House Intel Committee briefed on more Russian efforts to help the Orange Fraud

Putin has beaten Trump like a drum - made him disavow his own intel and law enforcement agencies - on the global stage. Why wouldn't Putin want more of that?
Interesting how you say Putin has beaten the democrats like a drum
The President has beaten the democrats worse than a drum. So you're actually saying Putin has beaten the democrats like a drum

Uninteresting how you lie like a rug. Have you ever seen a man look as much like a whipped puppy as Trump did when he came out of that backroom with Putin? Hell, I don't like Trump, but I felt sorry for him. And for every American who was represented by him on that day.
The Director of National Intelligence was summoned by the House Intelligence Committee to provide a threat assessment of the Russian threat to our Presidential election. The DNI, Joseph Maquire, as was his duty, complied with the demand and was summarily fired by Trump because he obeyed our laws and our Constitution. He was replaced by a political hack, Richard Grenell, who has zero experience in intelligence, but is a loyal Trump stooge who previously worked for Fox News.

To this "in your face," outrageous decision by Trump, Republicans had little to say except to complain that the report should not have been so comprehensive.

Trump's followers have little or nothing to say, either, and the ever loyal crowd certainly is not critical of Trump as he continues to fire White House staffers and creating chaos within the federal government.

Obviously, Trump's followers continue to support him as he proceeds to dismantle our government (see other posts on this thread, review the OP). As can be seen, Trump's followers do not even bother to defend him. Only one conclusion can be made. As chaos reigns in Washington, most of Trump's followers are anarchists. They like what they are seeing. Want proof? Read their posts.

We know we can't count on Congress to do anything. Congress simply rubber stamps anything Trump does. This needs to be remedied in November.

That is, if it is not too late.

Back on this again after you were humiliated with this very same irrelevant information.

Are you aware that Joseph Maguire was nearing the time where he would have to be replaced due to the time allowed for an acting director, by statute?

This is all you have to hang your hat on? Grow up. Sit back, relax and enjoy all the great times these next five years to add to the past three.

Did you know to be DNI you have to be experienced for the job?
Markle thinks what I posted was funny. Well, it's not. Grenell is so far from being qualified and never in hell could a such a partisan ever be confirmed by the Senate.

"Federal law mandates that the DNI be “exceptionally well qualified” and for good reason. The DNI is not only the president’s chief intelligence advisor, he (or she) is also responsible for a vast intelligence enterprise that supports a wide range of missions and policymaker needs."

50 U.S. Code § 3023 - Director of National Intelligence

Trump’s DNI Pick Would Brief Dem Nominee Ahead of 2020
Trump just wants some one who'll give him the half of a story ,,the half he agrees with . No concern that Russians have in the past and now are meddling in our elections?

I'm all for it.....I hope they meddle the fuck out of the 2020 election.... they won't be any more guilty than the DNC. If the DNC is willing to break the law by screwing Bernie I see no reason why Bernie shouldn't fight fire with fire.

The Director of National Intelligence was summoned by the House Intelligence Committee to provide a threat assessment of the Russian threat to our Presidential election. The DNI, Joseph Maquire, as was his duty, complied with the demand and was summarily fired by Trump because he obeyed our laws and our Constitution. He was replaced by a political hack, Richard Grenell, who has zero experience in intelligence, but is a loyal Trump stooge who previously worked for Fox News.

To this "in your face," outrageous decision by Trump, Republicans had little to say except to complain that the report should not have been so comprehensive.

Trump's followers have little or nothing to say, either, and the ever loyal crowd certainly is not critical of Trump as he continues to fire White House staffers and creating chaos within the federal government.

Obviously, Trump's followers continue to support him as he proceeds to dismantle our government (see other posts on this thread, review the OP). As can be seen, Trump's followers do not even bother to defend him. Only one conclusion can be made. As chaos reigns in Washington, most of Trump's followers are anarchists. They like what they are seeing. Want proof? Read their posts.

We know we can't count on Congress to do anything. Congress simply rubber stamps anything Trump does. This needs to be remedied in November.

That is, if it is not too late.

Back on this again after you were humiliated with this very same irrelevant information.

Are you aware that Joseph Maguire was nearing the time where he would have to be replaced due to the time allowed for an acting director, by statute?

This is all you have to hang your hat on? Grow up. Sit back, relax and enjoy all the great times these next five years to add to the past three.

Did you know to be DNI you have to be experienced for the job?
Markle thinks what I posted was funny. Well, it's not. Grenell is so far from being qualified and never in hell could a such a partisan ever be confirmed by the Senate.

"Federal law mandates that the DNI be “exceptionally well qualified” and for good reason. The DNI is not only the president’s chief intelligence advisor, he (or she) is also responsible for a vast intelligence enterprise that supports a wide range of missions and policymaker needs."

50 U.S. Code § 3023 - Director of National Intelligence

Trump’s DNI Pick Would Brief Dem Nominee Ahead of 2020
Trump just wants some one who'll give him the half of a story ,,the half he agrees with . No concern that Russians have in the past and now are meddling in our elections?

I'm all for it.....I hope they meddle the fuck out of the 2020 election.... they won't be any more guilty than the DNC.


“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said in July 2016 referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

July 16, 2018, in Helsinki, Trump, in a stunning rebuke of the US intelligence community, declined to endorse the US government's assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, saying he doesn't "see any reason why" Russia would be responsible. Instead, Trump -- standing alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin -- touted Putin's vigorous denial.

"I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today," Trump said during a joint news conference

Trump is in the process of weakening NATO, an alliance formed as a bulwark to Russian aggression. The allied leaders of Britain, France, and Germany no longer trust him. Trump camp finds no appeasement at Munich - POLITICO

Trump's Iranian policy has caused Iran to resume her nuclear research, and America's menacing enemy is closer to a nuke than ever.

The U.S. has been tossed out of Middle East talks because of Trump's pro-active pro-Israeli policy, replaced by Russia. The Arab republicans and our European allies cannot trust the U.S. as long as Trump is President. As U.S. Exits Syria, Mideast Faces a Post-American Era - The New York Times

Following Trump's Senate impeachment trial, the U.S. government is in chaos. Trump is pardoning felons while firing a White House staffer nearly every other day. Employment status in the Trump government is a daily challenge.

If you are Vladimir Putin, what is not to like?

The Times reports, "Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.

"The day after the Feb. 13 briefing to lawmakers, Mr. Trump berated Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, for allowing it to take place, people familiar with the exchange said. Mr. Trump cited the presence in the briefing of Representative Adam B. Schiff, the California Democrat who led the impeachment proceedings against him, as a particular irritant."

Apparently, Trump wanted to keep secret from the American people and its representatives the fact that Putin wants to help him get elected just as Putin did in 2016.

Some intelligence officials wanted the briefer to soften the message. However, "that intelligence official, Shelby Pierson, an aide to Mr. Maguire who has a reputation of delivering intelligence in somewhat blunt terms. The president announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Mr. Maguire with Richard Grenell, the ambassador to Germany and long an aggressively vocal Trump supporter," according to the Times.

Which, of course, is true to form. Replace an experienced professional with a political hack, a sycophant who thinks like Trump and will always do as he is told. This, of course, weakens the American government a little bit more.

That is another thing Putin likes about Trump.

This source helped in the making of this report: Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support - The New York Times
What’s Putin doing to help trump?
Senate GOP blocks three election security bills
Senate GOP blocks three election security bills

Senate Republicans blocked an effort by Democrats to unanimously pass three election security-related bills Tuesday, marking the latest attempt to clear legislation ahead of the November elections

Democrats tried to get consent to pass two bills that require campaigns to alert the FBI and Federal Election Commission (FEC) about foreign offers of assistance, as well as legislation to provide more election funding and ban voting machines from being connected to the internet.

Poison pills

Russia, Russia, Russia, Mueller Mueller Mueller, Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine, Impeachment Impeachment..... Russia Russia Russia....

Then Mueller again?
Same with Pocahontas Warren. She has walked her story back and apologized for the lie. Too late. A search here will show liberals humiliating themselves still as they doggedly swear she was right to claim to be an Indian.

Liberalism is a mental illness the Democrats and other Marxists exploit.
Can you explain how Sanders became a millionaire?
He wrote two bestsellers and gave some speeches duh. Same with Hillary and Bill. It's all in his tax returns and there is no mystery except for brainwashed functional morons like you.
Anyone who believes the shit Bernie spews is brainwashed

Oh I believe him. That is the scary part.
There is nothing scary about Bernie except GOP balderdash Savage capitalist idiocy. Breaking... Socialism is not communism.
Socialism and communism are the same thing. That's why the USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was not called the USCR, Union of Soviet Communist Republics. When asked if he is a socialist, Sanders dodges the question by saying he is a democratic socialist, and when asked what the difference is between a socialist and a democratic socialist, he says he just wants to do good things for the people.

Communism is just another word for socialism and democratic socialism is just a lie socialists tell when they enter politics.
communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and has never been put in except through violent revolution. They said they were socialists they lied. I have a masters in history here you go. Marx wrote about Marxism he was totally wrong. Communism in the USSR was supposedly Democratic in its Soviets or committees. After a few years people figured out it wasn't Democratic at all. Everywhere in the world except for English speaking countries where Savage capitalists abound, socialism has been Fair capitalism 4 70 or 80 years. Savage capitalist like the conservative party in England or the Tories love conflating the two so they can keep people down. I had a junior year abroad in France in 1971 and they had a socialist party and a Communist party and everybody knew the difference. Just like Italy and every other non-english-speaking country that I know of Italy Sweden Germany etc. Bernie has to say Democratic socialism or you brainwashed functional morons go insane. Even if he doesn't win at least socialism should be understood for what it is.

"We are all socialists now!"--the president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. Of course he didn't realize what scumbags the GOP are and how duped people like you are. That's why we are the only country in the modern world without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and mainly taxing the rich more percentage wise than everyone else. This is a joke and a disaster wake up. Socialism as understood everywhere but conservative propaganda world is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic. Change the channel
Russia, Russia, Russia, Mueller Mueller Mueller, Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine, Impeachment Impeachment..... Russia Russia Russia....

Then Mueller again?

These people a don’t understand the Americans they want to rule. They can’t grasp why they lost.

2016 Russia Russia Russia



Sounds like a plan :)
He wrote two bestsellers and gave some speeches duh. Same with Hillary and Bill. It's all in his tax returns and there is no mystery except for brainwashed functional morons like you.
Anyone who believes the shit Bernie spews is brainwashed

Oh I believe him. That is the scary part.
There is nothing scary about Bernie except GOP balderdash Savage capitalist idiocy. Breaking... Socialism is not communism.
Socialism and communism are the same thing. That's why the USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was not called the USCR, Union of Soviet Communist Republics. When asked if he is a socialist, Sanders dodges the question by saying he is a democratic socialist, and when asked what the difference is between a socialist and a democratic socialist, he says he just wants to do good things for the people.

Communism is just another word for socialism and democratic socialism is just a lie socialists tell when they enter politics.
communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and has never been put in except through violent revolution. They said they were socialists they lied. I have a masters in history here you go. Marx wrote about Marxism he was totally wrong. Communism in the USSR was supposedly Democratic in its Soviets or committees. After a few years people figured out it wasn't Democratic at all. Everywhere in the world except for English speaking countries where Savage capitalists abound, socialism has been Fair capitalism 4 70 or 80 years. Savage capitalist like the conservative party in England or the Tories love conflating the two so they can keep people down. I had a junior year abroad in France in 1971 and they had a socialist party and a Communist party and everybody knew the difference. Just like Italy and every other non-english-speaking country that I know of Italy Sweden Germany etc. Bernie has to say Democratic socialism or you brainwashed functional morons go insane. Even if he doesn't win at least socialism should be understood for what it is.

"We are all socialists now!"--the president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. Of course he didn't realize what scumbags the GOP are and how duped people like you are. That's why we are the only country in the modern world without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and mainly taxing the rich more percentage wise than everyone else. This is a joke and a disaster wake up. Socialism as understood everywhere but conservative propaganda world is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic. Change the channel
Are orcs socialists or capitalists?
Putin has beaten Trump like a drum - made him disavow his own intel and law enforcement agencies - on the global stage. Why wouldn't Putin want more of that?
Interesting how you say Putin has beaten the democrats like a drum
The President has beaten the democrats worse than a drum. So you're actually saying Putin has beaten the democrats like a drum

Uninteresting how you lie like a rug. Have you ever seen a man look as much like a whipped puppy as Trump did when he came out of that backroom with Putin? Hell, I don't like Trump, but I felt sorry for him. And for every American who was represented by him on that day.
What world do you live in, Julio? I feel Sorry for you and your TDS
Putin has beaten Trump like a drum - made him disavow his own intel and law enforcement agencies - on the global stage. Why wouldn't Putin want more of that?
Interesting how you say Putin has beaten the democrats like a drum
The President has beaten the democrats worse than a drum. So you're actually saying Putin has beaten the democrats like a drum

Uninteresting how you lie like a rug. Have you ever seen a man look as much like a whipped puppy as Trump did when he came out of that backroom with Putin? Hell, I don't like Trump, but I felt sorry for him. And for every American who was represented by him on that day.
What world do you live in, Julio? I feel Sorry for you and your TDS

Orcs are jerkoffs. Going by the photo of your wife as your avatar, I thought your tennis elbow would tell you that.
Anyone who believes the shit Bernie spews is brainwashed

Oh I believe him. That is the scary part.
There is nothing scary about Bernie except GOP balderdash Savage capitalist idiocy. Breaking... Socialism is not communism.
Socialism and communism are the same thing. That's why the USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was not called the USCR, Union of Soviet Communist Republics. When asked if he is a socialist, Sanders dodges the question by saying he is a democratic socialist, and when asked what the difference is between a socialist and a democratic socialist, he says he just wants to do good things for the people.

Communism is just another word for socialism and democratic socialism is just a lie socialists tell when they enter politics.
communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and has never been put in except through violent revolution. They said they were socialists they lied. I have a masters in history here you go. Marx wrote about Marxism he was totally wrong. Communism in the USSR was supposedly Democratic in its Soviets or committees. After a few years people figured out it wasn't Democratic at all. Everywhere in the world except for English speaking countries where Savage capitalists abound, socialism has been Fair capitalism 4 70 or 80 years. Savage capitalist like the conservative party in England or the Tories love conflating the two so they can keep people down. I had a junior year abroad in France in 1971 and they had a socialist party and a Communist party and everybody knew the difference. Just like Italy and every other non-english-speaking country that I know of Italy Sweden Germany etc. Bernie has to say Democratic socialism or you brainwashed functional morons go insane. Even if he doesn't win at least socialism should be understood for what it is.

"We are all socialists now!"--the president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. Of course he didn't realize what scumbags the GOP are and how duped people like you are. That's why we are the only country in the modern world without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and mainly taxing the rich more percentage wise than everyone else. This is a joke and a disaster wake up. Socialism as understood everywhere but conservative propaganda world is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic. Change the channel
Are orcs socialists or capitalists?
Dupes of right-wing propagandists. Sauron is King so he's a monarchist. What do orcs eat and how is it produced? LOL
Markle thinks what I posted was funny. Well, it's not. Grenell is so far from being qualified and never in hell could a such a partisan ever be confirmed by the Senate.

What does being partisan have to do with anything? It's an administrative job.

Did your panties get in such a knot over the fact that Sen. Barack Hussein Obama was nowhere close to being qualified?

Putin has beaten Trump like a drum - made him disavow his own intel and law enforcement agencies - on the global stage. Why wouldn't Putin want more of that?
Interesting how you say Putin has beaten the democrats like a drum
The President has beaten the democrats worse than a drum. So you're actually saying Putin has beaten the democrats like a drum

Uninteresting how you lie like a rug. Have you ever seen a man look as much like a whipped puppy as Trump did when he came out of that backroom with Putin? Hell, I don't like Trump, but I felt sorry for him. And for every American who was represented by him on that day.
What world do you live in, Julio? I feel Sorry for you and your TDS

Orcs are jerkoffs. Going by the photo of your wife as your avatar, I thought your tennis elbow would tell you that.
Miguel? Was that your attempt at humor? It failed miserably. Why attack my wife? What did she ever do to you? You want to attack my kids next?
Oh I believe him. That is the scary part.
There is nothing scary about Bernie except GOP balderdash Savage capitalist idiocy. Breaking... Socialism is not communism.
Socialism and communism are the same thing. That's why the USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was not called the USCR, Union of Soviet Communist Republics. When asked if he is a socialist, Sanders dodges the question by saying he is a democratic socialist, and when asked what the difference is between a socialist and a democratic socialist, he says he just wants to do good things for the people.

Communism is just another word for socialism and democratic socialism is just a lie socialists tell when they enter politics.
communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and has never been put in except through violent revolution. They said they were socialists they lied. I have a masters in history here you go. Marx wrote about Marxism he was totally wrong. Communism in the USSR was supposedly Democratic in its Soviets or committees. After a few years people figured out it wasn't Democratic at all. Everywhere in the world except for English speaking countries where Savage capitalists abound, socialism has been Fair capitalism 4 70 or 80 years. Savage capitalist like the conservative party in England or the Tories love conflating the two so they can keep people down. I had a junior year abroad in France in 1971 and they had a socialist party and a Communist party and everybody knew the difference. Just like Italy and every other non-english-speaking country that I know of Italy Sweden Germany etc. Bernie has to say Democratic socialism or you brainwashed functional morons go insane. Even if he doesn't win at least socialism should be understood for what it is.

"We are all socialists now!"--the president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. Of course he didn't realize what scumbags the GOP are and how duped people like you are. That's why we are the only country in the modern world without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and mainly taxing the rich more percentage wise than everyone else. This is a joke and a disaster wake up. Socialism as understood everywhere but conservative propaganda world is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic. Change the channel
Are orcs socialists or capitalists?
Dupes of right-wing propagandists. Sauron is King so he's a monarchist. What do orcs eat and how is it produced? LOL
Orcs eat man flesh. Mostly Leftists as no one would miss them. Dwarves too.
Putin has beaten Trump like a drum - made him disavow his own intel and law enforcement agencies - on the global stage. Why wouldn't Putin want more of that?
Interesting how you say Putin has beaten the democrats like a drum
The President has beaten the democrats worse than a drum. So you're actually saying Putin has beaten the democrats like a drum

Uninteresting how you lie like a rug. Have you ever seen a man look as much like a whipped puppy as Trump did when he came out of that backroom with Putin? Hell, I don't like Trump, but I felt sorry for him. And for every American who was represented by him on that day.
What world do you live in, Julio? I feel Sorry for you and your TDS

Orcs are jerkoffs. Going by the photo of your wife as your avatar, I thought your tennis elbow would tell you that.
Miguel? Was that your attempt at humor? It failed miserably. Why attack my wife? What did she ever do to you? You want to attack my kids next?

As long as you love her, that's all that counts, jerkoff. And cortisone may help your elbow.
O’Brien was like I don’t know what you democrats are taking about lol

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