House gives Trump 7 days to prove Trump Tower was wiretapped

When Trump sells Putin the uranium that Hillary didn't sell him, let me know. Oh, and her campaign had frequent contacts with russian agents during the campaign. For some reason the NYTimes won't report this....I wonder why?

Well, HornyTom........are you going to dispute that Putin hates both Clinton and Obama?
Putin needed a puppet in the WH to allow him to have the sanctions lifted and to allow him free rein in the Ukraine....Ever wonder WHY the GOP platform was "softened" against Russia?
An intern for Soros. Makes sense. I have suspected a few others here, as well
Let's say the media finds 10 things Trump is right about and 2 things he is wrong about. The entire focus of the hype will be on the 2 and will ignore the 10.

That's because they expect, especially once someone becomes president, and the world is listening to his every word, that nearly 100% of what he says has been fact-checked, verified, gone over, and gone over again.

The 16 words that George W. Bush spoke at the 2002 state of the union about Iraq trying to get uranium from Africa is an example of something George Tenet took the blame for it not being up to presidential standards of being true.

So if Trump is getting 20% of what he says wrong, somebody isn't doing their job.
Hello hypocrite.

Just to prove you are a pathetic sorosbot and here to spread propaganda as you work as an intern, go ahead and comment on these.

Please. If you are not a fake soros brainwashed hack, comment on those. Oldie but goody. Certainly makes a point, does it not?

Oh wait, you said if they were a president that some "factcheck" group should be on it and everything the president says should be 100% true.

Ok then, go ahead and comment on these from your half black in chief.

Oh, you said something about Booooosh and wmds. Huh, lets see you comment on these.

Go ahead and answer that the best way you can in the best double talking hypocritical way you can.

While you are at it, what is your double talking hypocritical response to what Bill your god said about illegal ALIENS.

Please, explain it.

I know you will ignore all of that. Tell soros hi.:fu:

Just check how many have joined since their November melt down. The last thing THEY (establishment) can possibly have is a successful Trump presidency. He literally needs to be impeached. They have no choice. If there is a successful Trump presidency, the left are done.

They see this as an opportunity to take down the entire right wing (free market Christian white males) by destroying Trump. Therefore, they need to find something.

If they don't take him down with an impeachment, I am sure there is some guy with a name like Paco Sanchez waiting in some kitchen for his orders.
Well, HornyTom........are you going to dispute that Putin hates both Clinton and Obama?
Putin needed a puppet in the WH to allow him to have the sanctions lifted and to allow him free rein in the Ukraine....Ever wonder WHY the GOP platform was "softened" against Russia?

Putin doesn't need any assistance on Ukraine....if you knew anything at all about it, you'd know he took the facilities at Crimea so as not to lose his only warm water port. He has no interest in taking the rest of Ukraine....they're broke and he'd have to feed and clothe them. You can stay stupid if you like but displaying it here is just getting you laughed at.
Then he'll be sharing it with Hillary

Trump has the proof but if he shows it, Obama could be arrested and charged. .

Trump could release the proof, and then grant Obama a pardon.

I'd call for Trump's impeachment if he did that....I want to see Obama sitting in Leavenworth but we never will.

Once his Russian connections are revealed, it will be Trump with a solitary cell in Leavenworth
If the American is suspected of breaking the law, nobody has to mask shit.

Besides, Trump said that his phones (I.e. Trump's phones) were wiretapped in the Trump tower, and you come here trying to talk about Flynn.
If there is no warrant to surveil the American, then his identity is protected under the law, but the Obama administration holdovers in the Justice Department clearly violated the law in the case of Mike Flynn. How many other Trump associates were spied on in this illegal manner by the Obama administration?

The Mike Flynn case provides clear evidence that the Obama administration used the pretext of spying on some people for whom they had warrants in order to illegally collect potentially politically damaging intelligence on the Trump campaign and transitional government, making the Obama administration a much greater threat to our democracy than anything the Russians might have hoped to do.
Trumpists are twisting like a pretzel in this thread. From the question of whether Trump's phones were wiretapped, they have now shifted to, "Was information about Flynn illegally disclosed"?
7 days.
The question is, were Trump and his associates illegally surveilled by the Obama administration, and the case of Mike Flynn seems to indicate they were. Your position seems to be it was ok if Obama broke the law and corrupted our intelligence services to try to collect politically damaging intelligence as long as it wasn't by wire tapping.
I'm not sure I'm following you. Mike Flynn was recorded because he was on the other end of a phone tap of the Russian ambassador. Yes, as an American his identity is supposed to be "masked," and that information was leaked by someone in the intelligence service who heard Flynn lying on national tv, but that does not logically lead me to conclude that Obama or his administration was snooping on the Trump campaign.
well he was at trump tower when that tapped occurred and it was on the Trump Tower side of the line. ooppps, you need a warrant. I want to see the warrant.
They have it. You might need to go to D.C. to actually SEE it, though.
When did Trump say he loved wikileaks? SNL skit? What authority do libs in the house have to order the president to do anything? Do you understand the separation of powers thingy and why it exists?
Under the law, if the wire tap includes a conversation with an American for whom no surveillance warrant has been issued, the identity of the American must be masked, but we know for a fact that in the case of Mike Flynn, the mask was removed and the information about his conversation with the Russian ambassador was used by Obama holdovers on the Justice Department to get Flynn fired. How many more Trump associates were illegally spied on by this method?
If the American is suspected of breaking the law, nobody has to mask shit.

"Flynn’s communications with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were interpreted by some senior U.S. officials as an inappropriate and potentially illegal signal to the Kremlin that it could expect a reprieve from sanctions that were being imposed by the Obama administration in late December to punish Russia for its alleged interference in the 2016 election." National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say
Besides, Trump said that his phones (I.e. Trump's phones) were wiretapped in the Trump tower, and you come here trying to talk about Flynn.
If there is no warrant to surveil the American, then his identity is protected under the law, but the Obama administration holdovers in the Justice Department clearly violated the law in the case of Mike Flynn. How many other Trump associates were spied on in this illegal manner by the Obama administration?

The Mike Flynn case provides clear evidence that the Obama administration used the pretext of spying on some people for whom they had warrants in order to illegally collect potentially politically damaging intelligence on the Trump campaign and transitional government, making the Obama administration a much greater threat to our democracy than anything the Russians might have hoped to do.
Trumpists are twisting like a pretzel in this thread. From the question of whether Trump's phones were wiretapped, they have now shifted to, "Was information about Flynn illegally disclosed"?
7 days.
The question is, were Trump and his associates illegally surveilled by the Obama administration, and the case of Mike Flynn seems to indicate they were. Your position seems to be it was ok if Obama broke the law and corrupted our intelligence services to try to collect politically damaging intelligence as long as it wasn't by wire tapping.
I'm not sure I'm following you. Mike Flynn was recorded because he was on the other end of a phone tap of the Russian ambassador. Yes, as an American his identity is supposed to be "masked," and that information was leaked by someone in the intelligence service who heard Flynn lying on national tv, but that does not logically lead me to conclude that Obama or his administration was snooping on the Trump campaign.
Actually, it is evidence the Obama administration was illegally spying on the Trump campaign and transitional government. It is tactic known as backdoor surveillance (Google it) and it is a work around used by the intelligence agencies to legally but unethically surveil Americans for whom they could not get a surveillance warrant. All the intercepted communications are deposited in a searchable database maintained by the NSA with the identities of the Americans masked by law. The problem with it is even low ranking officials in the intelligence agencies and Justice Department have the authority to remove the masks to do a search, in theory only for national security purposes. The idea is that even if there is no clear evidence an American is a national security threat, if he or she shows up on enough communications with people who are being surveilled under warrants, it may be enough evidence to obtain a surveillance warrant for that American.

In this case, apparently some one in an intelligence agency or the Justice Department removed the masks and illegally did a search for Mike Flynn in the NSA's database for corrupt political purposes. It has long been the fear of privacy advocates that some one as politically corrupt as Barrack Obama would misuse this system that has led them to campaign against funding it for years, and there is currently a measure under consideration in Congress to do just that.
Trump’s wiretap claims, then, carry presumably inadvertent implications. First, based on previous reporting and the nature of FISA courts, any wiretaps within Trump Tower would be legal. And they would stem from overwhelming evidence that the Trump campaign, or someone within it, has unsavory ties to Russia or another foreign power. Otherwise, it’s unlikely those wiretaps would exist at all.

evidence Donnieboi, back up your horseshit TWEET

One correction. FISA warrants are only for foreigners. If the primary is domestic, they have to get a search warrant.
they need probable cause to get that as well. so what was the probable cause for flynn? and where is the warrant?
Flynn was not the target of any wire taps.
When Trump sells Putin the uranium that Hillary didn't sell him, let me know. Oh, and her campaign had frequent contacts with russian agents during the campaign. For some reason the NYTimes won't report this....I wonder why? :blahblah:
You lied about Hillary's team having frequent contacts with Russian. and even if it were true, Russia didn't hack the RNC and gave the info to WikiLeaks. Also, it wasn't Hillary who sneaked the Russian Ambassador into the Trump tower through the back door so nobody would see him.
Trump’s wiretap claims, then, carry presumably inadvertent implications. First, based on previous reporting and the nature of FISA courts, any wiretaps within Trump Tower would be legal. And they would stem from overwhelming evidence that the Trump campaign, or someone within it, has unsavory ties to Russia or another foreign power. Otherwise, it’s unlikely those wiretaps would exist at all.

evidence Donnieboi, back up your horseshit TWEET

One correction. FISA warrants are only for foreigners. If the primary is domestic, they have to get a search warrant.
they need probable cause to get that as well. so what was the probable cause for flynn? and where is the warrant?
Flynn was not the target of any wire taps.

Flynn stumbled into the same room Russians were being tapped, and shot off his mouth and got busted.

We listen to Russia, and every other country we cant trust any further than we can spit.
You lied about Hillary's team having frequent contacts with Russian. and even if it were true, Russia didn't hack the RNC and gave the info to WikiLeaks. Also, it wasn't Hillary who sneaked the Russian Ambassador into the Trump tower through the back door so nobody would see him.

Nope, she met with the same fat bastard Flynn and Sessions met with....probably to sell Putin more of our uranium he can process into weapons-grade for the missiles he has aimed at us.....sounds like treason to me. BTW, got a link to the Ambassador being "sneaked into Trump Tower" by any chance?
You lied about Hillary's team having frequent contacts with Russian. and even if it were true, Russia didn't hack the RNC and gave the info to WikiLeaks. Also, it wasn't Hillary who sneaked the Russian Ambassador into the Trump tower through the back door so nobody would see him.

Nope, she met with the same fat bastard Flynn and Sessions met with....probably to sell Putin more of our uranium he can process into weapons-grade for the missiles he has aimed at us.....sounds like treason to me. BTW, got a link to the Ambassador being "sneaked into Trump Tower" by any chance?

oh brother, another dumbass spewing Clinton bullshit in a Trump court room.
Today's the last day for the orange shitlord to provide evidence for his claims -- or shut the fuck up.

Says who, YOU? :lmao: It's your weasel media doing all the talking...Trump hasn't said anything further. You know fishing lures ain't designed to catch fish, right?

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