House gives Trump 7 days to prove Trump Tower was wiretapped

So let's see here, you think the Russians stole the election by revealing Democrat corruption?

snicker right back at you, dimwit.

despite the squawking talking points of the parrots you mimic with such confidence, the constitutional issues and the national security concerns are not merely about the outcome of one election... a foreign concept to dishonest scumbags like you, it's the principle of the thing.

that principle is called TREASON... trump winning the election is just the means to his treasonous ends!

Rex Tillerson: an appointment that confirms Putin's US election win

A timeline of Rex Tillerson's relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin

Un- believable. Standing up to corrupt Washigtoncrats is Treason now?

I think the doctor needs to step on your meds or you should doing half hits of blotter instead of 2 whole ones.

My prediction: The truth will be found and heads will roll in Washington. Obama will be disgraced and Hillary will be untouched by the whole thing somehow.
Anyone ever stop to consider the possibility that the reason Flynn was being listened to was because he was lobbying for Turkey at the time?
If there is no warrant to surveil the American, then his identity is protected under the law, but the Obama administration holdovers in the Justice Department clearly violated the law in the case of Mike Flynn. How many other Trump associates were spied on in this illegal manner by the Obama administration?

The Mike Flynn case provides clear evidence that the Obama administration used the pretext of spying on some people for whom they had warrants in order to illegally collect potentially politically damaging intelligence on the Trump campaign and transitional government, making the Obama administration a much greater threat to our democracy than anything the Russians might have hoped to do.
Trumpists are twisting like a pretzel in this thread. From the question of whether Trump's phones were wiretapped, they have now shifted to, "Was information about Flynn illegally disclosed"?
7 days.
The question is, were Trump and his associates illegally surveilled by the Obama administration, and the case of Mike Flynn seems to indicate they were. Your position seems to be it was ok if Obama broke the law and corrupted our intelligence services to try to collect politically damaging intelligence as long as it wasn't by wire tapping.
I'm not sure I'm following you. Mike Flynn was recorded because he was on the other end of a phone tap of the Russian ambassador. Yes, as an American his identity is supposed to be "masked," and that information was leaked by someone in the intelligence service who heard Flynn lying on national tv, but that does not logically lead me to conclude that Obama or his administration was snooping on the Trump campaign.
well he was at trump tower when that tapped occurred and it was on the Trump Tower side of the line. ooppps, you need a warrant. I want to see the warrant.
They have it. You might need to go to D.C. to actually SEE it, though.
who is they?
Anyone ever stop to consider the possibility that the reason Flynn was being listened to was because he was lobbying for Turkey at the time?

Flynn had a "client" in Turkey, not the "Turkish government"......and I thought Turkey was a NATO ally. Did he have a client in Britain or France too? HANG the bastard!
If he's got evidence, then SHOW IT. He ain't got shit. Only thing he's got is his big fucking mouth -- and congress isn't going to put up with his bullshit.

Trump seems to think that being presidents makes him dictator. Ehhhhh!!! Wrong!!!
If he's got evidence, then SHOW IT. He ain't got shit. Only thing he's got is his big fucking mouth -- and congress isn't going to put up with his bullshit.

Trump seems to think that being presidents makes him dictator. Ehhhhh!!! Wrong!!!

Proper evidence is being gathered even as you froth rabidly at the mouth.
If he's got evidence, then SHOW IT. He ain't got shit. Only thing he's got is his big fucking mouth -- and congress isn't going to put up with his bullshit.

Trump seems to think that being presidents makes him dictator. Ehhhhh!!! Wrong!!!

if you plan on communicating with jc you need to lower your IQ 120 points.
Orange Shitlord -- you've got about 2 hours left for your workday over there.


Stop grabbing random pussy and put up evidence for your defamatory claim, punk!
Today's the day.

The Trump administration faces a Monday deadline to back up the president's incendiary claim – offered without proof – that Trump Tower was wiretapped under President Barack Obama's orders during the 2016 election campaign.

Top lawmakers on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence sent a letter to the Justice Department last week, requesting the agency turn over any evidence that might support the accusation, which President Donald Trump made on Twitter on March 4.

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