House gives Trump 7 days to prove Trump Tower was wiretapped



PUNK :mad-61:
Why are people in another thread saying he's got til NEXT Monday now? CNN is sticking with today, but I'm sure the administration will just continue to punt to the investigation in Congress. Won't they?
It's clear to me that Trump doesn't take any marching orders from the leftist trolls in this thread! :eusa_dance:
We demand you show us in congress proof do you hear us!!!!!
:cranky::evil::mad-61::neutral::nono::sad::shock::tongue-44::uhh::cool::mad::uhoh3:o_O:tinfoil::smoke::mad-61::idea::frown::evil::eusa_liar::doubt::cry::cranky: Congress Both sides
what sucks is Trump cant pick up the phone and ask WWPD ?

Why would he do that when Alex Jones and Mark Levin are far, far more reliable sources?


PUNK :mad-61:
Why are people in another thread saying he's got til NEXT Monday now? CNN is sticking with today, but I'm sure the administration will just continue to punt to the investigation in Congress. Won't they?

It's today. Even local news are reporting it as today, not just CNN.
Congress has lower ARV ratings than a three time felon so watching them shouting at the cameras cracks me up. Tell them to look up Obama's ass for the proof.....Buuuuuaaaahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
anyone who doesnt believe in karma might want to keep an eye on The Hair Club President
March 20 is the deadline given to Donald Trump by members of both parties in the House Intelligence Committee. House lawmakers ask DOJ to offer wiretapping evidence by Monday
In this thread, conservatives are asked to predict what evidence, if any (microwaves, etc) they think Trump will submit.

Time limits on investigations? Makes no sense. If this is the new rule then Dems have the same amount of time to prove every single allegation they've made in recent weeks. I think the time limit on proving that Russian hacked the DNC is long past.
Today's the last day for the orange shitlord to provide evidence for his claims -- or shut the fuck up.


You folks are gonna waiting a LONG LONG time. There's a game being played here that pretty obvious to me since I listen to ALL sources and have no "favorite outcome" and I know a bit about Intel agencies.

What the deal is -- is that MOST EVERY politician in DC knows the source of all those leaked convos. They are confusing the media about "wiretaps" -- when that info never CAME from a separate investigation or warrant. It came from ONGOING bulk collections and other general Intel methods.

NY Times on Jan 20th --- Wiretaps Used in Investigation of Trump Aides" is all the proof the Orange needs right? Except that article hit E-Print edition with different headline and the CONTENT of the article were unsourced credits to Intel Collection -- not wiretaps. SOMEONE decided to downplay the "collections" aspect to protect that huge PATRIOT act domestic bulk collection toy that Wash now has.

Like SPECIFICALLY -- that massive Domestic spying collections that the Congress just built for NSA. Somebody made it into a political weapon. There's a dedicated intel insurgency to USE that awesome power. And 96% of the politicians in Wash DC LOVE that Big Brother system. Would never harm it. Would never let YOU KNOW -- it's been terribly abused.

So this is all BlackMail Theater. And if it RESOLVES -- you'll NEVER know where all that leaking came from. If it goes NUCLEAR and El Loco Cheeto Gigante decides he loves that system and the PATRIOT Act that goes with it -- You can expect both sides to go down fighting USING it and take the nation with it..

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