House Intel Committee briefed on more Russian efforts to help the Orange Fraud

You tell me

exactly what are the ruskies doing to illegally interfere in the election?

I wasn't in the briefing and it's classified. I can tell you what they've done in the past. There's been many declassified reports on that.
Give us a for instance
The most definitive source.

These work well too.

A key finding:
The Committee found, that the IRA sought to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election by harming Hillary Clinton's chances of success and supporting Donald Trump at the direction of the Kremlin.
The russians didnt think trump could beat hillary anymore than you or the lib media did

they just wanted to turns Americans against each other and you fell for it
Trump's divisive, hateful, bigoted message is what turns Americans against each other. And..........there's the lies, the deceit, the corruption, the incompetence, the criminal behavior............
Not pandering to illegal aliens may anger liberals but the rest of us agree that our immigration laws should be enforced
Another gullible drooling Trumpette who believes Don's "Russia hoax" bullshit heard from. Read Mueller's report.

Why on earth would Russia want to help Trump at this point? Our country is flourishing. His likely opponent is a professed Socialist who honeymooned in Russia and whose policies will DESTROY our country economically and socially. Pretty sure we know who Putin would support if he had the chance.
Our country has withdrawn from world leadership as part of the “America first” mantra. We are less collaborative, more distrustful and less engaged with our allies. Our alliances are weaker as a result which is what Russia wants. Much the same could be said about our society in general too.

Trump has been tougher on Russia than Obama. Our alliances are not weaker, but they have more respect for us now. Naturally they loved Obama because he rolled over like a little puppy. Naturally they want another Democrat who will give them everything they want. Are those the kind of allies we want or do we want allies with whom we have mutual respect? We understand their goal is to look out for the best for their country and they should understand we want to do the same.

In some ways, tougher. But Russia isn't really concerned about sanctions applied to some of their oligarchs. They're interested in the long game. It's far more valuable that we not lead the world in the same way that we used to.

Our alliances aren't doing so hot, with the exception of Israel.

NATO allies don't respect us, they laugh at us.
Trump Abruptly Exits NATO Gathering After Embarrassing Video Emerges

Even chummy Boris Johnson doesn't get along with Trump.
Boris Johnson has canceled his planned trip to the White House after Trump slammed the phone down on him in a moment of 'apoplectic' fury

Public confidence in other countries is quite low.
How the world views the U.S. and its president in 2018 in 9 charts

They would all like us better if we just played along with whatever they wanted. We all know this. They would love it if we gave them better trade deals than we were getting. They would love it if we didn't demand they pay their fair share into NATO. They don't like it when we stop giving them aid in exchange for nothing.

Free Trade, do these two words ring a bell? trump has done nothing to prevent copy write and/or patent protections in his self claimed negotiations with his "pal" XI.
You are on the far right of this image:

View attachment 307975

Not only is your comment ludicrous, it is well of the topic of this thread.
I thought it was about Foreign interference?

Well, in fact it is. You are about as foreign to the educated and informed citizens as can be.

Where are most of America’s illegals from?

Everywhere. Maybe you should define what and who are "illegal"
  • Those in Prison or in County Jails
  • Men who abuse their wife or SO
  • Those who sell guns to others with no concern for what they will use the weapon for
  • People who abuse animals and kill them for sport
  • People who cheat on their taxes
  • People who dodged the draft when it existed
  • People who don't pay for the labor they hired
  • People who lie and cheat
  • Racists, Misogynists who deny minorities and women equal rights and equal opportunities
  • People who violate campaign finance laws
  • People who do not appear when served by subpoenas
  • People who tell people to ignore a subpoena
And let's not forget people who cry for Law and Order and don't give a damn for JUSTICE!

The worst American citizens are still better than illegal aliens who commit the same crimes

Hmmm, so rape by a non citizen is not okay, but rape by a citizen is excusable? Well, I will nominate your comment as in the running for dumbest remark posted in the 21st Century.
The link does.. enjoy it.. heheh

Why can’t you explain how it disproves me?

Keep polishing that turd.

which means, you have no evidence.

How ridiculous is this conversation?

You have the leading candidate for the DIMWITS able to call his friends COMRADE and; who honeymooned with Marxists and SOCIALISTS in the USSR while calling it wonderful, and they are talking about Trump?!?!?!?!

Anyone, with any sense, would laugh this thread off the board!

My fellow Conservatives, do NOT fall for the misdirection! This is all about BERNARD trying to make him more reasonable, lol. BERNARD is the quintessential SOCIALIST/MARXIST, USSR lover, and Trump is under attack?

Get real!

Politics is one thing. This isn't politics folks, this is COMMON SENSE!
I don't speak for anyone but myself, but what the Russian interference thing is about (imo) is their sneaky attempts to make our elections chaotic and too close to call, and YES if the intelligence agencies say the Russians are again favoring Trump, then I believe them. If they reported that the Russians were favoring Bernie instead, I would believe that, too. I trust the intelligence agencies. And don't bring up Iraq: the intelligence agencies TOLD Bush they weren't sure. Bush went ahead anyway.
Did you know:

Russia donated over $145,000,000 to the Clinton Foundation

Hillary Clinton sold 20% America’s Uranium to Vladimir Putin

Yet she's calling President Trump "Putin's Puppet," despite the fact that a 3 year, 40 million dollar investigation found no collusion
Bulshit bologna and twaddle, brainwashed functional moron.
Trigger of the day! Lol
all investigated and nothing found but garbage GOP propaganda. And yes there was collusion and lots of suspicious shenanigans. just telling Russia to go after Hillary's emails is collusion and not funny. And they did several hours later LOL. The whole thing is a disgrace I don't worry about collusion.
You tell me

exactly what are the ruskies doing to illegally interfere in the election?

I wasn't in the briefing and it's classified. I can tell you what they've done in the past. There's been many declassified reports on that.
Give us a for instance
The most definitive source.

These work well too.

A key finding:
The Committee found, that the IRA sought to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election by harming Hillary Clinton's chances of success and supporting Donald Trump at the direction of the Kremlin.
The russians didnt think trump could beat hillary anymore than you or the lib media did

they just wanted to turns Americans against each other and you fell for it
Trump's divisive, hateful, bigoted message is what turns Americans against each other. And..........there's the lies, the deceit, the corruption, the incompetence, the criminal behavior............
How does it feel to get duped yet again by NYTs Fake News, Rube?:21:
How ridiculous is this conversation?

You have the leading candidate for the DIMWITS able to call his friends COMRADE and; who honeymooned with Marxists and SOCIALISTS in the USSR while calling it wonderful, and they are talking about Trump?!?!?!?!

Anyone, with any sense, would laugh this thread off the board!

My fellow Conservatives, do NOT fall for the misdirection! This is all about BERNARD trying to make him more reasonable, lol. BERNARD is the quintessential SOCIALIST/MARXIST, USSR lover, and Trump is under attack?

Get real!

Politics is one thing. This isn't politics folks, this is COMMON SENSE!
I don't speak for anyone but myself, but what the Russian interference thing is about (imo) is their sneaky attempts to make our elections chaotic and too close to call, and YES if the intelligence agencies say the Russians are again favoring Trump, then I believe them. If they reported that the Russians were favoring Bernie instead, I would believe that, too. I trust the intelligence agencies. And don't bring up Iraq: the intelligence agencies TOLD Bush they weren't sure. Bush went ahead anyway.
Did you know:

Russia donated over $145,000,000 to the Clinton Foundation

Hillary Clinton sold 20% America’s Uranium to Vladimir Putin

Yet she's calling President Trump "Putin's Puppet," despite the fact that a 3 year, 40 million dollar investigation found no collusion
Bulshit bologna and twaddle, brainwashed functional moron.
Trigger of the day! Lol
all investigated and nothing found but garbage GOP propaganda. And yes there was collusion and lots of suspicious shenanigans. just telling Russia to go after Hillary's emails is collusion and not funny. And they did several hours later LOL. The whole thing is a disgrace I don't worry about collusion.

just telling Russia to go after Hillary's emails is collusion and not funny.

You are obviously too stupid to know that was a joke, and Hillary's server had been out of commission for years when he made the joke, so there was no way for them to go after her emails at that point.

I thought it was about Foreign interference?

Well, in fact it is. You are about as foreign to the educated and informed citizens as can be.

Where are most of America’s illegals from?

Everywhere. Maybe you should define what and who are "illegal"
  • Those in Prison or in County Jails
  • Men who abuse their wife or SO
  • Those who sell guns to others with no concern for what they will use the weapon for
  • People who abuse animals and kill them for sport
  • People who cheat on their taxes
  • People who dodged the draft when it existed
  • People who don't pay for the labor they hired
  • People who lie and cheat
  • Racists, Misogynists who deny minorities and women equal rights and equal opportunities
  • People who violate campaign finance laws
  • People who do not appear when served by subpoenas
  • People who tell people to ignore a subpoena
And let's not forget people who cry for Law and Order and don't give a damn for JUSTICE!

The worst American citizens are still better than illegal aliens who commit the same crimes

Hmmm, so rape by a non citizen is not okay, but rape by a citizen is excusable? Well, I will nominate your comment as in the running for dumbest remark posted in the 21st Century.
Rape by a non citizen is more preventable by simply deporting illegal aliens instead of allowing them to remain
Berg and Dana are uneducated Bernie Bros...

I went to the best public schools in the city I grew up in.

I went to the best University in the state I grew up in.

I earned my degree in accounting at that state university.

I'm successful in my career so that I was able to fully retire financially independent at age 54.

I have been a registered Independent since 1978. I have not made up my mind who to vote for in the primary. I'm not a Bernie Bro. I'll vote for him if he gets the nomination but I won't vote for him in the primary.

Stop making stupid statements about people you have absolutely no clue about.

No russian troll like you has any clue what or who I am.

How is the weather in moscow today comrade?
Another gullible drooling Trumpette who believes Don's "Russia hoax" bullshit heard from. Read Mueller's report.

Why on earth would Russia want to help Trump at this point? Our country is flourishing. His likely opponent is a professed Socialist who honeymooned in Russia and whose policies will DESTROY our country economically and socially. Pretty sure we know who Putin would support if he had the chance.
Our country has withdrawn from world leadership as part of the “America first” mantra. We are less collaborative, more distrustful and less engaged with our allies. Our alliances are weaker as a result which is what Russia wants. Much the same could be said about our society in general too.

Trump has been tougher on Russia than Obama. Our alliances are not weaker, but they have more respect for us now. Naturally they loved Obama because he rolled over like a little puppy. Naturally they want another Democrat who will give them everything they want. Are those the kind of allies we want or do we want allies with whom we have mutual respect? We understand their goal is to look out for the best for their country and they should understand we want to do the same.

In which source do you get your information. I believed the Ministry of Truth existed only in the fictional novel, 1984.

Apparently Trump created real life reporters on the Internet, and in the Press Room at the White House to revise history, and prop up the new Big Brother with tiny hands.

Um, source of information? I dunno, reality maybe. Do you not recall Obama's infamous, "I will have more flexibility after the election" comment? Seems as though you have bought into the left-wing propaganda machine.
Everybody knows politicians have more flexibility after elections. What a scandal zzzzzzzzz
Berg and Dana are uneducated Bernie Bros...

I went to the best public schools in the city I grew up in.

I went to the best University in the state I grew up in.

I earned my degree in accounting at that state university.

I'm successful in my career so that I was able to fully retire financially independent at age 54.

I have been a registered Independent since 1978. I have not made up my mind who to vote for in the primary. I'm not a Bernie Bro. I'll vote for him if he gets the nomination but I won't vote for him in the primary.

Stop making stupid statements about people you have absolutely no clue about.

No russian troll like you has any clue what or who I am.

How is the weather in moscow today comrade?
Your memory is weak. You have told me this story several times and how you’re a CPA. Yet your posts state otherwise.
Berg and Dana are uneducated Bernie Bros...

I went to the best public schools in the city I grew up in.

I went to the best University in the state I grew up in.

I earned my degree in accounting at that state university.

I'm successful in my career so that I was able to fully retire financially independent at age 54.

I have been a registered Independent since 1978. I have not made up my mind who to vote for in the primary. I'm not a Bernie Bro. I'll vote for him if he gets the nomination but I won't vote for him in the primary.

Stop making stupid statements about people you have absolutely no clue about.

No russian troll like you has any clue what or who I am.

How is the weather in moscow today comrade?
Your memory is weak. You have told me this story several times and how you’re a CPA. Yet your posts state otherwise.
Like how? Stop trolling LOL death to sauron
Berg and Dana are uneducated Bernie Bros...

I went to the best public schools in the city I grew up in.

I went to the best University in the state I grew up in.

I earned my degree in accounting at that state university.

I'm successful in my career so that I was able to fully retire financially independent at age 54.

I have been a registered Independent since 1978. I have not made up my mind who to vote for in the primary. I'm not a Bernie Bro. I'll vote for him if he gets the nomination but I won't vote for him in the primary.

Stop making stupid statements about people you have absolutely no clue about.

No russian troll like you has any clue what or who I am.

How is the weather in moscow today comrade?
Your memory is weak. You have told me this story several times and how you’re a CPA. Yet your posts state otherwise.
Like how? Stop trolling LOL death to sauron

Her posts exemplify her lack of financial acumen. And all Hail Sauron. Come one franco, you know I am your fave here.
I wasn't in the briefing and it's classified. I can tell you what they've done in the past. There's been many declassified reports on that.
Give us a for instance
The most definitive source.

These work well too.

A key finding:
The Committee found, that the IRA sought to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election by harming Hillary Clinton's chances of success and supporting Donald Trump at the direction of the Kremlin.
The russians didnt think trump could beat hillary anymore than you or the lib media did

they just wanted to turns Americans against each other and you fell for it
Trump's divisive, hateful, bigoted message is what turns Americans against each other. And..........there's the lies, the deceit, the corruption, the incompetence, the criminal behavior............
How does it feel to get duped yet again by NYTs Fake News, Rube?:21:
Most libs dont realize they are being duped
Proof they are doing that?
Do you have proof of Russia interfering on behalf of Trump?

Take note, the OP's link does not provide proof of anything.

Are you suggesting the intel agencies have no proof?
Strange way to put a question. YOU don't have any proof that they provided proof of Russia helping Trump. Please don't embarrass yourself by naming a single Democrat of the intel committee. They forfeit any credibility the moment they refused to work with Republicans in the impeachment fiasco.

They have a proven hatred of Trump and simply cannot be trusted, ever.
. Senate report on Russian interference in the 2016 election .

Senate is majority republican and the report was generated by the majority.

Read it.

Obama knew about Russian interference and Counter-Intel Ops in the US in 2014...AND DID NOTHING....except allow they to freely continue un-challenged for 2 years. His own administration officials admitted they failed to do anything, that they 'choked'. (The link for this interview, as you already know, has been provided to you numerous times....)
After a congressional briefing on election threats, Trump soured on acting spy chief

President Trump erupted at his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, in the Oval Office last week over what he perceived as disloyalty by Maguire’s staff, which ruined Maguire’s chances of becoming the permanent intelligence chief, according to people familiar with the matter.

Trump announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Maguire with a vocal loyalist, Richard Grenell, who is the U.S. ambassador to Germany.

Maguire had been considered a leading candidate to be nominated for the post of DNI, White House aides had said. But Trump’s opinion shifted last week when he heard from a GOP ally that the intelligence official in charge of election security, who works for Maguire, gave a classified briefing last Thursday to the House Intelligence Committee on 2020 election security.
Lol guys you are embarrassing America lol
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??
Proof they are doing that?
Asking Jitsy is like talking to a snail.
A special needs snail.
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??
Proof they are doing that?
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??
Proof they are doing that?
Seriously? Elizabeth Warren Thanks Illegal Immigrants Who Helped Her Campaign In Iowa (VIDEO)
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
It's not a "disclosure." It's just his lame-assed opinion.
Lol, no.

I've heard some stupid shit here for sure, but that comes in close to the top.
Obviously, Trump's followers continue to support him as he proceeds to dismantle our government (see other posts on this thread, review the OP). As can be seen, Trump's followers do not even bother to defend him. Only one conclusion can be made. As chaos reigns in Washington, most of Trump's followers are anarchists. They like what they are seeing. Want proof? Read their posts.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said in July 2016 referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

July 16, 2018, in Helsinki, Trump, in a stunning rebuke of the US intelligence community. Instead, Trump -- standing alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin -- touted Putin's vigorous denial. "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today," Trump said during a joint news conference

“I would like you to do us a favor, though. There's a lot about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me," President Donald J. Trump.

This is what happens when the President of the United States invites foreign interference in our Presidential election.

"Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him, the New York Times."

Putin wants the socialist, Bernie Sanders, to become the Democratic candidate, obviously because a socialist would be easy to beat. Most polls show that around 65 to 70% of Americans would not vote for a socialist.

The Post reports, "U.S. officials have told Sen. Bernie Sanders that Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign as part of an effort to interfere with the Democratic contest, according to people familiar with the matter."

Thank you, Mr. President.

Thank you, Senators.
Trump's followers have little or nothing to say, either, and the ever loyal crowd certainly is not critical of Trump as he continues to fire White House staffers and creating chaos within the federal government.

Obviously, Trump's followers continue to support him as he proceeds to dismantle our government (see other posts on this thread, review the OP). As can be seen, Trump's followers do not even bother to defend him. Only one conclusion can be made. As chaos reigns in Washington, most of Trump's followers are anarchists. They like what they are seeing. Want proof? Read their posts.

This is the response from a loyal Trump fan.


It pretty much proves my point.
Berg and Dana are uneducated Bernie Bros...

I went to the best public schools in the city I grew up in.

I went to the best University in the state I grew up in.

I earned my degree in accounting at that state university.

I'm successful in my career so that I was able to fully retire financially independent at age 54.

I have been a registered Independent since 1978. I have not made up my mind who to vote for in the primary. I'm not a Bernie Bro. I'll vote for him if he gets the nomination but I won't vote for him in the primary.

Stop making stupid statements about people you have absolutely no clue about.

No russian troll like you has any clue what or who I am.

How is the weather in moscow today comrade?
Your memory is weak. You have told me this story several times and how you’re a CPA. Yet your posts state otherwise.

Now you're a liar.

I've never said I was a CPA. I'm not a CPA. I had no desire to do taxes all my life or work for corporate America.

My education and degree is in accounting.

I worked in the field until the mid 90s. Then changed my career to stay home with my child and raise my child. My child never spent one second in a day care.

I sacrificed my education and career for my child. I turned my life long hobby into a new career. I started photographing and working with musicians on and off stage in 1979 when I was 19 years old in college getting that degree in accounting. It allowed me to do most of the work in my home while I raised my child. I had already established myself in that career before I stopped working accounting. I worked with musicians on the weekends and at night. I was hired by Rolling Stone Magazine and Getty Images. I've been published in every major publication on the planet including The New York Times. I've worked with the greatest musicians of my lifetime. Including two Beatles. I have worked with McCartney 3 times. The last time I was the only person chosen to cover the show. The house photographer was denied. My work is in movies, HBO, Showtime, I've worked with some reality shows. My work is also in CDs and DVDs. I have a gold record award from a project I did with the band Heart.

That's just a few highlights. The list of my career accomplishments is just way too long to put in a box on a message board plus, it's no one's business.

I was so successful in my career that I retired at age 54 fully financially independent. My accounting education and being very good with numbers and money came in very handy. I know how invest and make money from money.

My posts don't say otherwise. I've always said my education and degree are in accounting. You can lie about who I am but it doesn't make it true.

Your posts tell me that you're a russian troll bot. You have no real knowledge of American government or politics. You have no real knowledge of most of what you post about which is why I usually scroll past your posts. I only stopped on the one I replied to because it was so stupid and wrong.

So. How's the weather in moscow today comrade?
Everywhere. Maybe you should define what and who are "illegal"
  • Those in Prison or in County Jails
  • Men who abuse their wife or SO
  • Those who sell guns to others with no concern for what they will use the weapon for
  • People who abuse animals and kill them for sport
  • People who cheat on their taxes
  • People who dodged the draft when it existed
  • People who don't pay for the labor they hired
  • People who lie and cheat
  • Racists, Misogynists who deny minorities and women equal rights and equal opportunities
  • People who violate campaign finance laws
  • People who do not appear when served by subpoenas
  • People who tell people to ignore a subpoena
And let's not forget people who cry for Law and Order and don't give a damn for JUSTICE!

We are talking about being illegally in this country, as in, not a citizen and not eligible to vote nor have any representation. Felons aside, US citizens have the right to representation and therefore the right to vote. Due to leftist nuts, many have decided it is ok for anyone to come into the US, mooch off our system and demand representation. It is idiotic for any sovereign country to take this approach.

Nice echo from one of trump's rallies.

S2: "Felons aside, US citizens have the right to representation and therefore the right to vote".

Some states allow Felons, once released from a prison sentence have the right to vote; whereas some states deny US Citizens the right to vote if they do not have proper ID.

S3: "Due to leftist nuts, many have decided it is ok for anyone to come into the US, mooch off our system and demand representation"

Those "leftist nuts" allowed persons who came to the US to seek a better life, and when the asshole in the White House convinced rightist nuts that most of them were murderers and rapists, it was then when Christian Priests and Ministers opened their doors to protect women and children from the Jack Boots unleashed by trump.

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