House Intel Committee briefed on more Russian efforts to help the Orange Fraud

Are you in denial of what is reported? A lot of people will vote him out. A lot of people are tired of his shit.

Specifically, who is tired of this?

Published December 21, 2018
Trump signs criminal justice reform bill
Adam ShawBy Adam Shaw, Judson Berger | Fox News Channel

But on the sidelines of that fight, the House overwhelmingly approved the criminal justice bill Thursday on a 358-36 vote, after the Senate passed it 87-12. The decisive passage marks a win for Trump as well as his senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner, who advocated for the bill in the face of some conservative resistance.


The Unemployment Rate Does Not Signal A Recession
Update - October 4, 2019
Oct. 4, 2019 10:29 AM ET

|The Unemployment Rate Does Not Signal A Recession: Update - October 4, 2019 | Seeking Alpha


Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy

Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy | FreedomWorks


Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages
Oct. 17, 2019, 8:59 AM

A tightening labor market with U.S. unemployment rate at a 50-year low is starting to result in higher wages for full-time workers, including younger people and minorities whose pay has lagged.

Median weekly earnings for Americans in the third quarter rose 3.6% to $919, outpacing inflation, the U.S. Labor Department reported Wednesday. Earnings for those aged 25 to 54, in their prime working years, rose by 5%, the fastest rate of growth in recent years.

Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages


Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists

Published 1 month ago on September 9, 2019


“Love him or hate him, this is an incredible economic accomplishment for the President and a tremendous benefit for American blacks,” said Project 21 member Derryck Green.

Along with a reported third straight month of 3.7 percent overall unemployment, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) August jobs report noted that the overall black unemployment rate fell half-a-percent to 5.5 percent. This is the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded. BLS began reporting employment statistics by race in 1972. And with overall white unemployment at 3.4 percent, it is also the smallest reported gap between the races ever in terms of joblessness. Until recently, the racial employment disparity between blacks and whites has generally held to a 2-1 margin.

Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists


Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states
Tim Henderson, Stateline Published 8:00 a.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019 | Updated 7:10 p.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019

In 39 states, there are more jobs than people looking for them, according to a Stateline analysis of June hiring and employment data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states


America Created 266,000 Jobs in November
JOHN CARNEY 6 Dec 2019

The imaginary recession of 2019 is over.

The U.S. economy added 266,000 jobs for the month and the unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, matching the lowest level in 50 years.

Economists had expected the economy to add 180,000 jobs and for unemployment to remain unchanged at 3.6 percent, according to Econoday.

Adding to the picture of strength for the labor market, previous jobs numbers were revised up. September’s figure was revised up by 13,000 to 193,000. October was revised up by 28,000 to 156,000. Together, that adds 41,000 more jobs than previously reported.


Average hourly wages are up 3.14 percent compared with last year, above economist expectations. In manufacturing, the average workweek increased by 0.1 hour to 40.5 hours. Average hourly ages of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees rose by 7 cents in the month to $23.83, a 0.22 percent gain.


America Created 266,000 Jobs in November

Wall Street soars after economy added robust 266,000 jobs in November


USMCA: Agreement reached on Nafta trade deal replacement
10 December 2019

The US, Mexico and Canada have finalised a trade deal that will replace the 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta).

Agreement reached on Nafta trade deal replacement


Trump signs bill restoring funding for black colleges
By Collin Binkley - Associated Press - Thursday, December 19, 2019

President Donald Trump on Thursday signed a bipartisan bill that will permanently provide more than $250 million a year to the nation’s historically black colleges and universities, along with dozens of other institutions that serve large shares of minority students.

In signing the bill, Trump said historically black schools have “never had better champions in the White House.”

“When I took office, I promised to fight for HBCUs, and my administration continues to deliver,” Trump said. “A few months ago, funding for HBCUs was in jeopardy. But the White House and Congress came together and reached a historic agreement.”

Trump signs bill restoring funding for black colleges


The November hiring surge pushed incomes for Americans higher last month.
20 Dec 2019

Incomes rose by half a percentage point in November, above economists’ forecasts and much better than the soft readings in September and October. This was the strongest gain since July, according to data from the Commerce Department on Friday.

Consumer spending rose at a 0.4 percent annual rate last month, led by a jump in spending on big-ticket durable goods like autos and appliances.

The higher spending is not due to rising prices. Inflation, as measured by the Federal Reserve’s preferred price indicator, is still running well below the Fed’s 2 percent target. It came in at just 1.5 percent for November compared with a year ago.

And despite the rise in consumer spending, Americans are saving more. The saving rate edged up to 7.9 percent of after-tax income in November.

Christmas Cheer: Incomes Jumps Higher, Consumer Spending Soars


US employment remains strong, 145,000 jobs added in December
By JOSH BOAK AP Economics Writer
January 10, 2020, 7:07 PM

U.S. employers downshifted their hiring in December, adding 145,000 jobs as consumer spending appeared to aid gains in the retail and hospitality sectors

US employment remains strong, 145,000 jobs added in December


Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
16 Jan 2020

The U.S. manufacturing sector appears to be regaining its footing, suggesting the beaten-down sector may once again be expanding.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s survey-based index of manufacturing activity soared to 17 in January, up from the weak 0.3 reading in December and well-above forecasts for a reading of 3.0.

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories


Merry Christmas: Retail Sales Grew at Healthy Pace in December
16 Jan 2020

Retail sales rose at a healthy pace in December, a sign that a very healthy U.S. labor market and consumer optimism is continuing to support economic growth.

The Commerce Department said Thursday that retail sales–which measures sales at stores, online, and in restaurants–increased a seasonally adjusted three-tenths of a percentage point in December compared with November to $529.6 billion. That was in line with the consensus forecast.

Merry Christmas: Retail Sales Grew at Healthy Pace in December


US-China phase 1 trade deal: Beijing agrees to buy $200 billion in US products
By Michelle Toh, CNN Business
11 hrs ago [Jan 16. 2020]

China has agreed to buy hundreds of billions of dollars worth of products from the United States as part of their "phase one" trade deal.

The agreement signed Wednesday will have Beijing purchase an additional $200 billion of US goods and services over the next two years.

The increase in purchases will be compared to 2017, before the trade war started. China imported over $185 billion in total US goods and services that year.

In exchange, Washington has agreed to reduce tariffs on $120 billion in Chinese products from 15% to 7.5%.

Taken together, the phased purchases by China would result in a dramatic surge in US exports. Total exports to China would increase to over $260 billion in 2020, and roughly $310 billion in 2021 if the deal holds

US-China phase 1 trade deal: Beijing agrees to buy $200 billion in US products


HAH! President Trump Invited Minnesota Hog Farmers to USMCA Signing Ceremony — But NOT Nancy Pelosi
by Jim Hoft January 29, 2020

President Trump signed the historic USMCA Trade Agreement on Wednesday at the White House.

The trade agreement replaces the disastrous NAFTA agreement signed into law during the Clinton years.

President Trump invited Minnesota Republicans and Minnesota hog farmers to the White House for the signing ceremony today.

HAH! President Trump Invited Minnesota Hog Farmers to USMCA Signing Ceremony -- But NOT Nancy Pelosi


More MAGA Winning: Gallup Poll Has NEVER Recorded This Level Of Economic Optimism
Written by K. Walker on February 6, 2020


Americans feel better about their personal financial situation than they did under Obama, Clinton, or even Reagan. This year-to-year number has been rising since 2018 and has hit a 44-year record high according to Gallup’s “Mood of the Nation” economic survey. Gallup reports that 59% of Americans — nearly six in 10 — say that they are better off financially than they were a year ago, which is up from 50% last year.


There has also been a sharp decline in the percentage of people who say that they are financially worse off than a year ago. Only 20% of Americans are stating that as their financial reality, and that is a record low.


More MAGA Winning: Gallup Poll Has NEVER Recorded This Level Of Economic Optimism

WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
It's not a "disclosure." It's just his lame-assed opinion.
Lol, no.

I've heard some stupid shit here for sure, but that comes in close to the top.
Since when are facts "stupid?"
What do you imagine is factual in your post?
The Director of National Intelligence was summoned by the House Intelligence Committee to provide a threat assessment of the Russian threat to our Presidential election. The DNI, Joseph Maquire, as was his duty, complied with the demand and was summarily fired by Trump because he obeyed our laws and our Constitution. He was replaced by a political hack, Richard Grenell, who has zero experience in intelligence, but is a loyal Trump stooge who previously worked for Fox News.

To this "in your face," outrageous decision by Trump, Republicans had little to say except to complain that the report should not have been so comprehensive.

Trump's followers have little or nothing to say, either, and the ever loyal crowd certainly is not critical of Trump as he continues to fire White House staffers and creating chaos within the federal government.

Obviously, Trump's followers continue to support him as he proceeds to dismantle our government (see other posts on this thread, review the OP). As can be seen, Trump's followers do not even bother to defend him. Only one conclusion can be made. As chaos reigns in Washington, most of Trump's followers are anarchists. They like what they are seeing. Want proof? Read their posts.

We know we can't count on Congress to do anything. Congress simply rubber stamps anything Trump does. This needs to be remedied in November.

That is, if it is not too late.

Back on this again after you were humiliated with this very same irrelevant information.

Are you aware that Joseph Maguire was nearing the time where he would have to be replaced due to the time allowed for an acting director, by statute?

This is all you have to hang your hat on? Grow up. Sit back, relax and enjoy all the great times these next five years to add to the past three.

Berg and Dana are uneducated Bernie Bros...

I went to the best public schools in the city I grew up in.

I went to the best University in the state I grew up in.

I earned my degree in accounting at that state university.

I'm successful in my career so that I was able to fully retire financially independent at age 54.

I have been a registered Independent since 1978. I have not made up my mind who to vote for in the primary. I'm not a Bernie Bro. I'll vote for him if he gets the nomination but I won't vote for him in the primary.

Stop making stupid statements about people you have absolutely no clue about.

No russian troll like you has any clue what or who I am.

How is the weather in moscow today comrade?

Your memory is weak. You have told me this story several times and how you’re a CPA. Yet your posts state otherwise.

LOL, there is not CPA License that I know of which is granted by a U. or 4-year college. The CPA License requires some background, generally a degree in Accounting. You ought to do some research before you post, otherwise you will continue to be considered a fool.

Yes it does. You're very correct. That test has nothing to do with a university or school. You get a license from the state board of accountancy. There are several places in the state to take the tests depending on where you live. None are at a university or school.

It requires several tests that takes several days.

I had absolutely no interest in doing taxes or working for corporate America.

The person you're replying to is a russian troll. Which is why that person doesn't know about our universities and how to qualify to take and pass that test.

When I graduated CPAs were a dime a dozen. At the time the only jobs in the field were doing taxes or working for corporate America. There were no jobs. Companies were barely recruiting from schools. I graduated in 1982. Smack dab in the middle of reagan's recession which was the worst economy since the last republican Great Depression at the time. It's the reason why so many people my age have advanced degrees. Many stayed in school to ride out the recession.

The only reply that russian troll should ever receive is "how's the weather in moscow today comrade?"
Last edited:
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support
A classified briefing to lawmakers angered the president, who complained that Democrats would “weaponize” the disclosure.
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support

WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.

The day after the Feb. 13 briefing to lawmakers, Mr. Trump berated Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, for allowing it to take place, people familiar with the exchange said. Mr. Trump cited the presence in the briefing of Representative Adam B. Schiff, the California Democrat who led the impeachment proceedings against him, as a particular irritant.

During the briefing to the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. Trump’s allies challenged the conclusions, arguing that he has been tough on Russia and strengthened European security. Some intelligence officials viewed the briefing as a tactical error, saying that had the official who delivered the conclusion spoken less pointedly or left it out, they would have avoided angering the Republicans.

That intelligence official, Shelby Pierson, is an aide to Mr. Maguire who has a reputation of delivering intelligence in somewhat blunt terms. The president announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Mr. Maguire with Richard Grenell, the ambassador to Germany and long an aggressively vocal Trump supporter.
This infuriated the Orange one because he hates to be reminded how the Russians helped him get elected.

Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf
Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf

Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire was still considered a frontrunner to take the post in a permanent capacity until last week — when President Donald Trump found out that Maguire’s staff had briefed House lawmakers that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election on Trump’s behalf.

According to reporting from the New York Times and Washington Post, Trump was furious in particular that Maguire aide Shelby Pierson conveyed the information to Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Trump reportedly fretted that the Democrats would use it against him.

Members of both parties on the committee were in attendance at the briefing a week ago, and Trump’s allies argued with the conclusions Pierson presented, insisting that Trump has gotten tougher on Russia.

The President dressed down Maguire after the briefing, which reportedly led to his shift in favor to name U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, the acting DNI. Grenell is an avid Trump supporter who has downplayed the threat Russia poses to U.S. elections.
So, let's see. The Don is purging everyone who testified honestly about his attempt to extort Ukraine. Now he's removing all the people warning the country about Russia's efforts to help him in 2020.

Banana Republic crap.
But its ok when China backs a Democrat ?
China Was Bill Clinton’s Russia
Why Chinese Elites Endorse Hillary Clinton
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support
A classified briefing to lawmakers angered the president, who complained that Democrats would “weaponize” the disclosure.
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support

WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.

The day after the Feb. 13 briefing to lawmakers, Mr. Trump berated Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, for allowing it to take place, people familiar with the exchange said. Mr. Trump cited the presence in the briefing of Representative Adam B. Schiff, the California Democrat who led the impeachment proceedings against him, as a particular irritant.

During the briefing to the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. Trump’s allies challenged the conclusions, arguing that he has been tough on Russia and strengthened European security. Some intelligence officials viewed the briefing as a tactical error, saying that had the official who delivered the conclusion spoken less pointedly or left it out, they would have avoided angering the Republicans.

That intelligence official, Shelby Pierson, is an aide to Mr. Maguire who has a reputation of delivering intelligence in somewhat blunt terms. The president announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Mr. Maguire with Richard Grenell, the ambassador to Germany and long an aggressively vocal Trump supporter.
This infuriated the Orange one because he hates to be reminded how the Russians helped him get elected.

Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf
Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf

Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire was still considered a frontrunner to take the post in a permanent capacity until last week — when President Donald Trump found out that Maguire’s staff had briefed House lawmakers that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election on Trump’s behalf.

According to reporting from the New York Times and Washington Post, Trump was furious in particular that Maguire aide Shelby Pierson conveyed the information to Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Trump reportedly fretted that the Democrats would use it against him.

Members of both parties on the committee were in attendance at the briefing a week ago, and Trump’s allies argued with the conclusions Pierson presented, insisting that Trump has gotten tougher on Russia.

The President dressed down Maguire after the briefing, which reportedly led to his shift in favor to name U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, the acting DNI. Grenell is an avid Trump supporter who has downplayed the threat Russia poses to U.S. elections.
So, let's see. The Don is purging everyone who testified honestly about his attempt to extort Ukraine. Now he's removing all the people warning the country about Russia's efforts to help him in 2020.

If democrats had a winnable candidate the media wouldn't be using the Russia lie argument
Eight years ago tomorrow, Obama’s job approval was 45/48. At the moment, Trump stands at 49/48

Russians Hack Gallup and Flood The Internet With TrumPosiBots To Drive Up Trump's Poll Numbers!
again if the democrats had a winnable candidate the media wouldn't be pushing the Russia BS again.
Eight years ago tomorrow, Obama’s job approval was 45/48. At the moment, Trump stands at 49/48

Putin's PosiBots are spreading good cheer about Trump and making Democrats destroy themselves by acting like fools on the debate stage. Putin even made Nancy The Ripper commit a felony at the SOTU. That Putin, he plays hardball!
The russians didnt think trump could beat hillary anymore than you or the lib media did

they just wanted to turns Americans against each other and you fell for it
When peopleyou already know are fools its
Trump's divisive, hateful, bigoted message is what turns Americans against each other. And..........there's the lies, the deceit, the corruption, the incompetence, the criminal behavior............
How does it feel to get duped yet again by NYTs Fake News, Rube?:21:
Most libs dont realize they are being duped
Hilariously ironic everything you know is garbage propaganda. Law enforcement and journalists around the world keep trying to tell you. Only Rupert Murdoch agrees with you the old scumbag
Most of the journalists working in America today are fools
yes yes only bought off high School grad ex Coke head DJ's like rush and Sean and Alex know the truth....
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support
A classified briefing to lawmakers angered the president, who complained that Democrats would “weaponize” the disclosure.
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support

WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.

The day after the Feb. 13 briefing to lawmakers, Mr. Trump berated Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, for allowing it to take place, people familiar with the exchange said. Mr. Trump cited the presence in the briefing of Representative Adam B. Schiff, the California Democrat who led the impeachment proceedings against him, as a particular irritant.

During the briefing to the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. Trump’s allies challenged the conclusions, arguing that he has been tough on Russia and strengthened European security. Some intelligence officials viewed the briefing as a tactical error, saying that had the official who delivered the conclusion spoken less pointedly or left it out, they would have avoided angering the Republicans.

That intelligence official, Shelby Pierson, is an aide to Mr. Maguire who has a reputation of delivering intelligence in somewhat blunt terms. The president announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Mr. Maguire with Richard Grenell, the ambassador to Germany and long an aggressively vocal Trump supporter.
This infuriated the Orange one because he hates to be reminded how the Russians helped him get elected.

Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf
Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf

Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire was still considered a frontrunner to take the post in a permanent capacity until last week — when President Donald Trump found out that Maguire’s staff had briefed House lawmakers that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election on Trump’s behalf.

According to reporting from the New York Times and Washington Post, Trump was furious in particular that Maguire aide Shelby Pierson conveyed the information to Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Trump reportedly fretted that the Democrats would use it against him.

Members of both parties on the committee were in attendance at the briefing a week ago, and Trump’s allies argued with the conclusions Pierson presented, insisting that Trump has gotten tougher on Russia.

The President dressed down Maguire after the briefing, which reportedly led to his shift in favor to name U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, the acting DNI. Grenell is an avid Trump supporter who has downplayed the threat Russia poses to U.S. elections.
So, let's see. The Don is purging everyone who testified honestly about his attempt to extort Ukraine. Now he's removing all the people warning the country about Russia's efforts to help him in 2020.

If democrats had a winnable candidate the media wouldn't be using the Russia lie argument
Eight years ago tomorrow, Obama’s job approval was 45/48. At the moment, Trump stands at 49/48

Russians Hack Gallup and Flood The Internet With TrumPosiBots To Drive Up Trump's Poll Numbers!
again if the democrats had a winnable candidate the media wouldn't be pushing the Russia BS again.
Eight years ago tomorrow, Obama’s job approval was 45/48. At the moment, Trump stands at 49/48

Putin's PosiBots are spreading good cheer about Trump and making Democrats destroy themselves by acting like fools on the debate stage. Putin even made Nancy The Ripper commit a felony at the SOTU. That Putin, he plays hardball!
Until they start dumping people's emails all over the place I don't think the Russians do too much now. They have better security on their servers these days.
Berg and Dana are uneducated Bernie Bros...

I went to the best public schools in the city I grew up in.

I went to the best University in the state I grew up in.

I earned my degree in accounting at that state university.

I'm successful in my career so that I was able to fully retire financially independent at age 54.

I have been a registered Independent since 1978. I have not made up my mind who to vote for in the primary. I'm not a Bernie Bro. I'll vote for him if he gets the nomination but I won't vote for him in the primary.

Stop making stupid statements about people you have absolutely no clue about.

No russian troll like you has any clue what or who I am.

How is the weather in moscow today comrade?
Your memory is weak. You have told me this story several times and how you’re a CPA. Yet your posts state otherwise.

Now you're a liar.

I've never said I was a CPA. I'm not a CPA. I had no desire to do taxes all my life or work for corporate America.

My education and degree is in accounting.

I worked in the field until the mid 90s. Then changed my career to stay home with my child and raise my child. My child never spent one second in a day care.

I sacrificed my education and career for my child. I turned my life long hobby into a new career. I started photographing and working with musicians on and off stage in 1979 when I was 19 years old in college getting that degree in accounting. It allowed me to do most of the work in my home while I raised my child. I had already established myself in that career before I stopped working accounting. I worked with musicians on the weekends and at night. I was hired by Rolling Stone Magazine and Getty Images. I've been published in every major publication on the planet including The New York Times. I've worked with the greatest musicians of my lifetime. Including two Beatles. I have worked with McCartney 3 times. The last time I was the only person chosen to cover the show. The house photographer was denied. My work is in movies, HBO, Showtime, I've worked with some reality shows. My work is also in CDs and DVDs. I have a gold record award from a project I did with the band Heart.

That's just a few highlights. The list of my career accomplishments is just way too long to put in a box on a message board plus, it's no one's business.

I was so successful in my career that I retired at age 54 fully financially independent. My accounting education and being very good with numbers and money came in very handy. I know how invest and make money from money.

My posts don't say otherwise. I've always said my education and degree are in accounting. You can lie about who I am but it doesn't make it true.

Your posts tell me that you're a russian troll bot. You have no real knowledge of American government or politics. You have no real knowledge of most of what you post about which is why I usually scroll past your posts. I only stopped on the one I replied to because it was so stupid and wrong.

So. How's the weather in moscow today comrade?
Moscow? You mean Boston? You were too dumb to pass a CPA exam?
Berg and Dana are uneducated Bernie Bros...

I went to the best public schools in the city I grew up in.

I went to the best University in the state I grew up in.

I earned my degree in accounting at that state university.

I'm successful in my career so that I was able to fully retire financially independent at age 54.

I have been a registered Independent since 1978. I have not made up my mind who to vote for in the primary. I'm not a Bernie Bro. I'll vote for him if he gets the nomination but I won't vote for him in the primary.

Stop making stupid statements about people you have absolutely no clue about.

No russian troll like you has any clue what or who I am.

How is the weather in moscow today comrade?

Your memory is weak. You have told me this story several times and how you’re a CPA. Yet your posts state otherwise.

LOL, there is not CPA License that I know of which is granted by a U. or 4-year college. The CPA License requires some background, generally a degree in Accounting. You ought to do some research before you post, otherwise you will continue to be considered a fool.
She said she had a degree in accounting. Duh. I know what it takes, dumbass.
Berg and Dana are uneducated Bernie Bros...

I went to the best public schools in the city I grew up in.

I went to the best University in the state I grew up in.

I earned my degree in accounting at that state university.

I'm successful in my career so that I was able to fully retire financially independent at age 54.

I have been a registered Independent since 1978. I have not made up my mind who to vote for in the primary. I'm not a Bernie Bro. I'll vote for him if he gets the nomination but I won't vote for him in the primary.

Stop making stupid statements about people you have absolutely no clue about.

No russian troll like you has any clue what or who I am.

How is the weather in moscow today comrade?

Your memory is weak. You have told me this story several times and how you’re a CPA. Yet your posts state otherwise.

LOL, there is not CPA License that I know of which is granted by a U. or 4-year college. The CPA License requires some background, generally a degree in Accounting. You ought to do some research before you post, otherwise you will continue to be considered a fool.

Yes it does. You're very correct. That test has nothing to do with a university or school. You get a license from the state board of accountancy. There are several places in the state to take the tests depending on where you live. None are at a university or school.

It requires several tests that takes several days.

I had absolutely no interest in doing taxes or working for corporate America.

The person you're replying to is a russian troll. Which is why that person doesn't know about our universities and how to qualify to take and pass that test.

When I graduated CPAs were a dime a dozen. At the time the only jobs in the field were doing taxes or working for corporate America. There were no jobs. Companies were barely recruiting from schools. I graduated in 1982. Smack dab in the middle of reagan's recession which was the worst economy since the last republican Great Depression at the time. It's the reason why so many people my age have advanced degrees. Many stayed in school to ride out the recession.

The only reply that russian troll should ever receive is "how's the weather in moscow today comrade?"
So you could not cut it so you became a housewife. Got it.
When peopleyou already know are fools its
Trump's divisive, hateful, bigoted message is what turns Americans against each other. And..........there's the lies, the deceit, the corruption, the incompetence, the criminal behavior............
How does it feel to get duped yet again by NYTs Fake News, Rube?:21:
Most libs dont realize they are being duped
Hilariously ironic everything you know is garbage propaganda. Law enforcement and journalists around the world keep trying to tell you. Only Rupert Murdoch agrees with you the old scumbag
Most of the journalists working in America today are fools
yes yes only bought off high School grad ex Coke head DJ's like rush and Sean and Alex know the truth....
“Coke heads”

I dont think so
After a congressional briefing on election threats, Trump soured on acting spy chief

President Trump erupted at his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, in the Oval Office last week over what he perceived as disloyalty by Maguire’s staff, which ruined Maguire’s chances of becoming the permanent intelligence chief, according to people familiar with the matter.

Trump announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Maguire with a vocal loyalist, Richard Grenell, who is the U.S. ambassador to Germany.

Maguire had been considered a leading candidate to be nominated for the post of DNI, White House aides had said. But Trump’s opinion shifted last week when he heard from a GOP ally that the intelligence official in charge of election security, who works for Maguire, gave a classified briefing last Thursday to the House Intelligence Committee on 2020 election security.
Lol guys you are embarrassing America lol
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??
where is the proof that there 40 million illegal Latinos? spit it out please no alt fact this time.

The 2020 census will prove it, hang loose.
So no proof just pull out of your behind and throw it here. Just like your supreme leader.
After a congressional briefing on election threats, Trump soured on acting spy chief

President Trump erupted at his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, in the Oval Office last week over what he perceived as disloyalty by Maguire’s staff, which ruined Maguire’s chances of becoming the permanent intelligence chief, according to people familiar with the matter.

Trump announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Maguire with a vocal loyalist, Richard Grenell, who is the U.S. ambassador to Germany.

Maguire had been considered a leading candidate to be nominated for the post of DNI, White House aides had said. But Trump’s opinion shifted last week when he heard from a GOP ally that the intelligence official in charge of election security, who works for Maguire, gave a classified briefing last Thursday to the House Intelligence Committee on 2020 election security.
Lol guys you are embarrassing America lol
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??
where is the proof that there 40 million illegal Latinos? spit it out please no alt fact this time.
Lol I haven’t heard alt right in a long time lol haha thank you!

and of course there is 40!
Alt facts not alt right.
Where is your proof?
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support
A classified briefing to lawmakers angered the president, who complained that Democrats would “weaponize” the disclosure.
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support

WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.

The day after the Feb. 13 briefing to lawmakers, Mr. Trump berated Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, for allowing it to take place, people familiar with the exchange said. Mr. Trump cited the presence in the briefing of Representative Adam B. Schiff, the California Democrat who led the impeachment proceedings against him, as a particular irritant.

During the briefing to the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. Trump’s allies challenged the conclusions, arguing that he has been tough on Russia and strengthened European security. Some intelligence officials viewed the briefing as a tactical error, saying that had the official who delivered the conclusion spoken less pointedly or left it out, they would have avoided angering the Republicans.

That intelligence official, Shelby Pierson, is an aide to Mr. Maguire who has a reputation of delivering intelligence in somewhat blunt terms. The president announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Mr. Maguire with Richard Grenell, the ambassador to Germany and long an aggressively vocal Trump supporter.
This infuriated the Orange one because he hates to be reminded how the Russians helped him get elected.

Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf
Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf

Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire was still considered a frontrunner to take the post in a permanent capacity until last week — when President Donald Trump found out that Maguire’s staff had briefed House lawmakers that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election on Trump’s behalf.

According to reporting from the New York Times and Washington Post, Trump was furious in particular that Maguire aide Shelby Pierson conveyed the information to Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Trump reportedly fretted that the Democrats would use it against him.

Members of both parties on the committee were in attendance at the briefing a week ago, and Trump’s allies argued with the conclusions Pierson presented, insisting that Trump has gotten tougher on Russia.

The President dressed down Maguire after the briefing, which reportedly led to his shift in favor to name U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, the acting DNI. Grenell is an avid Trump supporter who has downplayed the threat Russia poses to U.S. elections.
So, let's see. The Don is purging everyone who testified honestly about his attempt to extort Ukraine. Now he's removing all the people warning the country about Russia's efforts to help him in 2020.

If democrats had a winnable candidate the media wouldn't be using the Russia lie argument
Eight years ago tomorrow, Obama’s job approval was 45/48. At the moment, Trump stands at 49/48

Russians Hack Gallup and Flood The Internet With TrumPosiBots To Drive Up Trump's Poll Numbers!
again if the democrats had a winnable candidate the media wouldn't be pushing the Russia BS again.
Eight years ago tomorrow, Obama’s job approval was 45/48. At the moment, Trump stands at 49/48

Putin's PosiBots are spreading good cheer about Trump and making Democrats destroy themselves by acting like fools on the debate stage. Putin even made Nancy The Ripper commit a felony at the SOTU. That Putin, he plays hardball!
YOU conspiracy nut bags kill me lol
again if the democrats had a winnable candidate the media wouldn't be pushing the Russia BS again.
Lol guys you are embarrassing America lol
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??
where is the proof that there 40 million illegal Latinos? spit it out please no alt fact this time.
Lol I haven’t heard alt right in a long time lol haha thank you!

and of course there is 40!
Alt facts not alt right.
Where is your proof?
conspiracy nut bag
Could it be that with this latest Russia propaganda scare the democrats are finally admitting they are Russians?
Because the only people that are influencing me on how I vote are the candidates. So it must be true democrats are Russians according to democrats
Lol guys you are embarrassing America lol
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Where is your post about 40 million illegal Latino aliens in this country influencing the election for Democrats??? Working for Democrat campaigns??
where is the proof that there 40 million illegal Latinos? spit it out please no alt fact this time.

The 2020 census will prove it, hang loose.
So no proof just pull out of your behind and throw it here. Just like your supreme leader.

OMG, ever heard of google or duckduckgo?
Here are different links that estimate the number of illegals at about 10m with about 5m from Mexico using 2017 numbers.

US Undocumented Population Continued to Fall from 2016 to 2017, and Visa Overstays Significantly Exceeded Illegal Crossings for the Seventh Consecutive Year - The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS)
How many undocumented immigrants are in the United States and who are they?
Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia
Some states allow Felons, once released from a prison sentence have the right to vote; whereas some states deny US Citizens the right to vote if they do not have proper ID.

And the point is? This is not whether or not felons should be able to vote or have representations. This is about people who are not citizens of this country who came here illegally.

Those "leftist nuts" allowed persons who came to the US to seek a better life, and when the asshole in the White House convinced rightist nuts that most of them were murderers and rapists, it was then when Christian Priests and Ministers opened their doors to protect women and children from the Jack Boots unleashed by trump.

It sounds like a wonderful idea to simply allow everyone who seeks a better life to come to the US, however, common sense should tell you that we can't accept everyone. Even if we could, we certainly can't allow people to just walk across the border and do as they please. We would no longer be a sovereign nation. Maybe that is the the goal of the left? Maybe they just aren't smart enough to see where their naive policies lead?

You seem to be just as starry eyed and wet behind the ears as most other Democrats.

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