House Intel Committee briefed on more Russian efforts to help the Orange Fraud

Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support
A classified briefing to lawmakers angered the president, who complained that Democrats would “weaponize” the disclosure.
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support

WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.

The day after the Feb. 13 briefing to lawmakers, Mr. Trump berated Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, for allowing it to take place, people familiar with the exchange said. Mr. Trump cited the presence in the briefing of Representative Adam B. Schiff, the California Democrat who led the impeachment proceedings against him, as a particular irritant.

During the briefing to the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. Trump’s allies challenged the conclusions, arguing that he has been tough on Russia and strengthened European security. Some intelligence officials viewed the briefing as a tactical error, saying that had the official who delivered the conclusion spoken less pointedly or left it out, they would have avoided angering the Republicans.

That intelligence official, Shelby Pierson, is an aide to Mr. Maguire who has a reputation of delivering intelligence in somewhat blunt terms. The president announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Mr. Maguire with Richard Grenell, the ambassador to Germany and long an aggressively vocal Trump supporter.
This infuriated the Orange one because he hates to be reminded how the Russians helped him get elected.

Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf
Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf

Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire was still considered a frontrunner to take the post in a permanent capacity until last week — when President Donald Trump found out that Maguire’s staff had briefed House lawmakers that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election on Trump’s behalf.

According to reporting from the New York Times and Washington Post, Trump was furious in particular that Maguire aide Shelby Pierson conveyed the information to Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Trump reportedly fretted that the Democrats would use it against him.

Members of both parties on the committee were in attendance at the briefing a week ago, and Trump’s allies argued with the conclusions Pierson presented, insisting that Trump has gotten tougher on Russia.

The President dressed down Maguire after the briefing, which reportedly led to his shift in favor to name U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, the acting DNI. Grenell is an avid Trump supporter who has downplayed the threat Russia poses to U.S. elections.
So, let's see. The Don is purging everyone who testified honestly about his attempt to extort Ukraine. Now he's removing all the people warning the country about Russia's efforts to help him in 2020.

Wow! talk about living in the liberal echo chamber....NYTimes, WaPo, and TPM....Couldn't you find anything from Democracy Now? I'm sure that Amy Goodman has a few nut job conspiracy theories she could add....

This is pure narrative bull shit...Maguire's time as acting, was coming to an end, and the administration is trying to find a place for him within the administration....

I want to know why obammy didn't stop putin. And I'd like to know what he actually did.

Because everyone expected Hillary to win and didn't understand how powerful the GOP propaganda machine was and how a bunch of ridiculous emails could change the election. Emails hacked by the Russians as everyone agrees except the brainwashed....

Show us these emails that changed the election. francoHFW

This will be hilarious.

Jesus what a moron. All the emails that's supposedly proved that Sanders was obstructed etc etc etc etc etc. You can't remember anything about emails now LOL? Google it I'm not your mother. Jesus Christ poor America....
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support
A classified briefing to lawmakers angered the president, who complained that Democrats would “weaponize” the disclosure.
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support

WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.

The day after the Feb. 13 briefing to lawmakers, Mr. Trump berated Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, for allowing it to take place, people familiar with the exchange said. Mr. Trump cited the presence in the briefing of Representative Adam B. Schiff, the California Democrat who led the impeachment proceedings against him, as a particular irritant.

During the briefing to the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. Trump’s allies challenged the conclusions, arguing that he has been tough on Russia and strengthened European security. Some intelligence officials viewed the briefing as a tactical error, saying that had the official who delivered the conclusion spoken less pointedly or left it out, they would have avoided angering the Republicans.

That intelligence official, Shelby Pierson, is an aide to Mr. Maguire who has a reputation of delivering intelligence in somewhat blunt terms. The president announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Mr. Maguire with Richard Grenell, the ambassador to Germany and long an aggressively vocal Trump supporter.
This infuriated the Orange one because he hates to be reminded how the Russians helped him get elected.

Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf
Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf

Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire was still considered a frontrunner to take the post in a permanent capacity until last week — when President Donald Trump found out that Maguire’s staff had briefed House lawmakers that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election on Trump’s behalf.

According to reporting from the New York Times and Washington Post, Trump was furious in particular that Maguire aide Shelby Pierson conveyed the information to Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Trump reportedly fretted that the Democrats would use it against him.

Members of both parties on the committee were in attendance at the briefing a week ago, and Trump’s allies argued with the conclusions Pierson presented, insisting that Trump has gotten tougher on Russia.

The President dressed down Maguire after the briefing, which reportedly led to his shift in favor to name U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, the acting DNI. Grenell is an avid Trump supporter who has downplayed the threat Russia poses to U.S. elections.
So, let's see. The Don is purging everyone who testified honestly about his attempt to extort Ukraine. Now he's removing all the people warning the country about Russia's efforts to help him in 2020.

Wow! talk about living in the liberal echo chamber....NYTimes, WaPo, and TPM....Couldn't you find anything from Democracy Now? I'm sure that Amy Goodman has a few nut job conspiracy theories she could add....

This is pure narrative bull shit...Maguire's time as acting, was coming to an end, and the administration is trying to find a place for him within the administration....

I want to know why obammy didn't stop putin. And I'd like to know what he actually did.

Because everyone expected Hillary to win and didn't understand how powerful the GOP propaganda machine was and how a bunch of ridiculous emails could change the election. Emails hacked by the Russians as everyone agrees except the brainwashed....

Show us these emails that changed the election. francoHFW

This will be hilarious.

Jesus what a moron. All the emails that's supposedly proved that Sanders was obstructed etc etc etc etc etc. You can't remember anything about emails now LOL? Google it I'm not your mother. Jesus Christ poor America....

Show us the emails. Give us a link. Where are they?

Surely you aren't talking out of your ass, right? If not, let's see them.

It's the best when you idiots start calling people communist when it's obviously not true. socialism is simply faire capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic. "We are all socialists now!"--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. Socialism outside the bubble of stupid propaganda is Europe Canada New Zealand Australia Japan. None of your nightmares super duper.
so why are we the only modern country without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations? And mainly taxing the rich their fair share? Brainwashed functional Idiots like you and scumbags like Rupert Murdoch.
leave go live in those communist countries
Like Sanders and every socialist outside your bubble of right-wing idiocy, I'm talking about countries like Canada New Zealand and Australia with health Care day Care living wage cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly tax the rich.communism is where there is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry. Wake up and snap out of nobody is communist anymore except if they have a gun to their head and China North Korea or Cuba. And we're not going anywhere a****** LOL Jesus you people are f***** up. Hate your fellow citizens believe the most amazing drivel...
those countries have one thing in common they can't defend themselves because they don't have the funds for a strong military. Why are Rich Canadians coming to America to get healthcare if things are so good there?
American Health Care Treats Canadians Who Cannot Wait
Because the GOP is totally full of crap propaganda?
That's totally hilarious since leftists control 90% of the media and most of them propaganda
those countries have one thing in common they can't defend themselves because they don't have the funds for a strong military. Why are Rich Canadians coming to America to get healthcare if things are so good there?
American Health Care Treats Canadians Who Cannot Wait
Because the GOP is totally full of crap propaganda?
so son, still waiting on what it was the Putin did in 2016 and what he's doing today? why won't you answer that?
Everybody in the real world knows Putin hacked the DNC and podesta servers and wrecked the election.60% of political coverage in 2016 was about stupid emails that meant nothing have all been investigated and there is nothing there but GOP propaganda and staffers at the DNC bullshiting. This time I expect they won't be able to hack servers. they still continue the social media crap but I don't think that has much importance or changes many minds. Basically just more crap GOP propaganda LOL
They may have hacked into servers, numbskull, but they didn't change my vote or how the EC voted. And there was nothing in the emails because she deleted over 30,000 of them. You worthless leftist traitors crack me up.
the 30,000 emails that your propaganda machine goes on and on and on about our personal emails the secretary of state is allowed to delete. She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal. you idiot start out with her being a master criminal murderer pedophile although you have absolutely no evidence for any of that in the real world. Absolute idiocy, idiot. 60% of political coverage was about those Russian hacked emails from the DNC etcetera. Of course they changed many minds. People just said there must be something to all your crap propaganda. Wrong again. Add big mouth GOP s******* James Comey cost her 5% personally.
"She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal".
You're a damn fool!
If course she did!!!
Surely they wouldn't allow anything that would incriminate her get through - right?
What an idiot!!!!!!
Because the GOP is totally full of crap propaganda?
so son, still waiting on what it was the Putin did in 2016 and what he's doing today? why won't you answer that?
Everybody in the real world knows Putin hacked the DNC and podesta servers and wrecked the election.60% of political coverage in 2016 was about stupid emails that meant nothing have all been investigated and there is nothing there but GOP propaganda and staffers at the DNC bullshiting. This time I expect they won't be able to hack servers. they still continue the social media crap but I don't think that has much importance or changes many minds. Basically just more crap GOP propaganda LOL
They may have hacked into servers, numbskull, but they didn't change my vote or how the EC voted. And there was nothing in the emails because she deleted over 30,000 of them. You worthless leftist traitors crack me up.
the 30,000 emails that your propaganda machine goes on and on and on about our personal emails the secretary of state is allowed to delete. She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal. you idiot start out with her being a master criminal murderer pedophile although you have absolutely no evidence for any of that in the real world. Absolute idiocy, idiot. 60% of political coverage was about those Russian hacked emails from the DNC etcetera. Of course they changed many minds. People just said there must be something to all your crap propaganda. Wrong again. Add big mouth GOP s******* James Comey cost her 5% personally.
"She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal".
You're a damn fool!
If course she did!!!
Surely they wouldn't allow anything that would incriminate her get through - right?
What an idiot!!!!!!
Incriminate her about what dingbat dupe? You people are absolutely ridiculous. She was an excellent Secretary of State and is not a computer expert and there is no crime for the cover up big bad dupe...
Absolute idiocy, all the Russians want to do is cause chaos and division in the United States and with assets like Trump Fox news Rush Limbaugh and people like you, they are having great success.

WHO initiated a political coup based on a LIE - Russian-Authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda delivered by a known untrustworthy, lying, Trump-hating, alternate agenda-driven, foreign spy, using that Russian propaganda to perpetrate FISA Court Abuses - deliberately Lying to the FISA Court, withholding evidence, altering official documents, altering witness testimony, engaging in prosecutorial misconduct - violating both Constitution and Rule of Law...?

The House Democrats initiated and manufactured an Impeachment case out of a non-qualifying whistle blower's complaint that consisted of no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses - a case that had been dismissed by the prosecutorial divisions within the DOJ because of that very face.

The DEMOCRATS undermined the President, engaged in Conspiracy, Obstruction, sedition, Espionage, leaked classified...and finally admitted their attempt to oust the President was nothing more that a POLITICAL PARTISAN effort.

These same Democrats have declared they are willing to keep the country divided by repeating their coup attempt numerous times to remove the President - the most successful in the last 50 years, in some cases ever - from office based, again, on purely Partisanship. These traitors have declared all they need is a majority in the Senate to go with their majority in the House, NOT 'a crime', 'evidence', or 'witnesses'.

We agree that the Russians seek division within the United States, but you prove yourself to be an irrational, insane, TDS-suffering, Trump-hating snowflake who refuses to acknowledge all of these things the Democrats have done and continue to do.
so son, still waiting on what it was the Putin did in 2016 and what he's doing today? why won't you answer that?
Everybody in the real world knows Putin hacked the DNC and podesta servers and wrecked the election.60% of political coverage in 2016 was about stupid emails that meant nothing have all been investigated and there is nothing there but GOP propaganda and staffers at the DNC bullshiting. This time I expect they won't be able to hack servers. they still continue the social media crap but I don't think that has much importance or changes many minds. Basically just more crap GOP propaganda LOL
They may have hacked into servers, numbskull, but they didn't change my vote or how the EC voted. And there was nothing in the emails because she deleted over 30,000 of them. You worthless leftist traitors crack me up.
the 30,000 emails that your propaganda machine goes on and on and on about our personal emails the secretary of state is allowed to delete. She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal. you idiot start out with her being a master criminal murderer pedophile although you have absolutely no evidence for any of that in the real world. Absolute idiocy, idiot. 60% of political coverage was about those Russian hacked emails from the DNC etcetera. Of course they changed many minds. People just said there must be something to all your crap propaganda. Wrong again. Add big mouth GOP s******* James Comey cost her 5% personally.
"She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal".
You're a damn fool!
If course she did!!!
Surely they wouldn't allow anything that would incriminate her get through - right?
What an idiot!!!!!!
Incriminate her about what dingbat dupe? You people are absolutely ridiculous. She was an excellent Secretary of State and is not a computer expert and there is no crime for the cover up big bad dupe...
It was a video!
Yeah - excellent s.o.s!!!!
so why are we the only modern country without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations? And mainly taxing the rich their fair share? Brainwashed functional Idiots like you and scumbags like Rupert Murdoch.
leave go live in those communist countries
Like Sanders and every socialist outside your bubble of right-wing idiocy, I'm talking about countries like Canada New Zealand and Australia with health Care day Care living wage cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly tax the rich.communism is where there is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry. Wake up and snap out of nobody is communist anymore except if they have a gun to their head and China North Korea or Cuba. And we're not going anywhere a****** LOL Jesus you people are f***** up. Hate your fellow citizens believe the most amazing drivel...
those countries have one thing in common they can't defend themselves because they don't have the funds for a strong military. Why are Rich Canadians coming to America to get healthcare if things are so good there?
American Health Care Treats Canadians Who Cannot Wait
Because the GOP is totally full of crap propaganda?
That's totally hilarious since leftists control 90% of the media and most of them propaganda
I suppose they also control all the media around the world that have long traditions of excellent journalism, while your propaganda machine is owned by Rupert Murdoch and it's tiny exexcept in propaganda world. A laughingstock around the world and so are you, brainwashed functional moron.
so son, still waiting on what it was the Putin did in 2016 and what he's doing today? why won't you answer that?
Everybody in the real world knows Putin hacked the DNC and podesta servers and wrecked the election.60% of political coverage in 2016 was about stupid emails that meant nothing have all been investigated and there is nothing there but GOP propaganda and staffers at the DNC bullshiting. This time I expect they won't be able to hack servers. they still continue the social media crap but I don't think that has much importance or changes many minds. Basically just more crap GOP propaganda LOL
They may have hacked into servers, numbskull, but they didn't change my vote or how the EC voted. And there was nothing in the emails because she deleted over 30,000 of them. You worthless leftist traitors crack me up.
the 30,000 emails that your propaganda machine goes on and on and on about our personal emails the secretary of state is allowed to delete. She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal. you idiot start out with her being a master criminal murderer pedophile although you have absolutely no evidence for any of that in the real world. Absolute idiocy, idiot. 60% of political coverage was about those Russian hacked emails from the DNC etcetera. Of course they changed many minds. People just said there must be something to all your crap propaganda. Wrong again. Add big mouth GOP s******* James Comey cost her 5% personally.
"She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal".
You're a damn fool!
If course she did!!!
Surely they wouldn't allow anything that would incriminate her get through - right?
What an idiot!!!!!!
Incriminate her about what dingbat dupe? You people are absolutely ridiculous. She was an excellent Secretary of State and is not a computer expert and there is no crime for the cover up big bad dupe...

So, deleting 30,000 govt owned emails that are under subpoena is legal.

I will let Trump know if the need ever arises.
Everybody in the real world knows Putin hacked the DNC and podesta servers and wrecked the election.60% of political coverage in 2016 was about stupid emails that meant nothing have all been investigated and there is nothing there but GOP propaganda and staffers at the DNC bullshiting. This time I expect they won't be able to hack servers. they still continue the social media crap but I don't think that has much importance or changes many minds. Basically just more crap GOP propaganda LOL
They may have hacked into servers, numbskull, but they didn't change my vote or how the EC voted. And there was nothing in the emails because she deleted over 30,000 of them. You worthless leftist traitors crack me up.
the 30,000 emails that your propaganda machine goes on and on and on about our personal emails the secretary of state is allowed to delete. She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal. you idiot start out with her being a master criminal murderer pedophile although you have absolutely no evidence for any of that in the real world. Absolute idiocy, idiot. 60% of political coverage was about those Russian hacked emails from the DNC etcetera. Of course they changed many minds. People just said there must be something to all your crap propaganda. Wrong again. Add big mouth GOP s******* James Comey cost her 5% personally.
"She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal".
You're a damn fool!
If course she did!!!
Surely they wouldn't allow anything that would incriminate her get through - right?
What an idiot!!!!!!
Incriminate her about what dingbat dupe? You people are absolutely ridiculous. She was an excellent Secretary of State and is not a computer expert and there is no crime for the cover up big bad dupe...
It was a video!
Yeah - excellent s.o.s!!!!
Yes everyone in the real world knows it was almost undoubtedly the video that triggered the attack just like all the other attacks at the time. Everything you know is garbage propaganda dumbass.
Everybody in the real world knows Putin hacked the DNC and podesta servers and wrecked the election.60% of political coverage in 2016 was about stupid emails that meant nothing have all been investigated and there is nothing there but GOP propaganda and staffers at the DNC bullshiting. This time I expect they won't be able to hack servers. they still continue the social media crap but I don't think that has much importance or changes many minds. Basically just more crap GOP propaganda LOL
They may have hacked into servers, numbskull, but they didn't change my vote or how the EC voted. And there was nothing in the emails because she deleted over 30,000 of them. You worthless leftist traitors crack me up.
the 30,000 emails that your propaganda machine goes on and on and on about our personal emails the secretary of state is allowed to delete. She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal. you idiot start out with her being a master criminal murderer pedophile although you have absolutely no evidence for any of that in the real world. Absolute idiocy, idiot. 60% of political coverage was about those Russian hacked emails from the DNC etcetera. Of course they changed many minds. People just said there must be something to all your crap propaganda. Wrong again. Add big mouth GOP s******* James Comey cost her 5% personally.
"She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal".
You're a damn fool!
If course she did!!!
Surely they wouldn't allow anything that would incriminate her get through - right?
What an idiot!!!!!!
Incriminate her about what dingbat dupe? You people are absolutely ridiculous. She was an excellent Secretary of State and is not a computer expert and there is no crime for the cover up big bad dupe...

So, deleting 30,000 govt owned emails that are under subpoena is legal.

I will let Trump know if the need ever arises.
In all fairness, she wasn't subpoenaed at the time. But she knew it was coming....
They may have hacked into servers, numbskull, but they didn't change my vote or how the EC voted. And there was nothing in the emails because she deleted over 30,000 of them. You worthless leftist traitors crack me up.
the 30,000 emails that your propaganda machine goes on and on and on about our personal emails the secretary of state is allowed to delete. She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal. you idiot start out with her being a master criminal murderer pedophile although you have absolutely no evidence for any of that in the real world. Absolute idiocy, idiot. 60% of political coverage was about those Russian hacked emails from the DNC etcetera. Of course they changed many minds. People just said there must be something to all your crap propaganda. Wrong again. Add big mouth GOP s******* James Comey cost her 5% personally.
"She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal".
You're a damn fool!
If course she did!!!
Surely they wouldn't allow anything that would incriminate her get through - right?
What an idiot!!!!!!
Incriminate her about what dingbat dupe? You people are absolutely ridiculous. She was an excellent Secretary of State and is not a computer expert and there is no crime for the cover up big bad dupe...
It was a video!
Yeah - excellent s.o.s!!!!
Yes everyone in the real world knows it was almost undoubtedly the video that triggered the attack just like all the other attacks at the time. Everything you know is garbage propaganda dumbass.

You are still buying the Youtube video bullshit????????

They may have hacked into servers, numbskull, but they didn't change my vote or how the EC voted. And there was nothing in the emails because she deleted over 30,000 of them. You worthless leftist traitors crack me up.
the 30,000 emails that your propaganda machine goes on and on and on about our personal emails the secretary of state is allowed to delete. She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal. you idiot start out with her being a master criminal murderer pedophile although you have absolutely no evidence for any of that in the real world. Absolute idiocy, idiot. 60% of political coverage was about those Russian hacked emails from the DNC etcetera. Of course they changed many minds. People just said there must be something to all your crap propaganda. Wrong again. Add big mouth GOP s******* James Comey cost her 5% personally.
"She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal".
You're a damn fool!
If course she did!!!
Surely they wouldn't allow anything that would incriminate her get through - right?
What an idiot!!!!!!
Incriminate her about what dingbat dupe? You people are absolutely ridiculous. She was an excellent Secretary of State and is not a computer expert and there is no crime for the cover up big bad dupe...
It was a video!
Yeah - excellent s.o.s!!!!
Yes everyone in the real world knows it was almost undoubtedly the video that triggered the attack just like all the other attacks at the time. Everything you know is garbage propaganda dumbass.
Trump sent in the Marines! Hillary sent - nobody! Excellent s o.s.!!!!
Undisputable Intel and US IG, FBI, and DOJ released reports, filed, testimony, and evidence has proven hot the Directors of Obama's agencies and the Intel Community collaborated to attempt to affect a coup against the President of the United States....

there are 17 Intel Agencies / Groups in the US.....During the Obama-initiated coup attempt, NSA Director Clapper, CIA Director Brennan, and FBI Counter-Intel expert Strzok used the known false Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence Propaganda delivered by rogue lying foreign spy Steele to author an Intel Agency report, a document that made what was in the propaganda seem as if it had been collected by legitimate US Intel processes. Clapper, Brennan, and Strzok then sent this report to only 3 (THREE) of the 17 Intel agencies, specifically to targeted Deep State Intel Operatives, in an attempt to get a response they desired....which they did.

That response was then typed up by the same conspirators into an Intel Agency report that was submitted to Congress, one that, again, made the Dossier information seem as if it had been collected by legitimate Intel sources, had been reviewed and assessed by the 'Intel Community' (3 of the 17 agencies), and that the findings were PROVEN / VERIFIED, which they were NOT.

The Intel Agencies we have now are the exact same ones who reported WMD in Iraq, who initially reported 'Benghazi was a protest gone wrong', and who reported 'indisputably' that President Trump was a 'compromised agent of Russia Putin'.
-- John Brennan, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, the world's premier Intel Agency, openly declared 'without a doubt' Trump was a 'compromised agent of Russia' before being fired. AFTER the Weismann-Mueller report came out and destroyed the false accusation that had been manufactured from a foreign spy's hand-delivered Russian-authored Counter-Intel Propaganda - 'NO evidence of illegal Russian Collusion', Brennan reportedly said, "Thank goodness I was WRONG."

THIS treasonous M*er F*er - who was caught illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and USSC JUSTICES...and Trump and his Team - spent YEARS committing sedition by declaring the President was a Russian agent, then said 'Oops, sorry....My Bad'...I was turns out the US IG has better Intel than me and the entire CIA'.


And now the same Deep State 'Intel Community' is once again reporting 'the Russians prefer Trump again'...

Have you duped snowflake M*er F*ers learned NOTHING about how Counter-Intelligence works, even after the Russians manipulated so many of you in 2016 using social media to get scores of you sheep to organize and march for them?

Manipulating you again, dividing the country again, is as easy for them - thanks to you easily emotionally manipulated snowflakes - as taking a small ad in the NY Times declaring, 'Putin Likes Trump'.

You have literally become 'Charlie Brown' to Russia's 'Lucy', pulling back the 'Trump is a Russian agent' football as you run to kick it again....

YOU are why Russia loves the idea of Trump being re-elected....because he knows Democrats / you will do everything you can for 4 more years to remove the President from office.....

Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support
A classified briefing to lawmakers angered the president, who complained that Democrats would “weaponize” the disclosure.
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support

WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.

The day after the Feb. 13 briefing to lawmakers, Mr. Trump berated Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, for allowing it to take place, people familiar with the exchange said. Mr. Trump cited the presence in the briefing of Representative Adam B. Schiff, the California Democrat who led the impeachment proceedings against him, as a particular irritant.

During the briefing to the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. Trump’s allies challenged the conclusions, arguing that he has been tough on Russia and strengthened European security. Some intelligence officials viewed the briefing as a tactical error, saying that had the official who delivered the conclusion spoken less pointedly or left it out, they would have avoided angering the Republicans.

That intelligence official, Shelby Pierson, is an aide to Mr. Maguire who has a reputation of delivering intelligence in somewhat blunt terms. The president announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Mr. Maguire with Richard Grenell, the ambassador to Germany and long an aggressively vocal Trump supporter.
This infuriated the Orange one because he hates to be reminded how the Russians helped him get elected.

Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf
Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf

Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire was still considered a frontrunner to take the post in a permanent capacity until last week — when President Donald Trump found out that Maguire’s staff had briefed House lawmakers that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election on Trump’s behalf.

According to reporting from the New York Times and Washington Post, Trump was furious in particular that Maguire aide Shelby Pierson conveyed the information to Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Trump reportedly fretted that the Democrats would use it against him.

Members of both parties on the committee were in attendance at the briefing a week ago, and Trump’s allies argued with the conclusions Pierson presented, insisting that Trump has gotten tougher on Russia.

The President dressed down Maguire after the briefing, which reportedly led to his shift in favor to name U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, the acting DNI. Grenell is an avid Trump supporter who has downplayed the threat Russia poses to U.S. elections.
So, let's see. The Don is purging everyone who testified honestly about his attempt to extort Ukraine. Now he's removing all the people warning the country about Russia's efforts to help him in 2020.

Wow! talk about living in the liberal echo chamber....NYTimes, WaPo, and TPM....Couldn't you find anything from Democracy Now? I'm sure that Amy Goodman has a few nut job conspiracy theories she could add....

This is pure narrative bull shit...Maguire's time as acting, was coming to an end, and the administration is trying to find a place for him within the administration....

I want to know why obammy didn't stop putin. And I'd like to know what he actually did.

Because everyone expected Hillary to win and didn't understand how powerful the GOP propaganda machine was and how a bunch of ridiculous emails could change the election. Emails hacked by the Russians as everyone agrees except the brainwashed....

Show us these emails that changed the election. francoHFW

This will be hilarious.

Jesus what a moron. All the emails that's supposedly proved that Sanders was obstructed etc etc etc etc etc. You can't remember anything about emails now LOL? Google it I'm not your mother. Jesus Christ poor America....

francoHFW show us these emails you claim changed the course of history in the US.

Where are they?

We want to see these amazing emails.

Surely you weren't talking out of your ass, again.

Where are they?
Everybody in the real world knows Putin hacked the DNC and podesta servers and wrecked the election.60% of political coverage in 2016 was about stupid emails that meant nothing have all been investigated and there is nothing there but GOP propaganda and staffers at the DNC bullshiting. This time I expect they won't be able to hack servers. they still continue the social media crap but I don't think that has much importance or changes many minds. Basically just more crap GOP propaganda LOL
They may have hacked into servers, numbskull, but they didn't change my vote or how the EC voted. And there was nothing in the emails because she deleted over 30,000 of them. You worthless leftist traitors crack me up.
the 30,000 emails that your propaganda machine goes on and on and on about our personal emails the secretary of state is allowed to delete. She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal. you idiot start out with her being a master criminal murderer pedophile although you have absolutely no evidence for any of that in the real world. Absolute idiocy, idiot. 60% of political coverage was about those Russian hacked emails from the DNC etcetera. Of course they changed many minds. People just said there must be something to all your crap propaganda. Wrong again. Add big mouth GOP s******* James Comey cost her 5% personally.
"She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal".
You're a damn fool!
If course she did!!!
Surely they wouldn't allow anything that would incriminate her get through - right?
What an idiot!!!!!!
Incriminate her about what dingbat dupe? You people are absolutely ridiculous. She was an excellent Secretary of State and is not a computer expert and there is no crime for the cover up big bad dupe...

So, deleting 30,000 govt owned emails that are under subpoena is legal.

I will let Trump know if the need ever arises.
Zzzzzzzzzz Trump never writes anything down anywhere. That's his secret to success LOL. Yes personal emails the Secretary of State can delete. There is no crime to cover up s*** head LOL
Trump sent in the Marines! Hillary sent - nobody! Excellent s o.s.!!!!
Hillary hired a security firm who had never provided security in a combat /hostile area and who had never worked a job where its security personnel had to carry weapons before......
the 30,000 emails that your propaganda machine goes on and on and on about our personal emails the secretary of state is allowed to delete. She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal. you idiot start out with her being a master criminal murderer pedophile although you have absolutely no evidence for any of that in the real world. Absolute idiocy, idiot. 60% of political coverage was about those Russian hacked emails from the DNC etcetera. Of course they changed many minds. People just said there must be something to all your crap propaganda. Wrong again. Add big mouth GOP s******* James Comey cost her 5% personally.
"She had 5 lawyers decide which were personal".
You're a damn fool!
If course she did!!!
Surely they wouldn't allow anything that would incriminate her get through - right?
What an idiot!!!!!!
Incriminate her about what dingbat dupe? You people are absolutely ridiculous. She was an excellent Secretary of State and is not a computer expert and there is no crime for the cover up big bad dupe...
It was a video!
Yeah - excellent s.o.s!!!!
Yes everyone in the real world knows it was almost undoubtedly the video that triggered the attack just like all the other attacks at the time. Everything you know is garbage propaganda dumbass.

You are still buying the Youtube video bullshit????????

so does the CIA and all respected journalists and law enforcement around the world, brainwashed functional moron. They just don't want to get involved with you idiots

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