House gives Trump 7 days to prove Trump Tower was wiretapped

Today's the last day for the orange shitlord to provide evidence for his claims -- or shut the fuck up.


You folks are gonna waiting a LONG LONG time. There's a game being played here that pretty obvious to me since I listen to ALL sources and have no "favorite outcome" and I know a bit about Intel agencies.

What the deal is -- is that MOST EVERY politician in DC knows the source of all those leaked convos. They are confusing the media about "wiretaps" -- when that info never CAME from a separate investigation or warrant. It came from ONGOING bulk collections and other general Intel methods.

NY Times on Jan 20th --- Wiretaps Used in Investigation of Trump Aides" is all the proof the Orange needs right? Except that article hit E-Print edition with different headline and the CONTENT of the article were unsourced credits to Intel Collection -- not wiretaps. SOMEONE decided to downplay the "collections" aspect to protect that huge PATRIOT act domestic bulk collection toy that Wash now has.

Like SPECIFICALLY -- that massive Domestic spying collections that the Congress just built for NSA. Somebody made it into a political weapon. There's a dedicated intel insurgency to USE that awesome power. And 96% of the politicians in Wash DC LOVE that Big Brother system. Would never harm it. Would never let YOU KNOW -- it's been terribly abused.

So this is all BlackMail Theater. And if it RESOLVES -- you'll NEVER know where all that leaking came from. If it goes NUCLEAR and El Loco Cheeto Gigante decides he loves that system and the PATRIOT Act that goes with it -- You can expect both sides to go down fighting USING it and take the nation with it..

It all goes back to a Rockford Files I saw once.

Only now the bad guys won and it's all in place.

"El Loco Cheeto Gigante" That moniker says a lot about you. I'm betting he's more for 4th amendment than anything else.

I hope I'm right, too.

Bush and "The Patriot Act" need to go away. Like, 9 years ago.
Today's the last day for the orange shitlord to provide evidence for his claims -- or shut the fuck up.


You folks are gonna waiting a LONG LONG time. There's a game being played here that pretty obvious to me since I listen to ALL sources and have no "favorite outcome" and I know a bit about Intel agencies.

What the deal is -- is that MOST EVERY politician in DC knows the source of all those leaked convos. They are confusing the media about "wiretaps" -- when that info never CAME from a separate investigation or warrant. It came from ONGOING bulk collections and other general Intel methods.

NY Times on Jan 20th --- Wiretaps Used in Investigation of Trump Aides" is all the proof the Orange needs right? Except that article hit E-Print edition with different headline and the CONTENT of the article were unsourced credits to Intel Collection -- not wiretaps. SOMEONE decided to downplay the "collections" aspect to protect that huge PATRIOT act domestic bulk collection toy that Wash now has.

Like SPECIFICALLY -- that massive Domestic spying collections that the Congress just built for NSA. Somebody made it into a political weapon. There's a dedicated intel insurgency to USE that awesome power. And 96% of the politicians in Wash DC LOVE that Big Brother system. Would never harm it. Would never let YOU KNOW -- it's been terribly abused.

So this is all BlackMail Theater. And if it RESOLVES -- you'll NEVER know where all that leaking came from. If it goes NUCLEAR and El Loco Cheeto Gigante decides he loves that system and the PATRIOT Act that goes with it -- You can expect both sides to go down fighting USING it and take the nation with it..

It all goes back to a Rockford Files I saw once.

Only now the bad guys won and it's all in place.

"El Loco Cheeto Gigante" That moniker says a lot about you. I'm betting he's more for 4th amendment than anything else.

I hope I'm right, too.

Bush and "The Patriot Act" need to go away. Like, 9 years ago.

Beginning to look that way. These guys are flirting with utter chaos and disaster. We need to go back to the "no Domestic Spy operations" toute suite. Only should be NCTC for terrorism under the FBI.. Let the "3 letter intel agencies" back-channel tips to the FBI only. And go BACK to tasking any domestic collections from that small group of 20 people allowed to determine WHAT gets flagged, transcripted and analyzed out of ANY domestic collection. And grossly MODIFY the PATRIOT act.
Today's the last day for the orange shitlord to provide evidence for his claims -- or shut the fuck up.


You folks are gonna waiting a LONG LONG time. There's a game being played here that pretty obvious to me since I listen to ALL sources and have no "favorite outcome" and I know a bit about Intel agencies.

What the deal is -- is that MOST EVERY politician in DC knows the source of all those leaked convos. They are confusing the media about "wiretaps" -- when that info never CAME from a separate investigation or warrant. It came from ONGOING bulk collections and other general Intel methods.

NY Times on Jan 20th --- Wiretaps Used in Investigation of Trump Aides" is all the proof the Orange needs right? Except that article hit E-Print edition with different headline and the CONTENT of the article were unsourced credits to Intel Collection -- not wiretaps. SOMEONE decided to downplay the "collections" aspect to protect that huge PATRIOT act domestic bulk collection toy that Wash now has.

Like SPECIFICALLY -- that massive Domestic spying collections that the Congress just built for NSA. Somebody made it into a political weapon. There's a dedicated intel insurgency to USE that awesome power. And 96% of the politicians in Wash DC LOVE that Big Brother system. Would never harm it. Would never let YOU KNOW -- it's been terribly abused.

So this is all BlackMail Theater. And if it RESOLVES -- you'll NEVER know where all that leaking came from. If it goes NUCLEAR and El Loco Cheeto Gigante decides he loves that system and the PATRIOT Act that goes with it -- You can expect both sides to go down fighting USING it and take the nation with it..

It all goes back to a Rockford Files I saw once.

Only now the bad guys won and it's all in place.

"El Loco Cheeto Gigante" That moniker says a lot about you. I'm betting he's more for 4th amendment than anything else.

I hope I'm right, too.

Bush and "The Patriot Act" need to go away. Like, 9 years ago.

Beginning to look that way. These guys are flirting with utter chaos and disaster. We need to go back to the "no Domestic Spy operations" toute suite. Only should be NCTC for terrorism under the FBI.. Let the "3 letter intel agencies" back-channel tips to the FBI only. And go BACK to tasking any domestic collections from that small group of 20 people allowed to determine WHAT gets flagged, transcripted and analyzed out of ANY domestic collection. And grossly MODIFY the PATRIOT act.

I'm more in the camp of "scrap" rather than modify. It was an open affront on the 4th amendment. That being said, what they really should be monitoring is private Muslim voice chats on Yahoo and Skype. That's the real deal if it's really about catching terrorists and they could cut 7/8 of their staff.

Monitoring everybody is BS.
Today's the last day for the orange shitlord to provide evidence for his claims -- or shut the fuck up.


You folks are gonna waiting a LONG LONG time. There's a game being played here that pretty obvious to me since I listen to ALL sources and have no "favorite outcome" and I know a bit about Intel agencies.

What the deal is -- is that MOST EVERY politician in DC knows the source of all those leaked convos. They are confusing the media about "wiretaps" -- when that info never CAME from a separate investigation or warrant. It came from ONGOING bulk collections and other general Intel methods.

NY Times on Jan 20th --- Wiretaps Used in Investigation of Trump Aides" is all the proof the Orange needs right? Except that article hit E-Print edition with different headline and the CONTENT of the article were unsourced credits to Intel Collection -- not wiretaps. SOMEONE decided to downplay the "collections" aspect to protect that huge PATRIOT act domestic bulk collection toy that Wash now has.

Like SPECIFICALLY -- that massive Domestic spying collections that the Congress just built for NSA. Somebody made it into a political weapon. There's a dedicated intel insurgency to USE that awesome power. And 96% of the politicians in Wash DC LOVE that Big Brother system. Would never harm it. Would never let YOU KNOW -- it's been terribly abused.

So this is all BlackMail Theater. And if it RESOLVES -- you'll NEVER know where all that leaking came from. If it goes NUCLEAR and El Loco Cheeto Gigante decides he loves that system and the PATRIOT Act that goes with it -- You can expect both sides to go down fighting USING it and take the nation with it..

It all goes back to a Rockford Files I saw once.

Only now the bad guys won and it's all in place.

"El Loco Cheeto Gigante" That moniker says a lot about you. I'm betting he's more for 4th amendment than anything else.

I hope I'm right, too.

Bush and "The Patriot Act" need to go away. Like, 9 years ago.

Beginning to look that way. These guys are flirting with utter chaos and disaster. We need to go back to the "no Domestic Spy operations" toute suite. Only should be NCTC for terrorism under the FBI.. Let the "3 letter intel agencies" back-channel tips to the FBI only. And go BACK to tasking any domestic collections from that small group of 20 people allowed to determine WHAT gets flagged, transcripted and analyzed out of ANY domestic collection. And grossly MODIFY the PATRIOT act.

I'm more in the camp of "scrap" rather than modify. It was an open affront on the 4th amendment. That being said, what they really should be monitoring is private Muslim voice chats on Yahoo and Skype. That's the real deal if it's really about catching terrorists and they could cut 7/8 of their staff.

Monitoring everybody is BS.

Sure. Agreed. We may just see how dangerous all this was if anyone actually TELLS the public where those leaks came from .. Meanwhile, they have the media COMPLETELY stumped and all the partisans bitching at each over PROOF. Mission accomplished right?

My beef is that it isn't (wasn't) used when the FBI DROPPED investigations on the several of high profile shooters like the Orlando dude. These folks are so scripted and bureaucratic at the FBI that you are either UNDER investigation or not. And yet they are sitting on the NCTC equipment with the capability to monitor the folks they drop off their "terrorist" or "no fly" lists and REFUSE to surveil them.

They got all of the DNC/RNC Campaign phones calls in that big new building in Utah, but nobody wants to look at folks that the FBI drops off their lists for a couple years. Go figure.
And today the white house responded. Trump really didn't mean Obama was doing the wire tapping. According to Trump's press secretary, we have to know when Trump is just kidding. So we really shouldn't take what the president says seriously. :bsflag:
Unfortunately, Spicer didn't say how we are to know the president is serious. I guess he doesn't know himself.
And today the white house responded. Trump really didn't mean Obama was doing the wire tapping. According to Trump's press secretary, we have to know when Trump is just kidding. So we really shouldn't take what the president says seriously. :bsflag:
Unfortunately, Spicer didn't say how we are to know the president is serious. I guess he doesn't know himself.

Lemme explain my post above so that you understand what Spicer in context. All of the partisans sitting here on USMB waiting on deadlines for proof to click down or investigations into the myriad of HIGH SECURITY intel leaks are gonna be either severely disappointed or wondering if their country will survive.

Because if you've noticed the leaks and the screams for investigations are not flooding the daily news cycle anymore. We are at the "Mexican StandOff Phase" of all the pranks and blackmails that have been happening.

The guy who got spied on generally KNOWS what sources and methods were used to OBTAIN that information. ESPECIALLY -- if he's now president of these there UNITED STATES. So he PURPOSELY obfuscates about wiretaps when he KNOWS there was no reason or authority or SEPARATE warrants required to pull those leaks out of "general intel bulk collection". Where an embedded group of traitorous rabid partisans were entrenched passing leaks to the press and providing transcripts from VERY private and VERY CLASSIFIED data streams.

So the Trumpster hasn't decided to finger the very "bulk collection authorized domestic collection" that HE might use someday to coerce or force one of his famous deals. Isn't gonna be the guy (right now anyway) to tell the American people that this UBER secret domestic spy system ostensibly designed to keep the Islamic hordes at bay was WEAPONIZED as political tool.

Neither will 96% of the political leadership on BOTH sides that just LOVE this Big Brother system to death. Now that some bold traitors have taken it for a test drive.

So the deadlines are gonna pass. The investigations are gonna stall. AND US DWEEBS will never know what all this was about. OR -- the "insurgency" is gonna force this nuclear. With information compromising BOTH sides. MOSTLY trivial shit. But with a few zingers tossed in. And EVERYONE in DC has some contacts that can IMPLIED to be devious or illegal.

Place your bets. Should have listened to Civil Libertarians about domestic spying operations and enhancing all those capabilities. Because we've just had a demonstration of how serious it can be when they are abused for partisan advantage.
March 20 is the deadline given to Donald Trump by members of both parties in the House Intelligence Committee. House lawmakers ask DOJ to offer wiretapping evidence by Monday
In this thread, conservatives are asked to predict what evidence, if any (microwaves, etc) they think Trump will submit.

I think while Trump is in office--he really should write his own DICTIONARY> It should be called The Trump dicationary of physco babble interpretations.

What is the definition of WIRETAP according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary
"to tap a telephone or telegraph wire in order to get information"
Definition of WIRETAP

Who has the most MISERABLE JOB on earth? Sean Spicer, Trump's White House Press secretary--LOL

Spicer: Trump didn't mean wiretapping when he tweeted about wiretapping -

So now if "wiretapping" has quotes in one of Trump's tweets, it does not mean it's wiretapping.

That alternate REALITY of the far REICH wing never ceases to amaze.--LOL

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March 20 is the deadline given to Donald Trump by members of both parties in the House Intelligence Committee. House lawmakers ask DOJ to offer wiretapping evidence by Monday
In this thread, conservatives are asked to predict what evidence, if any (microwaves, etc) they think Trump will submit.

Time limits on investigations? Makes no sense. If this is the new rule then Dems have the same amount of time to prove every single allegation they've made in recent weeks. I think the time limit on proving that Russian hacked the DNC is long past.
Time limit on allegations

Trump made unsubstantiated allegations. It is not up to Congress to back them up
So Trump goes into a Twitter rage over fake news he got from Breitbart

This is the guy we trust with nuclear weapons?

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At best, Spicer made the case that Trump is an awful communicator and nothing he says should be taken at face value.

View attachment 116713
The awful reality is that Trump cannot differentiate conspiracy theories from the truth

A sure sign of a deeply deluded mind. It's one thing to have private, pet theories that rattle around your head and quite another to go public with them as POTUS. The reports that he was furious that no one believed him or backed him is a further sign of dysfunction.
At best, Spicer made the case that Trump is an awful communicator and nothing he says should be taken at face value.

View attachment 116713
The awful reality is that Trump cannot differentiate conspiracy theories from the truth

A sure sign of a deeply deluded mind. It's one thing to have private, pet theories that rattle around your head and quite another to go public with them as POTUS. The reports that he was furious that no one believed him or backed him is a further sign of dysfunction.
Trump went into a Twitter rage against Obama at 6 AM. Must have kept him up all night

The fact that he would not bother to have a conspiracy theory checked out before he goes on a rampage is scary

Sure we want this guy to have nukes?
A sure sign of a deeply deluded mind. It's one thing to have private, pet theories that rattle around your head and quite another to go public with them as POTUS. The reports that he was furious that no one believed him or backed him is a further sign of dysfunction.

It's time for Mike Pence to start warming up. Sounds like it's time to send in the relief pitcher.
A sure sign of a deeply deluded mind. It's one thing to have private, pet theories that rattle around your head and quite another to go public with them as POTUS. The reports that he was furious that no one believed him or backed him is a further sign of dysfunction.

It's time for Mike Pence to start warming up. Sounds like it's time to send in the relief pitcher.
Pence no doubt carries a folder in his briefcase with several contingency draft letters invoking the 25th amd.
Pence no doubt carries a folder in his briefcase with several contingency draft letters invoking the 25th amd.

If Pence and a majority of the cabinet say Trump is a delusional megalomaniac, it would be up to Trump to prove he wasn't. And we see what a problem Trump has providing proof of things he claims.


PUNK :mad-61:
Why are people in another thread saying he's got til NEXT Monday now? CNN is sticking with today, but I'm sure the administration will just continue to punt to the investigation in Congress. Won't they?

There is a hearing set for the 20th.


House Intel schedules first Russia hearing for March 20 -
House Intel schedules first Russia hearing for March 20
Pence no doubt carries a folder in his briefcase with several contingency draft letters invoking the 25th amd.

If Pence and a majority of the cabinet say Trump is a delusional megalomaniac, it would be up to Trump to prove he wasn't. And we see what a problem Trump has providing proof of things he claims.

you go buy a used car, the salesman swears theres nothing wrong with it, trust him ... its up to him to prove nothing is wrong with the car before you buy it NOT YOU.
if Trump is telling the truth it should be easy to prove and shouldn't take this long to prove it.

so prove it DonnieDipshit.

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