House Intel Committee briefed on more Russian efforts to help the Orange Fraud

She said she had a degree in accounting. Duh. I know what it takes, dumbass.
Pyou've learned well from the garbage propaganda machine you talking about two different things conflating until your argument is just total b*******. He or she said she had a degree in that she didn't say she was the CPA. Unbelievable trolling troll. What the hell is wrong with you people? So tell me to brainwash functional morons believe the Russians we're not involved in the 2016 election? LOLOLOL. I don't really give a damn this time around. People have better security on their servers like the DNC and everyone else. The social Media stuff doesn't change anybody's minds. Just gives you idiots more ridiculous conspiracy theories and character assassination bullcrap.

My bad, I thought she would be ambitious enough to garner a CPA degree but Leftists are not ambitious, they want to live off the Gov't.
Leftists make more money than rightists, brainwash functional moron. There are plenty of accountants who are right-wing morons because they have no background in politics political science history or anything else, just brainwashed functional morons like you. That goes for doctors engineers etc etc. She became something a hell of a lot more interesting for crying out loud. But you believe that is a left-wing conspiracy also no doubt LOL. We have a right wing conspiracy of ignorant brainwashed idiots. I don't blame them whoops functional idiots I mean. They are certainly not stupid they know every ridiculous detail of every phony scandal ever and still believe them. It takes a lot of ignorance to fall for it but we have plenty of it. And plenty of racists also. Thank you neighborhood greedy idiot mega-rich GOP a******. Actually they are nowhere near you.

The opposite of Leftist is not "rightist" it is the Alt Right.

I disagree: Rightist is = to Neo fascist.

It is your right to disagree but if I agreed with you we would both be wrong.
Pyou've learned well from the garbage propaganda machine you talking about two different things conflating until your argument is just total b*******. He or she said she had a degree in that she didn't say she was the CPA. Unbelievable trolling troll. What the hell is wrong with you people? So tell me to brainwash functional morons believe the Russians we're not involved in the 2016 election? LOLOLOL. I don't really give a damn this time around. People have better security on their servers like the DNC and everyone else. The social Media stuff doesn't change anybody's minds. Just gives you idiots more ridiculous conspiracy theories and character assassination bullcrap.

My bad, I thought she would be ambitious enough to garner a CPA degree but Leftists are not ambitious, they want to live off the Gov't.
Leftists make more money than rightists, brainwash functional moron. There are plenty of accountants who are right-wing morons because they have no background in politics political science history or anything else, just brainwashed functional morons like you. That goes for doctors engineers etc etc. She became something a hell of a lot more interesting for crying out loud. But you believe that is a left-wing conspiracy also no doubt LOL. We have a right wing conspiracy of ignorant brainwashed idiots. I don't blame them whoops functional idiots I mean. They are certainly not stupid they know every ridiculous detail of every phony scandal ever and still believe them. It takes a lot of ignorance to fall for it but we have plenty of it. And plenty of racists also. Thank you neighborhood greedy idiot mega-rich GOP a******. Actually they are nowhere near you.

The opposite of Leftist is not "rightist" it is the Alt Right.

I disagree: Rightist is = to Neo fascist.

It is your right to disagree but if I agreed with you we would both be wrong.
Alt right is rightist. Of course the opposite of leftist is rightist. What you don't know is the Democrats are centrist and you people are off the wall brainwashed functional morons led by greedy idiot billionaires and garbage propaganda. Add martial law and you are fascists.
Pyou've learned well from the garbage propaganda machine you talking about two different things conflating until your argument is just total b*******. He or she said she had a degree in that she didn't say she was the CPA. Unbelievable trolling troll. What the hell is wrong with you people? So tell me to brainwash functional morons believe the Russians we're not involved in the 2016 election? LOLOLOL. I don't really give a damn this time around. People have better security on their servers like the DNC and everyone else. The social Media stuff doesn't change anybody's minds. Just gives you idiots more ridiculous conspiracy theories and character assassination bullcrap.

My bad, I thought she would be ambitious enough to garner a CPA degree but Leftists are not ambitious, they want to live off the Gov't.
Leftists make more money than rightists, brainwash functional moron. There are plenty of accountants who are right-wing morons because they have no background in politics political science history or anything else, just brainwashed functional morons like you. That goes for doctors engineers etc etc. She became something a hell of a lot more interesting for crying out loud. But you believe that is a left-wing conspiracy also no doubt LOL. We have a right wing conspiracy of ignorant brainwashed idiots. I don't blame them whoops functional idiots I mean. They are certainly not stupid they know every ridiculous detail of every phony scandal ever and still believe them. It takes a lot of ignorance to fall for it but we have plenty of it. And plenty of racists also. Thank you neighborhood greedy idiot mega-rich GOP a******. Actually they are nowhere near you.

The opposite of Leftist is not "rightist" it is the Alt Right.

I disagree: Rightist is = to Neo fascist.

It is your right to disagree but if I agreed with you we would both be wrong.

This would be clever if it wasn't already a cliche. As for your previous comment, absurdity is what drives most of the comments by trumpanzees.
LOL, there is not CPA License that I know of which is granted by a U. or 4-year college. The CPA License requires some background, generally a degree in Accounting. You ought to do some research before you post, otherwise you will continue to be considered a fool.
She said she had a degree in accounting. Duh. I know what it takes, dumbass.
Pyou've learned well from the garbage propaganda machine you talking about two different things conflating until your argument is just total b*******. He or she said she had a degree in that she didn't say she was the CPA. Unbelievable trolling troll. What the hell is wrong with you people? So tell me to brainwash functional morons believe the Russians we're not involved in the 2016 election? LOLOLOL. I don't really give a damn this time around. People have better security on their servers like the DNC and everyone else. The social Media stuff doesn't change anybody's minds. Just gives you idiots more ridiculous conspiracy theories and character assassination bullcrap.

My bad, I thought she would be ambitious enough to garner a CPA degree but Leftists are not ambitious, they want to live off the Gov't.

Well you started your sentence ^^^ with ignorance and followed it up with an idiot-gram, variety ad hominem. It seems you've mastered absurdity.
Indeed. Sometimes that is what Leftists deserve.
CPAs are the most boring Republicans I know LOL. Often very ignorant about politics and reality of course as they are Republicans.
She said she had a degree in accounting. Duh. I know what it takes, dumbass.
Pyou've learned well from the garbage propaganda machine you talking about two different things conflating until your argument is just total b*******. He or she said she had a degree in that she didn't say she was the CPA. Unbelievable trolling troll. What the hell is wrong with you people? So tell me to brainwash functional morons believe the Russians we're not involved in the 2016 election? LOLOLOL. I don't really give a damn this time around. People have better security on their servers like the DNC and everyone else. The social Media stuff doesn't change anybody's minds. Just gives you idiots more ridiculous conspiracy theories and character assassination bullcrap.

My bad, I thought she would be ambitious enough to garner a CPA degree but Leftists are not ambitious, they want to live off the Gov't.

Well you started your sentence ^^^ with ignorance and followed it up with an idiot-gram, variety ad hominem. It seems you've mastered absurdity.
Indeed. Sometimes that is what Leftists deserve.
CPAs are the most boring Republicans I know LOL. Often very ignorant about politics and reality of course as they are Republicans.

So says the LEAD UNCA TOM of the board, fighting with IM2 and 1/2 for supremacy.

I have never seen a couple of phony-e-baloneys like these 2. Uncle Toms are exactly what the definition stands for, when viewing these 2!
They should rename Politics to The Troll Bait Zone.

Russia reportedly wants to boost Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign

Maybe we should talk about Biden, Kerry, and Pelosi’s relationship with a Russian Controlled Oil and Gas Company called Burisma, where money changed hands and Bribery and Extortion were a way of business. That itself would make for a novel. Only it would not be a Conspiracy.
View attachment 308193

Russia wanted Clinton elected in 2016 to carry on Obama’s crime spree otherwise, Clinton doesn’t get $145 Million from Putin.

Putin doesn’t help produce a Dirty Russian Dossier that The Democrats paid $12 Million to The Kremlin for & used to attack Trump with since April of 2016 until present.

They also would not have launched a Counter Offensive Against President Trump who threatened to “Drain The Swamp” using Bought & Paid For Stooges, Like Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Ohr, Baker etc. & on the other hand Cover up Clinton and Obama’s pay to play & self enrichment schemes and their Collusion with Russia and other countries and terrorist organizations if they weren't tied at the hip to Russia and other Foreign Actors and Foreign Corporations.

Clinton, Obama, Holder, and McCain doesn’t work to sell 20% of our Uranium directly to Putin, and Comey, McCabe & Mueller don’t work to keep The Rosatom Bribery scandal (Putin’s Company) hush hush where Putin was bribing The Obama Administration allies and officials to approve The Uranium One Deal, and once approved Uranium One went up for sale, and Putin swept in and purchased it as he had planned all along.

Clinton and Obama doesn’t launch a COUP in Libya and pay Al Queda to launch a COUP, and to give Russia control of Libya’s Oil Fields unless they were colluding with Russia to make this happen.

Obama doesn’t give Russia 4 of our Aleutian Islands with Billions of Barrels of Oil under them, if Obama was not colluding with Russia to do so.

Obama does not allow Putin to take control of Crimea so that Putin can control shipping there and The Oil refineries there, and then allow Putin to take over an area in Ukraine Rich in Oil and Natural Gas Deposits, & additionally would not allow John Kerry, Pelosi, and Biden’s children to work for a Russian controlled Oil and Gas company called Burisma, if Obama & Clinton and their associates were not in continual Collusion with Russia.

And then if you want to take it further, take a close look at Obama & Clinton’s “Russian Reset” where The Obama Administration Gave Russia access to US tech companies who had contracts with The Defense Department and allowed them to have access to peripheral technologies associated with The US Defense Industry. China too was given access to sensitive technologies during The Clinton & Obama Administrations and this is why they have an F-35 Clone and why Russia was able to develop a clone of US Hypersonic missiles.

You look at the Iran Nuclear Deal Closely coupled with The $150 Billion in Obama Bucks Obama Bin Lying flew to Iran in the dead of night; converted pallets of US Cash in to Euros, delivers it to Iran, violating International Law, and this was done without The Approval of Congress, and you realize most of the money ends up in Putin’s hands in the form of weapons sales, centrifuge purchases and in hiring dozens of Russian Nuclear Weapons Experts, and Rocket Scientists.
Obama Bucks bought Iran Obama Bombs from Russia.

I could go on about The Obama Administration’s Close ties to China (Biden) and Iran (Kerry) but anyone with a brain can look that up, and you could write a novel about all of this.

Russia, China, and Iran all has their hooks in The Democrat Party and always will. So do many other foreign countries, and The Democrats have been using family members and offshore accounts to bilk The US Taxpayers out of Billions of Dollars through Foreign Aid, Shell Charities, and outright kickbacks in the form of “Investments in Shell Corporations and Consulting Services”!

And now you know why they were desperate to take Trump down, because “Draining The Swamp” means putting an end to all of the above.
View attachment 308194
That is all pure crap propaganda. All investigated discredited never retracted by your garbage propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron. We know because Democrats and the Democratic party turn in all their tax returns and have never been found guilty of anything. As opposed to your thugs and liars.
Trumpers seem to have gotten lost here

The thread is about the FACT that our intel agencies are telling us that Russia is AGAIN involving itself in our elections to get Trump elected.

This is not new. We have been hearing this from our intel folks for four years now. We heard it from Mueller who indicted dozens of Russians involved in the 2016 effort

And we're hearing it from our intel again now.

Of course Trump and Moscow Mitch are ignoring and trying to hide this

WHat a surprise
They be da swamp. Dey not beleeved anymorez! For many years there have people who questioned the voting in many areas with the old fliparoo done to the people who questioned to dispel the Prog guilt.
for that matter how did they change 1 vote in the 2016 election?
By changing minds.

2016 Election Hacking Fast Facts - CNN
OH MY FUCKING WORD Hillary's mouth and actions and past history is why she lost she was her own worst enemy
you mean what your total garbage propaganda machine made out of a bunch of crap emails. All investigated totally discredited and of course never retracted for you brainwashed functional morons. 60% of political coverage was bologna about her emails or the DNC emails. Thanks Russia and your pals in the GOP. Or 25 years of phony scandals and character assassination. No wonder she's nervous in public LOL.... I was hoping to see what would happen when she was elected---and yes that is the vast right-wing conspiracy, you are propaganda machine and all your scumbag hypocrite politicians and billionaires. But James Comey took care of that. With those Russian hacked emails like everyone knows except the brainwashed again. They believe anything they are told to.
Pyou've learned well from the garbage propaganda machine you talking about two different things conflating until your argument is just total b*******. He or she said she had a degree in that she didn't say she was the CPA. Unbelievable trolling troll. What the hell is wrong with you people? So tell me to brainwash functional morons believe the Russians we're not involved in the 2016 election? LOLOLOL. I don't really give a damn this time around. People have better security on their servers like the DNC and everyone else. The social Media stuff doesn't change anybody's minds. Just gives you idiots more ridiculous conspiracy theories and character assassination bullcrap.

My bad, I thought she would be ambitious enough to garner a CPA degree but Leftists are not ambitious, they want to live off the Gov't.

Well you started your sentence ^^^ with ignorance and followed it up with an idiot-gram, variety ad hominem. It seems you've mastered absurdity.
Indeed. Sometimes that is what Leftists deserve.
CPAs are the most boring Republicans I know LOL. Often very ignorant about politics and reality of course as they are Republicans.

So says the LEAD UNCA TOM of the board, fighting with IM2 and 1/2 for supremacy.

I have never seen a couple of phony-e-baloneys like these 2. Uncle Toms are exactly what the definition stands for, when viewing these 2!
What in the world are you babbling about, brainwashed functional conspiracy nut Job?
My bad, I thought she would be ambitious enough to garner a CPA degree but Leftists are not ambitious, they want to live off the Gov't.

Well you started your sentence ^^^ with ignorance and followed it up with an idiot-gram, variety ad hominem. It seems you've mastered absurdity.
Indeed. Sometimes that is what Leftists deserve.
CPAs are the most boring Republicans I know LOL. Often very ignorant about politics and reality of course as they are Republicans.

So says the LEAD UNCA TOM of the board, fighting with IM2 and 1/2 for supremacy.

I have never seen a couple of phony-e-baloneys like these 2. Uncle Toms are exactly what the definition stands for, when viewing these 2!
What in the world are you babbling about, brainwashed functional conspiracy nut Job?
Hi franco

Obviously, Trump's followers continue to support him as he proceeds to dismantle our government .

Actually, Trump is very conservative and not dismantling!! It is the Democratic Green New Deal Second Great Depression and Communist Revolution that would be deeply dismantling! Now do you understand?
Well you started your sentence ^^^ with ignorance and followed it up with an idiot-gram, variety ad hominem. It seems you've mastered absurdity.
Indeed. Sometimes that is what Leftists deserve.
CPAs are the most boring Republicans I know LOL. Often very ignorant about politics and reality of course as they are Republicans.

So says the LEAD UNCA TOM of the board, fighting with IM2 and 1/2 for supremacy.

I have never seen a couple of phony-e-baloneys like these 2. Uncle Toms are exactly what the definition stands for, when viewing these 2!
What in the world are you babbling about, brainwashed functional conspiracy nut Job?
Hi franco
I am in deep Hobbit world. Reading the book fellowship and watching smog and fellowship. And listening to the babbling of orcs like you. Poor things.
Indeed. Sometimes that is what Leftists deserve.
CPAs are the most boring Republicans I know LOL. Often very ignorant about politics and reality of course as they are Republicans.

So says the LEAD UNCA TOM of the board, fighting with IM2 and 1/2 for supremacy.

I have never seen a couple of phony-e-baloneys like these 2. Uncle Toms are exactly what the definition stands for, when viewing these 2!
What in the world are you babbling about, brainwashed functional conspiracy nut Job?
Hi franco
I am in deep Hobbit world. Reading the book fellowship and watching smog and fellowship. And listening to the babbling of orcs like you. Poor things.

When Sauron calls we march? What choice is there?
for that matter how did they change 1 vote in the 2016 election?
By changing minds.

2016 Election Hacking Fast Facts - CNN
OH MY FUCKING WORD Hillary's mouth and actions and past history is why she lost she was her own worst enemy
you mean what your total garbage propaganda machine made out of a bunch of crap emails. All investigated totally discredited and of course never retracted for you brainwashed functional morons. 60% of political coverage was bologna about her emails or the DNC emails. Thanks Russia and your pals in the GOP. Or 25 years of phony scandals and character assassination. No wonder she's nervous in public LOL.... I was hoping to see what would happen when she was elected---and yes that is the vast right-wing conspiracy, you are propaganda machine and all your scumbag hypocrite politicians and billionaires. But James Comey took care of that. With those Russian hacked emails like everyone knows except the brainwashed again. They believe anything they are told to.
No dumbass you leftist control 90% of the media output
They should rename Politics to The Troll Bait Zone.

Russia reportedly wants to boost Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign

Maybe we should talk about Biden, Kerry, and Pelosi’s relationship with a Russian Controlled Oil and Gas Company called Burisma, where money changed hands and Bribery and Extortion were a way of business. That itself would make for a novel. Only it would not be a Conspiracy.
View attachment 308193

Russia wanted Clinton elected in 2016 to carry on Obama’s crime spree otherwise, Clinton doesn’t get $145 Million from Putin.

Putin doesn’t help produce a Dirty Russian Dossier that The Democrats paid $12 Million to The Kremlin for & used to attack Trump with since April of 2016 until present.

They also would not have launched a Counter Offensive Against President Trump who threatened to “Drain The Swamp” using Bought & Paid For Stooges, Like Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Ohr, Baker etc. & on the other hand Cover up Clinton and Obama’s pay to play & self enrichment schemes and their Collusion with Russia and other countries and terrorist organizations if they weren't tied at the hip to Russia and other Foreign Actors and Foreign Corporations.

Clinton, Obama, Holder, and McCain doesn’t work to sell 20% of our Uranium directly to Putin, and Comey, McCabe & Mueller don’t work to keep The Rosatom Bribery scandal (Putin’s Company) hush hush where Putin was bribing The Obama Administration allies and officials to approve The Uranium One Deal, and once approved Uranium One went up for sale, and Putin swept in and purchased it as he had planned all along.

Clinton and Obama doesn’t launch a COUP in Libya and pay Al Queda to launch a COUP, and to give Russia control of Libya’s Oil Fields unless they were colluding with Russia to make this happen.

Obama doesn’t give Russia 4 of our Aleutian Islands with Billions of Barrels of Oil under them, if Obama was not colluding with Russia to do so.

Obama does not allow Putin to take control of Crimea so that Putin can control shipping there and The Oil refineries there, and then allow Putin to take over an area in Ukraine Rich in Oil and Natural Gas Deposits, & additionally would not allow John Kerry, Pelosi, and Biden’s children to work for a Russian controlled Oil and Gas company called Burisma, if Obama & Clinton and their associates were not in continual Collusion with Russia.

And then if you want to take it further, take a close look at Obama & Clinton’s “Russian Reset” where The Obama Administration Gave Russia access to US tech companies who had contracts with The Defense Department and allowed them to have access to peripheral technologies associated with The US Defense Industry. China too was given access to sensitive technologies during The Clinton & Obama Administrations and this is why they have an F-35 Clone and why Russia was able to develop a clone of US Hypersonic missiles.

You look at the Iran Nuclear Deal Closely coupled with The $150 Billion in Obama Bucks Obama Bin Lying flew to Iran in the dead of night; converted pallets of US Cash in to Euros, delivers it to Iran, violating International Law, and this was done without The Approval of Congress, and you realize most of the money ends up in Putin’s hands in the form of weapons sales, centrifuge purchases and in hiring dozens of Russian Nuclear Weapons Experts, and Rocket Scientists.
Obama Bucks bought Iran Obama Bombs from Russia.

I could go on about The Obama Administration’s Close ties to China (Biden) and Iran (Kerry) but anyone with a brain can look that up, and you could write a novel about all of this.

Russia, China, and Iran all has their hooks in The Democrat Party and always will. So do many other foreign countries, and The Democrats have been using family members and offshore accounts to bilk The US Taxpayers out of Billions of Dollars through Foreign Aid, Shell Charities, and outright kickbacks in the form of “Investments in Shell Corporations and Consulting Services”!

And now you know why they were desperate to take Trump down, because “Draining The Swamp” means putting an end to all of the above.
View attachment 308194
That is all pure crap propaganda. All investigated discredited never retracted by your garbage propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron. We know because Democrats and the Democratic party turn in all their tax returns and have never been found guilty of anything. As opposed to your thugs and liars.
Name all presidential candidates who honeymooned in Russia?
Obviously, Trump's followers continue to support him as he proceeds to dismantle our government (see other posts on this thread, review the OP). As can be seen, Trump's followers do not even bother to defend him. Only one conclusion can be made. As chaos reigns in Washington, most of Trump's followers are anarchists. They like what they are seeing. Want proof? Read their posts.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said in July 2016 referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

July 16, 2018, in Helsinki, Trump, in a stunning rebuke of the US intelligence community. Instead, Trump -- standing alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin -- touted Putin's vigorous denial. "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today," Trump said during a joint news conference

“I would like you to do us a favor, though. There's a lot about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me," President Donald J. Trump.

This is what happens when the President of the United States invites foreign interference in our Presidential election.

"Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him, the New York Times."

Putin wants the socialist, Bernie Sanders, to become the Democratic candidate, obviously because a socialist would be easy to beat. Most polls show that around 65 to 70% of Americans would not vote for a socialist.

The Post reports, "U.S. officials have told Sen. Bernie Sanders that Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign as part of an effort to interfere with the Democratic contest, according to people familiar with the matter."

Thank you, Mr. President.

Thank you, Senators.

It is difficult to believe that so many Democrats actually think Sanders will be able to deliver on his socialist promises. When Trump and his cronies say they will defeat the socialist Democrats -- which they say often -- Sanders supporters are proving Trump and his cronies right.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders won the Nevada caucuses, according to projections by Fox News and NBC, accelerating the momentum that is making him increasingly hard to beat as the presidential nominating calendar speeds up.

Is it really possible that the Democratic Party will again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Is it really possible that the Democratic Party is going nominate a 78-year old socialist recovering from a heart attack to run against Trump?

Oh, Lord, for our country's sake, I hope that does not happen.
Obviously, Trump's followers continue to support him as he proceeds to dismantle our government (see other posts on this thread, review the OP). As can be seen, Trump's followers do not even bother to defend him. Only one conclusion can be made. As chaos reigns in Washington, most of Trump's followers are anarchists. They like what they are seeing. Want proof? Read their posts.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said in July 2016 referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

July 16, 2018, in Helsinki, Trump, in a stunning rebuke of the US intelligence community. Instead, Trump -- standing alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin -- touted Putin's vigorous denial. "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today," Trump said during a joint news conference

“I would like you to do us a favor, though. There's a lot about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me," President Donald J. Trump.

This is what happens when the President of the United States invites foreign interference in our Presidential election.

"Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him, the New York Times."

Putin wants the socialist, Bernie Sanders, to become the Democratic candidate, obviously because a socialist would be easy to beat. Most polls show that around 65 to 70% of Americans would not vote for a socialist.

The Post reports, "U.S. officials have told Sen. Bernie Sanders that Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign as part of an effort to interfere with the Democratic contest, according to people familiar with the matter."

Thank you, Mr. President.

Thank you, Senators.

It is difficult to believe that so many Democrats actually think Sanders will be able to deliver on his socialist promises. When Trump and his cronies say they will defeat the socialist Democrats -- which they say often -- Sanders supporters are proving Trump and his cronies right.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders won the Nevada caucuses, according to projections by Fox News and NBC, accelerating the momentum that is making him increasingly hard to beat as the presidential nominating calendar speeds up.

Is it really possible that the Democratic Party will again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Is it really possible that the Democratic Party is going nominate a 78-year old socialist recovering from a heart attack to run against Trump?

Oh, Lord, for our country's sake, I hope that does not happen.

Regardless of who you nominate, the result will be the same.
They should rename Politics to The Troll Bait Zone.

Russia reportedly wants to boost Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign

Maybe we should talk about Biden, Kerry, and Pelosi’s relationship with a Russian Controlled Oil and Gas Company called Burisma, where money changed hands and Bribery and Extortion were a way of business. That itself would make for a novel. Only it would not be a Conspiracy.
View attachment 308193

Russia wanted Clinton elected in 2016 to carry on Obama’s crime spree otherwise, Clinton doesn’t get $145 Million from Putin.

Putin doesn’t help produce a Dirty Russian Dossier that The Democrats paid $12 Million to The Kremlin for & used to attack Trump with since April of 2016 until present.

They also would not have launched a Counter Offensive Against President Trump who threatened to “Drain The Swamp” using Bought & Paid For Stooges, Like Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Ohr, Baker etc. & on the other hand Cover up Clinton and Obama’s pay to play & self enrichment schemes and their Collusion with Russia and other countries and terrorist organizations if they weren't tied at the hip to Russia and other Foreign Actors and Foreign Corporations.

Clinton, Obama, Holder, and McCain doesn’t work to sell 20% of our Uranium directly to Putin, and Comey, McCabe & Mueller don’t work to keep The Rosatom Bribery scandal (Putin’s Company) hush hush where Putin was bribing The Obama Administration allies and officials to approve The Uranium One Deal, and once approved Uranium One went up for sale, and Putin swept in and purchased it as he had planned all along.

Clinton and Obama doesn’t launch a COUP in Libya and pay Al Queda to launch a COUP, and to give Russia control of Libya’s Oil Fields unless they were colluding with Russia to make this happen.

Obama doesn’t give Russia 4 of our Aleutian Islands with Billions of Barrels of Oil under them, if Obama was not colluding with Russia to do so.

Obama does not allow Putin to take control of Crimea so that Putin can control shipping there and The Oil refineries there, and then allow Putin to take over an area in Ukraine Rich in Oil and Natural Gas Deposits, & additionally would not allow John Kerry, Pelosi, and Biden’s children to work for a Russian controlled Oil and Gas company called Burisma, if Obama & Clinton and their associates were not in continual Collusion with Russia.

And then if you want to take it further, take a close look at Obama & Clinton’s “Russian Reset” where The Obama Administration Gave Russia access to US tech companies who had contracts with The Defense Department and allowed them to have access to peripheral technologies associated with The US Defense Industry. China too was given access to sensitive technologies during The Clinton & Obama Administrations and this is why they have an F-35 Clone and why Russia was able to develop a clone of US Hypersonic missiles.

You look at the Iran Nuclear Deal Closely coupled with The $150 Billion in Obama Bucks Obama Bin Lying flew to Iran in the dead of night; converted pallets of US Cash in to Euros, delivers it to Iran, violating International Law, and this was done without The Approval of Congress, and you realize most of the money ends up in Putin’s hands in the form of weapons sales, centrifuge purchases and in hiring dozens of Russian Nuclear Weapons Experts, and Rocket Scientists.
Obama Bucks bought Iran Obama Bombs from Russia.

I could go on about The Obama Administration’s Close ties to China (Biden) and Iran (Kerry) but anyone with a brain can look that up, and you could write a novel about all of this.

Russia, China, and Iran all has their hooks in The Democrat Party and always will. So do many other foreign countries, and The Democrats have been using family members and offshore accounts to bilk The US Taxpayers out of Billions of Dollars through Foreign Aid, Shell Charities, and outright kickbacks in the form of “Investments in Shell Corporations and Consulting Services”!

And now you know why they were desperate to take Trump down, because “Draining The Swamp” means putting an end to all of the above.
View attachment 308194
That is all pure crap propaganda. All investigated discredited never retracted by your garbage propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron. We know because Democrats and the Democratic party turn in all their tax returns and have never been found guilty of anything. As opposed to your thugs and liars.
Name all presidential candidates who honeymooned in Russia?
that is when the Soviet Union was falling apart. And of course you think if you repeat that often enough it will matter. Socialism is democratic, communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry. Snap out of it and join the rest of the modern world.
for that matter how did they change 1 vote in the 2016 election?
By changing minds.

2016 Election Hacking Fast Facts - CNN
OH MY FUCKING WORD Hillary's mouth and actions and past history is why she lost she was her own worst enemy
you mean what your total garbage propaganda machine made out of a bunch of crap emails. All investigated totally discredited and of course never retracted for you brainwashed functional morons. 60% of political coverage was bologna about her emails or the DNC emails. Thanks Russia and your pals in the GOP. Or 25 years of phony scandals and character assassination. No wonder she's nervous in public LOL.... I was hoping to see what would happen when she was elected---and yes that is the vast right-wing conspiracy, you are propaganda machine and all your scumbag hypocrite politicians and billionaires. But James Comey took care of that. With those Russian hacked emails like everyone knows except the brainwashed again. They believe anything they are told to.
No dumbass you leftist control 90% of the media output
It's not the left it is reality that journalists try and find everywhere but Fox Nation, brainwashed functional moron. Outside theUnited States in the modern world it is all against you. Wake up and smell the coffee for crying out loud.
Obviously, Trump's followers continue to support him as he proceeds to dismantle our government (see other posts on this thread, review the OP). As can be seen, Trump's followers do not even bother to defend him. Only one conclusion can be made. As chaos reigns in Washington, most of Trump's followers are anarchists. They like what they are seeing. Want proof? Read their posts.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said in July 2016 referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

July 16, 2018, in Helsinki, Trump, in a stunning rebuke of the US intelligence community. Instead, Trump -- standing alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin -- touted Putin's vigorous denial. "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today," Trump said during a joint news conference

“I would like you to do us a favor, though. There's a lot about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me," President Donald J. Trump.

This is what happens when the President of the United States invites foreign interference in our Presidential election.

"Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him, the New York Times."

Putin wants the socialist, Bernie Sanders, to become the Democratic candidate, obviously because a socialist would be easy to beat. Most polls show that around 65 to 70% of Americans would not vote for a socialist.

The Post reports, "U.S. officials have told Sen. Bernie Sanders that Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign as part of an effort to interfere with the Democratic contest, according to people familiar with the matter."

Thank you, Mr. President.

Thank you, Senators.

It is difficult to believe that so many Democrats actually think Sanders will be able to deliver on his socialist promises. When Trump and his cronies say they will defeat the socialist Democrats -- which they say often -- Sanders supporters are proving Trump and his cronies right.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders won the Nevada caucuses, according to projections by Fox News and NBC, accelerating the momentum that is making him increasingly hard to beat as the presidential nominating calendar speeds up.

Is it really possible that the Democratic Party will again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Is it really possible that the Democratic Party is going nominate a 78-year old socialist recovering from a heart attack to run against Trump?

Oh, Lord, for our country's sake, I hope that does not happen.

I hope it does. For the last several years we have been talking about where the Democrat party is heading. People on the left tell us we don't know what we are talking about. The nomination of Sander's will prove us right once again, and I mean in more ways than one.

The only threat to the country is if any of them did win, and also kept the House and got a majority in the Senate. Then we would be finished as a country. It would mean virtual open borders, heavy taxation on our job creators, social spending that would make Trump's deficits look like marbles, maximum gun restrictions, a huge reversal on our successful energy production. They would make the early Obama years look like the good ole days.

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