House Intel Committee briefed on more Russian efforts to help the Orange Fraud

Yes. How does it disprove me?
Read it
How does it disprove me?
It’s all in there my friend take your time
Why can’t you explain how it disproves me?
The link does.. enjoy it.. heheh

How does it disprove me?
It’s all in there my friend take your time
Why can’t you explain how it disproves me?
The link does.. enjoy it.. heheh
Why can’t you explain how it disproves me?

Oh shit.......back to Russia, Russia, Russia.

These deep state fairytales have gotten tiresome (and boring)!
So wait, Trump’s intelligence agencies are telling fairytales?

An old discredited narrative continued to be pushed by Dimm zipperheads and their pointy headed supporters.


So you’re calling Trump’s intelligence community a bunch of discredited “Dimm zipperheads and their pointy headed supporters.”? Because that’s whose pushing it now.

Keep polishing that turd.

Every advanced nation on this planet interferes in the elections of other nations. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.
Not only that but every one of them always has a preferred candidate based on their own needs or outlook.

So what exactly is there to discuss? Be specific.
I don't recall seeing political ads from France, England or anywhere else touting one candidate or the other. I don't recall any other nation hiring trolls who mask their identity and get on Facebook and other social media to influence folks' opinions on the candidates.
Give me links if you know different.
That's because it doesn't fit the narrative.
If you don't believe it happens then you're dumb as a box of rocks.

We even have foreign trolls on here. You think they don't exist on Facebook too? Pull your head out of your ass.
I don't believe you. I'd like some evidence of that.
I don't care what you believe lol
which means, you have no evidence.

How ridiculous is this conversation?

You have the leading candidate for the DIMWITS able to call his friends COMRADE and; who honeymooned with Marxists and SOCIALISTS in the USSR while calling it wonderful, and they are talking about Trump?!?!?!?!

Anyone, with any sense, would laugh this thread off the board!

My fellow Conservatives, do NOT fall for the misdirection! This is all about BERNARD trying to make him more reasonable, lol. BERNARD is the quintessential SOCIALIST/MARXIST, USSR lover, and Trump is under attack?

Get real!

Politics is one thing. This isn't politics folks, this is COMMON SENSE!
Last edited:
House Dummycraps launched this hoax last week, and several committee members walked out in the middle of it because it was clearly fake.

They must have held onto this bullshit till yesterday so they can have their media cohorts ready on Sunday morning to spread this propaganda.
Oh shit.......back to Russia, Russia, Russia.

These deep state fairytales have gotten tiresome (and boring)!
So wait, Trump’s intelligence agencies are telling fairytales?

An old discredited narrative continued to be pushed by Dimm zipperheads and their pointy headed supporters.


So you’re calling Trump’s intelligence community a bunch of discredited “Dimm zipperheads and their pointy headed supporters.”? Because that’s whose pushing it now.

Keep polishing that turd.
Everyone agrees the Russians did it and still are. Hacked the DNC and sabotaged social media with conspiracy theories against Hillary that are now GOP conspiracy theories.
Oh shit.......back to Russia, Russia, Russia.

These deep state fairytales have gotten tiresome (and boring)!
So wait, Trump’s intelligence agencies are telling fairytales?

An old discredited narrative continued to be pushed by Dimm zipperheads and their pointy headed supporters.


So you’re calling Trump’s intelligence community a bunch of discredited “Dimm zipperheads and their pointy headed supporters.”? Because that’s whose pushing it now.

Keep polishing that turd.
Everyone agrees the Russians did it and still are. Hacked the DNC and sabotaged social media with conspiracy theories against Hillary that are now GOP conspiracy theories.
What did the 40 million illegal Latinos in America do working for Elizabeth Warren‘s campaign?
Oh shit.......back to Russia, Russia, Russia.

These deep state fairytales have gotten tiresome (and boring)!
So wait, Trump’s intelligence agencies are telling fairytales?

An old discredited narrative continued to be pushed by Dimm zipperheads and their pointy headed supporters.


So you’re calling Trump’s intelligence community a bunch of discredited “Dimm zipperheads and their pointy headed supporters.”? Because that’s whose pushing it now.

Keep polishing that turd.
Everyone agrees the Russians did it and still are. Hacked the DNC and sabotaged social media with conspiracy theories against Hillary that are now GOP conspiracy theories.
every Republican on the intelligence committees agreed it was the Russians and what they did it's totally obvious. Now they will say it might be a hoax or some b*******. Anything for the orange con man fraud clown hero.
So wait, Trump’s intelligence agencies are telling fairytales?

An old discredited narrative continued to be pushed by Dimm zipperheads and their pointy headed supporters.


So you’re calling Trump’s intelligence community a bunch of discredited “Dimm zipperheads and their pointy headed supporters.”? Because that’s whose pushing it now.

Keep polishing that turd.
Everyone agrees the Russians did it and still are. Hacked the DNC and sabotaged social media with conspiracy theories against Hillary that are now GOP conspiracy theories.
every Republican on the intelligence committees agreed it was the Russians and what they did it's totally obvious. Now they will say it might be a hoax or some b*******. Anything for the orange con man fraud clown hero.
They agree we have illegals working for democrats
Every advanced nation on this planet interferes in the elections of other nations. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.
Not only that but every one of them always has a preferred candidate based on their own needs or outlook.

So what exactly is there to discuss? Be specific.
I don't recall seeing political ads from France, England or anywhere else touting one candidate or the other. I don't recall any other nation hiring trolls who mask their identity and get on Facebook and other social media to influence folks' opinions on the candidates.
Give me links if you know different.
That's because it doesn't fit the narrative.
If you don't believe it happens then you're dumb as a box of rocks.

We even have foreign trolls on here. You think they don't exist on Facebook too? Pull your head out of your ass.
I don't believe you. I'd like some evidence of that.
I don't care what you believe lol
which means, you have no evidence.
Every Republican on the intelligence committees in Congress agreed it was the Russians and what they did. now they say it might be a hoax because anyting for the orange clown. Scary stuff, brainwashed functional moron
So now this loyalist hack with no intel experience will be the next acting DNI.

Another former Fox News employee has a cabinet-level position. Here are some things to know about Richard Grenell.
Another former Fox News employee has a cabinet-level position. Here are some things to know about Richard Grenell.

President Donald Trump has named Richard Grenell acting director of national intelligence — a major post for someone who has no actual intelligence experience but who is a loyal customer at Trump hotels and his staunch political ally.

Trump taps fierce ally Grenell as top intelligence official
Trump taps fierce ally Grenell as top intelligence official
Why do you get so upset when Trump officials do the same thing that hundreds of Obama officials did?
So wait, Trump’s intelligence agencies are telling fairytales?

An old discredited narrative continued to be pushed by Dimm zipperheads and their pointy headed supporters.


So you’re calling Trump’s intelligence community a bunch of discredited “Dimm zipperheads and their pointy headed supporters.”? Because that’s whose pushing it now.

Keep polishing that turd.
Everyone agrees the Russians did it and still are. Hacked the DNC and sabotaged social media with conspiracy theories against Hillary that are now GOP conspiracy theories.
every Republican on the intelligence committees agreed it was the Russians and what they did it's totally obvious. Now they will say it might be a hoax or some b*******. Anything for the orange con man fraud clown hero.
Did you know:

Russia donated over $145,000,000 to the Clinton Foundation

Hillary Clinton sold 20% America’s Uranium to Vladimir Putin

Yet she's calling President Trump "Putin's Puppet," despite the fact that a 3 year, 40 million dollar investigation found no collusion
Did you know:

Russia donated over $145,000,000 to the Clinton Foundation

Hillary Clinton sold 20% America’s Uranium to Vladimir Putin

Yet she's calling President Trump "Putin's Puppet," despite the fact that a 3 year, 40 million dollar investigation found no collusion
Lol guys you are embarrassing America lol
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??
Proof they are doing that?
Lol guys you are embarrassing America lol
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??
Proof they are doing that?
Seriously? Elizabeth Warren Thanks Illegal Immigrants Who Helped Her Campaign In Iowa (VIDEO)
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
It's not a "disclosure." It's just his lame-assed opinion.
Trump replaced Joseph Maguire as his acting director of national intelligence with another acting director of national intelligence after Maguire enraged Trump by authorizing a congressional briefing on Russia's election interference, according to the Washington Post and The New York Times.

The Director of National Intelligence was summoned by the House Intelligence Committee to provide a threat assessment of the Russian threat to our Presidential election. The DNI, Joseph Maquire, as was his duty, complied with the demand and was summarily fired by Trump because he obeyed our laws and our Constitution. He was replaced by a political hack, Richard Grenell, who has zero experience in intelligence, but is a loyal Trump stooge who previously worked for Fox News.

To this "in your face," outrageous decision by Trump, Republicans had little to say except to complain that the report should not have been so comprehensive.

Trump's followers have little or nothing to say, either, and the ever loyal crowd certainly is not critical of Trump as he continues to fire White House staffers and creating chaos within the federal government.

Obviously, Trump's followers continue to support him as he proceeds to dismantle our government (see other posts on this thread, review the OP). As can be seen, Trump's followers do not even bother to defend him. Only one conclusion can be made. As chaos reigns in Washington, most of Trump's followers are anarchists. They like what they are seeing. Want proof? Read their posts.

We know we can't count on Congress to do anything. Congress simply rubber stamps anything Trump does. This needs to be remedied in November.

That is, if it is not too late.
This is going to be another thread where Trumpette's bob and weave and insult and deflect but never address the factual matter...............Russian interference for his benefit and Don's refusal to deal with it.
There is no "factual matter," dumbass. There are only worthless TDS moron opinions.
How sad is it to be a democrat in 2020
How sad it is to be an American in 2020 and see all the mentally deficit trumpanzees not caring about foreign interference in AMERICAN elections.
I dont suppose you know how the russians are interfering in our elections

but on the remote chance that you do why dont you tell us about it

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