prefer they had no jobs and depended entirely on social services.
Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
No such thing exists in the US or has been seriously proposed. Unemployment compensation is only available to workers who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own and then only for a limited time. What you are talking about is not unemployment insurance but welfare, and today, neither party supports welfare for people who simply don't want to work.
The left wing is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage cost of living adjustment and compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States.
Again, you are just way too stupid and ignorant to continue this conversation.

Danielpalos is simply a troll. He loves arguing for the sake of arguing. I doubt that he even believes what he posts.

Let's give a definitive example for you morons who think the minimum wage increasing will have no effect.

I currently work for defense contractor for the Army. Our employees are about 95% prior service military, National Guard, Army spouse, or Army dependents when they were children. The starting salary is about $16.50 an hour. About 3/4 of the employees make that rate.

If you raise a McDonald's burger flipper to $15.00 an hour, there would be about $1.50 an hour difference in wages. Why would anyone want to work in a high volume, specialized field based on years of experience, when McDonald's will be paying your kids almost as much to make Big Macs?

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